Spring flowers

Chapter 244, care is chaos?

Only Chu Shaofu and Mrs. Chu know it. As for Mrs. Chu's panic, the old couple was relatively kneeling under the moon. It seemed that there was only a clear breeze. In fact, it was a trivial matter in their hearts to withdraw from the porch.

"Something has happened in the past two days?" Mrs. Chu asked her husband, and Chu Shaofu smiled and said, "Of course, Zhang will not sue me. It was a small official who said that I was close to the Chu family and other salesmen. The emperor showed me the folds, and the Ministry of Criminal Justice is investigating.

The clouds in the courtyard are light, and Chu Shaofu's words are light. Mrs. Chu stroked her temples and smiled slowly: "Sir, sit down and let others not believe it." Chu Shaofu narrowed his eyes, as if he smelled the fragrance of tea and the bright moon: "That old story is a little capable. He followed the middle man to Mrs. Du's house and met Lord Du. These days, he didn't see any officials, and he went to meet Mrs. Du again. He said that he wasjiut and angry when he left the house, and he should put down his harsh words.

"What about the soup?" Mrs. Chu raised her eyes to her husband: "After walking with my second brother for so many years, I really made some money. You have been allowing him for so many years, isn't it? Chu Shaofu smiled and said, "This time, he played a good role."

Mrs. Chu seemed to remember and asked in shock, "Why did Lord Du know the old story, but he still didn't warn his family to restrain?" Then he understood that there was no disbelief in his eyes: "He pointed to this matter and wanted to talk to you, didn't he?" Chu Shaofu smiled and said, "He thought the second sister-in-law, a stupid woman, could let me talk to him."

"Stupid woman?" Mrs. Chu chewed and was a little spiritless: "The one in the family won't be the second one, will it? It's in our room again. When the flower girl walks on the street, there must be some cleverness on the street. Selling flowers for money, she gave birth to a grandson, and her hands must be very long. Chu Shaofu didn't pay attention to it: "My family is not someone else's house. In order to accommodate her son, she has to do anything wrong, or instigate or plot, hum!"

Chu Shaofu snorted heavily. What kind of family is the Chu family? A Lin Xiaochu came, as if there was a drop of water in the oil pan. People up and down are staring at Lin Xiaochu. It's okay for smart people to jump. Stupid people jump high, and people who are not confused should be able to think of any result.

The small and rapid footsteps broke the detailed conversation. Chu Shaofu was a man. First, he stood up and looked out. Mrs. Chu stood up and panicked: "Are you going to give birth?"

"Master, madam," a stew woman ran in with sweat on her face: "I'm going to give birth," Mrs. Chu took a step: "I'll go." Then the woman said all: "It's the third lady." Mrs. Chu stopped and couldn't laugh or cry: "I know. Is your mother-in-law here?" The woman nodded: "Yes, the afternoon will be over." Mrs. Chu was not panicked and looked up at the sky: "It's not too late. If you don't sleep, tell her; if you fall asleep, don't wake up." Say one more sentence: "I'll come."

Chu Shaofu told behind him, "Is the stable woman in Huaixian's room also here?" Mrs. Chu looked back and smiled: "Of course, the two of them are not mixed."

After Mrs. Chu left, Chu Shaofu looked at the moon with his hands behind his back and said to himself, "What's the use of me caring about her? To let some confused people know, I think my father-in-law should be. That said, these fools will not pay attention to it. Chu Shaofu, who has a lot of daily care, doesn't pay attention to some people who don't think this is a relationship.

A bunch of stupid bastards! Including the "she" who wants to have a grandson, it is unknown whether it is good or bad.

The third lady moved the fetus first. When Mrs. Chu rushed there, the yard was brightly lit and full of people stood under the window. Mrs. Chu then arrived and asked Mrs. Chu about her mother-in-law. After a while, another mother came to Mrs. Chu's place, and the whole family was full. The third master was satisfied and lazy to yawn, and his eyes turned to his aunt. Finally, when he saw Mrs. Chu's presence, the third master went back and asked Mrs. Chu first, "Is there any movement?"

