Spring is as good as

Chapter 105 It's not easy to make money

The room suddenly became a mess. Xu Lingzi came forward and saw that the medicine hanging had been broken, and the soup inside had already seeped into the ground. The medicine residue spread on the ground and stamped her feet angrily: "Why don't you go to the yard if you want to make a fuss? You can tos around in such a big place, but you have to be here. Now it's all right, the medicine hanging is also If you fall and the medicine is in vain, you expect your mother's illness to get better soon, don't you?

Boss Xu looked at Chen's pale face and dared to complain about anything more. He quickly arched his hand at his sister, motioned her not to say anything more, and then reached out to help Chen.

Chen turned around to avoid it and grinned with pain in his right arm.

"It was my fault just now. I shouldn't be angry with you. Let me see your arm first. Does it matter?" Boss Xu was so distressed that he ignored Chen's cold face and came up to ask for warmth.

"You don't pretend to be kind here. You can't wait for me to die so that you can marry another one!" Chen refused to give it to him with a good face and turned around to leave.

Boss Xu didn't dare to reach out and pull it anymore. He could only follow her like a fart worm, apologizing and begging for mercy.

Xu Lingzi couldn't see him like this and said to their backs, "Bah! I really married my daughter-in-law and forgot my mother!"

Xu Xinger came out from behind the door and looked at the soup spilled on the door panel. She was very glad that she had reacted quickly, otherwise she and Taoer would definitely be scalded. Looking at the height of the soup spilled, she might get Taoer's face. In case her appearance was damaged, wouldn't it ruin Taoer's life? The more she thought about it, the more she thought about it. He was afraid and hugged Taoer into his arms.

Tao'er was indeed scared. She put her hand around Xu Xing'er's waist and refused to let go. Her thin body shrank in Xu Xinger's arms and trembled.

"Sister, you'd better make another bowl of medicine. Don't delay grandma's taking medicine. Taoer was scared. I'll take her home first. If you need any help, you can go home and call me mother." Xu Xinger reminded Xu Lingzi to take Taoer home quickly.

Both of them have arrived home, but Tao'er is still a little shrinking.

Ye Shi had already made breakfast and waited for the children to come back for dinner. Seeing Taoer sitting on the bench bent over and listlessly, she turned her head and looked at her eldest daughter and asked, "What's wrong?"

"I just went to the old house and met an uncle and aunt quarreling. Later, the two of them pushed up and knocked over the medicine hanger. Taoer was almost scalded and was a little scared. I quickly brought him back." Xu Xinger saw that it was getting late and thought that she could not let Shanzi come and wait for her every day. She quickly grabbed a cake and answered while eating.

Ye reached out and stroked Taoer's hair and said gently, "Hu Lu Maoer, you can't be scared, Hu Lu Hu Mao, you can't be scared... All right, it's okay, hurry up and eat."

Taoer calmed down a little, but her appetite was obviously not as good as usual. She only drank more than half a bowl of porridge and refused to eat it again.

After eating, Xu Xinger helped Ye clean up the bowls and chopsticks. She was a little worried about Taoer and said to Ye, "Mom, Taoer got up much earlier today. She didn't sleep well in the first place. She was scared just now. You can coax her to sleep again later. It should be much better when she is full."

"Don't worry, do you still need to teach me!" Ye reached out to take the bowl and chopsticks and urged, "Go and pack up quickly. Don't let Shanzi wait for you again."

Xu Xinger nodded, just changed her clothes, opened the cabinet where she put the money, and counted the money in it. She has saved several pieces of money now, but it may not be enough to buy that ginseng. She hesitated for a long time and wrapped a bag of money with a veil. She planned to ask first. Pay a fixed price in the future, otherwise it will be unsafe and too heavy to carry several pieces of money with you.

As soon as it was cleaned up, the mountain had arrived. When he entered the door, he said, "The matter of the puppy has been settled. Now it is still a little too small. From time to time, I still gather around the bitch to eat a few mouthfuls of milk. After a few days, I will be completely weaned, and I will bring it to you."

Xu Xinger was very happy to hear the news. She just used this news to enter the house to coax Taoer happily, and then said hello to Ye and went out.

"You can accompany me to the doctor's house first." Xu Xinger just saw that the old house was in such a mess, and she didn't plan to discuss with Xu Laosan about buying ginseng. She made up her mind that as long as the doctor said it was good for Ye's illness, she would definitely buy it.

"Have you discussed with Uncle Xu San?" Shanzi asked casually.

Xu Xinger shook her head and hesitated for a moment and said, "If something happens at home, my father is also anxious. Anyway, I won't ask him for money, so I won't ask him at all. As long as the doctor says it's good for my mother's body, I will buy it."

"That's good. You can make your own decision." Shanzi has asked his family in advance, so he also brought some money with him this time and made up his mind to help Xu Xinger buy this ginseng.

