Spring is as good as

Chapter 65 Tit-for-tat

As soon as the two opened their mouths, they were awkward, and finally they simply walked towards the West Mountain Pass.

Fortunately, although the two walked slowly, the man behind them did not catch up. Until she saw the big tree at the entrance of Xishan Aozi Village, Xu Xinger finally settled down with her heart all the way.

Although she rarely comes to Xishan Pass, after all, this village is different from other places. The relationship between the whole village and the Wu family is not just as simple as the villagers. Since she officially worshipped the Wu family and occasionally meets people in the village when picking medicine with Shanzi, she has a relationship with many people.

As soon as I entered the village, I met Uncle Li, who lived in the village. He was working in the field. He heard a noise and looked up. He quickly threw down the hoe in his hand and said, "Xing'er, what's wrong? Hurt on the mountain?

"He was scared just now, and his legs were so weak that he couldn't walk." Xu Xinger only knew that Rong Haoxuan was not injured, and she didn't know why his legs and feet had not been very flexible, so she said casually.

When Rong Haoxuan heard this, his chest was stuffy. As soon as he was about to explain, he was covered by Uncle Li with a burst of laughter.

"Kid, you look very strong. Why are you so bold!" Uncle Li patted Rong Haoxuan on the shoulder with a smile and almost slapped him to the ground. "Learn from Xing'er. This girl is bold and careful."

As soon as Rong Haoxuan was about to speak, he was elbowed by Xu Xinger, and then heard her say, "Mr. Li, go ahead. I'll help him to my master's house first."

"Go ahead!" Uncle Li waved his hand and asked kindly, "Do you need my help? I think you are having a hard time."

"No, it's only a few steps." Xu Xinger almost dragged Rong Haoxuan away from the entrance of the village.

"Why don't you let me talk?" After turning a corner, Xu Xinger slowed down. Rong Haoxuan asked angrily, "Is it so fun to smear me?"

"The matter of being kidnapped has not yet been opened. What does that person do? Is there anyone behind it? Will there be any accomplices or family members coming to trouble you and your family? These are still unknown. Do you want to be known first?" Xu Xinger pushed back angrily and thought about him, but he still looked anagorous.

Rong Haoxuan suddenly had nothing to say. He raised his hand and touched the tip of his nose, looked at Xu Xinger's sweaty forehead, and asked dryly for a long time, "How long will it take to arrive?"

"Can't walk?" Xu Xinger turned her head and looked at his face. It was white and red, and there seemed to be nothing wrong. "Just turn around in front of him. Hold on for a while."

"Brother Shanzi!" As soon as she turned the corner and saw the mountain, Xu Xinger quickly raised her voice.

Shanzi was rummaging through the medicinal herbs in front of his house. At first, he thought he had heard it wrong. He straightened up and saw the person, so he put the medicine in his hand and came over. First, he took Rong Haoxuan from Xu Xinger's hand, and then asked, "What's wrong?"

"Let's go in and talk about it later." Xu Xinger looked around. Although she didn't see the figure, it was better to be careful, and her feet were sore and painful, and her throat was so thirsty that it was like smoking. She wanted to find a place to sit down and pour a large pot of water.

"This is the young owner of Xiang Rongtang in the city..." Xu Xinger planned to introduce Shanzi as she walked in.

"No need to introduce, I know." Shanzi glanced at her and said, "Let you rest at home today, but you still went to run the mountain?" Have you recovered from the shoulder injury?

Xu Xinger remembered this and immediately smiled and said, "It's much better. The medicine you left is really useful."

Shanzi didn't say anything. He helped Rong Haoxuan in and settled down. He turned around and took the basket from Xu Xinger's shoulder. Seeing two firewood knives in it, he frowned imperceptably. After putting down the basket, he went to pour water for them.

Xu Xinger saw that Shanzi had been silent, and the feeling of feeling of guilty became more and more obvious. She coughed a few times: "Brother Shanzi, I... You also know that I can't be idle. I don't feel any pain on my shoulders, so I just want to go to the mountains for a stroll, but I didn't expect..."

Rong Haoxuan drank the water in front of him in one breath, and then looked at Xu Xinger disdainfully and said, "Where is my momentum just now? Now it looks like a little daughter-in-law."

"Why does everything have to do with you?" Xu Xinger stared.

Shanzi stretched out his hand and handed Xu Xinger a glass of water and said, "Drink some water to moisten your throat first. Don't drink too much in one breath. Sit down and rest for a while."

Xu Xinger took the cup and took an obedient sip. She immediately raised her eyebrows and asked again, "Brother Shanzi, what kind of water is this? It tastes good."

"I like to drink my own medicinal tea and bring you some tea bags later."

Xu Xinger saw that Shanzi still looked faint, which was very different from her usual tone and expression. She was a little uneasy. She didn't know if she was angry because she had eclipped her promise, and she didn't dare to ask more questions. She held the cup and took a small sip of water.

