Spring flowers

Chapter 350, make a decree

Chu Huaixian said to the second master that he understood and went back to his room in the tears of the second master. Master Chu stood in the snow, looked at his nephew's back until he left, and said movedly, "After all, he is a brother."

At the critical moment, there is no ambiguity when you are a brother.

Back to Chu Huaixian in the room, he saw Xiaochu sleeping in ** waiting for himself. As he came in and changed his clothes, he told Xiaochu: "If you pack up your jewelry again, you still have to go there." He said with a long sigh: "Wide promised their family in private."

When Xiaochu heard this, he was extremely surprised, despised, and couldn't believe it. His impression of Chu Huaide was greatly reduced... and a series of other ideas came out.

Thinking back, how Chu Huaide agreed, Xiaochu was very curious. When Chu Huaixian went to bed and leaned in his arms, he directly expressed his dissatisfaction: "Can this man still take what he has given?" Chu Huaixian then told Xiaochu, "She is already a member of Weide."

Xiaochu still smiled when he heard it, and the smile instantly condensed on his cheeks and looked at Chu Huaixian in a daze. Already from Wilder? Xiaochu, who has been in ancient times for a few years, suddenly couldn't twist the curve. If modern people say that someone lives together, Xiaochu doesn't think it's strange. It's just that in ancient times, Wilder has always been a self-respecting person.

This made Mrs. Chu don't know how to think about it, so she could only choose to be in a daze.

Chu Huaixian smiled at the nerd and twisted his affection on her cheek: "Little fool, you are in a daze again." When she was young, she shrank into Chu Huaixian's arms and felt that this embrace was warm and comfortable. If the girl of the Lou family had slept here, she would definitely come to grab it.

"Have you seen the Lou girl?" Xiaochu was secluded again. Chu Huaixian didn't hear it. He closed his eyes and held Xiaochu's fat cheek casually with one hand, and then pinched her ears. In view of Xiaochu's frequent nervousness recently, Mr. Chu did not answer such a marginal question.

Xiaochu, who didn't get an answer, was distracted and fell asleep after a while. Chu Huaixian whispered that the girl came in and turned off the headlights, took Xiaochu out of his arms and fell asleep beside him.

When I woke up again, the first thing Xiaochu did was to sigh. This disappointing Chu Huaide! What a good opportunity for him. Instead of dumping people, he made people stick to it.

As a result, Xiaochu had a worse opinion of the official Lou. In her heart, the official became a fox spirit in her hand and did not tie Chu Huaixian but Chu Huaide.

It's time to ask Zhang Tianshi to do it!

Mrs. Chu was sorely entangled by Chu Huaide in the lingering love network that she had to get up and look for jewelry.

The jewelry I found last time was good, but I knew I wouldn't go. Knowing that he was going this time, Xiaochu gave ordinary jewelry according to Chu Huaixian's request and gave it reluctantly.

After finding it all, I pouted at the jewelry. Xiaochu suddenly was happy again. Fortunately, Wade landed bravely. Otherwise, such a person would be haunted by his husband endlessly.

The jewelry was ready. In the evening, Chu Huaixian came back and nodded and talked about the appointment. I stopped for another two days to see that the wind was smaller. I took time to go back to Chu Shaofu and make an appointment with the Lou family to make a good date.

The first night before she left, Xiaochu suddenly had a stomachache, which was so painful that she was not too severe for no reason. She didn't sweat and cry. She just shouted that she was uncomfortable.

Chu Huaixian was tossed around all night and told Xiaochu to have a good rest the next day. Even if Xiaochu didn't go, she was uncomfortable and Chu Huaixian couldn't walk away, so she asked Jin Xier to go to the same house to make an appointment.

On that day, it was windy again. Mrs. Chu didn't have to pretend to be sick, and she didn't have to go.

The days dragged on for another month, and the heavy snow was still not small. Not far from the Spring Festival, Chu Huaixian had to travel with Xiaochu, and he was unwilling to drag this matter outside the Spring Festival. Xiaochu took two maids and two mothers, followed by Chu Huaixian and Jin Cai. The couple came to the house together.

