Spring is as good as

Chapter 80 Business Opening

As soon as Xu Xinger packed two plates of radish strips, she saw a girl coming this way with a basket. She quickly put down the things in her hand and greeted them: "Sister Mei."

"Are you?" Seeing that she was a little girl, the girl slowly looked at Xu Xinger and searched in her mind to find out if she knew such a person.

"Sister Mei, I used to come here for dinner with my father and bought small dishes from you. When I heard others call you like this, I also called you." Xu Xinger had a sweet smile on her face and talked to Xiaomei enthusiastically. After all, it must be beneficial and harmless for her to have a good relationship with the old man.

"Oh, so that's it. There are too many guests who usually come and go. Unless they come every day, I don't remember anything else." Xiaomei is a cheerful person and doesn't say anything stupid through Xu Xinger's words.

"My brother and I came to sell some our own spicy radish strips and wanted to sell some money to support our family. We didn't understand the rules when we first came here. If there is anything wrong, my sister must teach us." Xu Xinger changed her usual appearance and smiled politely to Xiaomei.

Hearing this, Xiaomei did not show any unpleasant look. She didn't seem to feel angry because they came to rob their business. Instead, she said with great concern, "You came here to buy things, but you can go to the shop at the intersection to give a gift?"

"Don't worry, sister, I've been there." Xu Xinger called her sister affectionately. She looked at Xiaomei not like a private person, so she asked tentatively, "But we don't understand any rules for selling things here. Can you tell us?"

"In fact, there is nothing special. Most of the people who come here to eat are also work in the city. There will be no big people in such a small place, so don't worry too much. As long as you sell things and don't cheat or cause trouble, there will be no problem."

Xiaomei saw that Xu Xinger seemed to be a little nervous and comforted him: "In case someone really makes trouble, you just need to avoid it as much as possible. If there is a big trouble, someone will take care of it. We must not provoke trouble, let alone let others take the fault."

"Well, I remember it all. Thank you, Sister Mei!" Xu Xinger nodded vibly and smiled brightly at Xiaomei.

In a two-story teahouse not far away, Rong Haoxuan sat by the window and could just see the large dining stall below. Looking at Xu Xinger smiling like a flower, he couldn't help clenching the teacup in his hand.

"This dead girl greets others with a smile, but she frowns at me. Why is the young master so unwelcome her?" Rong Haoxuan hummed angrily and put the tea cup on the table.

The little man next to him looked at more and more people downstairs and couldn't help but persuade them worriedly, "Young master, there are many people here, and it's really not safe. The people you want to see have also seen it. Let's go back quickly!"

"What are you talk about!" Rong Haoxuan was willing to leave now. He waved his hand and said, "Go and buy some food. We'll eat here at noon... By the way, remember to go to the stinky girl to buy one. I'd like to see what she sells."

"Oh, my grandpa!" The young man complained bitterly. Since Rong Haoxuan was kidnapped, the Rong family has been much more cautious than before, and the servants dare not slack off.

Today, Rong Haoxuan only said to go shopping to relieve boredom. Who knew that while walking on the road, it suddenly changed and formed. He had to follow two people carrying baskets all the way to this mixed place...

The more he thought about it, the more worried he became. He said with a bitter face, "Master, if the little one is known to bring you here, even if the little one doesn't die, how dare he leave you for half a step! Isn't it difficult for you to be a child... For the sake of serving you since childhood, go home quickly!"

Rong Haoxuan was paying attention to what Xu Xinger was doing. He didn't have time to pay attention to what the little man was saying and said impatiently, "Don't you ask someone to buy it? My brain is eating!"

Seeing this, the little guy was helpless, so he had to call Xiao Er in the teahouse, took out a silver corner of about one or two, and threw it to him, "Help me buy some clean and delicious dishes..."

"Buy some more famous food here!" Rong Haoxuan ordered without looking back, "And the girl over there sold it, and she also bought one."

The little man had to tell him: "It must be clean. Don't dare to bring those unclean things."

The teahouse man has been working here for several years, and he has also seen some of the market. Seeing the sad face of the servant, he knows which young master should come to find something new.

It's a fool to make money or not to make money. He took over the silver horn and said with a smile, "Don't worry. The little one knows the importance, and the package will make you eat comfortably and well." With that, he quickly walked downstairs.

Of course, Xu Xinger didn't know that Rong Haoxuan was nearby and was still watching her every move. She just asked Xiaomei about the weight and price of the dishes sold here. Although there were some small differences, they were roughly on the same line, which was also a common rule here.

