Spring is as good as

Chapter 98 Back to Mother's Home

Everything has been bought, the sun is gradually rising, and the sun is getting more and more poisonous.

Xu Xinger cut off a few big leaves from the roadside, propped them up and put them on the top of the lock and chestnuts to shade them. She said thoughtfully, "Mom, when you get to grandma's house, just say that these things are all bought by you."

Ye was stunned at first. She just wanted to ask. After thinking about it, she felt that this was reasonable. She nodded for a moment and said, "Okay, that's fine. After all, you are still young so as not to cause you trouble." But I made up my mind that I still have to say something on my own mother's side. After all, it is the child's heart.

Xu Xinger didn't know what Ye's own thoughts. Seeing that she agreed, she didn't say anything more. She turned around and told Taoer a few words, and coaxed two small words.

It's closer from the market to the neighboring village, so before noon, the ox cart has slowly wandered into the village. In the field not far from the entrance of the village, he was meeting Ye Laoer, who was carrying a hoe and preparing to go home for dinner.

"Second uncle!" Tao'er's eyes were sharp and she shouted far away.

Ye Laoer looked back and stopped and said, "On a hot day, why don't you come here early so that you can prepare lunch at home."

"Second brother, we are not outsiders. Just have something to eat at home." Ye greeted Ye Laoer to get in the car and go back together.

Ye Laoer put the hoe on the car and said, "I'll copy the path and send a letter. It's slower to take the ox cart than I walk back." With that, he walked quickly towards a path.

This is a small village. The houses in the village are relatively dense, and some paths can't be crossed by trolleys, so if you want to get to Ye's house, you have to detour from the dirt road outside the village to the other side, so taking a car is indeed much slower than Ye Laoer who takes a shortcut.

So when the ox cart turned the corner, I saw Mrs. Ye looking up at the door.

Before the car stopped, Taoer stood up and opened her arms and shouted, "Mother!"

"Oh, Taoer is taller than last time!" Mrs. Ye reached out and took Taoer down from the car.

"Mother." Xu Xinger got out of the car, called someone and went back to help Ye take the chestnut out of the car. The little girl could eat and sleep. Although the moon was smaller than the lock, she was much fatter than the lock and pressed her hand heavily.

Mrs. Ye came over to look at the chestnuts. Seeing that she was sleeping soundly with her fingers, and her little face was white and fat. She couldn't help saying, "This girl is really easy to raise. She is so strong when she eats."

"If you can eat and sleep, you can eat half a bowl of paste more than Locker every day." Xu Xinger smiled and said, "When people in the village see it, they all say that this girl is broad-hearted and will be blessed in the future!"

"That's for sure." The old people like auspicious words. Hearing this, they nodded happily and repeatedly, "Be outside and enter the house quickly."

Mrs. Ye looked back and saw the big bag in Xu Laosan's hand, and said repeatedly, "You didn't ask anyone to bring a message before you came. Why did you bring so many things to do when you came here? You are not rich now. Xing'er Niang still takes medicine every day. It's not easy to save some money. Why do you spend money blindly?"

Ye smiled and said, "It's rare for the whole family to come together. I happened to go to the market before and bought something."

Xu Laosan put everything on the table in the west room, shouted at the old leaf, picked out the tobacco leaf and handed it to him, "Dad, this tobacco leaf is quite dry. I smell it's strong enough. Let me help you rub it out and taste it?"

Xu Xinger was a little impressed by him when she saw this. A person who usually doesn't talk much is quite good at pleasing her father-in-law.

The old leaf was very happy to see the smoke leaves. When he saw two bottles of wine, he couldn't help saying that you were really spending money, but his face smiled happily.

He carried the wine and asked Xu Laosan to go to the east room with him, pulled out his cigarette box from under the kang, poured the remaining broken tobacco leaves in it into a dumpling, and asked Xu Laosan to come to the kang. The two son-in-law sat opposite and rubbed the tobacco leaves.

Mrs. Ye directly took Ye and her child to the west house. Soon, the eldest Ye and the second daughter-in-law also came over, and the old lady began to look at things.

Take out the meat separately and hand it to the eldest daughter-in-law and said, "Go and stew the meat first."

The second daughter-in-law looked at the things and said, "Oh, the girl came here and brought so many things."

Mrs. Ye was waiting to show it to her second daughter-in-law. Hearing this, she smiled and said, "This is your sister's filial piety!" Look, this is meat and dessert. I also bought tobacco leaves and two bottles of wine for your father.

After hearing this, the second daughter-in-law didn't make a sound. She reached out and took the remaining two paper bags and opened them. "Oh, there are still two feet left!"

Mrs Ye took it over and took a look. There were two feet, one was dark blue cotton cloth printed with ivory pieces, and the other was a dark red cotton cloth with curly grass pattern.

"These two feet are really picky and beautiful." The second daughter-in-law touched it and pulled it open to see the size. "It's enough to make a cotton-padded jacket."

