Spring is as good as

Chapter 12 Milk Doll

When Mrs. Xu heard the sound here, her eyes immediately swept over. Xu Xinger quickly hid behind Lingzi. She didn't want to be cannon fodder at this time.

When Mrs. Xu's eyes were withdrawn, Xu Xinger poked out her head again and looked around the room. First, she saw a strange man, dressed in a navy blue semi-old coat, thick eyebrows and big eyes looking energetic, but her expression was a little confused and helpless. Now she was squatting on the small bench and holding a cigarette bag. No.

According to the impression in her memory, Xu Xinger knew that this was her current father, the third child of the Xu family, who seemed to be an honest person.

Then he turned his head to look at the old Xu who quarreled with Mrs. Xu. He looked in his fifties and his hair was a little gray, but his bones were still strong and his words were full of confidence. I don't know whether he was stupid or lazy to say. No matter how much Mrs. Xu cried, he insisted on such a sentence.

Xu Xinger finally turned her eyes to the kang and saw a candle bag sprinkled with flowers on a red background. I thought it was the milk doll mentioned by Xu Lingzi.

She carefully rubbed against the kang and saw the child looking at herself with a pair of bright black eyes. Before, he was so tossing in the room that he didn't cry. However, after seeing himself, his little mouth suddenly defleged, tears quickly accumulating in his eyes, and he was about to cry loudly.

"..." Xu Xinger turned her head and looked at her husband's milk, which was still in the saw-war, turned around and picked up the child, patted her back and coaxed her in a low voice. If she cried now, she would have to stimulate Mrs. Xu, and it would be more endless.

Taoer has been firmly following Xu Xinger. Seeing that her sister picked up a little doll, she also came up to see it and asked quietly, "Sister, is this a younger brother or sister?"

Since Ye gave birth to chestnuts, Taoer seems to be suddenly interested in gender. When she sees children, she always asks like this.

Xu Xinger couldn't help but have a black line and asked casually, "I don't know. Do you like your brother or sister?"

"I like my brother..." Taoer's tone was a little insincere, and then lowered her head and muttered, "If I had a younger brother, my mother would not cry secretly."

Xu Xinger's heart suddenly trembled. She didn't expect Taoer to have such a complicated idea. After all, she is only a five-year-old child.

Just thinking about it, I heard Tao'er say again, "Sister, let's take this brother home, and my mother will be happy."

Although it is childish, Xu Xinger is complacent. Ye's body was seriously injured because of this difficult delivery, and it is difficult to get pregnant again in the future. If the child in his arms is really a boy, it is better than having a half-sized son in his arms.

Xu Xinger thought of untied the candle bag directly and took a look at it. It was indeed a boy, and the more she made up this idea. However, now Xu Laosan still doesn't know Ye's physical condition, let alone let Mrs. Xu know, so how to leave the child is a big problem.

This side is worried. The noise over there has reached **. Old man Xu was annoyed and waved his hand, "If you don't want to feed him, get out of here. I have hands and feet, and I don't even pull a child."

Old Mrs. Xu also knew that the child was definitely going to be raised, but she had just lost her grandson, but now she has to help others raise grandchildren. She couldn't help but panic, so she could cry and vent. If the old man Xu knew to say two soft words and give her a step down in front of the child, this matter would be over. Go.

Who knows that Lao Xu not only did not say a good word, but also became tougher and tougher. In front of the whole family, he put himself in the air. Finally, he said such words to drive people out, which immediately stabbed a hornet's nest.

"My life is so hard. I married into your house from the 18th, followed you to live a hard life, have children for you, serve your father, and send your mother..." Mrs. Xu sat on her buttocks on the ground, patted her thighs and began to cry. "Three meals a day, four-season clothes, shoes and socks, I haven't served you at all. Now you are a mourning star. , you want to chase me..."

"Fuck, who the hell is the bereaved star?" Old man Xu was also arched on fire and slapped the table with too much force, which made the whole table shake a few earthquakes.

The room suddenly quieted down, but the child was scared to cry. Everyone's eyes turned around and saw Xu Xinger holding the child and whispering in a hurry.

Old Mrs. Xu was in a bad mood. As soon as she looked up and saw Xu Xinger, she suddenly remembered that Ye had given birth to another girl film. Thinking of the loss, she remembered her lost grandson. She immediately became angry with Xu Xinger, grabbed a broom and threw it over, and scolded, "One by one, what are you going to come here to offer? Diligent, what's the use of holding the child, and you can't get a little happy, and you can't give birth to your family..."

"Mother!" Xu Laosan suddenly stood up and said, "If you have something to say, what to do for the child."

"Why, it hurts to say a few words. These girl films in your family are all made of gold? Don't say it's her. I just scold you, and you have to listen to it and turn against you!" Mrs. Xu went to Xu Laosan again, "Don't think I don't know. Your heart has been here for a long time. I can't wait to fly home to see your daughter-in-law. Do you still have me as a mother in your eyes? One by one, they married their daughters and forgot their mother's white-eyed wolves..."

