Spring flowers

Chapter 198, the predestined method is explained in this way

Master Chu San stood in front of Chu Shaofu in frustration, and his three articles were also presented to Chu Shaofu. Chu Shaofu saw it and was comforting him with kind words: "It's much better than Xian'er, and fame also has a fate. You don't have to worry."

The scientific examiners are different. Some examiners like sophisticated articles, some examiners like thin articles, and some are plump. As soon as Chu Shaofu heard that the examiner had settled down, he understood that as long as the son of this subject did not think about that... that... that was fine with Chu Huaixian.

After reading the manuscript of the article after Chu Huaixian came back, Chu Shaofu would immediately be kind and make a gesture for Chu Huaixian to "go". The third master's article has never been as smart as Chu Huaixian, and not as smart as Chu Huaixian. After reading the third brother's article manuscript, he could only comfort him first and make him ready.

Chu Shaofu, who has been an official for many years, has served as an examiner and has countless students; he has also promoted countless officials. He knows all the officials outside Beijing, from their character and temperament to the theory of the article. Chu Shaofu comforted him like this, and Master Chu San seemed to have been sentenced to death. This death penalty was still the kind of death. The suffering before the opening of the list, as soon as Master Chu San thought about it, his heart trembled.

After beating the tremor, Chu Huaixian came in. Master Chu asked his eldest brother unremittingly, and his voice trembling: "What about Huaixian?" Chu Shaofu glanced blankly at Chu Huaixian without saying a word.

He didn't say a word. Master Chu San's heart was like a mirror. He said with trembling, "Congratulations, brother, congratulations to Huaixian." Chu Shaofu snorted and said with a black face, "There are hundreds of them on that list, which is also a middle. Humph! That's not the case!" Chu Huaixian lowered his head and said nothing. He thought about his article again. He was relieved. He had tried his best to do everything.

"The second master asked the master to take the third master and the prince out, and His Royal Highness King Liang has arrived." After the waers replied, Chu Shaofu got up and took his son to the meeting.

The men are outside, and the women's family members are inside. While Mrs. Chu was busy, she found a space where Mrs. Chu was alone and smiled and congratulated her: "Congratulations to the third brother and sister. The third brother must be the leader of high school." She was alone, and Mrs. Chu San was not polite and sneered, "The second sister-in-law really cares about her. Since she knew that the third master was going to be in the field, you said so last year. It's just that the third master is afraid that he doesn't have the ability of the high school leader.

"Looking at the words of the third brother-in-law, if my mother hears it, she must say she doesn't like it." Mrs. Chu was still attentive and happy, and her heart was immersed in a jar of nameless vinegar. The second master is not hit, and the third master is going to be hit. Even if she sits on the tail, Mrs. Chu will not be comfortable. She always thought about whether the third master would win, and she was always worried about whether the third master would win. At this time, it was the style of Mrs. Chu to say such a thing.

Since Xiaochu entered the door, Mrs. Chu felt that she really saw through the people in her family. From Mrs. Chu's mean Xiaochu, she remembered all kinds of things she had first entered the house before. At this time, Mrs. Chu was afraid that the heart of the third master would be clear at a glance. Mrs. Chu was unbearable. She smiled at the second lady's face and said coldly, "It's better to act as a person in the long run. Before entering the field, I advised the third master to be afraid of one subject in three years. If you don't like this subject, there will be a lower subject.

Mrs. Chu couldn't hang on her face. Her cheeks trembled a few times, and she couldn't help replying, "The words of sitting on the bench this year make people want to say that you are virtuous."

Inno good? Mrs. Chu sneered a few times and turned away. It's really strange that if my husband goes to the field, even if he doesn't, it's still maintain the voice of his ancestors. At least it's better than the second master's failure in one subject. When my husband is out of the field, does the family still want to be a mean wife? Mrs. Chu, who left with her sleeves, made up her mind to have a good theory with the third master at night.

I dare not go to bed early for you to read at night, but remember how many clothes do you wear overnight? I dare not neglect reading for you at night. I am afraid of hot tea in summer and cold tea in winter. Do you remember? I dare not offend you for reading at night. I like to serve in front of my aunt. Mrs. Chu was furious, and I also put up with it.

Angrily rushed back to Mrs. Chu and listened to Mrs. Chu and Princess Liang speak slowly: "Gentlemen have said that he is virtuous and talented since childhood. I don't like this, but at least he follows his grandfather, Qiu Yanzhong high." Princess Liang came as a guest. Of course, she smiled and said, "Prince Liang must read the manuscript of the article in person. I said why I'm in a hurry. It's not too late to congratulate you when the list is released. He said that we have always been good friends, and of course Daoxi should be in the front. Princess Liang smiled and said, "So we came here. This is a joy. It's going to be two times."

This is too festive. Mrs. Chu smiled, and Mrs. Chu also said modestly: "He is young. He said that if you don't win the power, you should sharpen him."

The auspicious words in the room somewhat diluted Mrs. Chu's anger and calmed her down. It is eccentric to enter this house. Looking left and right, there is only a prince in everyone's eyes, and there is no place for the third master.

Mrs. Chu was discouraged. If the third master won again, his family would treat him generally, and nothing would change.

