Spring is as good as

Chapter 40 The culprit

"Mom, mother, wake up!" Xu Xinger came forward to pick up Ye Shi and tried her to hold her on the kang, but because she was too weak to do such a difficult thing at all.

She simply pulled down the quilt from the bed, laid it on the ground, laid Ye flat, reached out and grabbed her people hard. Finally, she heard her moan and woke up.

Xu Xinger was a little relieved, pulled Taoer, wiped away the tears from her face, and told her, "After I go out, you can bolt the door from the inside and take good care of your mother. Except for my father and me, no one else is allowed to open the door..."

After talking for a long time, Taoer was still a little stunned. She grabbed Taoer's shoulder and shook it twice and said, "Have you heard what the eldest sister said?"

Taoer nodded and sobbed, "I know."

Xu Xinger listened to Taoer's fixing the door and suddenly became fierce. She grabbed a kitchen knife in the kitchen and rushed straight out.

She saw that the two men were talking to Lao Xu's head, but she didn't hear what they were talking about. She chopped them directly, and whether they were cut or not, they were crazy and kept cutting down one by one.

Old Xu's head was shocked by his granddaughter. He quickly reached out and grabbed her and shouted harshly, "Xing'er, what are you doing!"

Xu Xinger's eyes were scarlet, and her expression was distorted. She kept struggling under the old man and said, "Master, let me go and let me cut these two bastards..."

"Bang!" Old Xu's head could hardly restrain her and slapped her in the face. "Are you crazy?"

"..." Xu Xinger covered her hot face, and the muscles of her cheeks kept shaking. She was stunned on the spot, gasping for breath, and her thin body fell together. Her eyes stared at the two people like fire, gritting her teeth and said, "What are you going to do at my house?"

The cold-faced man was just cut into his arm. At this time, he raised his hand to cover the wound, and blood kept dripping from his fingers. He looked at Xu Xinger's expression and was a little surprised, but he still said, "Your father owes us five taels of silver. We're just here to ask for it..."

Before she finished speaking, Xu Xinger shouted heartbreakingly, "Five taels of silver, just for five taels of silver. Are you going to force people to die?"

"Oh, the little girl's tone is not small, and it's only five taels of silver. Then take out the silver and let's do it on the spot." The man still smiled at the corners of his lips, but there was a chill in his eyes.

"We came to ask for accounts according to the rules, and neither said anything nor did we do anything. Why did we force you to die?" The man with facial paralysis couldn't help opening his mouth.

"My mother fainted and was unconscious. You still have the face to say that you came to ask for the bill according to the rules!" Xu Xinger got angry and almost escaped from the old man's hand.

"Isn't your mother in the room? We didn't touch half of her fingers." The man said casually, "We're just here to collect debts. Who will kill people for five taels of silver?"

Five taels of silver? Bah!" Xu Xinger spat over and said, "My parents haven't borrowed money at all. You can ask for the wrong door to collect debts. If my mother has a problem, I won't let you go!"

The cold-faced man was silent for a moment and said, "The matter of whether you are in debt or not, wait until your father comes back. Now the more important thing is to ask a doctor for your mother to have a look."

"You don't have to pretend to be a good person!" Xu Xinger said hatefully.

At this time, Xu Laosan came back from outside. He was shocked and hurriedly asked, "What's the matter?"

"Dad..." Xu Xinger cried out, and the kitchen knife in her hand also fell to the ground. She struggled to break free from the clamp of old Xu's head and rushed into Xu Laosan's arms and said, "Father, my mother fainted. Go and get a doctor quickly."

Xu Laosan was shocked when he heard the words and opened the door of the inner room. Seeing Ye lying on the ground with a pale face, he stepped forward, put his arms on her shoulder and helped her up and asked, "What's wrong? What's wrong?"

Ye Shi opened his eyes and saw Xu Laosan. His lips trembled but he couldn't speak. Tears flowed down his cheeks silently, and his whole body almost yankipped.

Xu Laosan was so anxious that he hugged Ye and said in a pile of voices, "Don't talk, don't say anything, have a good rest, and I'll go and call a doctor." With that, he picked up Ye and put him on the kang and turned around to leave.

Ye grabbed the corner of Xu Laosan's clothes, looked at him with tears in her eyes, opened her mouth several times, and finally asked, "You, do you owe money outside?"

"No." Xu Laosan was inexplicable when he heard the words. He didn't know why Ye suddenly asked such a sentence, "Don't you know who I am!"

"Hmm!" Ye nodded with comfort and said with tears, "I believe you."

Xu Laosan got up and went to the yard and just asked, "What's going on? What money do you owe?" Who the hell are you? Why did you come to my house?

At the same time, the cold-faced man also suddenly said, "It's not this person!"

Xu Laosan ignored these and hurriedly left to ask the doctor.

