Spring is as good as

Chapter 42 Cold

When Mrs. Xu heard this, her first reaction was that she was guilty. She stole the money to help her second brother pay back without telling her, but she turned her head and saw that there was only Xu Laosan standing at the door. She suddenly became hard again and said, "What's the matter? You are more and more capable now. You dare to shout at me about the money. So what if I use it? Is it your turn to ask?

Xu Laosan already had some doubts. At this time, when he heard this, his whole heart was as cold as falling into an ice hole, his lips trembled, and he asked for a long time, "Mom, am I really your own child?"

"..." Mrs. Xu was stunned and said angrily, "I gave birth to you when I was pregnant in October, pulled you up with a handful of shit, and built a house for you to marry a daughter-in-law. Now I come to ask this question, are you beating me in the face or forcing me to die?"

"If I am my mother's own son, and my daughter-in-law is sick like this now, can my mother ask? But do you think it costs money to see a doctor and take medicine?" Xu Laosan's voice was empty. He knew that Mrs. Xu would not care about this, but he still asked one by one, just to understand for himself.

"Your daughter-in-law has been sick since she got married. Who knows what's going on now?" Mrs. Xu said carelessly, "Besides, my daughter-in-law is just a foreigner. This is your second brother. If you don't have a daughter-in-law, you can marry again. If something happens to your second brother, won't it kill me!"

Xu Laosan didn't open his mouth after hearing this. He slowly closed his eyes and took a deep breath. When he opened his eyes again, his eyes changed.

When Mrs. Xu met his eyes, she immediately felt cold. She subconsciously withdrew and asked, "Lao San, what do you...what do you want to do..."

Xu Laosan clenched his fist on his side and squeezed two words from his teeth: "Secession!"

"What's the division? Your brother hasn't married yet, and your sister hasn't married yet. As a brother, you talk about the separation, and let people judge. Spit stars can drown you!" Mrs. Xu shouted, "Besides, your father has already said that you will divide the family after your little sister get married, and now divide the family? You don't even think about it."

Xu Laosan lowered his head when he heard the words, and Xu Xinger's usual intentional or unintentional words came to her mind. She usually did the most work and took the least money, that's all. But now she doesn't even give Ye's life-saving money and said such chilling words... Is it really wrong?

He stared at the ground silently and didn't say anything for a long time. Finally, he dragged his heavy footsteps and slowly turned away.

Mrs Xu looked at the back of her third son and somehow seemed to be missing something, but before she could think about it, she was attracted by the fight between Xu Laoer and Li, and quickly rushed to persuade him to fight.

Xu Laosan's mind was full of chaos. He walked out of Xu Laoer's house and stood at the intersection and didn't know where to go. Now there is no separation. The family's money is in Mrs. Xu's hands. Usually, he wants to ask her for everything. Now he has returned the printing money. He must not be able to take out the money. What is Ye's illness? What should I do?

"Third brother, don't worry, let's think about it slowly." Xu Lingzi came out after Xu Laosan and saw all the things just now.

She knew that her mother did injustice, but now that this is the matter, she has no idea in her mind. She can only comfort Xu Laosan weakly. "Now that the third sister-in-law has fallen ill, and the family is a small illness, so many mouths, everything has to be supported by you, the pillar. At this time But you have to hold on, otherwise it's good.

Xu Laosan nodded his head, thinking about how to raise money, but when he thought about it, he couldn't find even a person who might borrow money. His family was almost the same. At most, it was just the difference between eating well and not eating well. Now it's not after the autumn harvest, who can have a few spare money.

Xu Lingzi finally dragged Xu Laosan home, took out a purse from her box, opened it, and handed it directly to him, "Brother, I still have more than 100 cents saved here. You can use it first. Let's think about it if it's not enough."

Xu Laosan did not reach out to pick it up. Looking at the purse in Lingzi's hand, he suddenly squatted down and buried his head between his arms and cried.

"Brother, third brother..." Xu Lingzi suddenly panicked.

Xu Laosan curled up and squatted on the ground. Most of his voice was pressed back into his body. A roar squeezed out of his throat, with heartbreaking despair, but there was no way to relieve his boredom. His whole heart was cold, and his body trembled like helpless dead leaves in the cold wind.

Old Xutou heard the voice coming in and frowned and asked Xu Lingzi, "What's the matter?"

Xu Lingzi shivered, but under the stern gaze of the old man, she still bravely said, "Mom... I took the money from my family to pay off my second brother's debts. No... I didn't have money to treat my third sister-in-law, so the third brother..."

Old Xu's two eyebrows twisted into a big pimple, and pulled Xu Laosan and said, "What's wrong with Xing'er Niang? What did the doctor say?

