Spring flowers

Chapter 209, Lin Xiaoyi interrupted

After finishing all this, Chu Huaixian returned to the room to see Xiaochu. His eyes have been slightly plump since he was a child, and he has been seeing the brocade quilt covered on her body. The bed is wide, and Xiaochu sleeps on it. In Chu Huaixian's eyes, it looks like a boat in a blue water. Although the water is not vast, this boat still looks too small.

Of course, it is biased to see things in the eyes of exaggerated people.

Xiaochu raised his eyes and saw that Chu Huaixian's face was serious. He was staring at Xiaochu's body and thinking about whether he could save the fetus. Of course, no matter what, since you can have it, of course you have to give birth. At this time, Lin Xiaochu's pregnant letter tossed in her mind and pulled her out of the dead end little by little.

Will a time-travelling woman have to have wind and rain in ancient times? Definitely not! With this ability, why come to such a place with many restrictions on girls in ancient times to show their skills? People with this ability should feel that modern times are freer and less restrictive on girls. Besides, Lin Xiaochu, who traveled through time, is young and young.

With the idea of not hurting, not hurting people, and being self-reliable, she didn't expect that from the beginning, she hurt herself and hurt many people. It should be understandable to get into a dead end. What's more, she is reluctant to be wronged in her recent life.

At this time, Chu Huaixian's solemn face, Xiaochu would be wrong. She stroked her lower abdomen and asked softly, "Do you really have it?" Chu Huaixian would also be wrong about Xiaochu's words. He smiled. At this time, he smiled comfortably and happily.

Sit down and hold Xiaochu in his arms. Chu Huaixian said softly, "Yes, there is." In his arms is the body of Xiaochu's bones. Although he has slept well and his diet is careful, he is still a handful of bones. He doesn't gain weight so quickly. The body of this bone made Chu Huaixian sad. On the night of the wedding, he and the sick Lin Xiaochu had sex. Later, every night, Mr. Chu got close to this bunch of bones every night. He knew best what it was like.

Anyway, it's definitely not a feeling of enjoyment.

Thank God, I finally have it! Chu Huaixian felt that he could breathe a sigh of relief.

Chu Shaofu knew that his "good daughter-in-law" had a body. He didn't say a word, and Ya didn't seem to hear it. He didn't know what to say, so he didn't say it.

Mrs. Chu returned to the room, which was a little anxious as the ants on the hot pot. When Master Chu came back, she was more crazy and grabbed the second master like a drowning man to grab life-saving straw: "She will definitely be in charge when she has a son. She is so smart. She used to be outside and heard that she had made a lot of money.

When he entered the door, he heard the second master Chu, who didn't listen to the news, and regretted that he came back at the wrong time. He pulled the second lady away and said to her, "I have something else to do outside. Let me tell you that I still have to go out."

Mrs. Chu was even more anxious in the room: "What should I do? What should we do? She used to be bad to her. What will happen to her in the future? Master Chu really went out, and he didn't go to Aunt Zhang's place. The eldest young lady of the Chu family is pregnant, and this news is unacceptable to both Master Chu and Mrs. Chu.

Because of this marriage, they strongly disapproved of it and did not make up for it afterwards.

In addition to Mrs. Chu, there is also Mrs. Chu. Third Mrs. Chu can pack up the things for Xiaochu openly. The room is full of girls, and both aunts accompany them to compliment: "The young lady is the niece of the third lady's mother's family. Of course, she also honors the third lady."

The third lady listened happily and even felt that what everyone said did not suit her. When the third master came into the room, the third lady herself was praising: "It must be a young man. If you ask me, two or three are also possible." The third lady is so happy. Looking back on his first marriage, Zhuge Liang, who waved the fan on the stage, was nothing more than that.

"What two or three," the third master lost the third lady's pleasure, and he didn't like it when he came in. Mrs. Chu was still overjoyed and smiled at the third master and said, "The third master came home. Didn't anyone tell you about the great happy event at home..."

Master Chu San stamped his feet and scolded: "Go out, go out. Do you sing a big play in this room? All standing here!" After the aunt and the girls went out, the third lady was still happy: "Don't you like the third master?" Master Chu San stared and said, "I'm not happy, don't be happy either!" The tone was too harsh, like a sharp needle piercing the third lady's smile.

The third lady who slowly stopped laughing still had a smile on her eyebrows. Master Chu didn't look at her and turned pale angrily: "Huaixian, this fool is completely confused!" The third lady was funny and straightened her clothes and listened to Master Chu continue to scold the confused people. This confused man is taller than the third master.

"I thought there was no round room," the third master sighed, "I don't want that Yuanpa, it's true." The third lady is more funny. It's not true. There's no need to fake it just to fool relatives and people outside. The third master looked sad: "How good it is to let her recover from her illness. Don't treat her badly. Find two houses to settle them well. After a year or two, who still remembers her! Alas,"

Leave Lin Xiaochu aside and let her wind and rain, and the Chu family lived for a year or two. After the wind blew the rain, they could wash away their self-righteous humiliation. At this time, this good idea was all disturbed by Chu Huaixian.

