Spring flowers

Chapter 236, Unlucky Chu Huaide

When the sky was slightly bright, Chu Huaide rushed out of the room in panic and roared, "Little root, little root!" There is still wine and powder outside, but I don't see my own follower. Chu Huaide stamped his feet and scolded: "Thief slave!" Fourth Sister Liu came out with an apricot breast and pulled Chu Huaide from behind: "So early, sleep a little longer."

Chu Huaide suddenly pulled his clothes, and Fourth Sister Liu staggered down on the threshold, and looked at the young teenager with her sleepy eyes open. Chu Huaide jumped and scolded: "You can pull me, bitch! Last night, you got drunk, didn't you? What did you do to me!" Touching his clothes, Chu Huaide turned around arrogantly, took out a couple of pieces of silver from his sleeve and threw them on the ground. He was released and said, "Reward you! Go and call my follower."

Sister Liu picked up the silver, went far away, and muttered, "What's wrong with you! Look at your little body. You are not afraid of suffering. I still want to accumulate virtue.

Mr. Wade stood in front of the door waiting for his follower, raised his hand to wipe his void sweat, and his heart was lingering: "This low-rate person is really not easy to mess with. Fortunately, I didn't touch her, otherwise she would pester me and become the second eldest brother. It's so dangerous! Mr. Huaide is also a member of the Chu family, who is tall and proud!

Xiao Gener was sleeping soundly and was woken up and ran over to get Chu Huaide's feet. Fourth Sister Liu looked at the teenager and jumped and scolded again: "Last night, why didn't you wake me up!" After the master and servant left, another yawning prostitute came out next to him and asked, "Who did you pick up? What's going on in the morning!"

"Who knows! He said that he was from the Chu family, and he also came here with a childish face. Fourth Sister Liu held the silver firmly in the palm of her hand and told her to go into the room to continue to sleep.

Chu Huaide rode a horse, which was never fast. There are not many people in the morning, and the streets are refreshing. Chu Huaide sweated anxiously. As he walked, he muttered Xiaogen: "Don't stop me." Xiaogen shrank his head and followed. Yesterday, he met the eldest son. He knew that Chu Huaide would be unlucky today, so he only let Chu Huaide scold without saying anything.

Dare not go to the main door, Chu Huaide stopped outside the corner door: "The horse is for you. You can go wherever you go. After an hour, you will lead me to the door and I will come out. As soon as you prepare the horse, I will be a guest." Tianbian Chenhui came out, and Chu Huaide raised his face and said, "Tell the people in the stable that they don't say that my horse didn't come back yesterday, but that I will reward them tomorrow." Xiao Gener promised and felt sorry for the young man.

It's not the eldest son of Huaixian. He said something at home. Besides, Xiaogener was embarrassed in the people in the horse shed. He said several times, but Mr. De seemed to have forgotten to reward him.

The hurried arrangement seemed to be flawless. Chu Huaide asked Xiao Gener to walk away and reached out to knock on the door. Xiao Gener led the horse to the corner and looked back to peep at Chu Huaide knocking on the door.

At the opening of the door, she is a mother-in-law who is familiar with Aunt Zhang and often helps Aunt Zhang buy things. Chu Huaide answered the door here, and she could cover it up for herself. He just came in and said, "Someone asked me that I came back yesterday." The woman was already tongue-toned: "I'm finally back. If I don't come back home, I'll turn upside down."

When Chu Huaide heard it, it seemed that a thunderbolt exploded above his head. When the soul was not possessed, the woman was still nagging: "The second master asked people to look for it with lanterns, and let people look for it with ropes..." Chu Huaide took a step back and walked out of the corner door with half of his foot. Should he go out or enter? Father Chu Er loves this only son like a treasure, but he has too many hopes and is quite strict.

"Mr. De is back," several family members who got up early and swept the floor also saw that Chu Huaide's hope of leaving was dashed and scolded in a low voice: "What a matter!" Hard to go to the room.

Aunt Zhang is still standing in the porch, still dressed up yesterday. She didn't sleep all night and waited here to wait for Chu Huaide. At this time, when I saw it, Aunt Zhang shouted and shocked Chu Huaide, who was frightened: "Don't scream!" Aunt Zhang's tears have jumped up her face, pulling her sleeves and looking up and down at people: "Where have you been? Have you never been back overnight? Is it a crutch? It must be. God pity me. You can still come back."

"Auntie!" Chu Huaide came up grumpy: "Last night, I was at the house of a familiar student friend, at Lou Dayou's house, and I forgot to ask people to come back to say that for a moment. That's it!" The grumpy Chu Huaide shook off Aunt Zhang and went up the steps. He thought that the little girl who hit the curtain was slow. He reached out and fought herself. He turned around and was still angry with Aunt Zhang: "Fetch water! Deliver the meal! There are a few good questions to solve. Let's make an appointment to do it at Lou's house!" With another sentence, "Woman! Delayed things!"

Two steps into the room, Chu Huaide was stunned! On the armchair in the middle, there sat the gloomy Master Chu Er. Chu Huaide put away his anxiety and bowed with a smile and said, "Father, good morning, the prince of the Lou family asked me yesterday and said that there were a few good problems for us to do. I went..."

Master Chu came slowly, and the shadow of the fat body dragged to the ground, which had infinite pressure on Chu Huaide. Chu Huaide took a step back with a smile and did not dare to retreat more. Seeing his father coming again, smiling and still explaining, a black shadow in front of him flashed. It was Master Chu who slapped Chu Huaide in the face.

