Spring is as good as

Chapter 104 Overturned Drug Pendant

The next day, Xu Xinger got up early and wanted to discuss with Xu Laosan about buying ginseng, but she didn't expect Xu Laosan to be at home so early, and Ye Shi had also got up.

"Mom, why are you so early today?" Xu Xinger asked puzzledly.

Ye sighed, touched her daughter's head and said, "You are sick with milk. Your father went to take care of her in the morning. Since you got up, take Taoer to have a look, you know?"

"Good." Xu Xinger nodded and went back to the room to wake up Taoer. Seeing that she was still confused, she simply helped her put on her clothes.

Taoer held Xu Xinger's arm and hummed, "Sister, I'm sleepy..."

"Tao'er is obedient, and she won't be sleepy if she washes her face." Xu Xinger said and pushed her out to wash her face.

In the north, it is not too hot in the morning and evening, and the water in the deep well is even cooler. Usually, after Xu Xinger gets up, she will pour a pot of water in front of the stove pit to borrow some heat and wash a few small faces with warm water. Today, she soaked a veil directly in the well water and twisted it half dry on the peach's face.

Tao'er was suddenly chilled and excited, and she suddenly woke up, but she still swd up to Xu Xing'er and acted coquettishly.

"Grandma is sick. We have to go and have a look and let you sleep for a while when you come back, okay?" Xu Xinger knew that if she went late, she would avoid being picked again, so she coaxed Taoer, "Sister, carry you there, and then come down by yourself at the door of the old house, okay?"

Taoer nodded and climbed on Xu Xinger's back, half-closed her eyes and narrowed for a while.

At the door of the old house, Xu Xinger put down Tao'er, li li yi and hair, and whispered, "After entering the house, go and ask grandma if she is better. Let grandma have a good rest and take good medicine. She said she will get better soon, remember?"

Taoer nodded obediently and took Xu Xinger's hand into the room.

Xu Lingzi was boiling medicine in the kitchen. When she saw two children coming in, she said, "Xing'er, Tao'er, get up so early? Have you had breakfast yet?"

Xu Xinger shook her head and said, "Let's go home and eat later. Let's come and see grandma."

"Then go into the house and lie on the bed of the east room!" Lingzi raised her hand to help raise the curtain and let the two children in.

The four sons of the Xu family and the eldest daughter-in-law Chen are all there, but the old man Xu is not in the house and doesn't know what to do.

Old Mrs. Xu was lying on the bed. Her face was a little yellow. Although her eyes were half-open, there was no brilliance. There was turbid secretion hanging in the corners of her eyes, and her eyes were lax and she didn't know where she was looking at.

"Milk..." Xu Xinger called and then gently pushed Taoer's back.

Tao'er lay on the edge of the kang, leaned over to Mrs. Xu's pillow, and said softly, "Milk, are you better?"

Mrs Xu turned her head slightly, looked at her two granddaughters, and answered vaguely.

"Milk, have a good rest, take your medicine, and you will get better soon." Tao'er honestly said what Xu Xinger taught. Fortunately, she remembered it and said nothing wrong.

Seeing this, Xu Laoshi said, "Mom, you see how sensible Xing'er and Tao'er are. They come to see you at dawn. If you don't look at us, you should cheer up in front of the children."

Old Mrs. Xu sighed long, patted Taoer's hand slightly as if dealing with errands, and said in a hoarse voice, "Good boy, grandma is fine."

Taoer doesn't know what to say now, so she can only turn her head and look at Xu Xinger for help.

Xu Xinger took two steps forward, stood behind Taoer, and hesitated and said, "Milk, the most important thing is to raise the disease. You have to let go of your mood, otherwise it's not good for your body. Now it's time for the fourth uncle to kiss. My mother went back to my mother's house the day before yesterday and asked my grandma to help see if there are any suitable good girls. In the end, these have to Milk control and Zhang Luo, you have to get better earlier.

The psychology of the elderly is sometimes easy to understand. Whether it is modern or ancient, most of them are wholeheartedly considered for their children. Although Mrs. Xu is more patriarchal and a little biased, she has absolutely nothing to say to Xu Laoshi. The most painful thing is this youngest son.

Xu Xinger said this, which made her feel that she still had a lot of things to do, and her children still needed her, so she raised a lot of spirit and her eyes gradually became flexible.

"Xing'er has indeed grown up. Now she is becoming more and more sensible and knows how to be filial. It's really rare." Xu Laosi had a good relationship with the third family. Seeing that Mrs. Xu's condition had improved, he praised Xu Xinger repeatedly.

Chen was tossed up twice in the middle of last night. In the morning, he was called up by a man. At this time, he was sleepy and tired, full of unhungry. He was even more irritable when he heard Lao Si's words. He turned his eyes and said, "Lao Si, what do you mean by this? Only Xing'er in the family knows whether to be filial, although my girl However, I didn't come, but I came to serve before dawn, and I didn't see you say something good about me.