"It's not a bad practice to make cotton-padded jackets with such a good cloth." Mrs. Ye looked at it very much. She twisted the thickness of the twisted cloth and looked at the print on it. "This is a good fine cloth. I'm afraid it's not cheap, isn't it?"

"It's the appearance chosen by Xing'er. I think it's not bad. Just before the New Year, you and Dad made a new blouse." Ye didn't raise the price. Xu Xinger bought this thing, and she really didn't know it.

The second daughter-in-law picked up the ground next to her and took out a small paper bag and asked, "What is this?"

Xu Xinger reached out to take the paper bag and opened it and said, "This is the medicine candy I bought. My second aunt will try it?"

"This is what your children eat, so I won't eat it." When the second daughter-in-law saw these things brought by Ye, she took into account everything about, food and clothing. She asked Ye with a smile, "Is this sister suddenly made a fortune?"

"The child's father said that when he was not at home before, thanks to the care of his parents and brothers and sisters-in-law, this time it is rare for the whole family to come together, so he will naturally buy more things." Ye heard the temptation in her second sister-in-law's words and quietly blocked it back.

Xu Xinger listened and didn't say anything. She said that when Ye was in her mother's house, her words were still quite powerful. Why did she suddenly get steamed buns as soon as she got home?

After thinking for a long time, I thought that it should be because I had the support of my parents in my mother-in-law's house and had no confidence in my mother-in-law's house.

Old Mrs. Ye waved her hand to her second daughter-in-law and said, "Why don't you help the eldest daughter-in-law cook? How can she do it alone when there are so many people eating together?"

"Look at me, I'm so close to my sister that I forget my business." The second daughter-in-law got up with a smile, picked up the curtain and went to the kitchen to help.

There were no outsiders in the room, and Mrs. Ye said to Ye, "You are not rich now. How much does this cost?" After saying that, without waiting for Ye's reply, he turned around and opened the kangqin, took out a blue cloth bag from it, and opened it and took out two strings of money from it.

Xu Xinger has been counting money every day recently, and she has a rough idea. At a glance, she estimates that each string should be 200 cents, a total of 400 cents.

"You take this money, don't lose yourself and your children just for the sake of a long face." Mrs. Ye stuffed the money into Ye's hand.

Ye refused repeatedly and whispered, "Mom, these things are all bought by Xing'er. I'm specially honoring you."

Mrs. Ye was shocked when she heard the words, turned her head to look at Xu Xing'er, and looked at Ye Shi suspiciously and said, "What are you talking about? Xing'er is only a big child, and what she bought is not your money."

"Xing'er is more powerful than me now! She doesn't know where she learned how to make radishes and pickles. She goes to the city to sell spicy radish strips every day, and she can earn more than 200 yuan a day!" Ye was full of pride when he talked about his daughter making money.

At Xu's family, Xing'er did not allow her to tell others that although she knew that she should hide her clumsiness, she still felt a little flustered. Now she couldn't help praising her mother.

"Two hundred articles?" Mrs. Ye was shocked when she heard the words, "A strong worker goes out to work, isn't it only a hundred yuan a day?"

"Mom, don't listen to my mother's praise. I did it in partnership with others, and the money I earn is also for two people." Xu Xinger listened to Ye's praise and quickly explained.

"There are also a lot of partnerships between two people. Xing'er is so capable that she can support a strong labor force at such a young age." Mrs. Ye held Xu Xinger in her arms and kissed her on the face, "Why can my Xinger do it?"

Xu Xinger was embarrassed to be praised. Hearing the sound of the child talking outside, she quickly grabbed the candy on the table and said, "I'll go out and share the candy for them."

At this time, Taoer got in from the outside, held the face in one hand, held her as a treasure-like osmanthus candy in the other hand, ran to the edge of the kang, carefully inserted the face in the gap of the kang, opened the osmanthus candy and grabbed a piece, and sent it to Mrs. Ye's mouth and said, "Mom, eat osmanthus sugar."

Mrs. Ye opened her mouth and held the sugar. Before she could feel the taste, she said, "It's so delicious. Peach is so good!"

Tao'er narrowed her eyes with a smile and lowered her head to wrap the rest, but she couldn't wrap it as before, so she had to look at Xu Xinger for help.

Xu Xinger took it over and helped her wrap it with a straw rope and handed her the medicine candy and said, "Take this out for your brothers and sisters and brothers and sisters. I'll put this osmanthus candy and noodles for you. I'll take it when you get home. You have just eaten several pieces of osmanthus candy. Eat less medicine candy later. I want to eat!"

Taoer nodded repeatedly with the medicine candy, but her body remained motionless. When she watched Xu Xinger put the noodles and osmanthus candy high, she turned around and went out at ease.

Soon there was a group of children chattering outside, and then listened to Taoer shouting, "Don't quarrel. Everyone has it. Take a piece and come to me after eating!"

Mrs. Ye laughed and turned her head and said to Ye, "Taoer used to be too shriveled, but now she looks much better."

"Children are more lively, as long as they are not like Xing'er before, then let me worry about it." Ye said so, but his eyes looking at his daughter were full of satisfaction.