Spring is as good as

Chapter 85 I'm full!

Hearing this, Ye frowned, looked at Xu Xinger and said seriously, "Xinger, where did you learn these words? Why do you have such an idea?"

"Mother--" Xu Xinger called helplessly and lowered her eyes and said, "My mother used to always say that the intention of harming others is not allowed, and the intention of preventing others is indispensable. If I think people is dirty, it's my fault, but if there is such a hidden danger, I don't want you to take risks. Our family is already in a difficult situation now, and then provoke it again. What's going on?"

Ye's voice was not loud, but her tone was tough and stubborn, and she couldn't help but feel soft. Now that she has been like this, and she can't go back and say that the child is actually fine. Xing'er is making a fuss, so she has to make a mistake and say, "Don't do this in the future!"

"Well, I know." When Xu Xinger saw that the destination was reached, she immediately relaxed and promised quickly. As for whether it will happen next time, it still depends on the situation.

Ye couldn't sit still at home, so he cleaned up inside and outside.

Xu Xinger picked up the vegetable field in the yard, but in fact, she has been paying attention to the movement on the path.

In a short time, I saw Xu Xiaoshuang dragging over.

Xu Xinger quickly ran into the house, pushed Ye Shi, who was busy in the kitchen, into the inner room, and then closed the door.

Xu Xiao walked and played with both sides. When he saw the wild flowers and weeds on the roadside, he also pulled down a few, took them in his hand and threw them for fun. He stepped into the courtyard door and shouted, "Third aunt, the milk told you to make mutton soup quickly!"

Xu Xinger grabbed her and made a booing gesture, "Sh down!"

Xu Xiaoshuang frowned and shook off her hand and said impatiently, "What are you doing, sneaky!"

"Tao'er broke her head, and my mother is accompanying her in the room!" Xu Xinger said with a serious face, "She cried when my mother was together. There's no way. Go back and tell the nurse. I'm afraid my mother can't leave today."

Xu Xiaoshuang looked at Xu Xinger doubtfully and asked, "Did you break your head?"

"Yes, she can't drink mutton soup after being injured. She was hurt and sad just now. She cried for a long time, and she just fell asleep." Xu Xinger said seriously.

When Xu Xiaoshuang heard this, she believed it. She felt that no one would give up the lamb soup she could easily drink in order to pretend to be injured, so she said with sympathy, "Then let her rest well!"

"Then please tell the milk." Xu Xinger quickly sent her out.

When Xu Xiaoshuang left, he was still a little happy. After all, mutton and mutton bones are limited. Without one person to eat, others can naturally eat more.

After sending Xiaoshuang away, Xu Xinger continued to clean up the vegetable garden. It was not until noon that she saw Xu Laosan back before she greeted him. She took the hoe and basket in his hand and put it aside and said, "Dad, you have been working all morning. You must be exhausted. Go and wash your face and drink some water to rest.

Xu Laosan walked into the room in a hurry, pushed open the door and asked, "I heard that Taoer broke her head. How's it going? Why didn't you go to the field and call me? I just went to my parents' place to know.

Taoer has now huddled in Ye's arms and fell asleep. She just heard in the room that she could not drink mutton soup because of injury, so she cried loudly. At this time, there were tears on his little face, coupled with a heavy head, which looked really scary.

Xu Laosan was immediately terruffed and gently came forward and said to Ye, "Is the injury serious? It's better to find a doctor."

"It's okay. She heard that she was injured and couldn't drink mutton soup, so she cried like this." Ye reached out and straightened Taoer's messy hair. "Take Xing'er over quickly. Don't let your parents wait. I won't go. I don't worry about leaving the three little ones at home."

Seeing that there was really nothing serious, Xu Laosan was relieved and nodded, "Then I'll bring you food when I come back."

The father and daughter rushed to the old house and heard the sound of falling and beating before entering the door. Mrs. Xu also muttered, "All of them are living bodhisattvas, and we have to wait to be invited, but no one knows that such an old lady like me is distressed..."

Xu Laosan quickly walked a few steps and entered the courtyard door. Seeing that Mrs. Xu was holding a large pile of porcelain bowls and walking out of the room, he quickly stepped forward and said, "Mom, on a hot day, go into the room and rest. I'll serve mutton soup."

"Do you still know how to come? Where is your daughter-in-law? But let her do some work, and she hid at that time. What's wrong? Is there such a daughter-in-law?" When Mrs. Xu saw her son, she couldn't help complaining, "My life is bitter! When your four brothers were born that year, people said that I would wait to enjoy the blessings of my children and grandchildren when I get old, but what about now? Which one of you can I count on?

Mr. Xu said with a smile, "Mother, it's not that Xing'er's mother hiding from work. It's true that Tao'er broke her head and cried and made trouble at home. She finally fell asleep after her mother coaxed her arms. She really can't get rid of herself. You can calm down and go into the house to break sweat for a while. I'll do it."

Seeing that her son's attitude was good, Mrs. Xu softened her face a little. She turned her head and saw Xu Xinger and ordered, "Go to your second uncle's house and ask them to come over for dinner."

Xu Xinger answered and went to Xu Laoer's house and asked Xu Laoer and Li to go to dinner.

Li is half lying on the bed in the room, with a sheet on his lap, a kang table beside him, a teapot and tea bowl, a plate of sour plums, and a plate of snacks.

Hearing Xu Xinger's words, Li did not move, but looked at Xu Laoer.

