Spring is as good as

Chapter 41 Xu Laosan's Entanglement

"What are you doing!" Mrs. Xu rushed in vigorously, grabbed Xu Laosan's hand and said, "It's yours. Is there any size? Even your brother beats it."

Mr. Xu's face turned red. He shook off Mrs. Xu's hand and said angrily, "Mom, why don't you ask your second brother what he has done!"

This is Xu Laosan's age. The first time he contradicted his mother, and as soon as he said, their bodies immediately froze.

Old Mrs. Xu was stunned for a moment and cried out: "Why is my life so bitter? People say that raising children to prevent old age, and the children I raised rebelled against me in turn. Now my arms and legs can still move. You are not sick or disaster. If I can't move on the kang in the future, can I count on you?"

Xu Laosan frowned and stood still. If it had been in the past, whether it was his fault or not, he would have knelt down and pleaded guilty to Mrs. Xu, but now he only felt panicked and wanted to find a way to vent it.

He asked himself that he was not sorry for his parents, brother and sister-in-law, and he rushed to do dirty work at home, but his situation not only did not get better, but the situation was getting worse and worse. Now that I was bullied by my second brother, my daughter-in-law was still lying on the bed in the room. I don't know what was going on. My mother came indiscriminately and accused herself first...

This is the first time that Xu Laosan has questioned his mother and has been doubtful about his filial piety, but now he has no time to make him think too much.

The doctor in the room has diagnosed his pulse. He looked at Xu Xinger and Taoer with a solemn face and came out to greet Xu Laosan and said, "Lao San, I'll talk to you when you come in."

Xu Laosan couldn't care that Mrs. Xu was still sitting on the ground crying. He quickly entered the room and said, "D. Feng, how's my daughter-in-law?"

Dr. Feng sighed, brushed his beard and said, "The face is pale, the tongue is purple, and the veins are thin. Usually, it is easy to palpitate and sweat, chest tightness and shortness of breath, and even painful shoulder..."

Xu Laosan was confused, but Xu Xinger heard some doorways. She was shocked and asked tentatively, "Is my mother mentally ill?"

Dr. Feng looked at Xu Xinger unexpectedly. First, he nodded and shook his head and said, "Yes, but it's not all. It's a heart disease. However, the patient's body is yang deficiency and worried, fatigue, biochemical sourceless, qi and blood deficiency, resulting in heart loss of nourishment. This is a yang qi deficiency chest paralysis, and has been damaged and yang and yin. Medicine should be used as soon as possible to promote blood circulation, and benefit the temperature and yang..."

He paused here, looked at Xu Laosan with a complicated expression, and sighed, "I'll give you a prescription first, at least for a while, otherwise I'm afraid I won't last long with her body."

As soon as this sentence came out, Xu Laosan and Xu Xinger were stunned. Although they had known that Ye's body was not good, they did not expect that it had reached such an extent.

Xu Xinger came to her senses first and said, "Dr., please feel free to prescribe medicine. My mother's body is important." She knew that this was not the time to panic and feel uncomfortable. Although she was indeed panicked and bitter, she resisted helping Dr. Feng prepare a pen and paper.

The prescription was quickly opened. Xu Xinger took it and glanced at it. Not to mention anything else, when she saw ginseng, aconite, Danshen and other things at a glance, she already felt cold in her hands and feet. Under her own conditions, even if such medicine can be bought for the time being, how long can it be taken?

As the saying goes, it is difficult to beat a hero with a penny. Now she finally realized the bitterness of this sentence. Xu Xinger took the prescription and stood at the table stunned. For a long time, she didn't know what to do.

Dr. Feng obviously knew the situation of the Xu family and sighed and said, "I don't want to use such a good medicine, but she has such a problem. It's still a little tough, but her situation is a little bad. She has to use some good medicine to recuperate first, and then slowly warm it up. Take this medicine for three days first, and then I will come back to diagnose the pulse. How about that time?"

"Okay, thank you, doctor. Be sure to take the medicine." Xu Laosan nodded repeatedly, took the medical money to Dr. Feng, and sent him out again.

When I arrived in the courtyard, I found that the people who were still noisy before had disappeared, and I don't know when they left.

Xu Xinger looked at the prescription in the room and was in a daze. She was thinking about which of these drugs can be picked on the mountain, but after all, what she knew was limited. She only knew that ginseng, Wuweizi and so on were grown in the mountains on her side, while the rest only knew the name but did not know the appearance.

She sighed and kept her name in mind. She planned to ask Shanzi to make another plan, but she had begun to think about how to make up the money for the medicine at present. Seeing Xu Laosan came back and asked, "Dad, what should I do with the money for the medicine? Do you want to go to get the money?"

Xu Laosan nodded. He knew that Mrs. Xu could only get in and out. He thought how difficult it would be to ask her for money, but there was really no other way. He grabbed his hair and sighed and thought, but as long as he was more careful, Ye's illness would not invite the doctor to see it. However, if he had more ability, he would not even know where to raise the money for his daughter-in-law's medicine.