The temperature of the medicinal tea is a little hot, but it can still be eaten. It is hot all the way to the stomach and stimulates the sweat of the forehead, but the fatigue and fatigue seem to be relieved a lot, and I don't know if it is a psychological effect.

Rong Haoxuan added another glass of water, but his eyes kept staring at Xu Xinger. He was curious about the medicinal tea in Xu Xinger's hand, but he was embarrassed to ask for it and drank all the water in the quilt angrily.

Shanzi ignored this side at all, carried a silver hanging pot, and added another cup to Xu Xinger and said, "Have another drink."

Rong Haoxuan took the opportunity to hand over the empty cup and said, "I still feel thirsty. Pour some more for me."

Shanzi glanced at him, but did not refuse. He took the hanging pot and poured him a cup and asked, "Are you used to it first?"

The taste of this medicinal tea is not strong, and the color is also light brown, so Xu Xinger didn't feel any strange before drinking it just now. She just thought that Shanzi brought herself a cup of ordinary tea and drank it in her mouth. Some medicinal herbs have a unique light bitter fragrance, but they are sweet after tasting. Not only is it not bad, but it is even delicious.

Rong Haoxuan took a sip and stretched out the cup and said, "It tastes good. It also moistens your throat after drinking it, which is much better than white water."

Shanzi didn't refill him this time. He held the hanging pot and said with a smile, "Is that right? My grandma and my mother also like to drink this taste!"

Rong Haoxuan didn't react at first. Later, when he saw Shanzi's teasing expression, he realized that it was specially matched for women with this medicinal tea, and he was still in a hurry to ask for it. It's really...

He blushed and said, "You, won't you tell me in advance?"

"Master Rong is the young master of Xiang Rongtang. I'm just a rural boy. How can I know the rules of your big family? Maybe Master Rong likes to drink women's medicinal tea. Although our Wu family is not a prominent family, there are also rules and etiquette for guests. If the guests want it, if we don't give it, how can we It's not that we seem stingy. Shanzi said coldly, stretched out his hand and picked up the medicine pot and asked, "Master Rong, do you still need to use some more?"

Rong Haoxuan's face was a little embarrassed. He sat up straight and shook his head. His voice also became cold and said, "Thank you for your hospitality. I'm sorry to trouble."

Xu Xinger looked at the two people and couldn't help but be a little puzzled. After knowing Shanzi for so long, she had never seen him use this attitude towards whom. If they had any old grievances, Rong Haoxuan didn't look like they knew him, which was really puzzling.

However, this is not the time to ask questions. Xu Xinger changed the topic and said, "Brother Shanzi, is Master at home?"

"Isn't it right? What's the matter?" Shanzi's attitude towards Xu Xinger was much milder.

Xu Xinger roughly talked about what happened on the mountain today, and then pointed to Rong Haoxuan and said, "I began to think that Master Rong's legs were weak, or his legs were numb after being tied for a long time, but it was still not very convenient all the way. I don't know if there was any injury, so I want Master to show him."

Shanzi frowned more and more and stared at Xu Xinger and said, "Now that you are more and more bold, you dare to run into such a deep mountain. You dare to go up and make up and help in this kind of thing. Although you came back safely by mistake this time, what if something happens, you don't want to think about your parents and... and worry about you. People?"

Xu Xinger lowered her head and muttered in a low voice, "I also know that this matter is very dangerous, but when I saw it at that time, I can't see death without saving it, right?"

Shanzi was silent for a moment and turned away without saying anything.

"Brother Shanzi..." Xu Xinger suddenly panicked. She knew that Shanzi was worried about herself and had always been for her own good. She regretted it in her heart. It would be good if she honestly admitted her mistake just now. Why did she have to talk back?

She was struggling whether to chase out or not. As soon as the curtain was picked up, Shanzi and Wu Laosan came in together.

"Master." Xu Xinger quickly called someone.

"Well, sit down, let me see." Wu Laosan had heard Shanzi talk about what had happened, so he came in and went straight to the point, half squatting in front of Rong Haoxuan to check his legs.

He pressed his hands on one leg, thronged it from top to bottom, and got up and said, "I guess it was after the man tied you, you have been struggling and twisting. Several tendons on your legs are misplaced. Fortunately, it's not too long. Just press it back."

"I guess it will hurt a little. You can bear it by yourself." Wu Laosan helped Rong Haoxuan to the couch, let him lie flat on the couch, and then began to check again from his waist, frowning and pressing his left crotch slightly hard.

Rong Haoxuan suddenly clenched his teeth and opened his eyes unconsciously. There was a faint sweat on his forehead, but he didn't say a word.

"There is some dislocation of the crotch bone." Wu Laosan withdrew his hand and turned to Shanzi and said, "Go and call your second uncle."

Shanzi answered and went out. Wu Laosan looked at Xu Xinger's blank expression and explained, "My second brother is better. Young Master Rong is still young, so it's better to ask him to be safer."