Spring flowers

Chapter 349, it still needs to be decided

Master Chu doesn't care, and Aunt Zhang can't do anything about it. Chu Huaide became bolder and did not come back one day in three days. Chu Huaixian will not stare at Chu Huaide all the time, and others in the family only ask themselves.

I haven't come and go like this many times, and the officials know it. The official Lou was so popular that one Buddha was born, and the two Buddhas ascended to heaven. First, he scolded the five officials of Lou: "Isn't our girl valuable? Be sure to secretly follow the people of the Chu family.

The facial features hurriedly smiled: "Brother, don't give it to anyone. How well Wade looks, and now Brother Wen can be there. If you want someone, you should be good-looking..." The official interrupted fiercely: "You are Chu Shaofu, not his brother!"

"Oh! The eldest brother is right. Although the rumors on the street are not true, the news that I spent a lot of money to buy from the palace was given to Chu Shaofu.

Street rumors have been quite powerful. The emperor has not appeared for a long time. They all said that he was seriously ill and difficult to deal with the affairs of the dynasty. This is not the saying of cloth, but the rumors from many officials who did not see the emperor.

The official Lou had no choice but to point to his nose and scold something else: "Of course, you are young and shouldn't let people take you abroad and learn back from the bad customs. Now you are so selfless in the marriage of girls.

"Brother, a Westerner, can kiss his face when he is a count and his wife and lover go out." The facial features are still smiling. He loved to play when he was a child, and his family had this convenience. When he came back from playing in the West for a few years, his head was different.

When the senior official couldn't say anything, the facial features were talking happily: "This family is full of the eldest brother's heart. Originally, I thought that the girl and Huai De were a real couple. I didn't want the Chu family to say anything, so the marriage was decided to be given to others. Seeing that the eldest brother was preparing for Mr. Chu again, he actually didn't want it for him. Brother, I really love that you work hard all day long. There is an official who relies on you, and my brother also loves you, and then thinks that Wilder is doing well, isn't he?

The official Lou had nothing to do with his brother who had been out of tune since he came back from abroad. He felt that his face was lightless: "Do you know, this matter makes Mr. Chu look down on me. If you steal it like this, it's better to get Mr. Chu to bed."

The five officials thought, "Well, yes, big brother, it's really like this. Now the raw rice has been cooked, what should I do?

"What can I do! Ask the Chu family to admit it!" In the end, it was still a senior official. He went out angrily and came to Chu Huaixian's study to talk about it. Chu Huaixian was also very angry when he heard this. In front of him, he had to apologize first: "It's Huai De's fault." When he entered the boudoir and went to his bed, he couldn't be tied up by such a big man.

The two angry people were angry about sitting. The official Lou's face was as stiff as granite, and he was no longer the color of his face. Chu Huaixian's face is black. If Xiaochu sees it, he will definitely run away quickly.

Chu Huaixian felt that his family was at a loss, so he first advised the senior officials of the building not to be angry: "Let's do this. You and I will make good friends, and I will put the ugly words first. In theory, it's okay to release people in the room before marriage, but I went to my second uncle to tell him that he would be afraid of the Chen family. I tried my best to say that if the second uncle doesn't agree, he'd better decide first. Don't worry, this ceremony is regular. What do you think?"

Listening to the words consciously and earnestly in the ears of the senior official of the building, he said gloomyly, "Is it okay to let people go first in the room? Son, how many are there in your room? The anger of the senior officials of the building was all against Chu Huaixian. There is no one in your room. Why should you tell your second uncle to agree?

If a businessman is a businessman, the virginity of the Lou girl should also be given a valuable person. The more the official Lou thought about it, the more annoyed he became. It was not a time for the fifth brother to make trouble behind him. It's just a small mess in the business. This is a big matter for his niece, and he did it hastily.

The official of Lou wanted to be angry and only angry with Chu Huaixian, who had refused.