Xu Xinger immediately exploded as soon as she heard this. She went up and punched and kicked, and scolded, "I can't even figure out who owes. What kind of man is it that two big men go to other people's houses to bully women and children? Go home and find a rope to hang it. Are you ashamed? ......”

The cold-faced man stood without saying a word, allowing Xu Xinger to beat and scold, and the wound on his arm was still bleeding out.

Xu Laosi hugged Xing'er from behind and comforted her, "Xing'er, stop fighting. Go into the room to see your mother."

Xu Xinger's chest heaved violently. After a long time, she calmed down and gritted her teeth and asked, "Where's the loan? Take it out and let me have a look."

After receiving the IOU from the cold-faced man, Xu Xinger looked at the deposit carefully and looked up and asked, "The handwriting of this payment is the same as the one at the top, that is to say, it is written by the person who issued the IOU. Only the deposit and fingerprints behind are the borrower?"

"Well, the person who owes money can't read, so he only let him draw a bet." The cold-faced man frowned and thought for a moment, "The person who came with him called him Brother Xu, and then he said his own name. That man is slightly shorter than your father, but his eyebrows are a little similar, isn't it possible..."

Xu Xinger also thought of a possibility. She grabbed the cold-faced man's sleeve, pulled him out, went straight to the door of Xu Laoer's house, patted the door and shouted, "Is the second uncle at home? Someone came to look for you and said he would invite you to dinner. He went to the wrong door to my house."

The cold-faced man twitched the corners of his mouth, looked down at Xu Xinger, and couldn't help asking, "You are talking nonsense... You really come with your mouth!"

Xu Xinger glanced at him blankly and ignored him. She heard footsteps in the courtyard. Then Xu Laoer opened the door and leaned out and asked, "Who wants to invite me to dinner?"

The cold-faced man was quick-eyed. He grabbed his clothes and pulled him out. He said with a black face, "It's okay if you don't pay back the debt. You're really good at reporting your brother's name."

Xu Laoer was shocked. He held the door frame with both hands and refused to let go. He shook his head desperately and said, "You recognized the wrong person. It's not me. I don't owe you any money."

"How do you know it's silver if you don't owe money?" Xu Xinger was so angry that she couldn't go up and beat him a few times.

The cold-faced man was very strong. He pulled Xu Lao's collar, dragged him half mopped him to the yard of Xu Xinger's house, threw it among several noisy people in the yard, and said in a low voice, "This is the person who is indebted."

Old Xu was stunned, and then slapped his second son in the face and scolded, "You are so careless. You are really capable. You dare to go out to gamble, borrow money from the seal, and dare to buckle the shit basin on Lao San's head. It's really good!"

Xu Laoer hid back from his face and said, "Dad, no, I, I was at that time. My son felt uncomfortable without me. I just wanted to disperse my boredom. Who knows..."

"Bastard!" Old Xu was so angry that he had to go up and fight again.

Xu Laoshi quickly went up to stop him and said, "Dad, stop fighting. What's wrong with the money that the second brother owes others?"

Old Xu's head was choked. He straightened his neck and shook his hand for a long time and said, "I know what to do. I haven't seen what five taels of silver look like in my life. He dares to draw on the IOU."

After saying that, he said to the two debt collectors, "You have also seen that it is best for my son to pay back the money. If he can't pay it back, I can't control it. What should you do?"

Xu Laoer suddenly panicked, knelt in front of Lao Xu, hugged his legs and cried, "Dad, you can't leave me alone. I'm your own son, dad..."

"Get out of here, I don't have such a bear son." Old Xu kicked Xu's second away and walked away with his hands behind his back.

At this time, Xu Laosan invited the doctor back. Looking at the situation in the yard, he also understood seven or eight points in his heart. His anxious face suddenly became a little more gloomy. First, he endured and did not have an attack. He let the doctor into the room to take Ye's pulse and asked Xu Xinger to take care of him in the room.

Xu Laosan closed the door with his backhand, walked to Xu Laoer step by step, stared at him closely, and didn't say anything for a long time.

Xu Laoer sweated coldly when he saw it. He rubbed his hands and smiled and said, "Lao San, don't be angry. I, I'm just afraid that your sister-in-law will be anxious with me. At that time, my mind was confused... Ouch..."

Before he finished speaking, he was punched in the left eye by Xu Laosan, shouted, fell back to the ground, and shouted, "Lao San, what are you doing? I didn't tell you to pay me back the money, you..."

No matter what he said, Xu Laosan picked him up, put his knee on his stomach, and stuffed back all the words behind him. Then his fists and feet kept falling down, beating him so much that he couldn't say a whole word. He could only lie on the ground and hum and beg for mercy.

Xu Laosi first felt that the second brother deserved it. It was a little pitiful to see that he was beaten black and blue, but looking at the third brother's crazy appearance, he dared not say words of comfort, so he could only stand aside and watch at a loss.

"Go to hell..." Suddenly, Mrs. Xu's shout came from the door, "Three, stop it!"