Spring flowers

Chapter 235, catch "half traitor"

Chu Huaixian, who came back, continued to talk and laugh with people. When the boy knocked on the second update, Chu Huaixian said drunk: "Let's go to bed. We won't leave today. Stay here." Jiu Niang helped up Chu Huaixian, and Shi Niang helped up the little marquis Huang. The two smiled at each other and took them into the room.

There is also a red gauze cover in the room. Jiu Niang put Chu Huaixian down on ** and went to light incense with her own hands: "I'll come and ask people to put sandalwood in the foot washing water." Chu Huaixian tilted on the pillow, opened a crack in her eyes and watched her open the door and call for water, and then came in to pour tea. Why do you often persuade people to drink at night?

Chu Huaixian, who was willing to catch Chu Huaide, of course, will go back tonight. He smiled bitterly at the starlight outside the window, and Xiaochu has been stirring up recently. It's better for her to go back so late with drunkenness. If she sleeps, she will be all right. If she wakes up with her eyes open, she will be chased out again.

Think about the few people in the seat just now, except for the little uncle who was not married, everyone else had something to tell Chu Huaixian. Lord Huang said, "If there is a woman, she is the emperor." He waved his hand and said, "The farther away from her, the better." Feng Sheng said concisely: "Eat a piece of dessert and say that there are fish bones in it, you have to believe it." Gu Xiangpu patted Chu Huaixian: "You are stupid. Why don't you accept the house? She will be safe as soon as you take over the house. Chu Huaixian also covered Xiaochu a little: "She is much better than your family. She didn't say that there were fish bones in her after eating snacks."

The face outside is shining. In fact, what's going on inside when the door is closed? Chu Huaixian thought that he knows best.

"Please get up and take a bath." Jiu Niang came back, and Chu Huaixian only pretended to be asleep. The little girl behind Jiu Niang covered her smile and said, "I'm so drunk that I'm soft. Let's wash him, or just pull his underwear down." Jiu Niang gave a "hush" and whispered, "Well, scrub him and change my underwear for him so that he can cross the job."

As soon as Chu Huaixian heard this, he knew that he had done such a thing to others. That was the year before last when he was unable to do it, and even now the man still holds a grudge. Mr. Chu is not a person who is clean when he becomes a child. In the eyes of the ancients, the single-minded person is not necessarily to keep his body, but often coexist with his wife and concubine. If you don't pay attention to my concubine, this is a single-mindedness. If he hadn't been looking for Chu Huaide today and went back to get entangled with Lin Xiaochu, he would have left the mandarin ducks to play in the water.

At this time, when I heard Jiu Niang's private words, I saw her and the little girl pulling her clothes one by one. Chu Huaixian pretended not to wake up, pushed down the little girl with one hand, stretched out his legs, pressed Jiu Niang on the edge of the bed, and continued to pretend to be drunk. Jiu Niang's flower branches trembled and couldn't move on the edge of the bed. Try the half of her body that was pressed like a mountain.

"Help me. If I press it again, I can't breathe." Jiu Niang muttered to the girl: "Just like the pig last month, it is so fat on the human body." Chu Huaixian laughed and pressed his body heavily when he heard that he was compared with a pig. Jiu Niang couldn't stand it and immediately shouted: "Push him away... I, "I really can't breathe.

The little girl was anxious and pushed Chu Huaixian desperately. She didn't move at all. She was also anxious: "I'll go out and call someone." When she ran out, Chu Huaixian opened his eyes, pretended to yawn, rubbed his eyes and said, "Good sleep." Then he didn't get up and pressed down again, as if he felt very soft and comfortable: "Oh, where is this?"

Jiuniang almost rolled her eyes below. Her chest was on the bed. This tone was like a thread of silk. Seeing that the man didn't get up again, she would be out of breath. Since she couldn't push him, she slapped the bed board desperately. Chu Huaixian pretended to hear it: "What's the sound?" Jiu Niang thought below, the voice of dying people.

Chu Huaixian, who just sat up, was shocked: "What are you doing here?" Jiu Niang loosened. She rolled her eyes on the ground in front of the bed and stroked her chest for a long time before recovering. She replied, "Son, you look thin, but you are so heavy. You almost crushed me to death."

Chu Huaixian laughed and taught him a lesson, "I drank too much and didn't allow people to get close to me." Jiu Niang came over and said, "It's for the prince to take off his clothes, so I'm close to him." The sky was hot, and Jiu Niang was pressed with a crooked hairpin, and her clothes were half exposed and her chest was still unreasonable. She didn't pay attention to her clothes in order to keep Chu Huaixian. And Chu Huaixian just wanted to ask who played tricks on him. Before he could speak, the door rang and a person hurried in.

The person who came in looked at Chu Huaixian. Chu Huaixian was a flash of lightning, and then stared angrily: "You!" The man was shocked: "Brother, you... My sister-in-law is at home, and I'm afraid she is still waiting for you. Wei went to Hua, who came in, in a hurry and came in to catch this unruly "adult affair".

Your son's recruitment of prostitutes is nothing! In ancient times, such as Li Bai and Du Fu, they also had them in their poems. Chu Huaixian is looking for Chu Huaide today, and the most important thing is that Lin Xiaochu has been nervous recently, and Wei Gohua's eyes are bright at this time and he is still making a fuss: "What's wrong with this? If my sister-in-law knows..." After strangling his wrist, Wei went to Hua and sighed again: "It's not good for fetal maintenance."

Chu Xiangzhi can ask Lin Xiaochu for help, but he can understand that Lin Xiaochu's body is precious at this time, and his eldest brother is obedient to Xiaochu. Wei went to Hua, so he also understood that he couldn't get the blasphemous clothes to catch a half-traitor, which was also the idea he thought of at the moment. Anyway, I have to talk to my eldest brother today.