The Lou family is eager to wear it, and finally the couple of Mr. Chu can make it. The people in the five rooms are waiting outside the door. There are only two men at the head of the five rooms in the family. The two officials, three officials and four officials all went abroad with the ship and have not yet returned.

The senior officials and facial features took over Chu Huaixian, and the women were all there. They came together to pick up Mrs. Chu. The news about the young lady may have faded, but it has always been in the hearts of many people.

The women of the Lou family looked at the carriage door to see how the young man was born like a fairy.

The door of the car opened in the snow, and the two mothers in the car behind caught up to put down Xiaozi. First, a girl came down from Chunshui, and then a girl Qiuyue came down.

After the two maids came down, nothing happened. Chu Huaixian, who had exchanged greetings with the officials and facial features, came over without hurry and reached out to help Xiaochu in the car.

Mrs. Chu has been waiting for her husband to help her. This was an early agreement with Chu Huaixian before going out. Chu Huaixian told Xiaochu, "You are a little pregnant. Wait for me to help you get out of the car."

Seeing this scene, the women of the Lou family curled their lips together. Especially the wife in the second room, the third room and the fourth room, is even more uncomfortable. This young lady Chu put on airs for fear that others would not know that she had it. If you have it, don't come. It's just the next appointment. It's okay to find two matchmakers.

Mrs Chu must come to see the bustle, and Chu Huaixian also hesitated not to come. But as he said before, Xiaochu pestered to come later.

Now at the door of the building, Xiaochu stood still and looked at the house freely.

The two gates are painted brightly, and there are generally stone lions on both sides, but the plaque on the door is just a "house". Inside, there is usually a shadow wall that blocks the view, and you can see many flowers and trees. At first glance, it is a good family.

After seeing this, her hand was still in Chu Huaixian's hand, and Mrs. Chu looked at the women's family again. The women in the five rooms are all beautiful, delicious and easy to wear at home. They are all beautiful women.

Today is a happy event at home. The Lou family is relatively well together. They dress up solemnly and wear a lot of Western jewelry on their heads. But when I met Mrs. Chu, I was inferior.

Mrs. Chu's face is white and delicate, combing the most popular bun. Thanks to her body, she is still willing to dress like this. The hair is trembling with a pair of ruby heads, and the gems are as big as thumbs, shining far away in the snow. Most of the women of the Lou family know the goods and know that this set is of great value.

Looking at Mrs. Chu's dress, everyone took a deep breath. Mrs. Chu put on her shoulders and put on her life. The official of the building looked difficult to see. Seeing the magistrate who had seen Mrs. Chu's demonstration, I felt that she was demonstrating again.

Looking at Mr. Chu again, he said to Mrs. Chu with a smile, "It's cold outside. Let's go in." Mrs. Chu smiled like a flower. Of course, she was not polite because of her fate. She just nodded to the women and went in with Chu Huaixian.

Because of the slippery snow, Chu Huaixian has been holding Xiaochu's hand. The women of the Lou family followed each other and wink at each other, feeling that Mrs. Chu was too arrogant. They also heard that it was originally intended to be given to Mr. Chu, but they didn't want it later. They thought about the women's thoughts, and then thought of the mandarin ducks she sent. This matter was yellow and had nothing to do with Mrs. Chu.

Today, when Mrs. Chu dressed like this, everyone was dissatisfied. This was obviously a demonstration.

Entering the hall, Xiaochu removed the snow clothes, and the women were even more hesitant. Wearing one more in winter makes the abdomen more obvious. Mrs. Chu straightened her stomach and made up her mind. Thinking of the date she had set before and postponed it, the women's wives all gritted their teeth and showed off their bellies!

You can't look at the senior officials of the building. If you have it, don't come out. Mrs. Chu is a loose robe, but she can still see it when she sits down. The senior official didn't have to think about it any more. He knew that she had come to demonstrate from the beginning of the car.

"It's better here than in the room. Please invite the young lady to go to the room and let the wives and sisters accompany them." The official Lou said that Chu Huaixian did not agree: "No, we will leave after talking."

Most of them will come from the women. Because they were pregnant at the beginning of the year, Chu Huaixian followed. The two matchmakers who brought it said auspicious words and sent them a gift. Just like what they said to the official Lou, the Lou family was satisfied.