Xu Laosan couldn't speak at all at this time. His pale and dry lips trembling. As long as he opened his mouth, he roared like crying. His whole body was almost weak, and most of his body hung on Lao Xu's head.

Bean-sized tears kept rolling down from his scarlet eyes and sliding down his twitching cheeks, leaving a series of intermittent water stains on his skirt. Blood had been seen in his fingers, but he could not break his clenched fist.

Old man Xu grabbed his shoulder and shook it a few times and shouted at him, "Lao San, Lao San, can you hear me?"

Xu Laosan's eyes gradually focused, and his eyes fell on Lao Xu's face. His throat knot slid up and down a few times, and squeezed out two hoarse words from his throat: "Separate, separate!"

When old Xu heard the word separation, he was rarely angry. Instead, he put his hand under Xu Laosan's armpit, dragged him to the bed and lay down. He gasped and said, "What kind of family? Now you have to treat your daughter-in-law well. If you need anything, we need to find a way together. If your daughter-in-law is ill, she will separate you. This is capable. What's the matter?"

Xu Laosan was completely distracted and couldn't hear what others said at all. When he lay on the kang, he curled up again and muttered only two words: "divine...divine..."

Xu Lingzi was so scared that she saw that he was sweating, she hurriedly twisted the handkerchief to wipe him, turned her head and asked anxiously, "Dad, what's wrong with the third brother? Does it matter? Do you need to ask the doctor to have a look?

Old Xu's head reached out and strangled Xu Laosan's people. When he stopped twitching and shaking, he let go and said, "Your third brother is in a hurry. Just let him sleep here for a while." After saying that, he asked, "Where's your mother?"

"I...my mother..." Xu Lingzi lowered her head and didn't dare to say it, but the pressure that old Xu's usual pressure at home kept coming to her, and her body couldn't help trembling. Finally, she couldn't stand it and said, "My mother is in the second brother's room..."

Old Xu went out with a calm face and told him, "If Lao Si comes back later, you can ask him to look after your third brother at home. You can go to your third sister-in-law to help take care of him. The three young children in the family are messy enough. No matter how capable she is, Xing's up to support half a person. How can she be busy?"

Xu Lingzi only had time to make a promise, and the old man had quickly walked out of the door. She could only sigh and sit on the edge of the kang, looking at Xu Laosan, who was sleeping uneasily, and her heart was in a mess.

The third brother is the most filial one in the family, and the third sister-in-law is even more honest. The two usually contribute the most at home, but they can't get the favor of Mrs. Xu at all. Now they are still in such a situation. How can the third brother be blamed for feeling cold? A big man just cried like that, but anyone can't help but feel distressed when he sees it. Why can she be so biased when she is obviously her mother?

Old Xu went out of the house, stood at the door and hesitated for a moment. He turned around and walked to Xu Xinger's house first.

"Xing'er, come out, I have something to ask you." Old Xu stood at the doorway of the courtyard.

When Xu Xinger heard this, she put down the veil in her hand and tucked the quilt for Ye Shi. Then she got up and walked out. As she walked, she wiped her tears and came to the old man Xu and whispered, "Sir, what's the matter?"

"What's your mother's body like? What did the doctor say? Old Xu asked.

As soon as she heard this, Xu Xinger's tears that she had just wiped out gushed out and sniffed and said, "The doctor said that my mother's body is too weak, her qi and blood are insufficient, and her heart is lost. You have to take medicine to nourish her body quickly, otherwise... Otherwise, I'm afraid she won't last long..."

Old Xu didn't expect the matter to be so serious. His eyebrows became tighter and tighter. Seeing Xu Xinger's tearful face, he sighed and wiped her cheeks and said, "Don't worry, you and your father will think about it."

"There are many different medicines for ginseng, red ginseng and red ginseng. They can't afford it, let alone people like us." Xu Xinger's voice became softer and softer, "I don't have much money at home, and I'm afraid I have to pay off the debts to my second uncle first..."

Old Xu didn't expect Xu Xinger to be like this**. Unexpectedly, his face was embarrassed. He coughed hard and said, "Your father still has something to do in the old house. Your sister-in-law will help you take care of your mother and you later..."

Xu Xinger suddenly interrupted him and said, "What is my father doing in the old house? It's serious to get medicine for my mother quickly. What else is more serious than human life?

"Yes, it's time to catch the medicine. Don't worry. I'll ask your fourth uncle to go to the city to catch the medicine. Your fourth uncle can read, which is better than your father." Old Xu's head quickly said.

In fact, Xu Xinger knew in her heart that Xu Laosan should have hit a nail on the old lady's side. Although she wanted him to have a deep memory, she really remembered it.

The question that had originally came to her mouth was still swallowed by her. Although it is not the right time, Xu Laosan should still be given some time for him to digest this matter by himself.