According to what Xiaomei said, she picked up the radish strips, let Shanzi look at things under the tree, and carried a basket to the people eating to sell.

Although she had a psychological preparation for everything at the beginning, she didn't sell it for a long time, and she didn't even have a person who was interested in asking, which made Xu Xinger a little discouraged.

She stood in an unobstructed place and looked around. There were several people shuttled between stalls and tables like this, and most of them were still patronized. Perhaps because she was a newcomer, no one knew what the taste was, so she chose the one she was used to buying.

Thinking of this, she withdrew her sight and saw two young people who had just sat down and ready to eat not far away. Although their clothes were a little old, they were clean and decent. She looked at the sven like a scholar.

She hung up her smile again and said, "Two brothers, can you try my spicy radish strips?"

Unexpectedly, the short man waved his hand without raising his head and said, "No, you say it's spicy radish strips here. In fact, it's not spicy and not delicious at all."

Xu Xinger didn't expect to meet a spicy foreigner. Instead of feeling discouraged, she was a little excited. She simply lifted the cover on the basket, took out an empty plate and put it on the table, and only took out two dried radishes.

Then he said to the two people, "My dried radish is different from the local method. Brother, you can try them. These two are my treat. There is no charge. Is it suitable for you?"

The short man began to look disapproving, but after seeing the dried radish picked up by Xu Xinger, he suddenly became a little interested and picked up his chopsticks and said, "It looks a little different. I'll try it..."

As he said, he picked up the radish strips and put them into his mouth. After chewing, he looked a little different. He nodded repeatedly and said, "This radish strips are delicious enough!" How much does it sell?"

"Our radish strips, a plate of three penny." Xu Xinger was immediately happy when she saw the business.

The price was set by herself, and she also asked Xiaomei's opinion. Her plate is slightly larger and slightly larger than Xiaomei's plate, and her pickled radish strips are not as salty as those sold by Xiaomei, so she should be able to eat a few more bites, so she set such a quantity and price.

"Give us two plates." The short man readily took out six copper plates and handed them to Xu Xinger.

At the beginning of the first business, Xu Xinger picked up two plates of radish strips with a smile and put them on the table and said, "Have a good meal, two guys."

"It's interesting for you to talk." The tall man, who had been silent, also said at this time.

Xu Xinger said inadtentionally, touched the tip of her nose shyly, and quickly carried the basket to continue to say hello elsewhere. This time, she had experience and directly shouted, "Spicy radish strips, taste them first and then buy them. You can buy them after tasting the delicious food, so as not to waste money!"

Many people listened to Xu Xinger's fresh shouting and felt that it was useless, so many people greeted her.

If more people taste it, naturally some people will like this bite and have to buy a plate to eat.

Xu Xinger's footsteps gradually became busy. This business was originally like this. As long as it opened at the beginning, if someone watched others buy it, they would naturally come to taste it, and the business would get better and better.

Shanzi helped Xu Xinger set up the plate under the shade of the tree. When she went back, she would let her rest for a while and go for her for a while.

Unexpectedly, Xu Xinger refused and pointed to the front to let him see: "Look, the one who sells food with a basket is a woman no matter the age. You are waiting for me here. I'm not tired."

The situation at the beginning opened up, and it became easier later. Some people still felt that they were not satisfied after dinner, so they went to Shanzi to buy more and take away.

Seeing this, Shanzi also shouted and even recruited several groups of people to buy it.

The two people cooperated tacitly, and the radish strips are indeed delicious, and they have never eaten, so the noon sun just stepped over their heads and brought a jar of radish strips has been sold to the bottom.

Xu Xinger's basket contains the copper coins she earned today, falling her arms heavily, but she doesn't feel tired at all. She can't wait to sink more.

"Little girl, do you still have any radish sticks?"

Everything here has been sold out, and people have come to ask one after another.

"Uncle, it's sold out today. If you like it, I'll come back tomorrow!" Xu Xinger was so happy to see that so many people liked it.

"I usually come late, but I'm afraid I can't catch up!"

"It's okay. How much did you say you want to buy? I'll save it for you in advance tomorrow. Do you think it's good?" Xu Xinger enthusiastically solicited guests. Whether she could be cultivated as an old customer or not, seizing a business was a deal.

"Really, that's great. I want a catty of dried spicy radish. You can save it for me tomorrow."

"Okay, don't worry!"