Spring flowers

Chapter 220, worry

Master Chu hasn't come out of his son's understanding and brotherhood. Hearing Chu Huaixian's words, he could only look at Chu Huaide in a frown. Chu Huaide shrank his head and had good homework for Chu Huaixian, the eldest brother, and the clothes and utensils were so exquisite that Chu Huaide felt uncomfortable. Chu Huaide is afraid of Chu Huaixian. If Aunt Zhang hadn't taken him away, Chu Huaide would not have thought so.

"Oh, son, this is the case. Listen to me..." Aunt Zhang rushed out like burning her buttocks, and this rush was not far from Chu Huaixian. The woman came up in a hurry to speak, dancing with her hands. Chu Huaixian saw the handkerchief flying in her hand and quickly stood up to avoid it.

Master Chu didn't look good and scolded, "Go in!" Aunt Zhang was ashamed to go in, and Master Chu was so angry that he didn't smile at Chu Huaide just now: "Tell me!" Chu Huaide held it for a long time and said, "It was my aunt who asked me to go!" Master Chu's face sank, as black as the bottom of the pot. Aunt Zhang turned around in a hurry in the room, and her heart was like a cat scratching. She wanted to listen to what Chu Huaixian said next. At this moment, she was busy, anxious and quiet.

The family was so anxious and angry that only Chu Huaixian sat next to him and laughed. At this time, the second uncle no longer praised Wilder's growth.

"A woman's family has a short knowledge, and good things have caused her to instigate her." Master Chu's cleverness is not used in learning, but all in miscellaneous things. He vigilantly found that it was not good to ask questions again, so he went through and said to Aunt Zhang with a smile on his face, "Weide is sensible. Sometimes he is not good, but he actually blames others."

Chu Huaixian was secretly funny and smiled as easily as Master Chu Er. He said slowly, "It's good to be sensible. I listened to a few words of Huai De randomly. I thought he was fooling again." Second Master Chu smiled and slowly understood his nephew. Today's reasonable-sounding words made by Wilder, and what happened to this good nephew.

Master Chu didn't know that Chu Huaide dared to scold his sister-in-law. Chu Huaixian didn't let go. The second master of Chu smiled and said, "Huaixian, your brother is still young, and your wife and sister are also young. The two children quarrel. Don't worry about it." Master Chu was still vague. Chu Huaixian smiled and said, "Huide, it's not small. It's just a few years younger than him. That's all, it's not big. But when you quarrel, why do people who are not in front of you come in and talk nonsense?

Lin Xiaoyi said a lot of Chu Huaide's scolding Lin Xiaochu. If she could draw out the punctuation marks, it would probably be a good comparison. Of course, Xiaochu stopped her and didn't want to grow more branches and leaves. Xiaoyi turned around to find a witness: "Spring scar, Bihen, I heard it all."

The two witnesses also had good ears and nodded their heads very hard.

Outside, my uncle and nephew turned out these words one after another. Master Chu's face became worse and worse, and Chu Huaide lowered his head more and more. Aunt Zhang had just heard these words. She covered her mouth with a veil in the room, worried and worried about Chu Huaide, and scolded Chu Huaide in her heart: Dirty things, don't tell the truth.

The candlelight jumped, and the wick grew a lot. Seeing that the voice inside was not good, the girls refused to touch the moldy head and came in to cut the candle flowers. Of course, the three people in the room did not find that Master Chu Er was angry, and there were several layers of anger. On the first floor, Chu Huaide talks nonsense; on the second floor, Chu Huaixian is too serious. You married a girl, which is a real thing; and then he is angry... What's angry about? It's like a ball of anger, and you can't tell the head and tail.

Chu Huaide had already knelt on the ground to deny it, gritting his teeth and disoing it. He gave him great courage, and he didn't dare to provoke his eldest brother Chu Huaixian. Master Chu couldn't afford to provoke. When he couldn't provoke, he also stamped his feet on Aunt Zhang. Chu Huaide also knew a few words, and of course he was even less bold.

