Spring is as good as

Chapter 81 Chapter 82 Avoiding the Rain

The first time she came out to sell spicy radish strips, Xu Xinger didn't dare to bring more, but she was overjoyed when it was sold out soon.

There were many people outside, and she didn't dare to count the money. She only poured the copper money into the cloth bag that Ye sewed for her, tightened the cloth strips at the mouth of the bag, put it in the back basket, and pressed it with something.

Touching that there were still more than a dozen cents in her purse, she smiled and said, "Brother Shanzi, let's find a place to eat."

After hearing Shanzi's answer, looking back, four 17 or 18-year-old teenagers who looked like gangsters had surrounded themselves and Shanzi.

Shanzi moved his footsteps to block Xu Xinger behind him, staring at the movements of those people, and his fists were already clenched on his side.

"Sorry, the spicy radish strips are sold out today. If you want them, hurry up tomorrow!" Xu Xinger straightened up and said with a smile, hoping to calm people as much as possible.

At this time, Rong Haoxuan is facing the spicy radish strips in the teahouse. He just ate two bites. It was so spicy that his nose was sweaty and his eyes were red, but he couldn't help but want to pick them up.

"Dead girl, what are you doing so spicy!" Rong Haoxuan said to himself and took a mouthful of rice. After all, he couldn't help picking up a radish strip and putting it in his mouth. It was so hot that he laughed and looked up and inhaled.

He quickly picked up two more mouthfuls of rice, which slightly relieved the spicy smell in his mouth. He subconsciously turned his head and looked out, and saw a circle of people not far away making noise, as if something had happened.

"Xixin, go and have a look. What's going on over there?" Rong Haoxuan looked at the place where Xu Xinger seemed to be staying just now and couldn't help paying attention to it.

Xixin looked at it and said uncertainly, "Master, it seems that a few hoodlums are making trouble."

Rong Haoxuan put down his chopsticks and got up to look at it. Seeing that Xu Xinger was indeed in the chaotic center there, he thought for a moment and shook his sleeves and said, "Let's go and have a look!"

"Master, this is impossible. Today, we just go out without a family mate. Even if we go there, it won't be useful. What if it hurts you?" Xixin quickly persuaded and stopped him and refused to let Rong Haoxuan go downstairs. If the young master had another accident, his family would not be compensated enough.

Rong Haoxuan stopped his footsteps when he heard the words, touched his chin and meditated. I don't know if he had listened to Xixin's words.

At this time, there was already a lot of trouble. The four hoodlums made excuses that they wanted to eat radish strips. Xu Xinger was sold out without waiting for them to buy it, and insisted Xu Xinger to compensate them some money.

Xu Xinger knew that this kind of person was difficult to deal with, and she deliberately paid the protection fee before. Although there were only five copper coins, did she do nothing to take money? While talking with her smiling face, she turned her ideas to see if she could come up with a safe way to escape.

Xiaomei was originally on the other side and was picking pickles for people. Seeing this, she quickly collected the money and smiled and said, "Brothers, we are together. I also have radish strips here. I'll give you a plate to taste. My sister is the first time she comes out to sell things and is ignorant. Don't be angry with her. It's not good to have a bad appetite for eating."

Xu Xinger didn't expect that Xiaomei not only did not avoid it far away, but also took the initiative to help and took the matter to herself. She was deeply moved and thought that this friend had been made by herself.

Four bastards came to look for trouble. How could they stop easily? The leader took the plate handed over by Plum, picked up a dried radish and tasted it. He spit it on the ground with a "bang", and then fell to the ground with the dried radish and the plate and scolded: "You little prostitute, you think you are the master. Have you ever eaten radish strips? I dare to let you taste such a bad thing!"

"Brother, if I don't show them some colors today, they won't know who is the boss of this piece!" The follower said for fear that the world would not be chaotic.

"That's it!" The other two also echoed, and one of them was even more urgent and wanted to fight directly.

Shanzi quickly pulled Xiaomei behind him and protected her. He said that today's things could not be good, and he also rolled up his sleeves and was ready to do it.

Xu Xinger also quietly put the money bag in her hand and clenched the mouth of the bag. The bag was sewn in double layers, and the cloth was thick and the stitches were also fine and very strong. If it was really fought, it would be regarded as a handy guy.

Xiaomei's face is a little pale. She has been selling pickles here. Naturally, she knows a few people in front of her. They are all bastards on this street. Although they can't turn over any big waves, they often ask for some money around. They generally only bully new stalls and never shop or old stalls, so the local dragons here are not It will come out.

She pulled Shanzi's sleeve and advised, "If you have something to say, don't do it, otherwise it will be difficult to end..." Before she finished speaking, her sleeves had been pulled out of her hand.

The gangster moved his hand first. Shanzi dodged a punch to the right, and his right hand punched in the middle of the jaw of the person who took the action.

The other party was beaten to make the corners of his mouth bleed, and he spit a few mouthfuls of bloody saliva, which made him angry and scold.

The atmosphere became tense, and several gangsters all gathered around and started.

Xu Xinger tightened the purse in her hand and unexpectedly swiped it. It was right on the side of the man's head, and the man lay to the ground without humming.

Several people were stunned for a moment. No one expected Xu Xinger to be so tough.

