Spring is as good as

Chapter 66 obedient

After a while, Wu Laoer came over by himself and didn't say where Shanzi had gone. He directly touched the position of the bone and said to Rong Haoxuan, "Relax, don't hold your breath." Before he finished speaking, his men pushed hard between his crotch.

Rong Haoxuan only felt that the bones in his crotch made a crisp sound, and his left crotch, which had been sore and uncomfortable just now, really didn't hurt.

"The bone is pressed back, and then rub the misplaced tendons back." Wu Laoer checked again and saw that there was no misalignment in other places, so he handed over the rest of the work to Wu Laosan to leave.

Wu Laosan dragged a chair over and sat on the couch and couldn't help kneading Rong Haoxuan's leg.

Xu Xinger couldn't see anything famous, but when she saw Rong Haoxuan frown and gritted her teeth, she knew that it should not be very easy.

After pinching for half an hour, Wu Laosan stop and said, "Stand up and try to walk."

Rong Haoxuan tried to get up and found that his legs were sore as soon as he tried. At this time, he was indeed much easier and walked much more steadily.

"If you are more active, tell me in time if you are uncomfortable. If the time of misalignment is short, it will be easier to recover. If it is delayed for a long time, it will be more troublesome." Wu Laosan went to the door and washed his hands. "I have sent someone to send letters to your house. I guess someone will pick you up in the evening. Just rest at my house for a while."

"Thank you, Master Wu." Rong Haoxuan arched his hand and thanked him, but there was always a feeling of children pretending to be mature, which made people feel unbearable.

Xu Xinger saw that Wu Laosan was busy, so she asked, "Master, where's Brother Shanzi?"

"Go outside to clean up the sunburned medicine books and medicinal materials." Wu Laosan patted Xu Xinger on the head, "If you have nothing to do, go and help."

"Good!" Xu Xinger nodded repeatedly and went out to find Shanzi and said, "Brother Shanzi, I'll help you."

"You're tired today. You'd better have a good rest." Shanzi lowered his head and turned over the medicinal herbs, and his tone was faintly unable to tell whether he was sincere or angry.

"Brother Shanzi, I'm wrong today. I shouldn't listen to you. I have to run to the deep mountains and forests. I'm sure I won't do it in the future. Don't be angry, okay?" Xu Xinger pulled his sleeve and begged to apologize.

Shanzi sighed helplessly and said, "I'm not angry. I'm just worried about you. What should you do if you really encounter any danger in the future?" After saying that, he lowered his head again to rummble through the herbs, but absent-mindedly turned the herbs under his hands in a mess.

"I won't run around by myself in the future, I promise, I swear, okay?" Xu Xinger cursed and swore, "Isn't it enough for me to listen to you in the future?"

"That's what you said." Shanzi looked up at Xu Xinger, "Will you listen to me in the future?"

Xu Xinger vaguely felt that there seemed to be something wrong, but she didn't think about it for a while. She just felt that it was serious not to let Shanzi continue to be angry. Moreover, since she met Shanzi, what he said and did was also good for her. And although he was young, he had always been safe and reliable, so she listened to him. There is nothing wrong.

So Xu Xinger nodded and said, "Well, I will definitely listen to you in the future and won't run around in the mountains by myself."

Shanzi got this sentence and was satisfied, but his face did not show it. He continued to calmly turn over the herbs.

Seeing that he seemed to be not angry, Xu Xinger immediately relieved and quickly threw out the question just now and said, "Brother Shanzi, do you know Rong Haoxuan? Why don't you seem to like him?"

"It's okay. Don't talk to him in the future. It's always good to get involved with him." Shanzi curled his lips and got up and asked, "Are you going to the market the day after tomorrow?"

"It goes naturally." Xu Xinger nodded repeatedly. Although she still didn't know what was going on, anyway, it was the right thing that Shanzi was not angry with her. As for other gossips, it was not so important that she left behind.

Shanzi continued to change the topic and said, "How are you prepared? What's the plan?"

Xu Xinger has thought about these plans for a long time. Hearing his question, she said, "I have dried radishes at home. Last winter, my mother dried a lot and can still use them for a period of time. The herbs she saved these days were sold at the market for money, so she bought various ingredients and peppers, and then bought a few. Small jar. After going home and making dried radish, it will take half a month to eat. In this half a month, I will continue to follow you to the mountains. When I go to the next market, I will buy some dishes, and then I can take it to the city to sell for money.

"If you don't have enough money, I can lend it to you first, or I can partner with you, and don't..."

Before Shanzi finished his words, Xu Xinger said, "Don't go to the mountain by yourself in order to make money, I remember."

"It's better to remember it." Shanzi looked at Xu Xinger helplessly, "You are really too bold."

