Spring flowers

Chapter 219, Commentary

Xiaochu was also dissatisfied and said to Chu Huaixian, "Of course, it's compensation if you wet Huai De's clothes." Chu Huaixian was even more dissatisfied: "Wetting his clothes? Why don't you wet other people's clothes?" Lin Xiaoyi smiled when she heard such words. Of course, she felt that she was right and quickly added, "He said that his sister is not good first."

Xiaochu also endured to laugh. In her heart, of course, she also felt that Chu Huaide was wrong. However, the matter of teaching Xiaoyi was made as if she couldn't wait for a day by Chu Huaixian. Lin Xiaochu didn't want her sister to be bound by the rules and regulations of this big house. She wanted to be in front of her own management, so she could only blame Xiaoyi for this matter. Xiaochu raised his face and said to Xiaoyi, "He is wrong, and you can't push him. You should know that you are here..."

Speaking of this, Chu Huaixian stared over and said, "What are you going to say next? Under the fence!" Lin Xiaochu turned pale angrily and waited for a moment to hit each other: "What the prince said!"

Lin Xiaoyi looked left and right and didn't understand why they quarreled again. Today, she got up again, and Lin Xiaoyi shrank her head and said nothing. Xiaochu didn't want to talk to Chu Huaixian, but he didn't want to be so quiet in the room. He said to Xia Lu, "You haven't eaten yet, have you?" Xia Lu quickly replied, "I'll send it to you." Chu Huaixian sneered, "Am I still eating?" I can still eat it!" Xiaochu didn't say anything. Mr. Chu was distracted by himself, but with a sudden effort, he slowed down and asked Lin Xiaochu, "Did you give him my jade pendant?"

"I didn't! I haven't touched any of your things." Xiaochu bit his lip and replied loudly. Chu Huaixian was shocked and smiled: "I just asked, what are you so fierce!" Lin Xiaochu looked directly at him: "Who the hell is fierce!"

Chu Huaixian stood up, dusted his clothes and went outside: "You eat first, don't wait for me." Lin Xiaochu first thought that he was angry with himself and went out. He was a little stunned and shouted, "Where are you going?" Chu Huaixian has walked to the yard and went out without looking back.

Chunshui followed, saw the prince standing under the tree and thinking about it, and walked to Mrs. Chu's room. When she came back, she told the young lady that Mrs. Chu was angry and funny. She said softly to Xiaoyi, who was waiting next to her, "Don't do this again." Mrs. Chu finished her words lightly, and then sat in the room worried about Chu Huaixian.

Chu Huaixian went out to look for trouble as Xiaochu expected. He stood under a magnolia tree outside the second door for a while and went straight to ask Wilder. His mother knew it was a small idea. Even if Wilder is wrong, he will be preconceived to blame Xiaochu; if he goes back to his parents, if he is in a bad mood, he will leave this matter lightly. After thinking about it, Chu Huaixian still decided to go back to his mother first.

I asked my father outside the room, and Chu Huaixian came straight in. Chu Shaofu and Mrs. Chu have just had dinner and are sitting and talking under the lamp. Seeing his son come in, Chu Shaofu said slowly, "What's the matter?" Mrs. Chu didn't pay attention to it and asked casually, "Have you taken all the medicine sent?" Speaking of Lin Xiaochu, he has no name or surname.

"Eat it. I'm going back. I'm angry with her sister." Chu Huaixian said it well. Although Chu Shaofu was not obviously unhappy, his face was cold; Mrs. Chu was unhappy on her face: "Why are you angry at such a time!" Chu Huaixian said, "Yes, I asked before I knew that Xiaoyi collided with Huaide."

Only then did Mrs. Chu understand, and the candlelight also became cold: "You don't have to say that Wade is your brother. The little girl should avoid it when she sees it, and Wade will also avoid it. Don't you believe your brother?" As soon as Mrs. Chu heard about the small intention of bumping into Wilder, she felt that she was saying it. She blocked her son's words first and didn't want to hear him pass.

"My mother said yes, and I also wonder why she didn't avoid it twice. My daughter-in-law has done something wrong and can't make her angry again, so I want to ask Wilder, so I go back and forth to my mother first, so as not to say that I would go to my second uncle's room to ask questions. Not a word of Chu Huaixian's words was blocked.

Chu Shaofu slowly said, "What's going on?" Mrs. Chu stopped talking. Chu Huaixian told her what had happened and said to her parents, "I've heard that I don't believe it. Xiaoyi is young and ignorant. I don't believe that Wilder did not avoid it, but said that his sister-in-law was not good. I don't believe it. I don't believe that the aunt in the second uncle's room has always been peaceful. Now she runs to my room to make a noise to compensate for clothes regardless of her daughter-in-law's body. Therefore, my mother and father happened to be there. Can I ask my parents to go back to my second uncle?

After listening to this, the old couple under the lamp and silently said, Chu Shaofu said, "Go, your second uncle is at home and tell him this. Tell him again that you replied to me. Since Chu Huaixian, who was reasonable, dared to come, it was not unexpected when he got his father's words at this time. He happily agreed and turned out to find the second master.