Chu Huaixian sat peacefully. He was not arguing for this tone, but this reason. Xiaochu is a girl. After getting married, no one can say that she is a girl! Chu Huaide, a prince, said so. Chu Huaixian thought to himself that the cat and dog at home didn't know whether the book was good or not, and he didn't know what to say!

"Haha, Huaixian," the helpless silence was opened by Master Chu Er, and sweated on Chu Huaide's forehead, who was kneeling on the ground, and was pressed by the silence as if he were bending down little by little. Hearing this sound, Chu Huaide breathed a sigh of relief. No matter what the sound was, it was no longer silent at this time, and Chu Huaide felt better.

Master Chu still lifts weights lightly, and some things are avoided: "Wide has grown up this year, and most of you have taught him meritoriously. You see, he is usually timid and cautious, and he is a poet. Will he say that he doesn't have your words in his eyes? It must be a mistake. Well," without waiting for Chu Huaixian to speak, Master Chu followed up in a hurry and said with a smile, "Let Wade make a gift for you. This matter is over."

Following his father's words, Chu Huaide took off his burden and got up to walk to Chu Huaixian. Chu Huaixian waved his hand and smiled: "No, I'm just here to ask. If you want to say these words, I will tell my second uncle that it is his sister-in-law who wants to pay for the gift. It's useless for me to pay for the gift. Master Chu's face twitched a few times and felt that his nephew had bullied him again.

heard Chu Huaixian continue to say, "If not, I'll go back and hit the slave who made up the words." Then he smiled at Chu Huaide: "Your clothes have lost money; say that your jade pendant has cracked in the pool mud, because I'm not here and no one dares to take my things. I'll ask you myself what kind of compensation you want to pay, and I'll send it to you."

"B bastard! Let me see your jade pendant!" Chu Huaixian seems to be idle today. He sincerely sits here looking for something. The second master of Chu could only shout at Chu Huaide. Chu Huaide was so drunk that he rolled into the room. Aunt Zhang also sent Yupei to the door of the room. Chu Huaide then presented it to his father tremblingly and dared not say a word and retreated aside.

Master Chu looked at it and frowned and shouted, "Where are the people who went out with Wilder?" Someone outside promised that he hadn't come in yet. Chu Huaide replied first: "Go back to my father, back to my eldest brother. This is because I hit the horse stone when I went out on the horse yesterday. I didn't tell my aunt when I came back. I thought it was my aunt who didn't see it clearly. I misread this."

Aunt Zhang stared in the room and became a blackmailer.

Under the clear moon and wind, Chu Huaixian leisurely came out of Chu Huaide's yard with his hands on his back, with a smile at the corners of his mouth. I can't walk a few steps, and I feel hungry. Chu Huaixian just accelerated his pace. He didn't step forward a few steps and slowed down with a smile. I don't think Xiaochu will be so confused, and people with bodies are still waiting for themselves to eat. At this time, the black sparrow flew obliquely into the forest, and Chu Huaixian walked carelessly. Although he was hungry, he came to see his parents first.

"The second uncle is there, make it clear. Wilder said he didn't say anything. I said he wanted to talk about it. Should White be compensated? Since I didn't say it, I think the girls heard it wrong, so I went back to my room to scold them. Chu Huaixian's happy face when he came in, coupled with these few words, Chu Shaofu and Mrs. Chu didn't want to see him.

I don't want to see it, this person is standing in front of me. Seeing that her husband only read books, Mrs. Chu could only say by herself, "Go back, take advantage of it." Chu Huaixian smiled and said, "Yes."

When he came back and walked down the steps, the girls in the porch said, "The prince is back." A faint "plop" was heard in the room, as if someone had fallen. When he came in, he saw Xiaochu leaning on the small table, and he looked a little nervous. Xiaoyi, who knelt in front of the couch, hurriedly knelt down and touched his leg. It was tears in his eyes.

