Spring flowers

Chapter 210, don't care about others

Today, Xiaochu is destined to be very popular. Wu Sanniangzi said that "maternal love" had just left the second door, and a servant ran back to the prince: "Miss Zhuang came to see the young lady. She is already in the lady's room." Chu Huaixian agreed without surprise, turned around and answered the girls, and then he avoided it.

There is no need to go to his father's place. Chu Huaixian came to his study. After not coming for a few days, Mr. Chu himself laughed, and as expected, he slacked off.

The servant went to reply, and it wasn't long before Miss Zhuang and his party came under the banner of "disa visitation".

Xia Lv and Dong Ran entered the room. Yu Zhao and Xiang Sheng hid aside and looked at them, and they were silent. At first glance, he is a powerful person. The hair is black and smooth, slippery at all; the jewelry trembles under the sun, but it does not tilt; even the clothes that float as you walk, the edge of the skirt also makes people feel refreshing. Miss Zhuang looks like a meticulous person.

The young lady who is not sick in the room is comparable.

Although Xiaochu was ill, he also knew that this girl Zhuang was not good. Every time I see her, it doesn't seem to be easy to talk to. Today, it is said to be a "disease visit", and Xiaochu also cheered up twelve points. Patients must lose momentum to good people. If you lose the momentum, Xiaochu doesn't plan to lose.

"Have you lost a lot of weight?" Miss Zhuang sat down in front of the bed and smiled gently at the first style, as if the two of them were really good. Xiaochu smiled and said, "I'm much fatter than a few days ago."

Miss Zhuang smiled and said, "Whether you are fat or thin, since you are sick, it should be best to recuperate." He said that looking in the room seemed to be inadvertently, but in fact, the hands in the sleeves trembled slightly. Lin Xiaochu is so worrying!

"No one works for me," Xiaochu said. Miss Zhuang smiled at her again. When she said this, she wanted to reply, and Ms. Zhuang was even more worried. What should I do after this?

The room was temporarily cold. Xiaochu couldn't take his eyes off Miss Zhuang. What else would he say next? Miss Zhuang looked sideways at her girl. The girls retreated and said to the girl of the Chu family in the room, "Our girl came to have a special look and want to talk to the young lady."

There are still four or five maids in the room, and everyone just laughed and didn't say anything. Xiaochu muttered and said, "You guys go down." The girls just went down, and a sneer flashed on Miss Zhuang's lips. This was Ma Wei, but she gave it to me.

There was no one else in the room. Xiaochu tilted on the pillow and smiled, and Miss Zhuang sat on the chair smiling. The two smiled, and Miss Zhuang said, "You..."

"I..." Xiaochu also opened his mouth at the same time.

When the words met, both of them stopped. After smiling at each other, Xiaochu smiled and motioned to Miss Zhuang. Miss Zhuang opened her mouth and comforted gently and thoughtfully: "You will slowly raise it, or did I tell you that I will raise the child? You don't have to worry."

Xiaochu did not immediately refute, and did not slowly retort until he finished listening, "No!" With this one word, Lin Xiaochu only said this word and completely showed his mind.

"No?" Miss Zhuang laughed and really underestimated her! Looking at the crooked illness, she actually knew that she was being married by the media. Today, in fact, Miss Zhuang, who is uncertain, was a little angry. It's really not to steam steam steamed bread. Although Miss Zhuang didn't mean to bully the patient, she also raised her voice slightly and said, "If I don't fight with you, you can let go of other things."

This group of ancients, including Chu Huaixian, are all ancient brains. If you have identity, you can suppress one end of people, and power can also suppress one end of people.

For such a situation, Xiaochu is still the same word: "No!" This time, he said it categorically without hesitation.

"What if I have to?" Miss Zhuang put away her smile and said coldly.

Xiaochu also put away his smile, because of his illness, there was a trace of softness: "I won't give it!"

"You don't give it! What a big breath." After saying this, Miss Zhuang felt a chill in her heart. She is not a person who wants to be against others. She came to have a good talk with Lin Xiaochu.

The door banged, and the girls exclaimed, "Little girl, the young lady has a guest." Lin Xiaoyi opened the door and came in. There was still a mess of grass on her head. She came in angrily and pointed to Miss Zhuang and said, "Don't quarrel with me and my sister. If you want to quarrel, come to me!"

Lin Xiaoyi, who put his waist in one hand and touched Miss Zhuang's nose in the other, said that he used his hand to pat his little chest: "Come to me!"

Miss Zhuang was stunned, but Xiaochu was embarrassed. Dongran came to persuade Xiaoyi: "Come out, young lady."

"Go away. She is bullying my sister. I want to stay with my sister." Xiaoyi pushed Dongran, ran to Xiaochu's side, and said loudly to Miss Zhuang, "Who are you?"

Miss Zhuang smiled like a silver bell, and the silk handkerchief covered her mouth and smiled very beautifully: "Ha ha, is this your sister? Your sister-in-law Miss Zhuang, who smiled with only one slit in her eyes, said happily, "Sure enough, this is your sister, not someone else's sister."

Xiaochu, who blushed, didn't know where he came from. He forced himself to sit up, held Xiaoyi in his arms, and said angrily to Miss Zhuang, "This is my sister, my only sister!"

These girls regard Xiaoyi as rude people.

"I know, this is your only sister." Miss Zhuang has a good smile. It's so ridiculous. I've seen Lin Xiaochu several times, and his words never leak. It looks like people can't be underestimated. Seeing her sister today, Miss Zhuang suddenly realized that she was a girl, a girl who had not been in Beijing for a long time in the countryside. Even if it is wrapped in gold and jade, it is just a girl.