Chu Huaixian has been told so by his confidants, so he smiled and answered without humility: "I'm different from others." The official Lou was choked, and he only felt that his anger was blocked on his chest, so that his eyes were staring like a dead fish, just looking at Chu Huaixian.

"Don't be angry. I'm also angry. No matter how angry you are, you have to solve this matter. Are you angry with me that I shouldn't care about this? Chu Huaixian smiled and said. The official's heart was like a ball poking a cut, and he couldn't help but let it go. What's the use of anger?

The senior official of Lou strongly cheered up: "The ceremony can't be wrong. Your family is no better than others. In our opinion, your family's ceremonial gift for the people in the room is also a folk ceremonial gift.

Many conditions were negotiated, and Chu Huaixian agreed to everything he could agree to. Unable to agree, he said truthfully to the senior official of Lou, "You have to ask your second uncle about this."

The senior officials can also understand. The two were not angry as they spoke. Chu Huaixian said with a smile, "I know you feel ashamed, and I also feel ashamed. There is a saying that I don't know if I should say it or not?

"Please say so." The official Lou said, Chu Huaixian smiled and said, "My second uncle sometimes doesn't drink toast. I'm going to find him now. I'm afraid that he will take Joe, but I'll say that your girl is not good."

This sentence was just in the heart of the official Lou. He patted his thigh and got up to salute Chu Huaixian: "That's what I'm afraid of."

Chu Huaixian stopped his words and said, "Second uncle should have such a thought first. In the future, your niece will also be treated coldly when she comes in. But in this case, let's wait for a few days. The second uncle must know that Wilde will not return home at night. I'll find a chance to talk to him for a few more days, or wait for him to be in a hurry. At that time, it's different from me looking for him now.

"Oak," the official Lou also heard it clearly. The more he heard it, the more he regretted that the person his niece should pull was Chu Huaixian. He sighed: "Your words come to my heart. Since I can think of leaving a little face for our family, I have nothing else to say. Everything is entrusted to the prince. Please make the decision for us.

Chu Huaixian is funny. If you want to be the master, you will also be the master, but everyone has to think about you. Seeing that he said sadly, Chu Huaixian sympathized with him: "Don't worry, I'll try my best to do this."

The senior official came out of the study and looked at the door behind him, which was even more sad. The fifth brother has been indulgent since he was a child, and when he grows up, he has an elder brother running around in front of him, and it is even more unclear. The official left sadly.

Chu Huaixian and Master Chu are related by blood and know him well. A few days later, Chu Huaide did not come back for two nights or a day. Master Chu Er was anxious.

He is really anxious.

Mr. Chu said that he would find an opportunity to say that the official of Lou was not a vegetarian. He went home and told his facial features: "Good wine and good food to entertain him. Leave him for two nights to see if the second master is in a hurry. If he is not in a hurry, he will stay for three nights." The facial features smiled and said, "Brother, why don't you just stay with him for half a year to see if your in-laws are in a hurry?"

"Half a year? Bah, don't think about it!" The official Lou was so popular that he wanted to slap the table again: "If this gift doesn't go down before the Spring Festival, I will send him to the Chu family in stripes."

The five facial features were tongue-tied: "Well, is this okay?"

The official said, "Huh! Leave it alone!"

There is no need to stay for three more nights. Master Chu came to find Chu Huaixian.

This matter can only be told to Chu Huaixian, and there is no other person. Talk to the eldest brother Chu Shaofu. Lord Shaofu will take care of such small things every day and won't care about such a small thing; tell the third master that the second master wants to forget it.

The third master just got drunk and confused about this woman before knelt down all night. There must be no good idea to find him. Moreover, the third master, like the second master, will not be the head of this family.

In addition, in the two years since Chu Huaixian's marriage, he is much more mature than before. Just caring about Chu Huaide's matter, let the second master encounter Huaide's matter. The first thing to think about is to discuss with Chu Huaixian.

