Spring is as good as

Chapter 15 S stubborn old man

Chen led his two daughters and went straight to the old house with Jiang Mi and Zong Ye, intending to ask Li to get up to make Zongzi.

As soon as Mrs. Xu got up, she brushed her teeth under the jujube tree in the courtyard with a porcelain bowl. When she heard the sound, she looked up and asked when she saw them, "Why did you bring them back again?"

"The third brother loves his daughter-in-law. He said that he is not in good health, and he hasn't had a confinement yet. He is reluctant to make her tired. I'll ask the second brother's family to get up and wrap it together later. Although we are not good at wrapping, we are not so good at it." Chen pretended to be virtuous.

When Mrs. Xu heard this, her hand shook, and the wicker was sticking on her teeth. The pain made her scold and spat out a mouthful of bloody saliva. The green salt killed the wound even more painfully.

She picked up the porcelain bowl and rinsed a few mouthfuls of water before spitting out the bloody and salty taste in her mouth. She said with a calm face, "His daughter-in-law is delicate. When I gave birth to them, my family was too poor to open the pot. There is no confinement seat. I can't wait to work on the field after washing my child. Well, I'm not exhausted." With a long sigh, "I might as well be tired to death than to death by them now.

Chen put everything on the bluestone board under the tree. Just as he was about to speak, when he saw Xu Lingzi coming out of the room, he immediately stopped and said, "Lingzi, don't always do embroidery work in the room. Come out and sit down when you have time."

Xu Lingzi stepped forward and rolled up her sleeves to help make dumplings. She smiled at Chen and said to Mrs. Xu, "The third sister-in-law almost walked around the ghost gate this time. The third brother was not around at that time. Now it's normal to feel sad when she comes back. It's better for them to respect and love each other than to quarrel endlessly every day. Why is my mother angry about this?

"Originally, I disagreed with this marriage. Our family is a village family with mud-wrapped legs. We married such a delicate and sick person to enter the door. Those who can't go up and down the mountain and the ground have to serve in the house. That thin fox charming child has hooked the soul of your third brother, and there is no mother in his eyes. That's all right, but she gave birth to eggs and lost money one after another." Mrs. Xu complained a few words and didn't feel that she had scolded Chen together.

Chen was unhappy, but she didn't bring it out on her face. She just felt that she didn't look at the almanac today. Maybe she collided with something and couldn't get a good place anywhere.

Old Mrs. Xu complained a few words, but she didn't really get too angry. After all, Ye didn't do this kind of making rice dumplings, and there were two daughters-in-law to do it, and it was not her turn to do it. However, she always had to numble a few words to feel satisfied. After saying that, she turned back and told Xu Lingzi, "What are you doing on a hot day? Go back to embroider flowers, and don't always Look at the embroidered support and rest your eyes when you are tired.

"Hmm." Xu Lingzi had to make a helpless expression and went back to her room by herself.

Chen's heart was uncomfortable, but it was not easy to show it, so he had to bury his head and bury his head with the leaves.

"What are you muttering in the morning? Why don't you cook quickly? I have to go up the mountain after dinner." Old man Xu said angrily in the room.

"Up to the mountain in the poisonous moon?" Mrs. Xu picked up the curtain and entered the door. Seeing that Xu Lingzi had begun to cook, she went straight into the east room. "There are many snakes and insects in May, and the sun is poisonous. What are you doing up the mountain?"

"When the lock was born, his body was very weak. Although he will be raised better now, he has just changed the water and soil. I remember that there is an uncle who has been struck by lightning in the back mountain. I went up and cut it back and found someone to carve something for him to press it."

It is difficult to support children in the countryside. They have been around the ghost gate since they were born, and there are many who have died, so there are all kinds of attention to prevent evil spirits and keep them safe.

The old tree with lightning is one of them. Everyone says that things that have been struck by lightning have been punished by heaven. Wearing it will hide the child's anger, so that those unclean things will not come close to absorb the anger, and the child can survive.

In fact, it is just the sustenance of some good wishes, but in this era of lack of doctors and medicine, people often can only rely on these to make their expectations.

When Mrs. Xu heard this, she was immediately unhappy and said, "I won't be less angry if you don't mention this. Why didn't Huzi care about you at that time? Now he brings back a little boy and makes you serve as a golden boy."

"Are you finished?" Old man Xu knocked his cigarette bag hard and said, "The lock is now kept in the old three's house, and you don't need to work hard to talk about anything!"

"Do you think raising a child is to raise a cat and dog? It doesn't cost money to eat and drink. Our own children can't be raised, and we have the leisure to take care of other people's families..." Mrs. Xu didn't care what he said at all. She didn't even pay attention to his face, just wanted to vent her dissatisfaction.

Old man Xu didn't say anything with a calm face for a long time. Suddenly, he raised his hand and lifted the kang table to the ground and cursed, "You old lady, I'm not willing to argue with you. You put your nose on your face. I think you are itchy!"