"Fuck!" The gangster, who had been known as the eldest brother, was so angry that he didn't care whether he was compliant or not. He waved his hand and shouted, "Fight me to death!"

Shanzi and Xu Xinger arched slightly at almost the same time and were ready to dodge the attack. Now that they have taken action, they can only fight first.

" Stop it!" At this moment, someone suddenly scolded, "Du Bo, you are itchy, aren't you? Don't look at whose territory this is. It's your turn to be wild here!"

Meizi was surprised to hear the words, covered her mouth and shouted softly: "Master Han..."

Xu Xinger recognized that the person who spoke was the person with triangular eyes in the shop just now, but she did not relax at all. She still tightened her body, squeezed the purse in her hand, and was ready to deal with various situations at any time.

Several hoodlums were shocked when they saw the people coming. They didn't expect that they would disturb the ground snake. Suddenly, they lost the arrogance just now. They put down their fists and carefully stepped back a few steps and stood still, indicating that they would not take action again.

Shanzi looked at several people suspiciously, and then turned around and asked Xu Xinger in a low voice, "Are you all right?"

Xu Xinger shook her head to show that she was fine, so she turned her head to look at the person and bowed down and said, "Master Han! Sorry to trouble you!"

"You came to do business. Since you have visited my house and handed in copper coins, hitting you is like hitting me in the face!" Master Han stood with his hands and spoke in a small voice, but he looked up blankly. Suddenly, there was no sound around him, and the three hoodlums standing were also silent.

The people around watching the bustle had already dispersed when Master Han appeared, and they were afraid of accidentally causing a fire.

Dou Bo is also playing drums in his heart at this time. Usually, when the newcomers come, they will go to get some oil and water, and naturally there will be some small conflicts, but as long as they don't go too far, Master Han and his men will not interfere at all. What's wrong with today?

Although Master Han came to interfere, he did not blame a few gangsters. He tilted his eyes and said, "Why don't you go? Waiting for me to treat you to dinner?"

"Yes, yes, Master Han forgives us. We're leaving now." Dou Bo dared to challenge Master Han with a respectful attitude, signaling the two followers to lift the unconscious one on the ground and quickly disappear into the crowd.

Master Han then turned his eyes to Xu Xinger and Shanzi and said behind him with a smile, "Master Rong's two friends are somewhat interesting."

Rong Haoxuan stepped forward and pretended to be mature and arched his hand and said, "Thank you, Master Han!"

"It's a small matter, Master Rong is polite." Master Han also hugged his fist slightly, said hello to Rong Haoxuan, and then left.

Rong Haoxuan tried his best to look as usual, but after all, he was still young. He looked at Xu Xinger with unconcealed pride at the corners of his eyes. He raised his eyebrows slightly. He looked like a show off for merit. He coughed and cleared his throat and said, "Why don't you tell me when you come to do business in the city? You see, if I come again later? Step, isn't something going to happen!"

"We are just a small business to subsist the family." Xu Xinger didn't expect that Rong Haoxuan was relieved. Seeing his childish appearance, she couldn't help shaking her head and put away the money bag from her hand. Then she said, "Thank you, Master Rong, for seeing the peace on the road. In this way, we will save each other once, and we don't owe each other. Master Rong doesn't have to worry more about the past in the future."

Seeing Xu Xinger's eagerness to get rid of the relationship, Rong Haoxuan's complacency just now suddenly cooled down and said unwillingly, "This place is Master Han's territory. Since you have done business today, your business here will definitely be much smoother in the future, and those hoodlums will certainly not dare to trouble you again. Heart."

Xu Xinger's mood has calmed down a lot now, and her tone is not as stiff as before. She smiled and said, "Thanks to you today, I have nothing to thank you. If you don't mind, I'll bring you some radish strips to taste tomorrow."

"I gave you a thank-you gift, but now you want to give it to me?" Although Rong Haoxuan really wanted radish strips, he couldn't help muttering, "You really only allow state officials to set fire and people are not allowed to light lamps!"

Xu Xinger glanced at him and said, "I'll give you spicy radish strips. That's what I bought by myself. I made it little by little. I can naturally give it to whoever I want. Your gifts are not all plundered from home. You just move your mouth. Why should I accept them!"

Rong Haoxuan was speechless by her. He opened his mouth and didn't think of how to refute it, so he had to skip that paragraph and said directly, "That's a deal. Remember to bring me radish strips tomorrow."

"Rumble..." There was a faint thunder in the distance.

Xiaomei was a little dumbfounded on one side. Hearing this sound, she said "Ouch" and looked up at the sky in the distance and said, "June's face, I'm afraid it's going to be thunder and showers. You must be poured halfway when you go home now, or go to my house to avoid the rain first?"

Shanzi also looked up at the sky and agreed with Xiaomei's words. Then he turned to look at Xu Xinger and asked for her opinion, "It's almost summer. There are more thunderstorms, but the time is relatively short. Why don't we avoid it first?"

Xu Xinger already thought that Xiaomei was very nice and wanted to make friends with her deeply, so she nodded happily and said while packing up the dishes, "Sister Mei, then we are welcome to go to your house to disturb you."

"Why are you so polite!" Xiaomei said that she was going to clean up her things. Only then did she see that Rong Haoxuan was still standing aside. Seeing that his face was a little unswerving and she had no intention to leave, she didn't know what to do. She couldn't invite her home?