Master Chu came full of heart, and Chu Huaixian understood what it was at first sight. He didn't feel that he was like a god, because he could also see who else could he go to if his second uncle didn't discuss with him? Besides, the person who went to Lou's house to help Chu Huaide clean up this matter was also Chu Huaixian.

The second master sat down and sighed, "This can only be said to you, and no one else can take care of it." Chu Huaixian asked knowingly, "What's the matter? It makes my second uncle sad."

"Waide is big, and I don't know where he can't come back. The second uncle is old. In the future, your brother will only rely on you to discipline him. What do?" Master Chu said that Chu Huaixian pretended to be muttered, "Call him to ask," and then asked the second master, "It may not be convenient for the second uncle to be here, right?"

Mr. Chu thought that the official Lou made him a lot of money and wanted to save some face for the Lou family. The second master also regarded his only son as eyeballs. As he guessed, he must have guessed that others were pestering Chu Huaide. But Master Chu will not be polite to let him hear that it is true that he is entangled.

Master Chu, who heard this, liked it anyway. He stood up and said, "Your brother is the best to speak. If there is anything that is inconvenient for him to say to me, he must be able to say it to you." In order to save some face for his son, Master Chu didn't want to hear where he went. He was afraid that he would be angry when he heard it with his own ears, so he would definitely go to that family.

Master Chu avoided it, and Chu Huaixian asked Chu Huaide to come over. Mr. Chu did things simply. When he met, he slapped him three times and two feet first. Chu Huaide said everything. Chu Huaixian sighed, which was the same as what he thought. The girl in this building didn't teach her well.

What should I do? At present, I have to find some face for the senior officials of the building. Seeing his kindness, I will also let him work hard to run errands in the future.

"You have also grown up. The former little marquis Huang saw you and told me that you were handsome. I believe what you said, but you are a man. You can't tell the truth to the outside, otherwise the Lou family will hate you, and others will not look at you as a husband. If something happens, push it to the woman. Anyway, she is your person. She is not good. How can you get better?

Chu Huaixian said to Chu Huaide like this. Chu Huaide has heard it and likes it: "Brother, that's what I said to you. I'm willing to do this. If I'm reluctant, a woman can't push me down."

This made Chu Huaixian frown and scolded, "You are still a prince!" Chu Huaide shrank his head and said honestly, "Brother, listen to you. I will do whatever you want me to do." Chu Huaixian got up angrily and kicked him again: "Why didn't you ask me?"

Chu Huaide touched the pain and smiled: "Otherwise, my sister-in-law will prepare this gift and help me." Chu Huaixian was angry and funny. He scolded Chu Huaide and let him grow up and then kill him to leave. He was also angry in the room for a while.

That night, he agreed with the second master, and the second master also agreed to give the gift and then begged Chu Huaixian: "When you look for a big brother to like, tell this to the eldest brother, and when you find someone your grandmother likes, tell your grandmother about it." Chu Huaixian said truthfully, "Father can say it first and give the gift. Grandma's place, wait a little longer. The third uncle made her grandmother angry like this. Wilder will have another son, and the grandmother will not be more angry.

Master Chu smiled at his nephew and said, "You're right. It's all up to you." The father and son all listened to Chu Huaixian. Chu Huaixian said again, "The ceremony comes out of my room. You don't need to tell your second aunt first. When you go back to your grandmother, let your second aunt know."

"It's hard for you," the second master was so moved that he shed a few tears for a moment. He raised his sleeves and wiped his tears and said, "Don't worry, I won't let you bear the money back." Chu Huaixian was also a little depressed: "Forget, uncle, I'm also sad that I didn't watch him. I'll give you this gift."

The two uncles and nephews made concessions. Chu Huaixian went out for a few steps. Master Chu chased him out again. Seeing that there was no one around, he whispered to Chu Huaixian, "Huide is old and studying better than me. I'm afraid that I'll be ashamed of him if I talk too much. Remember to tell him that this child can't have it first. If there is, I'm afraid that the Chen family will blow up this marriage.

This is one of the things Master Chu is most worried about.