Spring is as good as

Chapter 99 Heatstroke

Xu Xinger made a face at Ye and knew that the two women should have whispered, so she got up and said, "Mom, you talk to grandma. I'll go to see Tao'er."

Seeing Xu Xinger go out, Mrs. Ye asked first, "How are you these days?"

"I feel much better recently. As long as I'm not tired, I don't feel uncomfortable. His father has done all the work in the field, and he doesn't need me. Xing'er is also sensible now. Sooner or later, she cooks. I'll do it."

Ye said with a happy smile on his face, raised his hand and squeezed the broken hair on his temples, and continued, "I usually do some needles and threads when I'm idle at home. I look at the two small ones during the day. These two are also worry-free. I eat and sleep well every day, and I don't have to worry too much."

"That's good. Since I know that you are not in good health, I've always thought about it. I'm afraid that you will be tired and take medicine every day to drag down your family." Mrs. Ye sighed and then showed a slightly relaxed look, "Although your mother-in-law's family is a little bad, it's good that Xing's father knows how to hurt people. Now Xing'er is also sensible, and your days of enjoying happiness are coming."

"Nowa day by day, I can't think of so far away. Now the farmers are still idle. When the farmers are busy, the family will lose a lot of labor. After all, it's not a matter." Ye frowned slightly and couldn't help but worry when he thought of the autumn harvest.

"What about your three brothers? What are you afraid of when you are busy? If you go and help them, you will have everything." Mrs. Ye quickly relieved her and said, "When the fourth brother of the Xu family gets married and my sister-in-law gets married again, everything will be clean."

"Speaking of Lao Si's marriage, my return this time also has something to do with this!" Ye hurriedly mentioned the reason for her return. "My mother-in-law had been thinking of letting Lao Si study and get ahead, but now it seems that she doesn't have the life of that rich man. Seeing Lao Si getting older and older, now she is also giving up. She is anxious to give Zhang Luo's marriage. Let us all help listen."

Hearing this, Mrs. Ye frowned and said, "Your mother-in-law's heart is higher than the sky. I'm afraid she doesn't like it, but the conditions in your family are not very good. If there is really a good girl, her family may not be happy! If this kiss is good, it's enough. If it's not good, she will be angry with you in the future.

"I don't know this, but although my mother-in-law is a little difficult to deal with, Lao Si is a good person, so I'm also in a dilemma. Anyway, my mother will help pay attention to it. If there is anything good, please ask someone to tell me. If it's really not, we will do our best."

"As long as you understand it in your heart, I keep this matter in my heart, and I will definitely help you pay attention to it." After saying that, Mrs. Ye turned around and put away all the ruler snacks and so on, and packed up the table to prepare for dinner later.

Just after putting the table here, Ye Lao's pillars, swallows, Ye Lao's winter babies and peaches, and several children came in from the outside like dirty mud monkeys.

Xu Xinger followed in, put the remaining medicinal sugar on the kang piano, and then grabbed Taoer and went out to wash her face and wash her hands.

Mrs Ye also shouted, "Why don't you go and wash it quickly? It's so dirty. Don't eat at the table for a while."

The aroma of stew in the stove has filled the room. Several children have already swallowed their saliva. Hearing this, they quickly ran out. Dongsheng looked up and saw the face inserted on the kang piano, and he didn't have time to go out to wash his hands. He suddenly jumped on Mrs. Ye's leg and said coquettishly, "Milk, Face to face! I want to face someone!"

Taoer just finished washing her face and hands outside. Before Xu Xinger could dry her with a hand towel, she heard Dongsheng's voice. She didn't care about wiping her hands and quickly ran into the room and said, "That's my face!"

Dongsheng is now the youngest of the Ye family and the only son of the second Ye family. He has been favored at home since he was a child, and his brothers and sisters have also let him go. As long as he wants the things in the family, they will basically be given to him. So when he heard Taoer say this, his eyes suddenly turned red.

Seeing this, Ye hurriedly said, "Don't cry, my aunt will get it for you..." and got up to get the face man.

Tao'er cried with a "wow" and shouted: "Sister, sister..."

Xu Xing'er followed Taoer into the house, reached out to take the face from Ye's hand, pulled the two children in front of her, and wiped Taoer's face with a hand towel first.

Tao'er swung into Xu Xing'er's arms and said, "Sister, the face is mine."

"Well, yes." Xu Xinger answered, and then said to Dongsheng, "Dongsheng, you are the elder brother, and this man is Taoer. If you want to play, wash your hands and play with Taoer, but don't break or take it away, okay?"

Dongsheng was still a little afraid of Xu Xinger, mainly because he was beaten by her when he was a child. When he saw her come in before, he was already a little afraid. Seeing that she did not speak harshly, he let himself play with Taoer, so he nodded and obediently went out to wash his hands.

