Spring is as good as

Chapter 101 Resumption of Night Patrol

Xu Xinger got up early the next day and divided the garlic she bought yesterday into two parts, one of which was hung under the eaves. She planned to keep it for hot sauce when she was free in two days.

The other half peeled off the two layers of garlic peel, cut off the long garlic stalks, cut off the roots, washed them and soaked them in water. This time, I didn't dare to put them in the backyard. I simply put them all under the wall of the house and put them together with the radish strips and pickles that had moved into the house before.

Xu Laosan just got up at this time, put his hand on it, helped her put the jar, and suddenly asked thoughtfully, "Xing'er, you deliberately moved the jar into the house before you left that day. Shouldn't you know anything suspicious?"

When Xu Xinger heard the words, she changed her mind twice and felt that Xu Laoer and Xu Laosan were brothers after all. They were children, and now they are unfounded. It was difficult to get people's trust and easy to startle snakes, so she shook her head and said, "If I knew something, how could I not tell my parents? However, because there has never been a break in the family, the whole family went out this time. I'm just a little worried. After all, I have tried my best to make those radish strips, and now I have to send them to the noodle restaurants in the city. What if there is a mistake?

Xu Laosan listened to his daughter's words and felt that it was reasonable. Xing'er was only ten years old and had to worry about helping her family make money. It was also a good thing to be cautious. Besides, with Xing'er's temper, if there was really a suspect, she would have been a lot of trouble.

"When your mother gets up, tell her that I will go to Li Zheng's house with Brother Li." Xu Laosan dusted his clothes, quickly went out, and greeted Cheng's father next door. The two walked into the house together.

Xu Xinger made all the spicy radish strips at home, set up a jar, and neatly coded them in the house, and then washed her hands to prepare for breakfast.

At this time, Ye also got up to wash up. As soon as he packed himself, he heard the door ring. He turned his head and saw that it was Xu Laosan leading Li Zheng. Brother Cheng's father and the eldest son of Li Zheng's family also came in with him. He quickly greeted him and said, "Guo Lizheng, you are here. Please come here early in the morning. Please come and enter the room quickly. Let's have some breakfast here."

Guo Li is an old man. His ancestors went out as a scholar in his early years. I heard that he was very popular in ten miles and eight townships. Chen Lizheng's father was also a scholar who was a scholar. After returning to his hometown at an old age, he also opened a private school in the village for more than ten years, teaching the children in the village to read and literacy, and also helped the villagers write. It's right, writing letters and so on, so it has a good reputation and prestige in the village.

Guo Lizheng is not tall, dry and thin, but his back is straight. His not big eyes are very bright, and his words are also very confident. After listening to Ye's words, he smiled and said, "The matter in the village is my business. How can I say it's troublesome? I'll go to the back to see the footprints you said first."

Xu Laosan led him to the backyard. He checked on the ground, then turned to the back to check the outside of the stick. He nodded and said, "There are also traces of scratching on the stick outside. Although it is not clear, it can be seen that it is a very new mark. The footprint on the shoe inside is so big that it should be a man."

When the boss of the Guo family heard the words, he couldn't help saying, "Dad, our village has always been peaceful. Although there are some quarrels between neighbors, there has never been these chickens and dog thieves."

"Are you sure you haven't lost anything at home?" Guo Li was turning around and asking Xu Laosan.

"Yes, I haven't lost anything, but I always feel a little unsteady. I think it's better to tell you."

Guoli nodded: "Well, it's always lucky not to lose anything, but anyway, it's better to be more careful if such a thing happens in the village."

Hearing this, the boss of the Guo family proposed, "Dad, why don't we start the night patrol again?"

Night patrol was the rule in the village in the past. When Xu Laosan was a child, there was a famine in Guanli for several years. There were always some exiles running around. They just changed places to continue to make a living, but some were dishonest, so they ran around to commit crimes. At that time, the village organized youth every night for safety. Strong workers patrol the village at night to ensure safety.

However, after the disaster in Guanli, the area around the village was also safe, and the habit of night patrol was gradually abolished. It has been more than ten years. If you pick it up rashly, it will inevitably make the villagers panic, so Guo Lizheng can't help but hesitate.

Xu Xinger suddenly said, "It's July, and people burn paper at night almost every day. It's better to be afraid of causing a fire, so organize a few people to patrol the village every night, which can not only ensure safety, but also avoid talking nonsense."

Guo Lizheng's eyes lit up and patted his thigh and said, "This is a good way. Xing'er is really smart." After saying that, he turned around and ordered, "You call two more tonight. The five of you will patrol the night first. Don't say anything. If you meet someone asking, just say that I'm afraid of burning paper and causing a fire. Let you walk around the village at night to ensure safety."

"Well, Dad, don't worry, I know what to do." The boss of the Guo family nodded and did the job.