Xu Xinger held the ginseng sent by Wu Laosan in her arms, but she did not immediately take it out for Xu Laosan. She was not reluctant to use it for Ye, but saw the struggle and doubts in Xu Laosan's eyes, knew that he had doubts about his own situation, and began to resist and complain about Mrs. Xu's injustice.

From Xu Xinger's consideration, this is a good change and thinking. She needs a catalyst for Xu Laosan to agree or even take the initiative to ask for separation. Today's events have obviously played a role in promoting.

She knew that Xu Laosan was an honest man and couldn't bear to embarras him, but it was a little painful. He had to taste it in person to understand the deep pain.

So Xu Xinger did not look up or speak. She stood in the shadow with her head down, looking pitiful and helpless.

Xu Laosan felt particularly uncomfortable when looking at it. He reached out and rubbed his daughter's hair and said, "Don't worry, Dad will get the money."

"Dad..." Xu Xinger raised her head in a panic and shouted, but swallowed what she wanted to say later. Her face was full of entanglement, and tears couldn't help rolling in her eyes.

Xu Laosan didn't understand his daughter's meaning. He thought she was just worried about Ye. He smiled comfortingly at her and turned to the old house.

Along the way, Xu Laosan thought about the possible difficulties of Mrs. Xu and how to deal with it. When he walked to the door of the old house, he raised his feet and put them down. The low threshold at the door of the old house, which is seriously worn out, looks so difficult to cross at this time.

"Third brother, why are you standing here? Come into the house." Xu Lingzi found Xu Laosan first and pulled him into the room. "I heard from my father that my sister-in-law was sick and wanted to see it. Why don't you take care of my sister-in-law at home?"

"I'll come to my mother to get the money and get medicine for your sister-in-law." When Xu Laosan entered the house and saw that Mrs. Xu was not at home, he was suddenly relieved and could not say whether he was disappointed or relieved.

Xu Lingzi also looked a little strange when she heard it. She hesitated for a moment and whispered, "I'll ask my father. If my father promises to take the money, I will give it to you directly, otherwise it will be difficult to pay when my mother comes back."

Xu Laosan felt more and more uncomfortable when he heard this. He even knew what kind of person his mother was, but why he had always lived a white life. He nodded blankly and watched Xu Lingzi turn into the east room and whisper something to old Xu.

"If you are sick, you can still not look at it. You have to ask me for money. The more you live, the more you go back." Old Xu's voice was not small, and his tone was also very loud, but at this time, this voice was so pleasant and warm in Xu Laosan's ears.

Then there was the sound of unlocking the key and opening the box from the room, followed by Xu Lingzi's exclaim: "Dad, why is our money gone?"

Old Xu said without taking it too seriously, "You may have stuffed it under your clothes."

Hearing the rumbling sound of turning things, Xu Laosan was upset and couldn't wait at the door. He simply picked up the curtain and entered the room and watched Xu Lingzi look for it.

Xu Lingzi turned pale. She had touched the bottom of the box. There were several strings of copper coins locked in her cabinet, not scattered silver. She couldn't see it casually there for a while. She felt more and more that something was wrong. She turned her head and said to the old man Xu, "Dad, the money is really gone. I opened the box yesterday. There are a total of eight dollars, which are well put in it. You see, there is not even a copper coin now.

Old Xu frowned when he heard the words and said, "Then you can still see ghosts..." Before he finished speaking, his expression suddenly changed. He turned his head and asked Xu Lingzi, "Where did your mother just say she went?"

"Ah?" Xu Lingzi didn't know why the old man asked this. She was stunned for a moment before saying, "My mother said to go to Aunt Hu's house and talk for a while..." She also seemed to understand in her heart that the key to her box was only in Mrs. Xu's hand except for herself. At this time, the box was not broken and the money was missing. The only possibility was that It was taken away by Mrs. Xu behind her family's back.

"But what are you doing with so much money..." Xu Lingzi still couldn't understand at all.

Xu Laosan raised his feet and ran straight to Xu Laoer's house. He could already hear the sound of crying and fighting from time to time. Mrs. Xu's voice was clearly distinguishable in it.

"Yingzi Niang, don't play quickly. The second brother also knew it wrong. He felt uncomfortable because Hu Zi was gone, so he went to grab a few cards. He will definitely not dare to go in the future."

"Bah, it's even more uncomfortable without my son. Do I have to go out and touch it?" Li shouted unrelentingly and continued to go to Xu Laoer, "You have a long ability. You dare to borrow five taels of silver. Have you ever seen five taels of silver? You are a loser. I was really blind back then. Why did I follow you like such a coward..."

"Oh, Yingzi Niang, don't scratch it. Your nails are long, grab a bloody penny!" Mrs. Xu stopped sadly, "Didn't you pay back all the money? Hurry up and live!"

Xu Laosan was already standing at the door of the house at this time. He didn't look at the two people in the room who were tearing up. His eyes fell on the table, and there was a small half of the money to untie the rope. He tried to swallow and asked in a hoarse voice, "Mom, our eight pieces of money... Is that's all left?"