Spring flowers

Chapter 197, Mr. Chu who loves to perform

Chu Huaixian was helpless. When he left home, he left his cruel words and brought Lin Xiaochu's peace.

At the beginning of the crescent moon, it hung high branches, and Xiaochu still leaned on the couch and refused to return**. She didn't go to sleep. Although Yuzhao and Xiangsheng talked a lot, they couldn't go to sleep. The two looked at Lin Xiaochu, who was distracted on the couch, and reminded him again, "Young lady, go to bed."

Xiaochu turned around, and his eyes were actually clear. Since before marriage, she has been half confused and half awake, half because she is obedient and wants to think about it, and she can't figure it out, and half is caused by a dead end; half because the reality is too unsatisfactory and she is unwilling to escape more.

Chu Huaixian is not around tonight, and Xiaochu's empty heart has nowhere to rely on, and he can only be half awake. I think that she has been neglected and bullied since she arrived at the Chu family. With her personality, if she hadn't been half confused, she could have endured listening to it for a day or two, and maybe she would have returned to a sentence for three days or four days.

These two delicate and soft jade-like girls in front of the couch, Xiaochu fully understood who they were. Look at Yuzhao from head to toe, and then look at Xiangsheng from head to toe. Xiaochu remembered what Chu Huaixian said when he left: "For me, take care of yourself." Xiaochu's eyes were full of tears and fell down again.

"Young lady, please have a rest." Yuzhao and Xiangsheng were completely disgusted with Xiaochu's tears at this time, and they also fully understood that the young lady was in the Chu family, and the elders did not like her. Yuzhao muttered in his heart that the prince would not stop for a while. If you don't sleep, you can't sleep.

Four or five pairs of eyes stared at Yuzhao and Xiangsheng next to the couch. The spring water was disdainful. The young lady slept for a day, and there were also people who couldn't sleep early at night. Everyone didn't say anything, waiting for the two foreign "monk" to coax Xiaochu to go to sleep.

Xiaochu was still confused, and her thoughts were only about Chu Huaixian. She looked at Yueya again for a moment and smiled at Xia Lu: "One."

No one else can understand, only Xia Lu understands. Xia Lv said softly, "When you count to the ninth, the prince will come back."

So that's it! Only then did Yuzhao and Xiangsheng understand Chu Huaixian's private words to Mrs. Chu. Xia Lu heard it with his own ears, so he knew that Chu Huaixian told Xiaochu when he left: "You counted the ninth moon, and I'll be home."

In these nine moon days, Xiaochu is easier than before. Like Dr. Zou, Mrs. Chu never went out of the house again. In the days of these nine moons, the Chu family took care of her as she drank, ate, took medicine and clothes.

"This is the ninth," Xiaochu vs. Xia Lvdao on the evening of February 18th. Xia Lu coaxed her to sleep: "When you wake up, you can see the prince." Xiaochu looked at the moon again. Only two days later, the full moon was big and clean. She looked up at the full moon and slowly smiled at Xia Lu, "I'll wait for him."

Xia Lv no longer urges and eats the magic medicine every day, but after a while, he closes his eyes and falls asleep. Xia Lu and Dong Ran moved Xiaochu to **, and the two of them looked at each other and smiled: "It's better for the prince to come." Although Mrs. Chu was light and didn't have four taels of meat, it was still the same hard for two equally spoiled girls to move her.

The examination room opened in the morning, and there was no family to attend the examination room. Jin Xier and the people with the third master picked up the third master and Chu Huaixian outside. Seeing that they came out with their own examination baskets, he took them and asked them to get on the horse and brought them all the way home.

Although everything was inconvenient in the examination room, Chu Huaixian, who loved to be tidy, still cleaned himself up before he came out. It was the blue embroidered yellow bamboo gown he had always liked to wear, and the jade board was replaced with a transparent jade pendant. Jade pendants are also replaced. This is the thoughtfulness of Mrs. Chu, who knows that her son is a person who loves to decorate.

If you are not well dressed when you come out of the examination room, this is definitely not what Mr. Chu can do.

Jin Xi'er said in his first sentence, "Good day, young lady." Chu Huaixian's heart immediately relaxed. After getting on the horse, he was so anxious that he held the horse whip and said, "Let's go."

Four or five people with the prince quickly followed, and Master Chu shouted behind: "What's the hurry?" The master and servant disappeared and disappeared into the stream of people.

The Chu family is as crowded as Chu Huaixian on the day he left the field. Seeing that Mr. Chu got off the horse in front of the door, he pulled in straight like a bamboo. The person in front of him came up and arched his hand: "The prince must be proud of this subject. He is not bold. Please take a look at the manuscript."

Chu Huaixian was anxious to see his family meet Xiaochu, but he stopped with a smile and said calmly, "When I see my father, I will meet you."

"Please, son, look at the prince's look. This subject must be the leader." After saying the words behind him, Chu Huaixian greeted him with a smile and walked to see Chu Shaofu.

Chu Shaofu is as anxious as the officials outside. In the palace, Chunqi still goes hand in hand with the candidates from all over the world. How about Chu Huaixian's three articles is Chu Shaofu's most concerned thing.

When footsteps came, Chu Shaofu still looked solemn and didn't seem to be waiting for Chu Huaixian. Chu Huaixian came in and knelt down. Chu Shaofu taught him a lesson first: "Why don't you wait for your third uncle to come back together?" Chu Huaixian came back in a hurry. In fact, he was eager to take a look at that... Chu Shaofu struggled to "that" in his heart for a long time, and he couldn't give Lin Xiaochu a name that he could say.