Xu Xinger actually doesn't think it's useful to patrol the night. At least she feels that Xu Laoer is unsuccessful once and should not come again in the short term. However, Li may have some moths.

So after Li was waiting for others to leave, Xu Xinger told Ye, "Mom, when I'm not at home, if someone comes to ask for dried radishes, don't give it to them, and don't let them touch my jar. If they ask how the radish strips are made, you just say you don't know, and if anything happens, push them to me."

"Oc, mother remembers it." Ye naturally knew that Xu Xinger valued these pickles. Besides, she did make a lot of money, and naturally agreed.

Because Li was waiting for someone to come over, today's breakfast was a little later than usual. Ye was cooking in the stove. Xu Xinger entered the room and called up Taoer, removed the leaves wrapped in her fingers, and her small fingernails were indeed dyed with color.

Taoer was so beautiful that she couldn't even wear her clothes. She jumped off the kang and pulled her shoes and ran to the kitchen. She raised her hands and kept showing off to Ye: "Mom, look at the nails my sister dyed for me."

"Well, it looks good." Ye said while pasting the cake, "Go and wash your face and clean up the table, and wait for dinner."

Taoer turned around and rushed into Xu Laosan's arms, raised her hands vigorously and shouted, "Dad, look at my fingernails, my sister dyed them for me!" Does it look good?"

Xu Laosan bent down to pick up his daughter and walked into the room and said, "It's beautiful! Taoer dyed her nails and looked as good as the fairy daughter on the stage.

Xu Xinger couldn't help smiling, peeing on the two little ones, wiped her face and hands, put it back in the car, and poured out the dirty water and said, "Dad, if you praise her again, she won't raise her hand for a day."

"If she doesn't feel tired, just let her hold it up!" Ye couldn't help laughing.

At this moment, Shanzi came in from the outside and asked, "What's so happy?" Uncle Xu and aunt, haven't you eaten yet?"

"Is the mountain coming? I had something to do this morning and it was delayed for a while, so I'm a little late to eat. Why don't you sit down and have some together? Ye's hand was dipped in cold water, took off the cake in the pot, put it in the rice cooker, and turned his head to ask Shanzi.

"Aunuch, you're welcome. I didn't come here until I ate." Shanzi put down his basket and came into the room to help bring cakes and pickles to the table. He sat aside and waited for Xu Xinger.

Tao Er came up and shouted, "Brother Shanzi!"

"What's wrong with Taoer? Does your hand hurt?" Shanzi had already seen Taoer's dyed nails and deliberately teased her.

"It doesn't hurt!" Taoer quickly shook her head and stretched out her hands flat in front of Shanzi. "Look, the eldest sister dyed my nails."

"The color is so beautiful!" Shanzi looked carefully and then boasted, "Tao'er has dyed her nails, which is better than those little girls in the city!"

Taoer was very happy to hear this. She felt that her parents' praise was to make herself happy, but Shanzi was not her own person, and he also praised it, so it must be good-looking.

"Ouch, you little stinky girl, wash your hands and come to eat." Xu Xinger took Taoer out to wash her hands, and then asked Shanzi, "Won't you follow me to eat more?"

"I'm really full." Shanzi shook his head and tilted his body to look at Xu Xinger's nails. He saw that they were still clean and colorless. "Why didn't you dye your nails yourself?"

"That's all for coaxing children to play. How old am I and dye my nails?" Xu Xinger waved her hand, "Besides, we sell food, and the clean people are also relieved to look at what they look like."

"That's right." Shanzi nodded, but felt a little regretful. Although Xu Xinger's nails were light pink and beautiful, she still wanted to see what she looked like when she dyed her nails.

On the way to the city after dinner, Xu Xinger told Shanzi about her thieves yesterday, and said her doubts without reservation. Finally, she sighed, "I have no basis now, so I can only let my family be more careful, but as the saying goes, if I am not afraid of thieves, I am afraid of thieves, not to mention that I am a thief at all. How can this be prevented?

Shanzi comforted him a few words and suggested, "Why don't I hold a puppy for you?"

"Puppy?" Xu Xinger's eyes lit up, "What kind of dog? Isn't it awesome?"

"The dog of our village just gave birth to a litter of puppies a while ago, and now it's almost time to be weaned." Shanzi stretched out his hand and said, "The dog is about so big. It stands up as tall as an adult. The bitch is smart and powerful. Every autumn, the people in the pass go up the mountain to fight wild boars with him."

"That's great!" Xu Xinger nodded repeatedly and asked, "Many people should want such a good dog, right? Why don't we pay for it?"

When Shanzi heard Xu Xinger say the word "we" naturally, he was so beautiful that he said with a ticket and said, "Don't worry, there is no shortage of dogs in our village. The people who go up the mountain always have two or three. I promise to bring you the strongest one back."