Tao'er had her own face for the first time, and she cherished it very much in her heart. She pouted and rubbed around Xu Xinger. Although she didn't say anything, her unwilling posture was very obvious.

"Look, you just bought osmanthus candy, and you know to keep it for everyone to eat. Didn't you praise you just now?" Xu Xinger whispered to Taoer, "The face is yours, but if Dongsheng also likes it, can Taoer be more generous and play with him?"

Taoer thought for a long time before she nodded reluctantly.

When Dongsheng came back after washing his hands, the two of them played with the faces together. The child's mood came and went quickly, and soon he talked and laughed again.

The food was served quickly. Xu Xinger took back the noodles and let the two small kangs go to eat.

Although I didn't say hello before coming, the lunch was still very rich, including braised pork, stewed beans with potatoes, scrambled eggs with garlic sprouts, chicken and mushrooms, as well as water radishes and green onions just pulled out of the yard, and a large bowl of homemade raw sauce.

After dinner, Boss Xu and Xu Laoer both went back, and several children were taken home. Usually at this time, Taoer would sleep for a while, but today she came out to play and was a little overexcited. She lay down for a long time and couldn't sleep and rolled around on the bed.

Xu Xinger was afraid that she would wake up the two little ones, so she took her out to play. Seeing that there were a lot of hennas behind the house, she coaxed her and said, "You go to ask grandpa for a white alum. Can I dye your nails?"

The little girl is all beautiful. Taoer was so happy to hear this. She quickly went to get the alum, handed it to Xu Xinger, and then sat on the bench and looked at her eagerly.

The henna in the backyard is purple, pink and rose red. Xu Xinger asked, "What color do you want?"

Taoer looked left and right, and it took a long time to point to the rose-red flower and said, "I want this!"

Xu Xinger chooses bright and fresh henna, picks them down and puts them in a small bowl, smashes the petals with a rolling pin, then adds some alum and stirs them well, scoops water to wash peaches her nails, applies the mashed petals to her nails, and then wraps them with leaves.

"Okay, don't scratch your hands randomly. Just take them down at night." Xu Xinger wrapped the leaves with thin thread and tied them together. Then she felt a buzz in her head. Her eyes were black. She staggered and almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, she reached out to hold the door frame and stabilized her body.

"Sister, what's wrong?" Taoer was shocked and didn't dare to touch it with both hands. She asked in fear.

"It's okay. My legs are numb after sitting for a long time." Xu Xinger raised her hand and pressed her temple and felt a little dizzy, but it was not as dark as before.

She felt that she might have had heatstroke and didn't take it too seriously. She raised her hand and patted Taoer's head: "Go and play by yourself. I'll go into the room and lie down for a while."

When Mrs. Ye heard the sound, she picked up the curtain from the room and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Mom, I seem to have some heatstroke." Xu Xinger was still a little dizzy, her heart flustered, and her head began to sweat.

"You child, why didn't you say it earlier? Hurry into the room and lie down." Mrs. Ye quickly took off her coat, asked her to lie down on the bed, pulled off the collar of the middle coat, and twisted a cold towel to wipe her face and neck. "If you lie down for a while, call me if you feel uncomfortable."

Mrs Ye went to the stove to cook mung bean soup, turned out the scraping board from the kang piano, untied Xu Xinger's clothes, let her lie on the kang, and scraped dozens of times on the left side of her back from top to bottom. She saw purple scars on her skin, and then scraped the right side.

"Do you feel better?" Mrs. Ye helped Xu Xinger put on her coat and touched her forehead and cheek. "It seems that it's still a little hot. I'll give you some mung bean soup."

Mrs Ye put the cooked mung bean soup into a jar, hung it in the well and iced it warm. She picked it up and filled a bowl for Xu Xinger. Watching her drink it up, she also asked Taoer to come over and drink a bowl of prevention. She couldn't help nagging: "Now in July, the ghost door is open, the children outside are not clean, the yang is weak, and it is the most easy to get sick. You We should all be careful and don't take it seriously.

Xu Xinger's back was scratched with pain, but she did feel much relieved. Hearing this, she couldn't help laughing. No wonder Ye always put these words in her mouth. It turned out that she learned it from here.

Tao'er lay on the edge of the kang, leaned close to Xu Xing'er's head, put her forehead against her forehead and asked, "Sister, do you still feel bad?"

"It's much better." Xu Xinger said with a smile.

"Does your back hurt?" Taoer just looked at Mrs. Ye scraping Xu Xinger and asked worriedly when she frowned and gritted her teeth.

"It hurts, but if you have a heatstroke, you have to get better quickly!" Xu Xinger stretched out her hand and pinched the tip of her nose, "So when it's too hot, don't go out to run around. If you have a summer heat, you will have to be scraped!"

Taoer was suddenly scared. She didn't want her back to be scratched red, so she nodded repeatedly to show that she remembered.