Spring is as good as

Chapter 11 Xu Laosan goes home

Xu Xinger's foot injury looked serious, but she didn't feel too painful after rubbing it with medicinal wine. She had been working hard for two lifetimes. After resting at home for two days, she couldn't stay. Looking at the two days of rain, she began to think that there should be a lot of mushrooms going up the mountain.

However, Ye told Taoer to watch it tightly. Not to mention going up the mountain, she even had to hear Taoer shout in shock when she went out to breathe: "Mom, the eldest sister has gone to the ground again." Suddenly, Ye's worried inquiry came from the room.

After several struggles failed, Xu Xinger had to put down the idea of going out and stay at home to recover from her wounds.

She dared not entrust the monkey head mushroom she had picked before, but she couldn't let it go. Finally, she secretly begged Xu Laoshi, took it to the city and sold it to the pub, and exchanged 60 copper coins.

After Xu Laoshi came back, he still had some disbelief on his face. He gave the copper money to Xu Xinger and said, "How much money can you sell with two mushrooms with such a big fist? Where did you get it? The fourth uncle also went to get some for sale.

Xu Xinger curled her lips when she heard the words: "Fourth uncle, do you think this monkey head mushroom is all over the ground? In order to pick these two mushrooms, I was almost bitten by a snake and sprained my foot. If I hadn't met Brother Shanzi in the mountain, I would have been taken away by a wolf.

She has no intuitive understanding of the consumption level of this place, but when she thinks that there is only more than 200 money in her cabinet, she feels that these are still a lot of wealth.

Xu Laosi was not angry when he heard Xing'er's words. He reached out and scratched the back of his head and said, "That's true. If it's all over the ground, it can't be sold so expensive. Are your feet better? I bought you a bottle of medicinal wine from the city. It was made by the best doctor in the city. Everyone in the city said it was very easy to use."

Xu Xinger looked at Xu Laosi's simple appearance and warmed her heart. She knew that she should not blame the conflict with Mrs. Xu on him. Then she softened her tone and held the copper money she had just arrived in front of Xu Laosi and said, "Fourth uncle, how much did it cost? I give it to you."

"Little girl, how can you think so much?" Xu Laosi patted her on the head, "Can I still ask for your money?" It's good to hide, and it's all gone when you see it.

This sentence suddenly pulled the distance between the two people. Xu Xinger was no longer polite to Xu Laosi. She put the copper money into her purse with a smile, and then patted with satisfaction, "Then wait for me to go back to buy a pen for my fourth uncle."

"Hmm!" Xu Laoshi nodded rudely, not greedy for this, but happy to see his niece have this heart.

"Uncle, didn't you say that my father was coming back? Why haven't you seen anyone for several days?" Taoer scratched the door, leaned in from the edge of the door curtain, tilted her head and looked at Xu Laosi and asked.

"It's raining these two days, and the road is not easy to walk." Xu Laoshi went over and carried Taoer to the kang. "What's the matter, Tao'er misses your father?"

"Think!" Taoer's eyes were wide open, and she couldn't help nodding, and then added, "My father said he would come back and bring me candy."

Xu Laosi and Xu Xinger laughed when they heard the words. Taoer didn't know what they were laughing at, but they also laughed happily.

"Is there anyone at home?" Someone asked outside the door.

"Sound like the voice of Brother Shanzi?" Xu Xinger's ears are so good that she can remember most of the sounds she has heard and raised her voice, "Someone, come in."

For a moment, the curtain was picked up, and the mountain came in, with a small basket made of wicker in his hand. The basket was very exquisitely braided with a tightly stitched cover.

He came in and saw Xu Laosi say hello and said, "Uncle Xu, you are here."

"Why did you come here today? Did your uncle ask you to speak? Xu Laosi didn't feel that Shanzi and Xu Xinger had any friendship, but thought that Shanzi's uncle had brought him a letter.

"Well, my third uncle said that he would go to the city on the tenth day of the first lunar month. If you are free, let's go together." Shanzi said and put the basket in his hand on the kang table, took out a straw grasshopper from his arms and handed it to the peach.

Taoer was a little afraid of life. Originally, she was swdling beside Xu Xinger. When she saw the big green grasshopper, her eyes lit up, but she did not dare to reach out directly and look at her sister's face first.

Xu Xinger nodded and said, "Thank you to Brother Shanzi."

Taoer's little face suddenly smiled like a flower and wiped her hands on her skirt. Then she took over the grasshopper and said, "Thank you, Brother Shanzi."

"It's sketchy, it's not worth anything." Shanzi touched Taoer's head and turned to ask Xu Xinger, "Are your feet better?"

"It's not a big deal if you rub it with medicinal wine." Xu Xinger's nose suddenly became a little sore. The children in the mountains were used to falling in the sea. She remembered that she was short of clothes at home when she was a child. At the beginning, she was inexperienced in the mountains. Naturally, she was injured a lot. The adults in the family didn't take it seriously. If she stained and broke her clothes, she might be injured when she went home. How can there be anything like this now. Everyone booed for warm happiness.