"Sister-in-law, you are a daughter-in-law. What's the merit of competing with a child?" Xu Laosi saw that Chen was still provocative at this time, and he was not comfortable, and his mouth was even more reluctant to be soft. Instead, he countered like a needle pointed wheat, "If Xing'er is the same age as you, I will naturally not praise her."

"You..." Chen was so angry that she turned her head and said to Boss Xu, "Look at your brother. At least I'm his sister-in-law. That's how he talks to me?"

Boss Xu was caught in the middle and couldn't say anything to anyone, so he had to whisper quietly, "It's not a big deal. Don't quarrel. My mother is still lying here, what does she look like?"

"Lock and Chestnut should wake up now. I have to go back and help my mother." Xu Xinger didn't want to get into their affairs, so she said a few more words to Mrs. Xu, "Milk, you are so good. I'll come to see you later."

"I'm fine. You don't have to surround me. Just do what you should do." Mrs. Xu didn't want to hear them quarrel, so she waved and drove several people out.

After going out, Xu Laosi said with an unhappy face, "Sister-in-law, you are the daughter-in-law and the sister-in-law of the family. I'm just praising the children. If the big and small pairs come, I will also praise them. Why do you choose in front of your mother..."

"If you still know that I am my sister-in-law, if you still have some conscience, you should have more respect for me. Recently, I want to kiss you. How many relatives and friends have I have found before and after running? It doesn't matter if I get a good one in the end, but you still have to talk behind your back. Why did I bother..." Chen said that The root cause of my discomfort.

At the end, her voice began to choke, slapped Boss Xu and scolded, "At least you are a boss. You know how to work all day long. You decide when to have had your share at home. What have I done? What have I been so boring with you... ..."

Xu Lingzi turned a deaf ear to the noise here and still sat on the small bench looking at the fire of the medicine hanger. The medicine was about to boil. From time to time, she turned over the herbs in the medicine hanger to try to make the medicine more medicinal.

In front of his younger brothers, sisters and nieces, Boss Xu was really humiliated by Chen, but he was already bored and didn't like to make trouble. He first glanced at Xu Laosi, motioned him not to continue talking, and then advised Chen to go over.

Who knows that as soon as Xu Laosi heard Chen's mention of the marriage, the anger that had been lowered was aroused again and said with a sneer, "Sister-in-law, since you have talked about conscience, I would like to ask, how many of the people you came to talk to your mother are really good? You can fool my mother, but you can't fool me!"

"Lao Si, what are you talking about? People say that my eldest sister-in-law is better than my mother. I am wholehearted to this family. Why am I sorry for him? It's also introduced by relatives and friends. I'm just here to tell my mother. As for who to marry or not, it's not up to me. Even if what I said before is not good, Lao Si, you don't like it, but if you don't have credit, you still have hard work, right? Chen's words are higher than one voice.

"Oc's it, just say less!" Boss Xu stretched out his hand to pull Chen, "In the future, you don't care about Lao Si's kiss."

Chen became more and more annoyed. He shook off Boss Chen's hand and shouted, "Isn't it thankless for me? A hot face to stick to other people's cold buttocks, why am I suffering, I..."

Xu Xinger pulled Taoer to the door. Hearing this, she couldn't help laughing and quickly raised her hand to cover her mouth, pretending to be coughing to hide it.

Boss Xu also heard something wrong now. As a sister-in-law, he said something about his hot face and cold buttocks. What did he look like? He sank his face and said harshly, "Are you endless? If you make trouble again, will I slap you or not?

"You fan! You have the guts to fan!" Chen took Boss Xu's hand and put it on his face, "Xu Qingfei, let me tell you, since you said this, if you don't slap me today, you are not a man!"

In fact, Boss Xu just wanted to scare her. According to Chen's personality, he was not unreasonable. Who knew how she took the wrong medicine today. Instead of calming things, she became more and more troublesome.

"You... don't think I dare..." Boss Xu said that he had no confidence at all and tried hard to break free from Chen's hand. Unexpectedly, he threw her out too hard.

Chen stepped on a piece of firewood, slipped in the direction of the door, and fell down towards the medicine crane.

Xu Xinger was short, so she could see clearly. She picked up the peach and avoided behind the door panel.

The medicine hanger was knocked to the ground, and Xu Lingzi was burned to the surface of her feet and jumped up screaming.

Old Xu stepped forward and reached out to hold Chen's arm, so that she escaped the tragedy of falling on the medicine hanger and charcoal fire.

Chen still cried loudly. After standing steady, he found that his right arm was pulled by Boss Xu. At this time, he could not move at all.