Spring is as good as

Chapter 84 Boiling Sheep Soup

Xu Xinger cleaned up at home, but still couldn't rest assured that Ye was in the old house. She was afraid that she would be bullied and dared not make a sound, so she told Taoer to take care of the house, looked at a few small ones, locked the door from the outside, and then went to the old house to find Ye.

There are several large basins in the yard of the old house, some of which are sheep bones, some of which are sheep miscellaneous, and some of which are clear water. Ye is squatting on the edge of a basin, cleaning and picking sheep miscellaneous.

"Mother." Xu Xinger shouted over and looked around and asked, "What's the matter?"

"I just came to give a hand. What's the matter?" Ye knew that his daughter was worried about him and smiled happily.

Xu Xinger saw that everyone else was resting in the room, and only Ye Shi was working outside against the sun. This was not the helper she said. She was simply asked to work by herself.

But she also knew that what she said was useless. Ye smiled at most and did everything as usual. In her heart, it was reasonable for her daughter-in-law to be angry with her mother-in-law.

Since Ye is in the yard, Xu Xinger is too lazy to enter the room. She squatted down to help her clean up the things in the basin together. She asked with a low voice and asked with a low smile, "Mom, guess how much we sold today?"

Ye has never believed how much money Xu Xinger can make, but when she was a child's play, although she invested some capital, it was also earned by Xu Xinger herself, so it did not dampen her enthusiasm and let her toss around by herself.

At this time, I saw her smiling face, thinking that she should have made some money, but she was afraid that she would guess too much and hit her daughter. After thinking about it, she asked tentatively, "Have you made 20 cents?"

"Puff!" Xu Xinger smiled and then pretended to be angry and said, "Mom, don't you have confidence in me?"

"How much money did you make?" Seeing that her daughter seemed to make a lot of money, Ye was also interested and looked up and asked.

Xu Xinger stretched out two fingers, drew a gesture to Ye, and whispered, "If we don't count the cost of the bowls and plates, and only deduct the money of raw materials and ingredients, we have made about 200 cents."

Ah? Two..." Ye was shocked and almost shouted out. Fortunately, he came to his senses and quickly swallowed the rest of the words. He almost choked himself, coughed a few times, looked at his daughter with an unbelievable face, and then slowly turned into a surprise.

"Really, how can I lie to you!" Xu Xinger was so surprised to see that Ye Shi was so surprised that she couldn't help but say, "Although it's my business with Brother Shanzi, it's quite a lot."

"It's already a lot. Your father went to work in Qiancheng, but only made a hundred yuan." Ye said happily with her forehead against Xu Xing'er's forehead and said affectionately, "My Xing'er is really capable!"

The mother and daughter cleaned up the sheep bones and the mutton entrails with a smile. Ye washed her hands, rubbed the water on the apron, and entered the room and said to Mrs. Xu, "Mom, it's all cleaned up, but what else is there?"

"It's nothing. Go to your house. Remember to make mutton soup earlier tomorrow." Mrs. Xu didn't raise her head and ordered casually.

"Well, I remember." Ye answered with a good temper and pulled Xu Xinger home. He said incredulously on the way, "Have you really made so much money today?"

"I'm at home. You can go back and count it yourself." Xu Xinger narrowed her eyes with a smile, and her footsteps were much lighter than usual.

After Ye went home, she poured out all the copper coins in the money bag, found a rope, and crossed it up while counting, "One, two, three...287, 288, 289..."

"There are so many." Xu Xinger was a little surprised to see that it was more than her own calculation.

Ye put the money on and tied the rope tightly, put it back in her money bag, turned around and took out a key from the kang and said, "Move, the box in the north is full of things that are not used for the time being. It's not half full yet. I'll pack things for you in the future. I can lock it myself."

Xu Xinger took the key, climbed up the kang and locked the copper money into the box, then tied the key around her neck with a rope, stuffed it into her clothes, raised her hand and patted it, and said assuredly, "That's all right."

Tao'er looked at Xu Xinger's behavior, Zabaza's eyes and suddenly said, "Big sister is really a money fan!"

"Haha..." Ye laughed all of a sudden.

Xu Xinger bent down and pinched the tip of Taoer's nose and asked, "Where did you learn the words?" Sister, are you obsessed with money?

Taoer organized a long time before saying, "Last time my aunt next door came, she said that my father had a copper plate to be locked. He was a financial fan!" Then he pointed to the lock on the nose of the box, "The eldest sister also locked the money, and the eldest sister is also a money fan."

Xu Xinger couldn't help laughing. She let go of Taoer's nose and rubbed it casually and said, "Just say this at home. Don't say it when you go out, or your aunt won't give you candy in the future."

