Spring is as good as

Chapter 100 Stealing at home

Seeing that Xu Xinger had a summer heat, Mrs. Ye simply left the family for dinner. When the sun went down and it was cool, she let them go home.

Xu Xinger rested all afternoon, regained her spirits, and said to Ye self-deprecatingly, "Before, I went to the city every day, and there was nothing to do when I walked back. As a result, I have been riding a car today, but I had a heatstroke instead."

Ye reached out and touched her forehead and said, "Are you better now? I don't think you look very good. Why don't you look very bloody?

"I was scraped by my grandma and lay down all afternoon. There is nothing wrong with it." Xu Xinger arched into Ye's arms and said, "My back still hurts!"

"That's how fast it is!" Ye reached out to help her gently stroke her back and comforted her, "Your grandma brought you mung beans and went back to cook mung bean soup for you."

"Good." Although Xu Xinger felt uncomfortable, she sat on the car and still had some eyelid fights. She simply lay on Ye's lap and squinted, and fell asleep in a daze.

It should be because nutrition has not been able to keep up since she was a child. Xu Xinger's hair is not good, her hair is soft and thin, and a little yellow. Ye Shi stroked her daughter's hair and said to Xu Laosan: "People say that people with soft hair have a good temper, and I don't know how Xing'er gave birth to it."

"Xing'er is a little impatient, but she is not an unreasonable person, and now she is becoming more and more sensible. Don't always talk about this matter." Xu Laosan said while filling the tobacco.

"It's not all because of you. Last time I said that Brother Cheng'er's family wanted to propose marriage, which made me always think of this matter as soon as I saw Xing'er recently. You said that her nature is fine at home. If she really gets married in the future, how can she get along with her mother-in-law's family?" Ye couldn't help worrying.

"How old is she? It's too early to think about this." Xu Laosan is not in a hurry, "There are still several years left. Just choose slowly."

"It's still early, but the days are fast. I don't feel it when I pass. When I look back and think about it, I should feel that the children are old in the blink of an eye." Ye said and patted the two small ones and moved in the peaches lying on the edge of the car.

"At that time, they will have their own family, and we will become old men and women. At that time, I will drive the car and show you around to see what other places are like. At least I have followed my father back to my hometown once. You haven't been out of this mountain yet!"

Hearing this, Ye smiled and lowered his head slightly and said, "It's time for Locker to marry and have children. I must help take care of my grandson. I don't have time to hang out with you."

"What kind of grandson? When you gave birth to Xing'er, we didn't make everything ourselves and didn't use others. You see, isn't it all good!" Xu Laosan said with a smile, "Maybe one of us will have a good time, and we don't have to save money. At that time, we can live in a big house and have someone to serve us..."

The more Xu Laosan said, the happier he became, as if he had seen this scene.

Ye smiled, but couldn't help saying angrly, "You really want to be beautiful, and you still need someone to serve you. I just want to have a safe family in the future, and life will be fine."

"Isn't this just thinking about it? Naturally, if you think better, you can live a better life." Xu Laosan smiled and shook the whip in his hand to urge Lao Niu to leave quickly.

It was quite late when he got home. Most of the people in the village had lost their light, and several children were also sleeping soundly in the car. Xu Laosan got out of the car and opened the door of the courtyard, pulled the reins and pulled the ox cart into the courtyard.

Open the door through the moonlight and help Ye take several children into the house and put them on the kang.

Xu Xinger was awake when she was put down. Seeing that Ye was about to give herself slippers, she quickly got up and said, "Mom, I'm awake. Go wash before going to bed."

Xu Laosan heard and said, "You are quite particular about this girl."

Ye raised his hand and patted him and said andly, "Girl, it's a good thing to be clean. Look at what you say."

Xu Xinger lit a candle and ran to the backyard with a candlestick. Looking under the root of the stick, there were indeed several clear footprints.

The yard of Xu Laosan's family is Cheng Ge's house on one side, and on the other side is a relatively wide road in the village. There is a path through the back door, and on the other side is the sticks clipped by other people in the village.

Xu Xinger knows that there are many people coming and going on the road every day, so it is easy to be found. Brother Cheng's family has people all day long, and children running in and running out. It is also easy to be found when walking from the main gate, so if someone wants to do something, they will definitely choose the latter one with almost no one. The path.

Sure enough, she left footprints on the loose ground before she left. Looking at the size, she was probably an adult man. Thinking of Li's words before, this footprint should be Xu Laoer's.

"Dad! Mother!" Xu Xinger held up the candlestick and shouted, "Come and see, our family is a thief!"