"B bastard! Don't make progress! How dare you lie!" Master Chu jumped so high that he began to scold Chu Huaide irritably. Aunt Zhang lost her soul outside the room: "No wonder it's father and son." It's a temper.

Master Chu jumped: "How dare you lie to me! Where did you go to drill the willow alley of Flower Street? Seeing that you have grown into a human, you still don't want to be an adult! It's your aunt outside. Did you talk like that? No wonder you don't respect your wife, just an aunt. Today, you don't treat her as a human!"

Aunt Zhang first thought that she was angry with herself and was wiping her tears to come in to apologize. When she heard the words "disrespecting her wife", Aunt Zhang stopped and still lost her mind: "What name am I from?"

The roar in the room was even worse, and Master Chu became more and more angry: "Get the board! Break his leg!" The family outside promised to leave. Aunt Zhang was so anxious that she came in and knelt down in front of Master Chu: "Please, Master II, he has been out for a day and must have not eaten or drunk. What if something happens?" Chu Huaide's face was as earthy, and he came over and begged his father: "I don't dare to do it again next time!" Let's play again next time!"

Master Chu kicked down Chu Huaide, looked at his beautiful and frightened face, stamped his feet and roared, "Go and pass the board!" I killed him today!"

With such a roar, the family ran quickly to urge the board. Soon it was brought in with the rope and bench. As soon as Aunt Zhang saw the heavy board, she couldn't help herself and pleaded bitterly to Master Chu: "He can't stand it. You can hit me." Aunt Zhang cried in her room.

Mrs. Chu heard such a movement and helped the girl to look at it. Seeing Aunt Zhang crying and pulling the second master's clothes, she said sarcastically, "This is too unruly. No wonder Wade didn't come back last night and didn't know how to take a leave. Now that the family knows this well, my mother heard that she also played the main fight in the morning, saying that she would not fight and could not be an adult.

When Aunt Zhang heard this sound, she seemed to tighten the curse and timidly let go of her hand. Suddenly, he rushed over and begged Mrs. Chu: "Madam, you are fine. He will never dare to do it again." Mrs. Chu was extremely kind to Aunt Zhang with contempt: "Don't worry, second master, how can he be willing to do it?" He scolded the girls: "My sister-in-law asked me to go, but you didn't wake up. You should know that our family is not an ordinary family.

The second master of Chu has stood like a puppet since Mrs. Chu came in. Seeing the second lady leave, the second master became furious again and killed the little men: "Bight! I don't want to kill him!"

The little men saluted Chu Huaide, who was panicked: "Sir, I'm sorry." Come and tie up Chu Huaide, one on his head and one on his feet. Only the sound of the board was heard in the room, and the cry of Chu Huaide.

When the pain was getting weaker, Aunt Zhang cried like tears, tightly pulling Master Chu's clothes and rubbing them: "Let it go, let it go. I know you hit him to show it to others. Master Chu shook his nervous aunt's mouth, and a cold light flashed in his eyes: "He should have hit it too!" But if you don't hit him, this matter won't pass!"

"This is the support of my life. You take good care of him! Don't let him make friends, don't let him drill dog holes outside, and don't let him think nonsense. Master Chu Er said to Aunt Zhang word by word: "Huai Xian's reputation has been damaged. Now Huai De's reputation must be well held."

The father and son have an idea.

In Chu Huaixian's yard, Chu Huaixian and Lin Xiaochu are fighting. Lin Xiaochu said slowly, "Did you come back from drinking last night?" Chu Huaixian didn't admit it: "Dream about it. Come and smell the smell of alcohol." Lin Xiaochu slowly said, "Where are your clothes yesterday? I'll know it at a glance." Chu Huaixian shouted to Dongran, "B bring me my clothes yesterday."

Dong Ran came in and smiled: "I washed it in the yard and sent it when it's dry." Chu Huaixian smiled, and Xiaochu continued to laugh. Chu Huaixian smiled peacefully, and Lin Xiaochu smiled a little.

"Go out to see the flowers, your favorite." Chu Huaixian and Xiaochu went out side by side. Seeing that a wood fragrance in the yard was already vine, Xiaochu suddenly sighed: "The drunken madman has no vision. I asked him to grow flowers, but he actually said no." Chu Huaixian smiled and said, "What's the difficulty? Let him do it."

Lin Xiaochu slanted at Chu Huaixian: "Is he willing?" Another smile showed a few small white teeth: "If he refuses, you let him in, and I'll tell him." Chu Huaixian laughed and pulled Xiaochu down the steps: "Come here, I'll pick flowers for you."

In front of the bamboo leaves, there is only Xiangsheng now. Seeing the prince and the young lady smiling hairpin, goodbye to the young lady in a light blue shirt. Because she was thin, her abdomen was more obvious. Xiangsheng felt sad and couldn't stand it anymore. He lowered his head and hurried out of the corridor.

Chunshui asked Dong Ran, "How are the prince and the young lady? What is she going to complain about?" Dongran had just washed his handkerchief and was basking in the sun. When he saw the question, he joked at Chunshui, "She went to sue you and said that you muttered her behind her back every day."

Xiangsheng waited outside Mrs. Chu's room. When there was no one in the room, he came in and knelt down and begged Mrs. Chu: "Please let me come back to serve. I really won't wait in the prince's room." Yuzhao's death made Lin Xiao's heart sigh a lot, and after making Xiang live alone, he was afraid.

Mrs Chu sighed, "Well, you also want Xu Ren when you are older. Wait for another two months, Xu Ren will go out."