Spring flowers

Chapter 221, unreasonable

Master Chu rested at Aunt Zhang that night. He woke up in the morning and was not in a hurry to go out. He sat there with a dark face for a long time. Aunt Zhang did not dare to provoke him, and Chu Huaide was more honest than usual.

"Huide," the second master of Chu opened his mouth again, but with a weak voice, it didn't seem to be in tune with the dawn in April. Aunt Zhang hurriedly pushed Chu Huaide, and Chu Huaide approached carefully. Master Chu's eyes collapsed, and he couldn't fight with some strength. Even the voice is much weaker than usual: "In my opinion, you'd better go to your eldest brother's room and accompany him."

Aunt Zhang and Chu Huaide were stunned. Master Chu Er was very weak, as if he said that he also accepted this: "I have been thinking about you all night, and you will rely more or less on your eldest brother in the future. Go, for yourself, hold back for a moment, go." Aunt Zhang opened her mouth and said, "You haven't slept well all night. That's what you want." Master Chu was sad and raised his hand: "Let him go today and stop procrastinating."

Chu Huaide obeyed his order to make amends to Lin Xiaochu. It was in the morning that Xiaochu and Xiaoyi were whispering and laughing on the couch. Xiaoyi generally hugged her sister, but this time it was her arm. Xiaoyi came to Xiaochu's ear and said, "My brother-in-law won't go out today. Do you want to accompany my sister?" Lin Xiaoyi didn't want anyone to share with her when she came to accompany her sister every day.

Xiaochu also came to Xiaoyi's ear and replied, "It's best for Xiaoyi to accompany me." The sisters on the couch laughed in a low voice, and sporadic laughter flew to the side. Chu Huaixian looked up with a smile. He was painting and was still painting.

A few laughs flew in from the window, and Yu Zhao stood in front of a clump of bamboo and looked at the moss on the ground. After a few light rains, everything was stimulated, and the moss also grew fast. Xiangsheng didn't come out of the room and didn't know what he was thinking. Chu Huaide came in at this time.

Chunshui and Dongran were making fun of. Chunshui held his skirt: "You stepped on my skirt," Dongran replied with a smile, "I called you to give way. That's the way. Where can I go if I don't step on your skirt?" The two maids blocked the gravel road in the middle and blocked the road firmly. Chunshui smiled on her shoulders**, and one finger pointed to the mud on both sides and said to Dongran, "You go here."

After saying that, a person came silently behind his fingers. Chu Huaide had no way to go. He originally wanted the girls to give way. Now, according to the words, I walked over the wet mud of the girls, and made some mud on the clean uppers. Chunshui and Dongran have no intention to speak, and they don't want to have someone behind them. The two squeezed their mouths and stared at each other and smiled, and then made way. They walked slowly before they followed Aunt Zhang with a clean stone road.

Xia Lu saw it and hasn't spoken yet. The eighth brother in the porch chatted, "There is a guest, and he is still from the family." In the suppressed laughter of the girls and mothers in the corridor, Xia Lv smiled and replied, "The prince of the second room and Aunt Zhang are here." Seeing the little girl hitting the door curtain, Xia Lu pointed to the eighth brother to tease it: "Who is not from the family?" The eighth brother held his head high and arrogantly ignored Xia Lv. Xia Lu laughed and scolded again: "I won't add water to you tomorrow." The eighth brother fluttered his wings and flashed, and Xia Lu hurried back three steps: "Pull on my head of dust."

In the room, Chu Huaixian left his brush and paced out. Aunt Zhang was smiling at Xiaochu: "The second master asked to make amends and said that he was shocked by the young lady." He scolded Chu Huaide again: "What did I say to you at home?" Seeing Chu Huaixian in the corner of her eyes, Aunt Zhang immediately retreated with a smile. Xiaochu was smiling at this time. Push Xiaoyi aside and stand. He also stood up and stood under the bed with a smile: "Auntie is welcome, and the prince is also polite."