Ye also couldn't laugh or cry. Usually, Brother Cheng's mother came from home. The two felt that Taoer was still young and did not avoid her when talking. They didn't think that she would do something like it. They thought that if they would talk about these household chores in the future, they would still have to hide from some children.

At night, everyone washed up and went to bed, and then Ye told Xu Laosan about Xu Xinger's money making money.

Xu Laosan was naturally very happy. He kept rubbing his hands and said, "Oh, I really didn't see that my daughter is so capable!" I only thought this radish was delicious before, but I didn't expect to take it out to make money.

"Okey, lie down quickly and be happy at home. Don't go out and spread out." Ye waited for him to be happy for a while before he told him.

"Don't worry, I know." Xu Laosan couldn't close his grin and spoke with a smile.

"You are not even allowed to say anything about your relatives, remember?" Ye's tone increased uneasily.

"What's wrong with his family..." Xu Laosan remembered before he finished his words. The second brother suddenly had nothing to say because he owed money to usury. He nodded and said, "Well, I still know the story that money is not exposed."

The next day, Ye got up early, made breakfast for his family, warmed it in the pot, ate a few bites randomly to fill his stomach, and then went to the old house to prepare mutton soup.

When she arrived at the old house, before Mrs. Xu got up, Ye was afraid of waking her up, so she went to the field to pick coriors and quietly washed it in the yard.

The sun rose a little again, and Mrs. Xu came out of the house. Seeing Ye working in the yard, she glanced at it with sleepiness and muttered, "I chose to wash out all the corius so early. When I eat it at noon, I specified that it would be delicious."

Ye quickly said, "After washing, I soaked it in water and put it in the shade. There is no problem until the evening."

Mrs. Xu snorted and went to the corner ditch of the courtyard to wash herself. She said with water in her mouth, "Bring the mutton soup earlier, and the soup will be delicious."

"Eh, I know." Ye responded and accelerated his movements. First, he picked up all the corius and soaked them in water, put them aside and washed them later.

Cooking mutton soup is a temporary stove in the yard, surrounded by stones, flattened, and put the pot on it. Add firewood under the pot to burn the fire. The pot is also large. When boiled, the aroma can float far away.

Ye had just set up the pot and was moving the stones of the stove so that the pot could be stable. Then he filled the bottom of the pot with wood. When he was preparing to live, Brother Cheng suddenly ran in breathlessly, supported his knees with his hands, and took a few breath before saying something.

"Aunuch, go home and have a look. Taoer fell at home with blood on her forehead. We cried as soon as we touched her. Please go back and have a look."

As soon as Ye heard that the child was injured, he couldn't stay. He pulled off his apron and said, "Mom, I have to go back and have a look. It's not a joke to break his head."

Although Mrs. Qi was a little unhappy, she also said something nicely when she saw Brother Cheng's presence. She waved her hand impatiently and said, "There are many things in your family, but I let you do some work. Either it hurts here or it's uncomfortable there. Finally, she took out all her daughters to talk..."

At this time, Ye didn't care what her mother-in-law said. She was only anxious to rush home, opened the door of the courtyard and shouted, "Taoer, what's wrong? Why did you get hurt?"

I shouted twice but no one replied. I became more and more worried. I quickly walked into the room. When I entered the room, I saw Xu Xinger sitting on the edge of the kang with a calm face, holding the peach and wrapping a cloth around her head!

Taoer's body twisted around, and I don't know whether she was unhappy or felt pain.

Ye stood at the door and was frightened. He quickly came forward and asked, "Where is the injury?" Does it hurt? Show it to your mother."

Taoer pointed to her forehead carelessly and said, "Mom, it's okay. It's just rubbing her skin. The eldest sister insisted on making it like this, and I don't know why."

Xu Xinger wiped her hands and said, "Mom, don't worry, Taoer's forehead is fine, but she just hit the door frame and knocked confused, and there was some broken skin on the forehead."

Ye's heart finally fell back into the distance and said angrily on Xu Xinger's forehead, "You girl, you want to scare your mother to death, don't you?" With that, he was a little puzzled. Looking at Taoer's exaggerated head, he raised his hand and gently stroked and asked, "Taoer, doesn't it really hurt? Don't lie to your sister!"

"It really doesn't hurt. It's the eldest sister who insisted on making it like this for me." Tao'er said aggrievedly.

"Ouch, go to that room and play by yourself. Don't stain your forehead and don't mess up the wrapping cloth." Xu Xinger sent Taoer out, and then said to Ye, "I just found a reason to call my mother back."

"Why?" Ye still doesn't understand why her daughter did this.

"Today, the whole family had dinner together, and the whole family of the old man and the second uncle also went there. Unlike in the past, now that the second aunt is pregnant, she has always hated our family. If my mother goes to eat, in case she says something uncomfortable after eating, will there be a chance for us to distinguish? You can't hate us to death." Only then did Xu Xinger say her true starting point.