Mrs. Chu said with a smile, "I just asked him to ask and said he was asleep." The third master said, "Where is Huaixian in the room?" Mrs. Chu was full of things and didn't laugh at him. Mrs. Chu smiled at Master Gu: "Third brother, if you are not tired, just wait; if you are tired, go to bed. You are useless here." Master Chu San was embarrassed: "I'll wait."

Waiting for another update, only the crying of the third lady was heard in the room, which made Master Chu sleepless and prick his hands and feet outside: "What should I do? What should I do? The stable woman laughed, the mothers laughed, and even the girls lowered their heads and laughed secretly. Mrs. Chu had no choice but to drive him away: "Go to bed. You are completely useless."

The third master still refused to leave, but he was so anxious that his face changed. In addition, the two aunts had never had a child. Seeing the pain of having a child, neither of them dared to say anything.

A woman in her forties ran into another person outside the courtyard and ran fast. As soon as Mrs. Chu saw it, she hurried out without asking. Mrs. Chu followed closely. Except for the third lady's painful voice, everyone else looked over in the yard. The woman said quickly, "The young lady is about to give birth."

Mrs Chu first said to herself, "I went to see it myself at night. Everything was complete, and I asked someone to send hot water." Mrs. Chu reminded, "Sister-in-law, go and have a look." Master Chu didn't want to let Mrs. Chu go, so he said in pain: "Sister-in-law, go." The face looked panicked, but in fact, she was afraid that Mrs. Chu would leave. What could she do?

"Go to sleep!" Mrs. Chu gave him a sentence, which was useless and caused trouble. Go back to the stable mother-in-law and the two wet nurses selected early for the third lady. After that, Mrs. Chu went out, and Mrs. Chu also followed. The third master whispered to her behind: "Second sister-in-law, don't go."

Mrs. Chu turned around and said, "I'll come as soon as I see."

The two of them left, but the third master was reintentioned. Take a look, there are stable mothers, and then take a look, there are elderly mothers. Master Chu was tired again because he was too anxious just now. The corners of my eyes were my aunt, but I didn't mean to, but two aunts were by my side. The third lady's cry made the third master wake up again. He asked someone to see Chu Huaixian: "What is he doing?" The person who went came back for a while and told Master Chu with a smile, "The eldest son is walking around in the yard as anxious as the third master."

There was another low laughter in the yard, and I didn't know which one came from. Master Chu blushed and roared, "What's the hurry? It's not a family matter for women to give birth." This sound came to the third lady's ears, and the third lady gritted her teeth and scolded, "Let him have a look."

At this time, in Chu Huaixian's yard, Mrs. Chu's face was stiff and listened to her son's words in panic: "She pushed me when she woke up, and it hurt so much." Mrs. Chu waved her hand with a veil: " Shut up! Go away! Don't stand here!" This is another mess. Chu Huaixian also retreated, and only the wet nurse coaxed him: "Don't worry." Chu Huaixian looked into the room: "Why didn't she shout and cry?"

Lin Xiaochu bit a scarf in the room, and his sweat seemed to keep flowing down. Mrs. Chu couldn't bear to see it: "What's the matter if you shout a few times?" Xiaochu shook his head and still bit the scarf tightly. He was afraid that he would have no strength as soon as he shouted.

There is continuous pain in the third lady's room, and Lin Xiaochu is completely silent here. Outside, I can only see the people walking around in the room, and then talking in a low voice. Of course, Chu Huaixian couldn't sleep, so he simply asked someone to move a chair to sit down. After sitting for a while, my father asked someone to call himself. Chu Huaixian rushed over and saw that his father had not slept yet. He was also moved and said, "After an hour, my father is so old. Please have a good rest."

Chu Shaofu was in excellent spirits and picked up a piece of paper under the lamp to show Chu Huaixian: "How about this word?" The word "Yu" is written on the paper. Chu Huaixian also likes it at first sight. The word "Yu" means joy and happiness. My father's intention is to hope that his grandson will live a happy life. He knelt under the lamp: "Thank you, father," and then raised his face with a trace of caution: "What if it's a girl?" Chu Shaofu was asked, "Girl? I haven't thought about it yet."