Sure enough, after asking the doctor, Xu Xinger strengthened her determination to buy ginseng. Instead, she relaxed and could always make enough money. This ginseng opportunity was rare. Although there would be some pressure, she couldn't help but be happy when she thought that it could be good for Ye's health.

The two came to the city talking and laughing all the way, went to Xiaomei's house to get bowls and plates, went to Qijing Hutong with Xiaomei, sent a pile of radish strips to Manager Chen, and the rest were put into plates, carried baskets to walk between stalls and shops, and shouted from time to time.

In fact, when she first sold radish strips, Xu Xinger was still thin and embarrassed to open her mouth, but later she looked at Xiaomei shouting calmly and freely, which was indeed much better than herself, and then she began to force herself to shout.

Now she can not only shout skillfully, see familiar guests or stall owners, but also say a few words, and become more and more like doing business.

When the radish strips in the basket were about to be sold out, she went back to the mountain to reload some. The mountain looked at the basket under the tree and also entertained some guests who went directly to buy radish strips.

Xu Xinger not only has to walk around selling radish strips, but also pays attention to the guests eating at each table. When she sees that they have finished eating, she must quickly put away her plate.

It's like this every day. For more than an hour or even more than two hours, there is almost no time to sit down and rest. At first, I was indeed a little tired, but I gradually got used to the intensity of such activities.

But Xu Xinger doesn't know what's wrong today. She is always a little dizzy and panicked. Occasionally, she was absent-minded when she shouted. She almost received the wrong money several times. She felt that this state was a little wrong.

When Xu Xinger returned to the tree to put radish strips, she couldn't help leaning on the tree trunk for a rest.

Shanzi looked at Xu Xing'er's face, raised his hand and touched her forehead, and asked worriedly, "Xing'er, are you not feeling well? You can rest here for a while. I'll sell it for a while!"

"I'm fine. Maybe I got up too early today and something happened at home, so I feel a little more tired than usual." Xu Xinger quickly stood up and shook her head and said, "You see, the food sellers are all girls. It's not good for you to sell them. Maybe you will cause trouble."

Shanzi knew that what she said was reasonable, but she was still a little worried and kept telling her, "Take it easy. Once you feel uncomfortable, come back quickly. At worst, let's sell less today and don't tire yourself out."

"Don't worry, I'm not a child anymore." Xu Xinger smiled at him, her pale pink lips hooked a soft arc, and her big eyes bent slightly, revealing a rare gentle look.

Shanzi was in a daze. He didn't even know when Xu Xinger left. He squatted on the edge of the basket and held his cheek to reflect on.

"Shanzi, give me half a catty of radish strips." An old customer surnamed Huang came again today. Because he often visits, this person is very familiar with him. He has already talked to Shanzi and Xu Xinger. Every time he comes to buy radish strips, he has to chat with the two people.

"Aunuch Huang is here. Please wait. I'll install it for you." Shanzi quickly came to his senses, borrowed a scale from the side stall, weighed half a catty of radish strips. The scale was high, poured into the big bowl brought by someone, and said with a smile, "Aunuch, your family really likes to eat radish strips. I just came to buy half a catty two days ago. Did you finish it so quickly?"

Aunt Huang took the big bowl and said jokingly, "Isn't it? We all like to eat your pickles. Unfortunately, your family only makes radish strips, and we have no choice but to eat radish strips every day."

"Aundom, I've been trying to make sugar garlic recently. When it's done, I'll bring some for you to try it. Just give me some advice whether it's good or not. If it's not delicious, I'll try to improve it." Xu Xinger passed by and came forward to sell her new products when she heard this. She forgot that garlic was only soaked in water now, and it was still early to make sugar garlic!

"Oh, that's good. My elder and young people like your pickles. It's better for you to make more different things in the future!" Aunt Huang said happily, "Then I'll wait to eat your garlic, that garlic."

"It's sugar garlic, but now the garlic has just been collected, and I just started to cook it. When it can be eaten, I'm afraid it will be a month later." Only then did Xu Xinger remember that she had not started to do it at all. She quickly explained shyly, "I'm just a new method. I'm going to try it. I'll tell you directly when I'm happy."

"Oh, it's been a month, and there's still more to wait." Aunt Huang slamped her lips with some regret, exchanged a few words of greetings, and then left with the bowl.

Xu Xinger sat next to the mountain, picked up the gourd and drank several mouthfuls of water. She said slowly, "It's really hot today. When will this summer pass!"

"It's already July. It's almost time. It will be cool if it doesn't take August 15." Shanzi wet the veil with water and stretched out his hand to wipe Xu Xinger's sweat. Seeing that she did not dodge or feel uncomfortable, she couldn't help liking it for a while.

"Well, I'm just saying that there are still many people eating here in summer. When it gets cold, who is still eating outside? The pickle business should be more difficult." Xu Xinger sighed and couldn't help thinking that selling pickles was not a long-term solution after all. It was a waste of time and income. It was better for her to come up with another more promising way to make money.