"Are you a thief?" Xu Laosan was the first to rush out of the house. Ye covered several children and ran back to the east room to see that the two boxes containing money were intact, and then went to the backyard to see what was going on.

Xu Laosan was squatting under the root of the stick to check, and Xu Xinger held a candlestick for him.

"What's going on? Ouch, has someone come in? Ye came up worriedly and saw a few big footprints on the ground, which made his heart flutter. This is because the whole family is not at home today. If Xing'er goes to the city and Xu Laosan goes to work on the ground, if he and his children are at home, the person who jumps in later will not scare himself to death.

Xu Laosan stretched out his hand and weighed his footprints, frowned and said, "About seven and a half inches, it must be a man." He got up and looked at the doors and windows behind him. The doors and windows were intact. Although they were older, there were no new scratches or damage, which was really confusing.

"At least there are some dishes in the front yard. There is nothing in the backyard. What are you doing here?" Xu Laosan is very strange.

When Brother Cheng's house next door heard the sound, Brother Cheng's father asked through the stick, "Lao San, what's wrong?"

"Brother Li, it seems that someone has come in my house. Is there anything wrong with your family today?" Xu Laosan responded.

Brother Cheng's parents all put on their coats and looked at them in turn under the root of the stick, and also looked at each other with some surprise.

"I've been at home all day and haven't heard anything. This is really..." Brother Cheng frowned and said, "The village is very peaceful. How can such a thing happen?"

Brother Cheng's father got up and asked Xu Laosan, "Is there anything missing at home?"

Ye hurriedly said, "I've seen it in the house just now. There's nothing missing."

Xu Laosan added, "There is no one at home today. I locked the doors and windows of the house before I left. Maybe the man felt that the door and the window was too loud. He was afraid of alarming your family, so he left without stealing anything."

"It makes some sense for you to say this, but no matter what, if such a thing happens in the village, you always have to inform Li Zheng, and it is always right to prevent trouble." Brother Cheng's father said seriously.

"Brother Li's words are reasonable, but it's too late now. I'll talk to Li Zheng tomorrow morning." Xu Laosan nodded repeatedly.

Xu Xinger stood aside, blinking her eyes and turned her mind. Hearing this, she suddenly said, "Since my mother was pregnant with chestnuts, there has been no one in our family. Yesterday, there was no such person. It was the first time in the past few months. Why did this thief find such a coincidence? When will the day come?

As soon as this came out, several adults looked hard and exchanged glances with each other.

Brother Cheng smiled and said to Xu Xing'er, "Xing'er is really smart. That's right. Just leave this matter to your father and Uncle Li. It's not early. It's time for Xing'er to go to bed, right?"

Xu Xinger raised her head to let several adults know it, and she didn't want to make too much peace. After all, she is only a ten-year-old child now. Some words are over, but it is easy to cause trouble if she says too much.

So she nodded obediently. After going back to the house to wash up, she got into the quilt, but she still couldn't let it go. She felt that this matter should have something to do with Xu Lao Er.

The four adults in the yard stood with a little solemn faces. When the candles were blown in the room and there was no sound, Brother Cheng's father said, "Just now, Xing'er's words are reasonable. Can you know that your family is not here. I guess there are few families in the village. Is it possible that it was done by someone you know?"

Ye was kind-hearted and didn't want to doubt acquaintances. He said hesitantly, "If he is really an acquaintance, maybe he wanted to borrow something and turned over without knocking on the door, right?"

Brother Cheng patted her on the shoulder and said, "You are just too kind-hearted to think about people at a disadvantage. If you just borrow something, no one in your family will borrow it from someone else's house? Who in the countryside will not help? He wanted to turn in and deliberately came in from the backyard. It's hard to guarantee that there is no other intention.

"My sister-in-law's words are reasonable." Xu Laosan couldn't help but be a little afraid when he thought about it. "For good, there is no one at home today. If you take the child at home, something may happen if someone comes in."

Ye's heart was also uneasy when he heard this, and his palms were sweating.

"The village is full of people who know each other, and they can make some connections. Since this person knows that he sneaks up when no one is looking for your home, he naturally dares not do anything face to face." Brother Cheng comforted her and said, "So you don't have to worry too much. I'll come to be your companion these days."

"Let you laugh." Ye was a little embarrassed for his timidity. Hearing what his mother said, he couldn't help but feel a little hot on his face.

"Neighbors are not a big deal. We can have someone to talk about when we work together." Brother Cheng's mother comforted with a smile.

"Then let's do this first. Let's pay more attention these days, lock the doors and windows, and tell the children not to go out and run around by themselves. We'll talk about the rest until tomorrow." Brother Cheng's father finally summed it up, and then the two families went home to rest.