Chu Huaixian came over and sat down with his hands behind his back, and asked Xiaochu, "Sit down. Can you stand?" Then he said, "Is he your son? Look at what you said!" Lin Xiaoyi blinked her eyes and saw Aunt Zhang, who was talking a lot yesterday. She lowered her head and lowered her hand as if she didn't dare to breathe. Looking at Chu Huaide again, it was also ordinary.

"Xia Lu, pour tea for your aunt and second brother." Xiaochu changed his name and really didn't want to talk to Chu Huaixian. Sit down with the small table. When Chu Huaide and Aunt Zhang saw Chu Huaixian sitting here, they hesitated for a moment, but they just owed their bodies and apologized. Of course, Mr. Chu was not satisfied. In his heart, he felt that this was Pu Yan, and because of the mistake made by Chu Huaide, it was his poetry and etiquette to find the root.

Chu Huaide, who straightened up, did not expect that his eldest brother was also in the room. Thinking about how the family said that the eldest brother was confused, the eldest aunt scolded the eldest brother for playing in the room several times. Chu Huaide, who came to make amends, was relieved. The eldest brother was praised by everyone. In this marriage, he let the one on the bed have a child, which would be a lifelong fight. Chu Huaide still has the heart to make fun of it. In the future, I won't be so confused that people will praise me and understand that it is better than my eldest brother.

Thinking Taoran, he heard Chu Huaixian say, "The article is the same as people, the article doesn't understand, and you can't act..." As soon as he said this, Chu Huaide was unconvinced. On the surface, he was respectful and smiled in his heart. The eldest brother didn't understand, which brought many humiliation to the family. The son of the second room was dizzy and happy until Chu Huaixian said harshly, "It didn't rain outside yesterday. Where did a foot of mud come from? Are you a picky man outside the city!"

Chu Huaixian loves to be clean, which is eye-catching. Chu Huaide's foot is the reason why the girl in the yard inadvertently blocked the road just now. Chunshui and Dongran covered their mouths and smiled outside the room. They all knew that Chu Huaide was afraid of Chu Huaixian and listened to what he said. Chu Huaide really dared not tell the truth. In fact, if it hadn't been for Lin Xiaoyi's small body and a good lesson, Chu Huaide would have really heard more of his subordinates' criticism of Lin Xiaochu, and he would not have dared not teach Lin Xiaoyi a lesson.

Chu Huaide, who dared not say that his girl was not good in front of Chu Huaixian, secretly thought that she was a member of this family and said a few words about Lin Xiaoyi. She, a little girl under the shelter of others, should also be the same as herself and dare not dare to say it.

Seeing Chu Huaixian's fierce face, Chu Huaide, who was shocked, restrained his mind and found a sentence and replied, "My father said that my eldest brother practiced martial arts in the morning and ordered me to get up. I thought that I stepped on the mud under the flowers early morning, but I didn't know." Xiaochu is funny on the opposite side, like Jia Zhengxun and Jia Baoyu in the Dream of Red Mansions. It's just that this pair are brothers, and Chu Huaide doesn't have the spirit of the second master.

Seeing Chu Huaide forcing himself to stand, Aunt Zhang did not dare to look up. Xiaochu was afraid that they would be embarrassed and had the intention to avoid the room. He frowned and smiled. If the opposite trainer raised his eyes and said that he was talking, he would walk around, so he would only lower his head and play with his silk handkerchief and look at a bird embroidered on it.

In order to please Chu Huaide, he said that he got up early to practice martial arts. It's okay not to say it, but Chu Huaixian frowned even more. Xiaoyi, a little girl, can push him into the water. I heard yesterday that Chu Huaixian was not satisfied with this. If something happens when you go out, don't be scared to lie down.

"If you say so, I'll listen first and let me see after a month." Chu Huaixian frowned like a son: "Don't let me kick down." Chu Huaide looked up in horror: "Brother, how dare I compare with you?" Chu Huaixian sneered: "Don't tell me that you can only be pushed out." Chu Huaide understood. He lowered his head and took a fierce look at the direction of Lin Xiaoyi standing. Even Aunt Zhang heard that it was all for the little girl, so that she brag about Chu Huaide, who also studied literature and martial arts, which suddenly revealed a lot.

