Spring is as good as

Chapter 14 Zongzi Storm

Xu Xinger came out of the old house and was shivered by the night wind. Only then did she find that she was so angry that she sweated all over.

"Sister..." Taoer put her hand around Xu Xinger's leg. "Did I say something wrong just now?"

"No, it's not Tao'er's fault." Xu Xinger bent down and carried Taoer on her back and asked with concern, "Have you had enough just now?"

Tao'er swallowed and nodded and lied, "I'm full."

How could Xu Xinger not know her? She lifted her up and said, "I'm going home and I'll give you a pimple for you."

"Really?" Taoer said happily, "Sister, can you give me another drop of sesame oil?"

"Okay, I'll give you two drops." Xu Xinger said nonsense as she walked, "When I make money, you can eat as much sesame oil as you want. At that time, we will buy two bottles and take one bottle and pour it out."

"It's all bought for money, and what to do is to be dumped..." Taoer can't understand the meaning of this cold joke at all.

When the two arrived home, Xu Laosan had come back and was hanging a car on the raft of his children.

The car is made of birch bark and thin wooden boards. The front and rear ends are slightly upturned, like a small boat. The four corners are equipped with iron rings, wearing ropes and hooks, and hanging on the raft above the kang. Perhaps because every family hangs the car like this, this raft is also known as the children's raft.

"Dad, why did you go there for so long? You didn't go to the old house for dinner at night, and the milk asked about you." Xu Xinger put down the peach and boiled water in the stove to prepare for washing up later.

"Your mother insisted on leaving me for dinner. She really couldn't push it off, so she didn't come back after dinner." Xu Laosan fixed the car and shook it a few times to see if there was no problem. Then he bent down and spread all the things Ye had prepared before.

There is no bedding in the car. It is covered with bran pockets prepared early in the morning, and the pillow is also filled with bran. It is not because of poverty, but the rules handed down from generation to generation, saying that it is good for children to sleep like this.

Ye quickly tied the shoulder arms and legs of the lock with a wide cloth belt and said, "Bed up your shoulders, don't slip your shoulders. Tie your legs and straighten your legs.

General children should get on the bus in about ten days. Locker has not slept in the car because of the delay on the road. As usual, there should be some ceremonies before getting on the car. Generally, there are children's grandmas or uncles present, saying a few auspicious words such as safe growth, and then put the car money under the pillow. If it is a borrowed You car Son, you have to use the old method to give birth first.

When Ye put the money in the car, she remembered Suo'er's background and couldn't help sighing. She stuffed the money under the pillow and said, "First bitter and then sweet. If you are in trouble, you will be blessed. If you grow up well, your father and your parents will bless you!"

Then he put the broom in the car, stretched out his hand and pushed it a few times, and said, "Go away evil and don't recognize people." Take out the broom and put the lock in.

The lock was not afraid. He lay in the car, his black and bright eyes turned and looked around.

Ye Shi turned his head to Xu Laosan and said, "This child's eyes are very flexible. He must be a smart child in the future."

"Mom, let's keep the lock!" Xu Xinger came over and looked at Ye and said.

Ye immediately understood what his daughter meant and moved, but when he looked up and saw Xu Laosan, he suddenly lost courage and his eyes dimmed in an instant.

Xu Xinger knew that Ye could only think about this matter by herself. It's not who can force anyone. She didn't want to see her such a uncomfortable look, so she changed the topic and said, "Mom, the latter is the Dragon Boat Festival. Our family... Do we still make rice dumplings this year?"

"Of course it has to be wrapped." Ye recovered and calculated with his fingers, "Anyway, your grandma's house must give it to you, and you also want to eat it..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw his daughter's disapproving eyes and asked strangely, "What's wrong? Don't you want to eat rice dumplings?"

"Every year, the dumplings of a large family are made by your mother. You haven't had a confinement this year yet. Why do you have to take them here? Why don't aunts and the second aunts pack them? It's not bullying you honestly." Xu Xinger did not agree with Ye's going to make zongzi this year. She learned from her memory that since Ye's door, every year, Ye's zongzi has been made by herself. Every year before the Dragon Boat Festival, she has to cook and cook it for a day.

"My mother is well wrapped. Everyone likes to eat it. What does it matter?" Ye touched her daughter's head and knew that she felt sorry for herself.

"My mother said that you should be pregnant and can't work." Xu Xinger resolutely refused to give in and pulled up Xu Laosan again, "Dad, don't you think so?"

"Well, Xing'er is right. You are born in confinement and hurt your body. What if it's not easy to take care of and sit down?" Xu Laosan still felt sorry for his wife. In the past, when she was in good physical, it was not a big deal to do more, but now in the miscellaneous confinement, how can she work so hard? Naturally, she agrees with Xu Xinger's point of view.

"But on my mother's side..." Ye Shi was still a little hesitant. Originally, she had another daughter and was disliked by her mother-in-law. She still had such a thing in her heart and felt more and less confident.