Look at yourself, I have always cared too much about her!

In Xiaochu's angry eyes, Miss Zhuang shouted in a coquettish voice, "Come on." When the girl came in, Ms. Zhuang helped her get up and smiled elegantly at Xiaochu: "You raise it, and I'll come to see you again. Just tell me what you want to eat."

When she came out like this, Miss Zhuang felt that she had won a complete victory. Where the victory is, even if Chu Huaixian is born as a prince and is too vulgar a person or thing, he will be fresh for a while and will not last too long.

That Lin Xiaoyi is obviously a wild girl!

Chu Huaixian is rarely idle, so he let Jin Xier study Mo and write a few words. Duo Shou replied under the window: "Miss Zhuang wants to see the prince." Chu Huaixian put down her pen and remembered that when she was a child, she was only four or five years old. At that time, she went to the banker more often and saw Ms. Zhuang more.

When she grows up, she will meet less. She doesn't know what Chu Huaixian wants to say, but since she wants to see her, Chu Huaixian agreed, "Please get up." He said that he would dress up and wait for the door in his spare time.

When she walked to the steps, Ms. Zhuang blushed; when she walked to the steps and raised the curtain, Ms. Zhuang became trembling. Go in and tell him that Xiaochu and Xiaoyi need to be taught. This is a good word from the bottom of his heart. Can Chu Huaixian understand the kindness?

The curtain has been knocked high, and Miss Zhuang thought about the marriage of the two families, and the palace has acquiesced. She magnified her courage and lowered her head before walking in.

"What do you want to say?" Chu Huaixian asked gently. I just met Xiaochu, and I have to see myself. Chu Huaixian couldn't understand what she said to Xiaochu, or took the opportunity to meet herself. Fortunately, there are family members inside and outside in the daytime. Jin Xier stood in the room to serve tea and looked down at the two people. He didn't go out.

When Miss Zhuang came, she had a lot to say. Now she is empty-minded and has no word. She bit her lips gently and finally took care of her mind and said, "Xiaochu slept in that room. I don't know if it's appropriate?"

"There is nothing inappropriate," Chu Huaixian would have made a mistake. In fact, Miss Zhuang found a sentence, which has no other meaning. Mr. Chu frowned slightly and said, "She is pregnant and can't move the bed. The west wing room lives in her sister, and the east wing can be used as a new house.

This is really a thunder on a sunny day! Miss Zhuang shook her body a few times and couldn't believe what she heard. She opened her eyes wide and stared at Chu Huaixian no longer shyly. You put me here!

"Do you have anything else to say?" Chu Huaixian saw that she lost her temper like this. If she changed, she was afraid that she would be expelled. In this way, he also showed an unhappy look. Fight, women will fight! Xiaochu wants to fight, from before marriage; this one is no exception, and he also fights here.

Miss Zhuang is not used to receiving such treatment and in front of the slaves in the house. She gritted her teeth and thought about it, and said annoyanly, "Brother Chu, you said this early." Da Ding didn't do it either. It's not your person yet!

"If you want to have his heart, you are smart!" Chu Huaixian said quietly. Miss Zhuang almost fainted, but fortunately she was close to her. Reaching out his hand, he looked at Chu Huaixian fiercely and gasped, "Okay, hello," he asked unwillingly and regardless of her identity, "Is she so good?"

Jin Xi'er lowered her head and knew that she couldn't make a sound at this time.

Chu Huaixian answered Miss Zhuang's words peacefully: "I don't know how good she is, but in my heart, I can no longer take care of others." This is a big thing for Xiaochu, or for Xiaochu's illness and pregnancy again. This is no longer important. Miss Zhuang took a cold breath. This is not an oath, but she said it simply.

Some people say that they are single-minded, and some people say that they will grow old. Chu Huaixian was serious, but he honestly told his second wife who was about to enter the door: "I have no power to take care of others."

Marry or not, it's up to you! You must marry, Chu Huaixian can't resist his family; if you don't marry, Chu Huaixian thought, I just praised you for your cleverness.

If others change, they may want to enjoy the blessings of others. Chu Huaixian just wants to take a breath and settle down the things around him one by one. It's a happy thing to have Xiaochu; if she can't sit still, it's a great sadness.

The Zhuang girl in the room is already full of tears. Think about what Chu Huaixian said, no one will be sad. Mr. Chu made such a big joke during the Spring Festival that he thought he could pick up others as before. This young lady Chu is pregnant again. In addition to the girl Zhuang who is infatuated and most able to plan for herself, there are other girls who are quite different. Besides, the Chu family should be deterred.

Why do you have to marry Chu Huaixian? You have a good future, but what if you like a girl? There are many powerful people in ancient times.

Miss Zhuang, who felt that she could tolerate, knew that she might be wrong today. She lowered her head and thought about it. When she looked up again, Miss Zhuang smiled less flustered and calmer. Even his expression changed from the shyness of seeing Chu Huaixian at the beginning to being polite.

"Brother Chu, I'll let you fly. How can you thank me?" Miss Zhuang asked, and Chu Huaixian smiled and said, "I want to fly both. Do you want me to let go?"

Miss Zhuang blushed and was a little discouraged by Chu Huaixian. She summoned up her courage and said, "If I become a villain, there is nothing you can do." Chu Huaixian was funny: "You want to marry and marry a husband. What am I afraid of?"

"If you promise me one thing, I won't bother you!" Miss Zhuang said with a smile and felt that it was not interesting, and added, "This matter is also easy for you to do."

Chu Huaixian said lightly, "You said it."