Seeing that her eyes were red and her voice was a little wrong, Shanzi thought she was in great pain and showed off. She quickly opened the wicker basket and took out a few plants from it and asked, "Do you have a stone mortar in your house?"

Taoer got a big grasshopper. At this time, she felt that this brother was very good. Hearing his question, she quickly jumped off the runway: "Yes, I'll get it!"

Shanzi also followed uneasily. Generally, people's stone mortars are covered with layers of oil accumulated over the years. It doesn't matter if you pound garlic at ordinary times. It can't be used to pound medicine. It's better to brush it.

When I got to the stove, I saw Taoer stepping on a small wooden pier and holding the stone mortar out of the cupboard on tiptoe, but it was clean inside and outside. If it hadn't been with traces of years of rubbing, it would have been like a new.

Shanzi turned his head and looked around. The stove was not big but not as dirty as ordinary people. Although everything was old, it was cleaned up neatly. It could be seen that the owner must often clean it up.

He was also not polite. He scooped out clear water from the tank and washed the stone mortar. He smelled it close and smelled nothing, so he took it into the house.

Xu Xinger looked at his behavior curiously and saw that he had disposed of a few plants first. Some only took rhizomes, some only left leaves, and some only half of them were enough.

Shanzi's men were very quick to pick them up, threw the unused things back into the basket, and finally added the remaining things to the stone mortar one by one to crush them.

and all the herbs were pounded into green sticky paste. Shanzi pushed the stone mortar in front of Xu Xinger and told him, "soak your feet in hot water at night, then paste this on your ankle, paste it for an hour, and then scrape it down, and then don't get wet." Thinking of the clean stove outside, he added, "If you think it's dirty, you can wash it the next morning, or the medicine will go away with the blisters."

"Thank you, Brother Shanzi." Xu Xinger's thanks sincerely. Although she is fierce, she is not a good or bad person. If others are good to her, she will pay back three points to others.

"No, then you can rest assured and send you herbs tomorrow." Shanzi couldn't stay here to watch Xu Xinger apply medicine, so he got up and said goodbye.

Not to mention, although Shanzi does not understand traditional Chinese medicine, it is this kind of experience passed down from generation. The herbs obtained really work. After only one night, Xu Xinger's feet were much more swollen.

In the next few days, Shanzi came to deliver herbs every day and brought things to peaches every time. Either it was a straw gadget or a fruit picked on the mountain. One day, he caught a brightly colored bird, tied one foot with a hemp rope, tied it to a branch and gave it to the peach.

Tao'er and Shanzi soon get hot. Every afternoon, they look forward to Shanzi coming and want to see what fun they bring today.

Xu Xinger refused twice. Shanzi didn't say anything, but she still came with herbs and things every day. She didn't see anything valuable. Looking at Taoer's expectant and trying to suppress her eyes, her heart suddenly softened. She wrote down this feeling in her heart and let them go.

On the contrary, she felt that Brother Cheng was a little inexplicable. Every day, Shanzi entered the door, and he followed him with his back foot. He sat down and opened the chat box. He talked endlessly over there. When Shanzi left, he had to sit for a while before going home.

However, it is also because there are two people coming to the door every day, and there are people who accompany them every day to heal their injuries.

When Xu Xinger was able to go to the ground, old man Xu and Xu Laosan finally came back from their hometown.

Xiaoshuang ran over to report the letter and looked a little strange. He turned his eyes a few times and said, "Master and your father are back. Milk let you two go there!"

Xu Xinger is very familiar with this look, which is obviously an expression waiting to watch a good play, but she also knows that even if she asks, she won't get an answer, it's better to save her strength and point to her feet and say, "I can't walk fast because of my foot injury. You go back first. I'll be there in a moment with Taoer."

Xiaoshuang was already impatient. After hearing this, he turned around and left, leaving only one sentence: "You two, hurry up, or you won't blame me if you are angry."

When Xu Xinger and Taoer rubbed to the door of the old house, they heard Mrs. Xu's crying, mixed with the voices of others.

Xu Xinger's heart skipped. Did something happen to the old man's road? I quickly walked into the yard and heard the old man shout confidently, "That's my own brother's grandson. What do you think I can do?"

"You can show off. Your seven brothers and sisters can grow up by eating in turn in your hometown, just waiting for you to fill your head... We can't afford to raise our own children, you who have been beaten by thousands of knives..." Mrs. Xu cried and howled, and her voice could be heard outside the yard.

Old Xu said over and over again, "I'm the boss. That's my brother's root. I can't break it."

Xu Xinger pulled Taoer and sneaked in close to the door. She found that everyone at home was there except Ye. She rubbed behind Xu Lingzi and asked in a low voice, "Aunt, what's wrong?"

Xu Lingzi said in a low voice, "There is an accident in my hometown, and the second grandpa's family is gone, leaving only a newborn baby doll. The father took the child back, and now it's making trouble."