"What can the milk do? Hasn't my mother never eaten zongzi before she married?" Xu Xinger was upset when she thought of Mrs. Xu, and felt that Ye was pitiful. She was originally a soft woman. It was difficult to meet such a unruly mother-in-law and didn't want to be bullied. No wonder the owner of this body was a fierce man, and he thought it was also to protect her family.

"How can you talk like this!" Ye frowned when she heard the words. She never said that the old man was wrong in front of the child. Occasionally, she complained to her man in private, but she was afraid that the child would develop a bad habit of disrespecting the old man.

Hearing Xu Xinger say this, she immediately taught her, "How does my mother usually teach you? Your milk is an elder. No matter what, you can't talk like this and let outsiders hear it. Don't you poke your parents' backbone and say that we won't discipline our children?

Xu Xinger bowed her head and said nothing. Naturally, she knew that she should respect her elders, but for her, she only has that kind of blood relationship with Ye and Taoer now. Even Xu Laosan is still in the investigation period and has not been included in her acceptance, let alone Mrs. Xu, who has never given her a good face.

"Mom, I know it's wrong." Xu Xinger didn't want to make Ye unhappy about such a thing, so she readily admitted her mistake, but resolutely refused to give in on the issue of making rice dumplings. "But I don't want you to make rice dumplings."

She said that the whole person came to Ye's side, pulled the corners of her clothes and bowed her head and said, "Mom, I feel sorry to see you are tired."

"Okay, my mother won't pack this year." It is rare for Ye's daughter to be so clever and meek, and her eyes are red. She thought that these words were also out of sincerity. In addition, she has been really not in good shape recently, and she always panicked and short-heartedly, so she responded in one bite.

But when I thought of Mrs. Xu, I couldn't help but be a little worried, so I had to turn my eyes to Xu Laosan and ask him to make an idea.

Xu Laosan said hurriedly, "It doesn't matter. I'll tell my mother early tomorrow morning. At worst, I'll just pack less this year."

"They won't live without my mother!" Xu Xinger lowered her head and muttered, but this time she did not dare to let Ye hear it again. For fear of eating her nagging again, she would no longer be entangled to achieve her goal. She went to the stove and put some corn noodles to make pimples for Taoer, and lit her two drops of sesame oil. Looking at her eating sparsely, she felt happier than when she was full.

The next morning, as soon as Xu Laosan got up and didn't wait to change his clothes to go to the old house, Chen's voice came from outside the door: "Apricot father and apricot mother, have you got up?"

"Sister-in-law, what's going on so early?" Xu Laosan pulled his shoes out, looked up at the bright day, and asked puzzledly.

"Oh, it's okay. Isn't it the Dragon Boat Festival tomorrow? It's not convenient for the apricot mother to go out. We soaked all the rice and cooked the rice leaves. Look, even the hemp rope has been cut, and she can sit at home and wrap it. Chen smiled and carried the bucket in his hand forward and let Xu Laosan look at the Jiang Mi soaked in the bucket. Behind him were Da Shuang and Xiao Shuang, who also carried the bucket and held the basin.

Xu Laosan's eyebrows suddenly twisted. Although Ye's rice dumplings are made every year, she hasn't had a confinement yet. It's not that her family doesn't know it. If they don't care, just send things to her to work, which really makes people feel uncomfortable. No wonder Xing'er had such an attitude last night.

Thinking of this, Xu Laosan said, "Xing'er's mother hasn't been in confinement yet, and this year's zongzi will have to work hard for her sister-in-law and second sister-in-law."

Chen was stunned when she heard the words. She originally asked Li to come with her, but Li was angry with Xu Xinger yesterday. Today, she said that she was not feeling well and didn't get up again, so she had to come over by herself. She thought she was a sister-in-law. Lao San must have been embarrassed to refuse, but she didn't expect to refuse so easily. .

"Lao San, you see, Xing'er Niang's rice dumplings are delicious. This is what my family and relatives know, and she has also made them in previous years. This is a sudden change of person, and everyone must not be used to eating it." Chen said with a smile that the whole family had to eat, and there were so many rice dumplings given to people everywhere. In the past, when she saw Ye's rice dumplings, it was always enough to pack several pots. She really didn't want to suffer this.

"Isn't it possible that the same rice-like leaves make your mother's hands more fragrant than others?" Xu Xinger jingled the water in the room and shouted to the west room, "Taoer, come and wash your face quickly. After washing your face, you can go to eat by yourself. I have to boil rice paste for Suoer and chestnuts. I don't have time to feed you. Who is idle every day and can still serve you behind your buttocks?"

Chen listened in the courtyard, and his face was inevitably embarrassed. Then he looked up at Xu Laosan's expression, which did not seem to be able to compromise. He felt more and more boring, so he had to take the initiative to say, "I'm not thoughtful, so let's go back first."