The corner of the kang table first hit the ground, and then banged it upside down, scaring everyone inside and outside the house.

Xu Lingzi knew that old man Xu had a bad temper and was afraid that there would be a real fight in the room. She held a pot and shovel and rushed in and said, "Dad, mother, what's wrong? If you have something to say, don't do it."

Old Xu glanced at Xu Lingzi, pointed up at Mrs. Xu's nose, and said harshly, "I said for the last time in front of my daughter, it's my own brother's grandson, just like my grandson. You can say another word and see if I don't slap you." After saying that, he put his hands on his back and didn't eat breakfast. He went to the courtyard and took out the machete, brimmed a basket on his back and left directly.

Mrs Xu stood there in a daze, didn't come to her senses for a long time, and her eyes stared straight at the kang table on the ground.

"Mom, mother?" Xu Lingzi called several times worried before calling her heart back, reached out to wipe her tears, and sighed and persuaded, "My father's temper has always been like that. Don't take it to heart..."

Old Mrs. Xu only felt panicked. She asked herself for the good of this family. There are a total of six daughters in the three sons' family, and the fourth and the youngest daughter have not yet got married. She lives a careful life every day, and now she has to raise some other children...

Besides, he didn't say that he wanted to throw the child out. He just complained a few words. He had been so nagging before. At most, Lao Xu turned around and walked away without saying anything. How could he be like stabbing a hornet's nest this time?

The more she thought about it, the more wronged she became. A man who was about to be too milky was attacked by a man in front of his children and granddaughter, so that her old face would go.

Thinking of this, he had no appetite for breakfast. He said that he had a headache and wanted to rest, so he went to the West Room to lie down and shed tears at the wall.

Chen was unwilling to deal with these things. Knowing that Mrs. Xu loved her face, she went to persuade her to complain, so she instructed her daughter, "Xiao Shuang, go to the back room and call your second aunt to come, and say that your milk asked her to make rice dumplings."

Xiaoshuang has been looking forward to the zongzi of the Dragon Boat Festival since more than half a month ago. In the past, he hid when he encountered work. Today, he was also willing to move forward. He was not impatient when he heard the instructions, so he answered and ran to the back room.

Chen said in the back, "Why do you run so fast that a dog chases you out? Be careful not to get your clothes dirty.

Li didn't come over slowly with her hair until three poles in the sun. Seeing Chen and Lingzi sitting in the shade of the jujube tree making zongzi, she curled their lips and said, "If you give birth to a girl, you will be a golden noble person. It's not like letting her go to work in the field. If you make a zongzi, you will be exhausted."

Chen has wrapped a small basin of rice dumplings and is feeling backache. Seeing Li Shan coming late, he complained as soon as he came over. He couldn't help but say, "When my sister-in-law also came to talk, she also came to help me. I wrapped it all morning, and my waist was sore."

Li was quite polite to Chen. After listening to this, he didn't talk back. He went to the room and washed his hands, and then slowly came out to sit down to make dumplings.

At lunch, old man Xu hadn't come back yet. Old Mrs. Xu still refused to get up, so the rest had to eat a few bites randomly, and then began to cook rice dumplings on fire.

Li's rice dumplings were not good at first, and he hasn't helped him over the years. At this time, it was inevitably a little strange to wrap them. He was teased by Chen for a few words and couldn't attack. He pressed his breath in his heart, and he felt unhappy anyway.

At this moment, Xu Xinger pushed the door in, looked at several people under the tree in the courtyard, and finally called Xu Lingzi and said, "Auntie, my father said that the quilts of the lock were still here. Let me take them back." After a pause, he said, "The sticky rice in my house is gone. My father asked me to take some back."

Before Xu Lingzi could speak, Li said strangely first, "Oh, this is a rich and expensive doll. You just want to eat that fine rice paste. A bowl of fine rice can be exchanged for three bowls of brown rice. It's not your own, so it's so generous!"

"..." Xu Xinger opened her mouth and didn't know what to say. Now there are the most children in her house. Ye's health is not good and she can't work. She only relies on Xu Laosan's labor. She always can't raise her head at home, and she has to be squeezed, especially when this kind of squeeze comes from the Li family. It makes people feel particularly uncomfortable.

"The lock is a little weak, and the chestnuts are too small. My mother said, I'm afraid that it won't be easy to melt after eating brown rice paste. Feed the fine rice for a few days first, then put it up later, and slowly change it to brown rice, otherwise I'm afraid of getting sick." Xu Xinger rarely explained peacefully, and then turned her eyes to Xu Lingzi for help.

Xu Lingzi got up quickly and said, "Wait, I'll scoop it up for you."

Li threw the rice dumplings in his hand back into the basin, splashed, and shouted, "Hurry up and separate the family. How will you live this life!"

"Who wants to separate from home after I die!" Old man Xu entered the hospital and looked around with fiery eyes, so that everyone bowed their heads and dared not speak.