"There will be a happy event at home soon. She has it. It seems impossible to ask her to toast tea at this happy event." The third master muttered to herself, and the third lady laughed: "The third master, you have a good calculation. There is a sequence when you enter the door. I don't know who will toast tea to whom." Master Chu San looked angrily: "The girl of the banker is no more than a hundred generations better than her." The third lady said with three points of sarcasm: "Whoever gives birth to a nephew for you will be bigger!"

The third master was blocked and speechless for a moment. He jumped up and dumped, "How about you?" Mrs. Chu San sneered, and the third master also felt that this was unpleasant and explained awkwardly, "You don't have to worry." Mrs. Chu ignored him and called the maid: "The young lady has it. Go home and tell the third master and the third lady to have something to see."

said, and then called someone: "Prepare some incense at night. I like it in my heart. I want to burn night incense." After a few things at once, he always ignored the third master. The third master sat down by himself and laughed at himself, "I won, but he treated me worse than before."

One day later, Wu Sanniang came again, and Wu Sanguan also followed. Master Chu San, the man who was in the middle, sat in his room with Wu's three officials. Mrs. Chu San took Mrs. Wu to see Xiaochu.

On the way, the third lady told Wu Sanniangzi as if cheering: "I asked Xiaochu yesterday, and she said she must see you when you come." It's not easy to lead this relative. The third lady can't let it go.

Wu Sanniangzi got the happy words of Xiaochu in advance and dressed up carefully. A new one of yellow and green clothes, afraid of folding the clothes after a few steps, and then pulling them up with their hands.

Go to the garden, click the new green, and the star buds are bright red. Wu Sanniangzi became quieter and quieter, only looking at the pavilion to see her family, and then to see if the third lady's look was arrogant. Third Lady Wu thought about how the marriage with the third master of the Chu family came about.

There is a drooping flower door on the left, and two little girls standing in front of the door are clapping and laughing. When they see the three husbands, they retreat to both sides in silence. Mrs. Chu didn't scold her and said with a smile, "Qinglan, are you two here, are you sister-in-law here?" Qinglan raised her childish face and said, "It was Dr. Zhang who came, and my wife came over."

Mrs. Wu looked into the courtyard and saw seven or eight young or middle-aged women standing in the porch. When she saw Mrs. Chu coming to say hello, she whispered softly. Mrs. Chu also refused to speak loudly and pulled Mrs. Wu in quietly. Only the skirt wiped the floor and there was a small sound.

Chu Huaixian was also in the room. He came out and whispered, "The imperial doctor is diagnosing the pulse." Wu Sanniang only cared about looking at a set of plum blossoms on both sides, and then the jade bowls and bronze ware on the Nanmu shelf.

When she could go to see Lin Xiaochu, Mrs. Wu had to come in. The blue tent was put away, and Xiaochu smiled in the account: " Sit closer and talk."

A little girl in pink leaning in front of the bed said crisply to Chu Huaixian, who came in with Mrs. Wu, "Brother-in-law, my sister is getting better, isn't she?" Wu Sanniang's body trembled. Who is this girl? Chu Huaixian said, "How do you know it's going to be better?" That look is very kind.

Xiaoyi couldn't see Mrs. Chu outside. She learned from Dr. Zhang's tone and said, "Although you can't move too much, you can walk slowly, but don't take too long." Then he said to Chu Huaixian, "How long did I ask him? He said, well, just walk for a while.

" Lin Xiaoyi asked Chu Huaixian, "How long is it, and how long is it to walk?"

Chu Huaixian was happy and scoldedly, "It's too small for you to ask this." Xiaoyi stuck out his tongue. Although Xiaochu was still angry, he also smiled at Gu Xiaoyi and said to Chu Huaixian, "Xiaoyi cares about me. She wants to go out with me every day."

Wait for Wu Sanniang to sit down, Chunhen shouted Xiaoyi: "Little girl, let's go out to fight grass." Xiaoyi shook her head and said, "Go ahead. I'm going to accompany my sister. When she drinks the medicine, I'll look for you." Chunhen was about to go out, and Xiaoyi shouted at her again: "Pick a handful of orchid grass for me, the one with fragrance in the flower room." Chunhen winced at Xiaoyi. Xiaoyi hurriedly stopped her words and smiled at Chu Huaixian: "Brother-in-law, there are less flowers and plants in the flower room. I didn't let people pick them."

Lin Xiaoyi has no silver here, and Xiaochu laughed twice. Chu Huaixian suppressed his smile and said, "It's nothing you picked, just remember to tell me." Just as Xiaoyi was about to confess, Xiaochu took her hand and gently shook it twice. Lin Xiaoyi immediately resisted to the end and opened her big black eyes: "I didn't pick it." Chu Huaixian looked at the two sisters and only said, "A hill." Turning around and going out, he said to Mrs. Wu, "If you don't sit in the room for a while, you still don't have any illness outside."

Wu Sanniangzi, who guessed Lin Xiaoyi's identity in her heart, looked at Lin Xiaoyi hard before she smiled at Xiaochu and said, "My sisters miss you. You need someone to accompany you when you are sick. Wait for me to go back and let them accompany you."

"It's enough to have me," Lin Xiaoyi's problem of interrupting was still there, and she suddenly blocked it back: "No one wants my sister except me and my brother-in-law."

Chu Huaixian sat outside and listened with a slight smile.