Spring flowers

Chapter 245, give birth

Mr. Chu went back to his room again and felt that the stars and moon were not as bright as his family. Both father and grandmother are concerned about Xiaochu, but they both beat and are wary of Xiaochu. The eldest son asked himself, and he was equally wary.

While the wind blows and the leaves, Chu Huaixian smiled and let Xiaochu play at home in the future. He frowned slightly, and his young man was never a peaceful person.

When I returned to the gate of the courtyard, I saw a group of people. Chu Huaixian said to himself like Mrs. Chu, "Is this crime really going to be dawn?"

It's also possible to come in and persuade my mother: "The next door has been laid out. Mother, please go and have a rest for a while and get up again." Mrs. Chu scolded him: "What does it's not too late? Isn't it too late for me to get up and have a child? Chu Huaixian only felt the warmth on his body and said with a smile, "If you don't sleep, let someone cook ginseng soup and send some to your grandmother and father." Mrs. Chu split her face and said, "You still need to say it." She was anxious about the stars in the yard: "I don't know when to be born."

Chu Huaixian is a person who won't be tired after staying up for several nights. He went to see his father and grandmother. With the help of his family, of course, he was more energetic. He walked around the yard and looked at his mother from time to time. While walking, a little girl outside came in and said, "Master, please invite me." Chu Huaixian went out, and Master Chu San stood under the moon: "Anyway, you and I can't sleep tonight. What's the use of a man when a woman gives birth to a child? You and I will look at the moon."

Master Chu San was really bored and came up with such an idea. Second Mrs. Chu went to the kitchen to see the hot water, but when Qiaoer heard the third master's words, she was angry and funny: "Third brother, you are really a child!" He said he would go in and laugh. Chu Huaixian also smiled and said, "Uncle, you are in the mood to watch the moon. How can I be in such a good mood as you?"

"You are about to give birth. You can rest assured when you give birth. If you have a child, your niece will be much safer in this family. What the third uncle said, right?" The third master thought he was smart, but he also said half of Chu Huaixian's thoughts. Chu Huaixian smiled and said, "What the third uncle pointed out." Master Chu San laughed when he heard it: "I didn't give you any advice. This round room is your own idea."

Chu Huaixian smiled and said that he was about to have a baby. What's the use of saying this?

From now to dawn, the two uncles and nephews talked here under the moon.

until dawn, Mrs. Chu asked, "I didn't give birth?" The girls replied, "I didn't give birth." Mrs. Chu sighed: "Although I didn't sleep well this night, I felt sorry for how these two survived." Then let people: "Brisk and bring breakfast. I'll go and have a look." While having breakfast, Chu Shaofu came to say good. Mrs. Chu finally finished two mouthfuls of bird's nest porridge and said to her son, "Let you help me once and go to see the old three families first."

Chu Shaofu was embarrassed. He had a big beard and went to see the birth of a child. He hurriedly said, "Mother, how can my son go?" Mrs. Chu smiled and pointed to Chu Shaofu's beard and said, "Can't you go? Forget it, I'll go and see it myself. I'll see the child first. Don't be greedy.

"My mother has seen it, of course I can see it." Chu Shaofu smiled and stretched out his hand to support Mrs. Chu: "I'll give my mother a ride." The girl sent the crutch. Mrs. Chu took it with the other hand and smiled at Chu Shaofu: "Let's see if your grandson is here?" The mother and son went out with a smile.

The Mid-Autumn Festival has passed, and the autumn atmosphere is strong. In the morning, in the clear morning light in the sky, Mrs. Chu suddenly smiled at her son: "You are going to be a grandfather." Chu Shaofu took a beard and smiled at his mother: "I'm old too." Halfway through the laughter, Mrs. Chu immediately noticed: "What's going on?"

"There is one thing that I was going to tell my mother today, but I didn't want to have a happy event at home. I was thinking about whether to say it or not." Chu Shaofu said that Mrs. Chu stopped him: "Needless to say, it must not be a good thing. I look forward to my great-grandson and have no time to pay attention to you." Continue to order Chu Shaofu: "Take me there. If I go, they will give birth."

Chu Shaofu swallowed Mrs. Chu's words back into his stomach and did not disturb Mrs. Chu's happiness at this time. He only sent Mrs. Chu far away, so he went on his own. Mrs. Chu went to see the third lady first. If she couldn't wait much, she went to Chu Huaixian's yard.

A group of people came out to pick up, and Mrs. Chu smiled, as if the chief comforted the soldiers: "You have worked hard. What did you eat? Eat less and have no strength.

Xiaochu is in the room, and the woman is feeding her brown sugar water. Another stable woman came and smiled: "The old lady is here. Ask the young lady how much she eats." Lin Xiaochu was covered in sweat, and his hair seemed to have foreign bodies on his forehead. She felt a burst of pain and became angry for no reason. How could she eat it if she was so painful?

"Ah! ..." A lightning-like pain hit Lin Xiaochu hard and made her scream out in pain. When the person talking outside the room heard this, Mrs. Chu was very happy: "Are you going to give birth?" In my opinion, I'm about to give birth."