"The sun is about to go down. Let me collect medicinal herbs for you." Xu Xinger squatted down, grabbed the small wooden rake, raked the same medicine together, and then packed it in a cloth bag placed aside.

The two cleaned up together, and soon put all the medicinal materials dried in the yard in bags and put them back into the warehouse. Shanzi packed up the medical books that were spread out to dry. Xu Xinger curiously picked up a book and opened it. Naturally, it was full of vertical traditional Chinese characters. Although they could barely understand some words, many words were written by Zou Zou. Together, I don't know what to say.

"Brother Shanzi, have you read all these books?" Xu Xinger held up a book and asked Shanzi.

"They are all my father's books. I have been forced to recite a lot by him since I was a child, but most of them are half-knowable." Shanzi asked as he cleaned up, "What, are you interested?"

Xu Xinger shook her head like a rattle and said repeatedly, "I'm not interested in medical books. I don't know anything about it, but if there is a book specializing in medicinal materials, it's not bad."

"The books about medicinal materials are not gone, but they are all fragments of experience and so on. They are all medicinal materials from the south. I haven't seen anyone write books about medicinal materials in the north!" Shanzi put the book back on the bookshelf in different categories and skillfully pulled out a pamphlet and handed it to Xu Xinger, "Go, this is one."

The booklet is very light and thin, and it seems that there are not many pages in total. Xu Xinger took it and looked through it. There were more than a dozen common drugs recorded in it, all of which were grown in the south. There were also a few illustrations in the middle, and she could barely see the outline.

As for the text description, it is more simple and casual. If it hadn't been for the efficacy and usage later, it could almost be seen as a collection of essays describing plants.

Xu Xinger returned the book to Shanzi with some disappointment. It seemed that the Compendium of Materia Medica had not yet come out yet, or the book would not appear in the world at all. Anyway, she still feels a little depressed. Now she is more and more interested in herbs, and gradually she is not satisfied with these fragmentary knowledge gained from running mountains. She really wants to have some theoretical knowledge to learn.

Seeing her appearance, Shanzi said, "My family is not a medical family. These medical books are just my father likes, so I bought them back to read them. Maybe there will be the kind of herbal books you mentioned, but I haven't seen them. I will pay attention to them for you in the future. If I see them, I will give them to you."

"Hmm." Xu Xinger's mood came and went quickly. Just now, it was just a whim. Hearing Shanzi say this, she smiled at him, "I'm just asking casually where there is such a coincidence. Even people who know the herbs can't know the world's herbs."

"That's the truth." Shanzi's men continued to put books and nodded and said, "There are all the strange things in the world, not to mention the herbs in the world, that is, the forest at the doorstep. There are many things in which we don't know or understand. If someone can really write all these into the book and teach people how to identify and use herbs, that person He must be a great person."

"Yes..." Xu Xinger nodded, but suddenly thought that she should write down what she had learned. Whether it can be passed on or not, it was always a material for her to review in the future. After all, a good brain is not as good as a bad pen. Nowadays, I know few herbs at a young age, so I can still remember clearly. What if I learn more and more in the future, or if my memory gets worse after getting older?

"Xing'er? What are you thinking about?" Shanzi waved his hand in front of her. "The books have been collected and you are still standing here in a daze."

Ah? I think it's getting late. Why haven't the people of the Rong family come yet? Xu Xinger turned her head and saw the sky outside, and the sun had gradually begun to set in the west.

"When the messenger goes, the people of his family will come again. It will take some time to come back and forth. You don't have to stay here. Just leave the rest to the third uncle to deal with. Go home early so as not to worry about your parents." Shanzi closed the door of the study and said to Xu Xinger.

Xu Xinger is indeed afraid of her family's worries, and if she continues to wait, she will have to go home greedily. Although she is bold, she is still a little panicked when walking alone at night in the mountains. Anyway, Rong Haoxuan is now in the Wu family, and she has nothing to worry about, so she went to say goodbye to her master. Get ready to go home.

Shanzi stood at the door of Wu Laosan with Xu Xinger's back basket on his back. When he saw her come out, he said, "Let's go."

"It's not the first time to leave. You don't have to see me off. It's still early now. I'm sure I'll be home before dark." Xu Xinger repeatedly said that there was no need to send it.

"That man may still be wandering in the mountains. It's too dangerous for you to walk by yourself. The third uncle also asked me to take you back. Let's go." With that, Shanzi strode forward.

Xu Xinger felt that he was reasonable, and since it was also the master's order, she didn't say more. She took two steps to catch up with Shanzi's footsteps and said, "Brother Shanzi, I remember the few medicinal herbs you asked me to recognize last time, and I'll recite them to you..."