King Liang has read Chu Huaixian's article manuscript and doesn't know what it is for the time being. He only sent a message before: "The master left His Royal Highness King Liang for dinner and invited the old lady and his wife to accompany the princess."

It's almost noon, and of course, Mrs. Chu is half a handyman. Mrs. Chu and Mrs. Chu sat on the ground with the guests, and the second lady and the third lady passed on the dishes back and forth to take care of them.

Going out again, the girl said, "The third master is coming." The third lady ran three or four times, stopped to wipe her forehead with a veil, and watched the third master approach, and her forehead was shiny and sweaty. Before the third master realized it, he lifted the corners of his robe with one hand and said to the third lady with the other hand, "Big brother said, take out those two jars of rare wine."

This one is also a message at home and said that the third master would go back. Mrs. Chu stopped him and went under the tree with him. Handing over the veil to the third master, and then asked, "You have left the bottom of your article, but you can send it to the eldest brother. Have you read it? What did you say?"

The third master was uncomfortable about this, and his face sank and said, "Woman asked what these are doing!" Mrs. Chu thought of Mrs. Chu and came up angrily, "I care about you!" And the second sister-in-law also cares about you!" The third master was silent, and then said rudely, "Just one of them won!"

"Is that you?" Mrs. Chu was shocked and couldn't believe it.

This unbelievable look made Master Chu San even more angry, and he said in a rough voice, "It's Huaixian!"

"How do you know it's him? It's not that it's not on the list." Third Mrs. Chu only hates her husband. This sentence really doesn't make progress. Master Chu San was forced and finally said with hatred, "Big brother didn't say anything. His Royal Highness King Liang came to see it. He just smiled and asked for wine to eat."

Mrs. Chu said strangely, "Your Highness is here to be happy. He has always been close and does not avoid his appearance. Can't happy people ask for wine to eat?" Master Chu San was forced by his wife step by step, and his face turned pale. Mrs. Chu forced Mrs. Chu inside and said, "Big brother didn't say anything. Do you think Huaixian will be in the meeting? You don't grow up, big brother dares to say something to you!"

"Big brother told me that it is much better than advanced, and there is a predestined method for fame." Master Chu San had no choice but to say the original words of Chu Shaofu. Mrs. Chu opened her eyes and couldn't understand. Suddenly, she smiled and comforted the third master and comforted herself: "Isn't this good? There is a predestined method, of course. If you don't believe in gods and Buddhas, you have always destroyed the scriptures and slandered them. Let me burn a few sticks of incense at night. Master Chu stamped his feet and scolded, "Ignorant woman!" Let's turn around and go.

Mrs. Chu San in the back understood that she only understood one thing: "You, your test question must not have been given to Huai Xian." Master Chu San turned around unbearably and said, "Does he still want this!"

When the test paper was put down in the examination room, Master Chu San was dumbfounded at that time. The three test questions cost a lot of money to get them, but none of them were right. The damn fat Qiu cheated the third master again. Maybe Fatty Qiu doesn't understand that this test is not true.

Before the list was released, the Chu family began to set up wine. Because the list was not released, the banquet was no longer popular, and the gossip dispersed in the afternoon. Master Chu was tired and tired, so he came to the room to change his clothes.

When I entered the door, I heard Mrs. Chu's idle voice: "Do you like the third master or not? The third lady doesn't like it. Master Chu Er had a headache and was even more energetic when he sat down: "What are you tossing around?"

"Look, is the third brother still not in this subject?" The second lady's spirit is better than usual, and her eyes are brighter than usual. Even if her voice is pressed, she is higher than usual. The second master squint at her: "What about Zhong? So what if you don't win?"

When he said something that didn't hit Mr. Chu, Mr. Chu just wanted to hit him with a big ear scraper.

The second lady also squined at the second master and couldn't see that he was going to be furious. The second lady said, "You stay and don't be irritable! I'll learn the words of my third sister-in-law for you.

The second master Chu, who endured, listened to Mrs. Chu's words: "The third sister-in-law said that the third master is young, and there is still a second subject in today's subject. In the opinion of the third sister-in-law, what is the imperial examination? In fact, it's also right. There is a saying that it's called hitting the dragon gate. It's not okay to hit it once.

Mr. Chu had a gloomy face and stood up without changing his clothes.

"You put a face on me. If you have the ability, you will hit me again." Mrs. Chu waited for the second master to go out, looked at him and couldn't hear him. Then she muttered in the room, "You are only in your forties. Who is still rushing to take the exam at the age of 70?"

The moonlight floating curtain, Chu Huaixian served his father until the evening honestly and without distraction today. At this time, on the way back to the room, Chu Huaixian relaxed. He didn't expect that he would win, but his father didn't say well after reading the manuscript of the article. For Mr. Chu, he passed this level at home first.

Yuzhao and fragrant oil head powder came to welcome: "Mr." Mr. Chu stood still under the moonlight, with a gentle and seven-point smile on his face: "You don't have to come to greet me when you go to bed early in the future." He said that swaying up the steps, Xia Lu opened the door. Chu Huaixian walked in, and the door was gently closed behind him.

In the moonlight, the two maids looked at each other again. The prince is gentle and gentle, but he doesn't allow him to get close. What can he do?