"Please come out and visit the new family." Although the official Lou really wants to do it for his niece with a decent one, Chu Huaixian can't help sitting today. Chu Huaixian is on behalf of Master Chu, and Xiaochu is on behalf of Mrs. Chu. He sits here waiting for Miss Lou to leave after paying homage to her new relatives.

When waiting for the girl Lou, Xiaochu was eager to wear it and guessed thousands of times in his heart what this life was like.

When he finally heard a sound outside, Xiaochu raised his eyes and looked out. At this time, Xiaochu looked a little ugly.

The Lou girl's apricot-eyed peach cheek, as her uncle Lou said, is a beautiful woman.

This beautiful lotus is like a lotus, with a faint childishness on her face, which looks even more attractive. Mrs. Chu was jealous for a moment and exaggeratedly thought that she was going to have a second child, which was not far from her old age.

Xiaochu looked at Miss Lou with one eye, and the other eye could also look at Chu Huaixian to see if he had lost his mind when he saw Miss Lou. Chu Huaixian didn't look at it at a glance. Only when Miss Lou came to salute, she shouted, "Come on." Jin Xier gave the reward, and the girl Lou picked it up, then sent a snuff bottle, and came to salute Xiaochu.

Xiaochu also rewarded her things. When she got up, the two looked at each other and looked at each other.

The building girl who left the hall was very happy outside, and she was also sad. No wonder my uncle has been talking about the eldest son of the Chu family, but he is elegant and more prosperous. And Mrs. Chu's crazy appearance, wearing a haze, clearly doesn't want to salute people.

When Miss Lou saw Chu Huaixian today, it was inevitable that Miss Chu would feel a little unhappy when she thought of Chu Huaixian.

There is already a son of Chu Huaixian's steady temperament, which looks better than the childishness on Chu Huaide's face.

Sitting for a moment, Chu Huaixian left with Xiaochu. After they left, the female family of the Lou family came in with their mouths and said, "It's fate that we can't do it, but she can't return the official salute. That's really unreasonable!"

"It is clear that there is no meaning of relatives."

"In my opinion, the eldest son is better. Why does the fifth brother like Mr. White?"

These words penetrated into the ears of the senior officials of the building, and the facial features were embarrassed and shouted, "Brother." The official was calm, ignored him, and went straight away.

When he returned to his first room, Chu Huaixian went to see Master Chu and reply. Xiaochu, who unloaded Xiayu, began to be worried again. What should such a beautiful woman do if she gets into her husband's arms?

Xiaochu trembled a little at the thought of Chu Huaixian holding others. Not to mention holding others, it is just to think that such a woman is closer to Chu Huaixian, and Xiaochu feels scared.

I don't know how long he sat. Chu Huaixian came in again and told Xiaochu while changing his clothes: "Second uncle said thank you," Xiaochu reluctantly smiled: "Second uncle is too polite." Chu Huaixian changed his clothes to sit with Xiaochu. Xiaochu asked him, "The people of the Lou family are afraid to talk when they see that I can't polite."

I just stood with them and nodded my head without pulling my hand.

Chu Huaixian didn't care: "What's the salute to them?" The officials of the building valued him, and Chu Huaixian was reluctant to salute these business people.

Although he made amends to the officials in the study, Chu Huaixian was actually bored. She is not Wilder's wife, but a concubine. For the purpose of the Lou family, the couple went to make a gift together on a snowy day.

With the nature of Mr. Chu, he felt that Xiaochu's going with him gave the Lou family too much face. Besides, Xiaochu is pregnant, what kind of salute do you have with them!

This glow was worn by Chu Huaixian. This is also Xiaochu's pregnancy, which is difficult for clothes. Today, she ordered her to show it to Miss Lou and make her understand that the wife is Lin Xiaochu.

I went to bed late this night, thinking about Miss Lou's delicate face for a long time, and then thinking about Chu Huaixian's people and people. The little original intention understands that the husband and wife still have a long way to go.

In the future, the Lou family will have something to ask Chu Huaixian to find young girls for him one after another. And not only the Lou family, but also other people will do the same.