Xiaochu is bored. This motto is from front to back, from studying to being a man... Lin Xiaochu put his hand on his lips and half covered his sleeve and yawned. Chu Huaixian smiled. He didn't see it. He heard this soft sound.

"Go ahead." Chu Huaide was ordered to go out, and Aunt Zhang also hurriedly saluted and followed him out. Chu Huaixian turned his face to look at Xiaochu. Xiaochu laughed and said, "Let someone pour tea for you?" Chu Huaixian looked up and thought, "What? I'm not thirsty yet."

said that he was not thirsty, and a cup of tea was walking halfway and stopped. After listening to it, Miss Xiaoyi finished reading the full set of Chu Huaide's instructions and thought that her brother-in-law was venting on herself. He poured the tea angrily. Seeing that Chu Huaixian said he was not thirsty, Xiaoyi was stunned a few steps away from the couch. Then he looked at his sister and turned to his sister with a tea bowl: "Sister, I'll give it to you."

Xiaochu and Chu Huaixian laughed together. Xiaochu smiled happily: "To your brother-in-law, he will say a few more words, and he will be thirsty." Xiaoyi couldn't understand the jokes here, and really gave the tea to Chu Huaixian. Chu Huaixian took the tea and said to Xiaochu, "I really want to say a few more words." Xiaochu listened attentively, and Chu Huaixian waved and shouted, "Xiaoyi, come here."

and Chu Huaixian were laughing at Xiaochu, so he put down his face. Chu Huaixian's face also sank slightly: "What's your face?" Xiaochu stroked his chest and said bluntly, "I'm not talking to my body. I'm blocked here in one breath. You can tell me about my sister first in the future." Chu Huaixian said three words to people: "Please doctor." Then he raised his hand and patted his head: "Look, I forgot. Dr. Zou should come today." Xiaochu looked at his pretending and revealed, "If you don't go out today, you just want to come for him."

Lin Xiaoyi looked left and right again, but still didn't understand why she quarreled again. My brother-in-law shouted at himself, which may not be good in Xiaoyi's view. Or give some change, or take it out to play. Xiaoyi smiled and interrupted again: "What does my brother-in-law want to say?" Xiaochu said, "What can he say?" After training, Chu Huaide, it's time to talk about Lin Xiaoyi who pushed people into the water.

"Do you know what I'm going to say?" Chu Huaixian put on an air that was not in a hurry and flew over Xiaochu's face and said, "Then tell me." Xiaochu smiled at him and comforted him: "If I don't say it, you won't say it, okay?" Chu Huaixian still held the tea bowl and looked down at the tea bowl and said, "If I don't say, I can't drink this bowl of tea." Xiaochu had no choice but to take him and said, "You said to me at night, and I have two ears for you." Xiaoyi touched his ear and interrupted again, "Sister, I also have two ears."

It's two people who are ridiculous. Chu Huaixian's words are not funny for Xiaochu, and Xiaochu's words are ironic for Xiaochu.

With nothing to say in this room, Chu Huaixian slowly drank tea and put down the tea bowl. Xiaoyi was attentive again and took the tea bowl by herself without the girl's action. When he had to come over, Dongran outside waved his hand to spend small expenses.

"What is the prince going to say?" Xiaoyi is not here, Xiaochu asked. Chu Huaixian smiled and said, "Let Xiaoyi come and I'll tell you." Seeing that Xiaochu was going to release his face again, Chu Huaixian let go faster than her and said calmly, "The imperial doctor is coming today. Don't be afraid to be angry." Xiaochu said crookedly, "Am I angry?" After being bored for a while, he had nothing to do and said to Chu Huaixian, "It seems that you can't say it. I like it now. If you want, just say it."

Call Xiaoyi in again, Chu Huaixian's first sentence: "What happened yesterday was reasonable for you to make you unreasonable."