"How dare you talk nonsense!" Chu Huaixian was really fooled. As soon as he sneered, it was too late to shut up immediately. Wei Gohua smiled and said, "How dare I talk nonsense?" Then he pretended to be profound: "If I talk nonsense, my brother-in-law is afraid that he can't go back to the room." Jiu Niang opened her eyes wide as if she didn't understand, but in fact, she listened to these words word for word.

He couldn't go back to the room and was pricking Chu Huaixian's heart disease. He got up and slapped Wei Gohua. His habit of reaching out came out again. Wei went to Hua and didn't dare to stand up. He just hid behind. At the same time, he smiled and said, "There is no need to be angry when the spring breeze talks about the romantic flow overnight. On the list, the brothel is affectionate, which is a good story.

Chu Huaixian snorted and was thirsty after drinking. Seeing that there was tea on the mahogany table, he poured a bowl and held it in his hand and sneered at Wei Gohua: "You are not timid!" Then he understood again: "Prince Zhao's idea?" Of course, Wei Gohua didn't hold himself. He stretched out his head and said he was thinking about it. Someone carried it as a good thing, and Wei went to Hua with a smile: "What's the idea? I don't understand."

The blasphemous clothes on his body were still in place. Chu Huaixian didn't talk to Wei Gohua. Seeing that the stars were bright, he left the tea bowl and said, "It's time to go back." Let's go. Wei went to Hua and wanted to follow him, but he was entangled by Jiu Niang behind him: "Although it doesn't work, he also wants to ask for a reward." Wei Gohua is hating her stupidity: "One thing can't be done. If you can't pull off your clothes, you can take his golden hairpin. As soon as the golden hairpin is drawn, Mr. Chu asked you to take something with face. Do you know how much you can ask for? You are so stupid!"

Jiu Niang stretched out her tongue: "My mother, I dare to take his golden hairpin for fear that he won't eat me." Shi Niang came in from the opening of the door and raised a coat with a happy smile: "Is this okay? The prince in my room. The clothes with the breath of people were held in front of Wei Hehua, and Shi Niang asked for money: "This is also a noble son."

"Take it away," Wei went to China to hide outside the house: "This is worthless." When he got out of the door, he made a joke and stretched out his head to tell Shi Niang, "Give it to his wife." He said that he would leave. Shi Niang also stuck out her tongue: "His wife? I don't know." With his clothes in his hand back, Little Marquis Huang smiled: "How much reward did you get?"

Shi Niang put down her clothes: "He said it was worthless." Lord Huang patted his forehead: "I have a good vision. Since I don't recognize it, you can take it out and return it to my slave." When Shi Niang went out, Lord Huang was still wondering: "This is a good thing that I wore, but it's the material I rewarded. What, is it worthless?" He said, "This must be Prince Zhao's way to deal with Huaixian. Why can't these two people be better?"

Jin Xier waited outside for Wei to go to Hua and gave him a thumbs up: "It's really yours. How dare you!" Wei went to Huagang with a wry smile, and Jin Xier smiled and said, "The prince said that there are some things to talk about."

Chu Huaixian, who was walking in the night wind, laughed on the street. I was almost fooled and made a big joke. Seeing that Jin Xier caught up, he replied, "As told by the prince, I went back home an hour ago, told the master that the prince was at the house of Lord Huang, and then returned the prince's words to the master, saying that he would pick up Mr. De. The master asked someone to look for it, but because he couldn't find it, he ordered the second master to find it by himself. Chu Huaixian smiled and said, "Is Wyde still there?"

"Four Sister Liu pestered him tightly, and Xiao Gen looked at him tightly and didn't let her do anything." Jin Xi'er replied and saw that Chu Huaixian was unhappy under the moonlight. In order to share Chu Huaixian's worries, Jin Xi'er said a few more words: "Otherwise, the prince will tell the master to put someone in Mr. De's room."

Chu Huaixian's face sank: "How old is he? He has this thought!" Thinking about the teenagers I saw today, they were all salivated. Chu Huaixian sighed and said to Jin Xier, "Let Xiao Gener come to my study tomorrow. Don't let Huai De know." Chu Huaixian was really shocked by Chu Huaide's drunken speech today.

After having a quarrel and coming home after three times, Chu Huaixian first asked the girls that Xiaochu had slept. I breathed a sigh of relief, and I couldn't pick out the fish bone in my heart today. Fish bones come out of my heart. That's a good sentence. Life is the way Lin Xiaochu stirred up.

Winter dyeing urged water and sent Chu Huaixian to wash and change his clothes. Holding Chu Huaixian's changed clothes and laughing quietly: "Fortunately, you came back late, otherwise, you will have something to say."

"Fish bones come out of my heart." Chu Huaixian smiled and came to the room. Xiaochu slept in the tent, with a beautiful banana painted on a fan at hand. Chu Huaixian took away the fan and lay down gently beside Xiaochu.

In the middle of the night, I was woken up. Lin Xiaochu sat beside him and covered his nose: "Did you drink?" Chu Huaixian smiled and said, "Have you washed me and smelled it? You really have a sharp nose." Before Xiaochu said anything, Chu Huaixian said first, "I'm tired and can't walk a step. If you want me to go out, you can pull me out."

Suddenly thinking that Jiu Niang was being suppressed by himself, Chu Huaixian couldn't help smiling. Then he looked at Lin Xiaochu beside him and stretched out his arm to tease her: "Come and pull me. Look at your strength."

"I don't care about you." Xiaochu turned over and fell asleep, and soon fell asleep.