There was no other voice in the room. Mrs. Chu asked someone to pat the door: "Let her shout, don't bear the pain." Grandma Wen said to Xiaochu that she felt that she was screaming unpleasantly, and Xiaochu, who was bitten with a scarf, refused to die. These people outside were eager to look after the children and waited to listen to the process of distinguishing themselves.

People in a yard are anxious and can't hear the cry. Mrs. Chu asked from time to time, "How about it?" After a quarter of an hour, a man rushed in outside the door: "Sanfu is born, a little prince." Mrs. Chu said happily, "Okay, okay."

At this time, a "wow" cry came out of the room. Everyone took a quick step forward. Mrs. Chu held Mrs. Chu's hand and listened to the crying.

First, he stopped for a moment, and then came out, crying everywhere. At this time, Chu Huaixian's heart came to his throat instead. The door "Yiya" rang softly, and the stable woman came out and stood on the porch with a smile on her face and saluted everyone: "Congratulations, old lady, congratulations, madam, congratulations, prince."

As soon as she said this, Mrs. Chu said urgently, "Is it a man or a woman?" The stable woman smiled and said, "It's a little prince." Chu Huaixian smiled implicitly outside the room, and the smile seemed to open, layer by layer like a pan. The man smiled like a flower. At this time, Mr. Chu smiled and overwhelmed the late osmanthus flowers in the yard.

Mrs Chu smiled and seemed to be many years old. She did not forget her duty as a daughter-in-law and turned her face to slap her mother-in-law, Mrs. Chu: "Mother, you think Huaixian is big and promising." This is heard by others. It is promising to give birth to a boy, but I'm afraid it will respond to others. But for an old grandmother who loves her grandson, this is a compliment to her.

"I brought it up, of course it is promising." Mrs. Chu's face was full of spring breeze, took Mrs. Chu's flattery and boasted. He praised and smiled at Mrs. Chu: "If you want people to hear it, don't laugh at us for not seeing it." He said to the girl in the yard, "Give her food quickly."

Mrs. Chu has been so scared that she can't sleep at night because of her old story. At this time, she was full of heart. Seeing this pair of mother-in-law and daughter-in-law laughing here, Mrs. Chu left her heart full of heart and felt sad. I have always been biased. This is a boy, and I can be more biased in the future.

"Wash it quickly and send it out." Mrs. Chu couldn't wait any longer and pointed to the door and shouted inside. Chu Huaixian sw his body with a smile: "Grandma, don't worry, come out naturally after packing up." He said, holding up Mrs. Chu and approaching the door to wait. Mrs. Chu's face was full of peach blossoms: "Ah, of course, come out after packing."

Lin Xiaochu couldn't hear these words outside in the room. She only felt that her head was blind and she was soft. The whole body seemed to be fished out of the water, but the body was empty, and the mother's pain was gone.

"Show me the child," Xiaochu opened his mouth and heard that his voice was weak. A stable woman came over with sugar water and smiled to congratulate Xiaochu: "Congratulations, young lady, you are a young man. The family outside knows it, and they all like it very much. Xiaochu reluctantly smiled. She seemed to have a hunch, but hurriedly turned her face to look for crying: "Show me."

"Wow" crying gradually stopped, Xiaochu held his breath, listened to the sound of water in the room, and then the steady woman hummed and coaxed. When it was sent here, Xiaochu's eyes widened. The red little face is really not good-looking. However, on the face of the red shrimp, his nose was straight and his eyebrows were frowned, much like Chu Huaixian.

Xiaochu was a little disappointed: "It's not like me." The stable woman all laughed: "It's not better to be like a prince." Xiaochu turned to like him, like Chu Huaixian, who grew up to be handsome. If you don't like yourself, you won't be like yourself.

"Young lady, take a rest. Let's send the little prince out to ask for money." Grandma Wen said that Xiaochu hurriedly opened his eyes and tightened his head and neck: "Let me look a few more." After looking at the little darling greedily, Xiaochu relaxed down. Hearing the sound of footsteps and opening the door, the women went out.

A group of people at the door of the room were surrounded by water. Mrs. Chu looked at it and smiled: "The little brother is like a father." Mrs. Chu looked at it and said, "Xiong's grandfather." Everyone liked it, and Mrs. Chu had to make fun of it: "The prince is like his father." Mrs. Chu was satisfied. Looking back on the early prepared wet nurse behind her, she said happily, "Let's go."

The wet nurse proudly took over the playful baby girl with big red embroidered gold and silver. She was originally a strong and milky woman. At this time, behind Mrs. Chu, who was following the crutches, she was surrounded by a group of girls and mothers. Of course, she was very comfortable.

The child was born, and Mrs. Chu took it away according to what she had agreed with Chu Huaixian in advance.

Chu Huaixian wants to see his son and Xiaochu. He still stayed to see Xiaochu and was stopped by his mothers: "There is blood in the room. You have to clean it before you can enter." Chu Huaixian waited outside for a while and suddenly remembered that he should go back to his father. He laughed in his heart that he liked it so much that he was confused, so he went back to his father. He has a grandson!

This grandson is not white and fat, and Chu Huaixian is somewhat regretful. Mr. Chu was a father for the first time, but he didn't know how many newborn children were like this. If you are born fat, you will not be born white.

When he came back, Xiaochu was immersed and slept in the veil embroidered with four seasons of flowers and cordyceps.