The old couple in the room were still silent. It was not until the night wind outside and the iron horse under the eaves jingled, Chu Shaofu slowly said, "The same clothes are clothes, shoes are shoes, and the public did not treat him badly. This pulls..." Speaking of this, Chu Shaofu said in his heart, "That... that... That one went over and then said, "It's not good to pull the clothes!"

"Huaixian makes people worry about the man's heart in the room; Huaide is what I'm really worried about. The family replied to me behind my back and said that Huai De released his words in private. One day, he became an official one day, and his previous revenge would be revenge." Mrs. Chu's face was helpless: "My second sister-in-law won't listen to a hundred persuasion."

Chu Shaofu was furious: "There is still such a thing! How dare he say it!" Mrs. Chu urgently advised him: "Master, don't be angry. In terms of family business, we are in charge, but the things in each room are still their own business in each room." Chu Shaofu gasped with anger and said for a long time, "If my son is pulled over and killed, it would be better than leaving it as a scourge in the future!" Mrs. Chu couldn't help laughing: "Fortunately, this is not your son. There is only one in the second uncle. He treasures it. When the second sister sees that there is only this one, it will be his in the second room in the future, and the second sister-in-law will be even more angry."

"So I'm not talking about the second brother. He didn't take good care of Huai De at all." Chu Shaofu calmed down in an instant and said to Mrs. Chu, "Although Huaixian also has something promising, it still doesn't go wrong in other places. Let him take care of Wilder so that nothing will happen in the future!" Mrs. Chu smiled and said, "Huai Xian didn't care about Huai De before. He didn't fight with Huai De. He was already very polite. This year is big. I heard that he is not the same as in previous years. The voice was lowered again, and Mrs. Chu smiled and said, "It was the one in Huaixian's room, and he also said good words for Huai De."

"It's also for you to say good things. Just attract a few people first." Chu Shaofu looked at Lin Xiaochu in this case and said that he made a peace with Xiaochu about today's matter: "Don't win over her, I don't pay attention to her." The old couple looked at each other and smiled under the lamp. There were hundreds of people in the family, and one of them was a temper.

Chu Huaixian, who got his parents' words, not only went to look for trouble like a reasonable ticket, but also walked leisurely. Xiaochu felt that this matter was over, and Chu Huaixian had a different view from her. Lin Xiaochu and Lin Xiaoyi are now branded people. Chu Huaide scolded not Xiaochu, but Chu Huaixian; Aunt Zhang dares to come to compensate for things, but she doesn't pay attention to the eldest son.

When Chu Huaixian first heard it, he felt that this mother and son were going to turn upside down!

The moon star shook, and Chu Huaixian looked polite. He came to Lord Chu Er in his heart rudely. Master Chu was in Mrs. Chu's room, and Chu Huaixian pulled him out: "I'm looking for my second uncle if I have something to do." After pulling it out, Chu Huaixian said again, "Go to the White House to talk."

Master Chu was in front of him, and Chu Huaixian was behind him and came to Aunt Zhang's room.

The yard is not very bright. Aunt Zhang is muttering to herself in the room: "Four of the six lanterns are not bright, and they have not been received twice. That's all. When the second master came, he couldn't see the road clearly and was going to fall. Chu Huaide said, "Father, come with a glazed lamp in his hand." Aunt Zhang scolded, "You can say such a thing, and I don't think I can't see the way clearly." Chu Huaixian was scolded and answered unconvincedly, "Obviously, my aunt can't see clearly. Why should I talk about others?" Aunt Zhang was so angry that she rolled up her sleeves and came over to fight: "I can't see if I want a lantern? How did I give birth to you, stupid man?

The mother and son were fighting. Chu Huaide's eyes were sharp. Looking at the dark place in the yard, he could also see people coming and said hurriedly, "Father is here." Aunt Zhang couldn't see clearly and hurriedly straightened her hair and came out. She smiled at the door and said, "The second master is here." Master Chu came in with a hum, and Aunt Zhang still said, "I just asked someone to go there and said that you went there. I was thinking about why did you go there again today..." As soon as I said this, the second master didn't say anything. Aunt Zhang herself saw that it was Chu Huaixian, the eldest son.

"Ah, it's the prince who came, this... please come inside quickly," Aunt Zhang hurriedly stopped. Chu Huaixian looked like she didn't hear anything. He ignored his aunt and entered the room with a high face. Chu Huaide came to salute. Aunt Zhang knew Chu Huaixian's nature. There was a girl delivering tea, and she hid in the room.

Chu Huaixian came here for the first time in recent years.

My uncle and nephew also exchanged greetings at home and sat down in a hurry. Master Chu asked his nephew, "What do you want to say?" Chu Huaixian said, "It's about the quarrel between Wade and his niece's sister in the afternoon. I went back to my parents and specially asked my second uncle to come and ask Wade about the story in detail."

Aunt Zhang squated, and the heavenly spirit was covered with a basin of ice and snow poured down without melting, freezing her people in the local area. When she felt a trace of heat coming out, she first thought that Wilder was also reasonable. White was hit by the little wild girl who had no king's way.