Xu Laoer quickly went up to the kang, moved the kang table, lifted the sheets for Li, helped her move to the edge of the kang, helped her put on her shoes, and then helped her go to the ground.

Xu Xinger looked at Li's style, lowered her head and curled her lips, and looked up, "Take your time. I'll go back to help with the work first." After saying that, he ran back quickly.

The mutton soup was put in, and the sheep bones were taken to the table. The fine salt, vinegar, pepper, corius and chopped green onion were arranged one by one. Li Shi slowly moved into the door with the help of Xu Lao Er.

"Ouch, we're late." Li entered the door and said insincerely, and then sat on the edge of the kang and said to Mrs. Xu, "Mom, this time I'm pregnant with a child, like a tiger before, I feel tired all day long. I'm not energetic, and I can't do anything."

"You are also pregnant with a boy this time, which is naturally similar to Huai Huzi." Mrs. Xu looked at Li with a smile and helped her and said, "Sit inside and sit firmly. It's important for you to take care of yourself now. If you are so tired, you can rest. If there is anything at home, just ask the second brother to do it. Don't be tired."

Li Shi looked at Xu Laoer when he heard the words and said proudly, "Did you hear what my mother said? Don't ask me to work all day long. Yesterday, you asked me to wash your clothes. Can I bend down casually and work hard now?

"That won't work!" Mrs. Xu was anxious when she heard this and turned her head to Xu Laoer and said, "Are you a hairy boy? Be a father for the first time? The most careful time in the first three months, what clothes do you bring to wash for you? Besides, what about your sister? Do you have to tell your daughter-in-law?

Xu Laoyi just wanted to distinguish, but he was stared at by Mrs. Xu, so he had to swallow the words back and lower his head and replied, "I know."

Mrs Xu quickly brought a bowl of mutton soup, added a large spoonful of mutton giblets, and put it in front of Li and said, "Drink while it's hot. The mutton is warm and nourishing, which is good for the body."

Li took it with a smile, seasoned the ingredients, and snored mutton soup.

Seeing that everyone began to drink soup and gnaw sheep bones, Xu Xing'er quickly took out the clay pot she brought, put more than half a jar of sheep soup in the courtyard, fished a few spoonfuls of mutton miscellaneous from the bottom of the pot, covered it with a porcelain bowl, put it in a place that would not be touched behind the door, and prepared to take it back to Ye and Tao'er later.

When she went back to the house and continued to eat, she saw that Li's large bowl of mutton soup had seen the bottom. Xu Laoer put another bowl, grabbed a mutton bone stick in his right hand, and nibbled his mouth full of oil. From time to time, he picked up a bowl with his left hand and drank a few mouthfuls of soup smoothly, and ate lively.

"Look at this good appetite." Mrs. Xu looked aside with joy. The wrinkles at the corners of her eyes were bent into smiles and couldn't help picking up vegetables for Li's family. "It's best to eat. This is what children like to eat, and the children born in the future will be strong."

Li was supported by her mother-in-law and ate more and more happily. She drank three bowls of sheep soup before putting down the bowl. Seeing that there were still sheep bones in the basin, she couldn't help but be greedy and nibbled another bone with meat, and then stopped her hand with a full hiccup.

Xu Xinger felt full when she ate. She ate so much and drank three bowls of soup. It was difficult to feel uncomfortable. She was secretly happy that she chose Ye first.

The men were still drinking and eating vegetables. After eating, the women and children began to pick up dishes and chopsticks. Li leaned on the kang in the room and talked to Mrs. Xu, and subconsciously followed her stomach and felt a little panicked.

Chen was washing dishes in the stove. Although he didn't say anything, he glanced at Xu Xinger from time to time.

Xu Xinger naturally understood what she meant. According to the rules of the Xu family, today it should be Ye's turn to cook, Chen's dishes, and Li's cleaning up. But now that Li is pregnant, Mrs. Xu will not let her work. Ye has avoided her errands and only Chen is left to work. Naturally, she is unhappy.

"Madam, you wash the bowl first. I'll bring some food to my mother and help you when I come back."

Xu Xinger explained that she took the food she had set out in advance, picked up the pottery pot, quickly went home to send it, put down her things, and looked at Taoer looking at herself pitifully. She couldn't help smiling, pinching her nose and said, "Ok, don't cry. It's okay to break some skin. You can drink less sheep soup. Let your mother look at you."

Tao'er cheered happily: "Big sister is the best!"

"Mom, you can drink mutton soup when it's hot. The food is set out by me in advance. It's not cold in hot weather. It doesn't matter whether it's hot or not. Look at the peach, don't let her be greedy, and feel uncomfortable after drinking too much. I'll go back and help clean up the dishes." Xu Xinger told her a few words and hurried back to her old house.

At the beginning of helping to wash the dishes, I heard Li's voice "Ouch, ouch..." from the inner room.

Old Mrs. Xu asked anxiously, "Second daughter-in-law, what's wrong with you? What's wrong? Don't scare me!"

Li hugged his stomach and hummed on the kang, "Mom, I, my stomach is uncomfortable..."

"Ah?" Mrs. Xu was scared, "Why is your stomach uncomfortable?" Wasn't it okay when you ate just now?

Naturally, Li won't say that she was greedy and full. She opened her mouth and said, "There is something wrong with the food cooked by the third daughter-in-law. She will be jealous that I can give birth to a son if she can't give birth by herself. She must have added something unclean things to hurt me..."

As soon as this word came out, the room became quiet in an instant. Mrs. Xu's face was particularly strange, with a green and white color.