He didn't want to call Xiaochu a "daughter-in-law" or his son a "houseman". Chu Shaofu still felt cold in his heart and wanted to ignore her when he thought of Lin Xiaochu.

This is ancient. Thinking about Lin Xiaochu's grievances with modern thoughts, and thinking about it with ancient thoughts, others are no less wronged than Lin Xiao's original intention.

"The son misses his parents," Chu Huaixian's three articles were completed, and he sat idle in the field and thought about it all day long. When he left, he said a harsh sentence and another harsh move. If you continue to be ruthless with your parents, you will still suffer from Xiaochu. As soon as he came back, he first presented a flattering word to his father.

Many parents in the world have this common problem. Knowing that this is a lie, Chu Shaofu is still very comfortable to hear it. He took the manuscript of three articles sent by Chu Huaixian, looked at them in a hurry, and raised his hand before he spoke. Chu Huaixian was stunned for a moment. His father's gesture was to make himself "self-employed".

Jin Xi'er said, "Good day, young lady", and Chu Huaixian can know that Xiaochu is still there. Before leaving, Chu Huaixian already felt lucky that Xiaochu's face was like light gold, his breath was weaker, and he could still be "still". When I came back, I quickly whipped him in order to coax my father and take a moment to take a look in the room.

At this time, Chu Shaofu put his eyes on the article and gestured to make his son "go". Chu Huaixian understood it firmly. For a moment, he couldn't believe his eyes. He tentatively asked again, "Father?" Chu Shaofu became anxious: "Get out of here." Chu Huaixian was overjoyed: "Thank you, father."

Step back and was about to go out of the door, and Chu Shaofu came from behind: "Come again." Chu Huaixian forced his body and responded respectfully, "Yes." He half bowed calmly and stepped back out of the door. As soon as he got out of the door, he seemed to be a proud dragon entering the sea. He quietly asked Mrs. Xier in his room. Chu Huaixian took three steps and two steps. No matter how anxious he was, he did not forget it. He went to see Mrs. Chu first.

Mrs Chu and the women's wives are with Mrs. Chu. Chu Huaixian met the ceremony and replied, "It's good inside. I didn't say anything to see my father." Mrs. Chu also said slowly, "Go, go to your room and change your clothes." Chu Huaixian couldn't help smiling. He bowed back and went out like his father. As soon as he went out, he hurried up.

Back to their courtyard, the girls in the porch had received the news and said with a smile, "The prince is back." The eight brothers in the bird cage also chatTER: "The prince is back." Chu Huaixian smiled, and Chunhen raised the curtain and came in. At a glance, he saw the couch. Xiaochu leaned against the pillow of the red embroidered peony flowers and looked over. The smiling face turned out to be three-point spirit.

"Son," Xiaochu's voice is louder than usual because he likes it. Chu Huaixian was really happy to see Xiaochu like this. He walked to the couch and hugged Xiaochu tightly and said happily, "I'm back."

The couple hugged each other for a while, but Chu Huaixian did not dare to delay. Xiao Chuyi fell asleep, put the jade quilt on her whole body, smoothed her cheeks, and discussed with Xiaochu in a low voice: "I still have to go out. There are many guests outside." Xiaochu has not really understood it since she was ridiculed by Mrs. Chu.

At this time, she was very enlightened. Although she didn't go out, she also slowly stroked her hair with her hand and gave Chu Huaixian a smile: "Go quickly." Think about it and add another sentence: "I'm fine. Since you went out, my grandmother and mother didn't let me worry about it, so I haven't gone out again."

Chu Huaixian has heard that his bones all over his body are happy. Whether it's grandmother or parents, which one is willing to understand and feel sorry for himself, it will not be difficult for Xiaochu. He smiled happily at this time, which was very different from when he came back. The family was willing to give in, and Chu Huaixian did not dare to neglect and urgently urged to change his clothes. After changing, he leaned over and kissed Lin Xiaochu on the cheek, who couldn't take his eyes off his clothes, and whispered, "I'll stay with you at night."

Xiaochu blushed, and Chu Huaixian was not at home. At this time, she was sick and thought of him separately. Chu Huaixian said, "Accompany at night", and Xiaochu's face turned red into a big red cloth, which was more red than ** big red curtain.

I've been thin recently. It turned out that my eyes are not very big, but now I'm thin into big eyes, against this red face, which is particularly beautiful. Chu Huaixian looked at it and was moved. In order to love Xiaochu, he put his hand into the quilt, stroked Xiaochu's arm, and then whispered, "I'll come." Then come out to see your father.

When he came back to the room, he saw that Xiaochu was in a hurry to walk. It was very good to see Xiaochu. Mr. Chu's heart turned around, and he also hurried to see his father when he went out. Jin Xier didn't understand in the back. Xiaobuer ran and followed Chu Huaixian and said, "You don't have to worry. You should go slowly."

Chu Huaixian ignored him and still walked quickly. Walking to the porch outside my father's room, the officials in the porch greeted: "The prince is here." Chu Huaixian stood back, slowed down his pace with this effort, and went up the steps.

came in to salute, Chu Shaofu said, "Get up." Mr. Chu raised his eyes and looked at the hourglass on the pavilion. Chu Shaofu, who was talking to Master Chu San, who just came back, saw clearly. His son saw the hourglass first, which clearly meant that he would come back soon.

Mr. Chu showed little that he was definitely not a greedy person to play in the room.