Xia Lu came to help undressing. Chu Huaixian smiled and said to Xiaoyi, "Go back. Look at your sister's cruelty. It's not enough to kneel for an hour first. Since I left, I've let you kneel until now." I have realized Chu Huaixian's little original intention to find trouble. My name is Mingzhe to protect myself. You can afford to provoke your family, but I can't afford to provoke you. Seeing Chu Huaixian's words, Xiaochu, who was distressed, quickly said, "Go back quickly." Then he looked up at Chu Huaixian and smiled: "Have you eaten?"

"No, aren't you stupid enough to wait for me?" Chu Huaixian sat down and Lin Xiaochu smiled: "I don't know where you are going. Of course you don't wait." He said again, "Where have you been?" Chu Huaixian refused to say anything, asked Xia Lu to bring food, and then said to Xiaochu, "I have a few words with my parents." With that, Xiaochu's face immediately became uncertain. Chu Huaixian didn't see it and said to Xiaochu as if he suddenly remembered, "Your moon silver is all to be taken by Xia Lv. If you want to use money, I will give you another 100 taels of silver every month. When you want to use it, just ask Xia Lv.

Someone gave money, and Xiaochu certainly smiled: "Xia Lv said to me," Xiaochu was still confused at that time. Xia Lv said that she didn't need money, and she didn't ask about anything. Seeing Chu Huaixian say this, Xiaochu smiled and said, "I spend less money. Since there is moon silver, the prince doesn't have to give it to me."

Chu Huaixian looked at her and smiled: "How can those two taels of silver be enough? By the way, you have to buy something and let the girls go to the study to find my little man, which is safer than others. There was gratitude in the little original intention, and the candle smiled more and more charmingly: "I know." Chu Huaixian looked at this charming smile for a moment and accidentally said, "Dr. Zou's medicine is really effective." Xiao Chuqi said, "The medicine I took at night was also prescribed by Dr. Zou?" Chu Huaixian said vaguely, "Uh-huh." Get this over. He found a lot of prescriptions for Xiaochu, and Mr. Chu was reluctant to say it to his face.

When dinner was set up, Chu Huaixian ate, and Xiao Chu crooked on the pillow and talked to Chu Huaixian without saying a word. Suddenly thinking about how much he gave himself a hundred taels of silver a month, and how much his monthly silver was, he also counted it in the public. As soon as he was worried about Chu Huaixian, Lin Xiaochu thought that Mr. Chu used to do housework and asked him to go to the account to ask for 20,000 taels of silver. Under the candlelight, Xiaochu sneered once. It seems that giving yourself a hundred taels of silver a month is not much.

"What are you laughing at?" Although Chu Huaixian was eating, she also noticed the pear vortex that Xiaochu laughed and the eyelashes flashed slightly, which was her former elf appearance. Dr. Zou's medicine really works, and it is still this sentence that emerges in Chu Huaixian's heart. Thinking about it again, but more than 30 pills are more than half taken. Tomorrow, Dr. Zou will come and ask him to make more.

Xiaochu's slightly dizzy cheeks were stained by red candlelight. She held a red silk handkerchief in her hand, concealing her intention to pursue Chu Huaixian's amount of money, and said, "I mean Xiaoyi. It's really what you said. You have to take care of it." Speaking of this, Xiaochu gossiped again: "Mr. De fell into the water. Do you want to send some medicine for fever?" Chu Huaixian stopped with his chopsticks and said to Xiaochu, " By the way, I haven't said this to my second uncle tonight. A little girl bumped him into the water, and he was embarrassed to make amends. If you go out, you will still be bullied!"

Xiaochu was stunned when he heard this and suddenly covered his mouth and laughed. My husband has always been used to wind and rain. I was worried about finding something for him just now, but now it seems that I'm worried for nothing!