Chu Huaixian was overjoyed again and knelt down again and kowtowed his head to his father: "Father thinks so in his heart that his daughter-in-law will definitely have a grandson." Chu Shaofu was still immersed in his son's question. Chu Huaixian's question made Chu Shaofu face his heart. It turns out that such a person who comes in can't be ignored. Judging from the fact that he only named the boy, Chu Shaofu smiled bitterly. It turned out that he had always had a place for her in his heart.

Originally, I thought it was okay to have it and ignored it.

"Go ahead and report me as soon as you are born." Chu Shaofu was uncomfortable and let Chu Huaixian go. Chu Huaixian couldn't get up and said with a smile, "Does your son have anything to say?" Chu Shaofu shrugged his face: "Is there a ring to fight?" Chu Huaixian smiled and said, "How dare you? It's just to go back to the father. The daughter-in-law can't give birth to a grandson, let her raise her body in the garden and let her play. I will discipline her, but if not, my parents only come to me.

Chu Shaofu taught Chu Huaixian a lesson with a straight face: "What is this! Give birth to a grandson and let her play? Mother and son are safe, both men and women, and leave her at home. She came to comfort me, and I can't stand it." Chu Shaofu was still angry and was repeatedly mentioned by political enemies about Mrs. Chu's origin. Chu Shaofu felt that his old face had been lost.

"Thank you, father." Seeing that his father agreed, Chu Huaixian got up and warned with concern: "Father goes to bed early." Look out at the sky: "I can sleep two more times." Chu Shaofu complained about him: "When I was born, I fell asleep. How can I sleep if I'm not born?" Chu Huaixian smiled and said, "Yes, yes, I'll go back and have a look and let her live early."

Chu Huaixian went out, and Chu Shaofu laughed: "Let her live early. When will she have this ability?" He said that he shook his head under the lamp and sighed: "Reverse son, don't listen to me."

With the help of his newborn child, Chu Huaixian calmly returned to his father Chu Shaofu and separated a sky for Lin Xiaochu between his wife and parents. From Chu Huaixian's point of view, this is the best for Xiaochu. From Chu Shaofu's point of view, of course, it was his son who indulged in doting.

Chu Huaixian walked out of his parents' residence. In the shadow of the road, he walked out of a girl in Mrs. Chu's room and said with a smile, "Old lady, please, please." Chu Huaixian was surprised and cared: "Grandma didn't sleep either? How does this make it?" The girl led the way, and her voice was full of joy: "There is a happy event at home. The old lady went to bed late and woke up again. If she sleeps again, she can't sleep." Chu Huaixian likes it even more. At this time, his family is the most considerate.

Mrs. Chu was in high spirits and sat in a night jacket**. Chu Huaixian came in, of course, who was considerate of her: "Grandma, go to bed. My granddaughter-in-law seems to be still early." Mrs. Chu said "Oh" and looked at the hour on the hourglass and said, "Then she can suffer this crime. Hurry up and be born, everyone will live in peace. Chu Huaixian smiled and said, "Yes. She just couldn't bear to shout, but actually suffered.

"Brother, you are going to have a little brother," Mrs. Chu likes it very much. The elderly person wants to see her great-grandson. Mrs. Chu likes it so much that her eyes are not sewn. She took Chu Huaixian's hand and sternly: "I don't care about her, it's her who gave birth to my great-grandson. If you know that I care about her, let a muddle-headed man know, and think I should do it. Chu Huaixian smiled and said, "Of course, if you have to care about her, you have been concerned about her for a long time, and wait until now."

Mrs. Chu couldn't help laughing and scolding at Chu Huaixian: "Nonsense, tell you tomorrow and let him beat you." Chu Huaixian replied, "Father is waiting for his grandson. He is reluctant to hit me today." Mrs. Chu laughed.