Old Xu's head was so noisy that he had a headache. Seeing Xu Xing'er coaxing the child, he heard the old man say that the third family had just had a baby. His eyes suddenly lit up and said, "Lao San, after walking for so long, your daughter-in-law must not be worried. She has just had a baby again. You can go home and have a look. By the way, take the child back first. Anyway, a It's also the same, and the two are the same. Let your daughter-in-law bring them first.

Xu Xinger was speechless by this theory of raising children, but this also fits her mind. You can take the child home first to see if Ye likes it or not before making other plans.

As soon as Xu Laosan heard that he could go home, his face suddenly relaxed. He picked up a small bag from the kang, took two steps forward to pick up Tao'er, reached out and pat Xing's head. He turned his head and said, "Dad and mother, I'll go back first. At least settle the child. Let's talk about it in the evening."

Taoer was still honest in the old room and stayed in Xu Laosan's arms obediently. As soon as she came out of the courtyard door, she turned around and put her arms around his neck and shouted softly, "Dad."

"Ai!" Xu Laosan quickly answered and patted his daughter on the back with a simple smile, "Does Taoer miss her father?"

Tao'er nodded vigorously and said, "I can think about it."

Xu Xinger burst out laughing and said, "She wants her father to bring her candy back to eat!"

"Remember, I bought it for you." Xu Laosan entered the house with a smile, put down the peach, and gave her the burden to turn over the candy.

He directly picked up the curtain and entered the east room. He saw Ye lying on the kang and patting the child. He strode over, rubbed his hands to look at his little daughter, and then looked at Ye and said, "I've been walking for so long. Thank you at home."

When Ye saw Xu Laosan, her eyes were a little red. She suppressed the feeling of crying and bowed her head and said, "Xing'er and Tao'er are both sensible and know how to help me work. It's not hard. Is everything good in my hometown? Are you on your way with Dad? Dad has a bad temper. I'm always worried that you will be scolded on the way.

"That's not the case in my hometown. My father has a bad temper and I just ignore him. Even if he is scolded a few words, there will be a few pieces of meat." Although Xu Laosan was honest, he was not stupid. He knew that Ye had a daughter this time and was not at home. He must have been a lot angry with Mrs. Xu and other nieces, but now he didn't say this in front of the child, so he picked up his daughter from the kang and lowered his head and kissed her face.

Chestnut was sleeping sweetly, and was suddenly picked up coldly. Her pink face was pricked and uncomfortable. She suddenly cried loudly, but she was not treated gently immediately, so she cried harder and harder.

Seeing his daughter crying loudly, Xu Laosan couldn't help laughing and saying, "The little girl is quite lively and crying loudly. It's good."

Ye Shi said andly, "How long has it been since you shaved? As soon as you came back, you made the child cry."

Xu Laosan stretched out his hand and rubbed his chin, grinned, stuffed the chestnut into Ye's arms, and clumsily comforted him, "Hi, daughter. People say that her daughter is a little cotton-padded jacket, so I care about my daughter!"

Hearing this, Ye's face, which was still smiling, suddenly looked a little strange, but it was soon covered up by her and was not seen by Xu Laosan.

Seeing this, Xu Xinger hurriedly hugged the milk doll in her arms and said, "Mom, look, there is a baby coming to accompany our chestnut."

Ye turned his head and saw that he was a beautiful little doll. Looking at the size, he should have just been born. He thought about it for a long time, but he didn't remember who had just had a child in front of him in the village. He asked puzzledly, "Whose family did this?"

"I brought it back from my hometown and said it was the grandson of my second grandpa's family, but the family was gone, and there was only a baby left, so I took it back to our house to raise it." Xu Xinger handed the child to Ye's arms.

Ye Shi himself was just giving birth and was full of maternal love for the baby. As soon as he heard that such a young child had no relatives, he suddenly felt sad and held the child in his arms and said, "It's really pitiful at such a young age."

Xu Xinger said while the iron was hot, "Master said that our chestnuts are not big, so let us take them with us."

"Alle." Ye nodded and agreed without hesitation, and then looked at the child and said, "It's so big, it should be a full moon, right?"

"It's been a month and a half. I'm afraid of getting sick on the road. I waited for the full moon in my hometown before I went on the road, so I took so long to come back." Xu Laosan wiped his face with water and hurriedly replied when he heard Ye's words.

Ye Shi held the child and saw his bright eyes staring at him, sucking his thin fingers, and did not recognize his life at all. He couldn't help liking it and asked, "Have you got a name?"

"The nickname was given by my father, called Locker, saying that locking his life is easy to feed." Xu Laosan said, "The big name was given by my uncle. His name is Xu Lexin."