Spring is as good as

Chapter 114 So cold

After all, Mrs. Xu is old and has gone through something. Although Mrs. Guo didn't say anything, she already knows it at this time.

I don't know what I did in my last life. Now that I'm getting older, I can't even keep a grandson. I can't help but feel sad and dare not cry. I can only sit on the edge of the kang and secretly wipe my tears.

After almost a stick of incense, Xu Lingzi came back with a medicine bag. It took more than half an hour to boil more than half a bowl of soup with the medicine hanging, brought it to the door of the inner room, knocked on Ye to go out, handed her the medicine bowl, and asked softly, "How's your second sister-in-law?"

Ye glanced inside, made a quiet gesture, shook her head gently at Xu Lingzi and whispered, "The hot water continues to burn, and it should be used soon."

Xu Lingzi sighed silently. Although she had known that this would be the situation for a long time, she always held a trace of fantasy, hoping that there would be something miraculous. It was not until the bowl of soup was boiled and handed into the room from her own hand that she really realized that this little life that made parents very happy had not had time to see it. My relatives have lost this opportunity forever.

Ye brought in the medicine bowl and hesitated a little. She had a lesson before, so she knew more about Li's character. Now she is also on guard. She knows that if she drinks this bowl of medicine from her own hands today, she will definitely care about it in the future and will count it on her, so she will keep an eye. Son, hand the medicine bowl directly to Mrs. Xu.

Old Mrs. Xu didn't think so much at all. She knew that the child was no longer working. The more she dragged on, the worse she would be to Li's body, but her hand holding the medicine bowl couldn't help trembling. Her long-awaited grandson, this bowl of medicine will be fed, and soon...

Mrs. Guo saw many such scenes. Although she was still sad every time, it was not her own business, so she came forward and whispered, "Sister, the longer you delay, the worse it will be for your second daughter-in-law."

"Well, I... know." Mrs. Xu hesitated and patted Li on the shoulder and said, "Good boy, get up and drink the medicine."

Li was confused at this time. When she saw that it was the medicine brought by her mother-in-law, she naturally did not doubt it. She just thought it was for her own fetal protection, so she didn't ask much. She drank the medicine in the bowl in one breath with Mrs. Xu's hand.

Ye couldn't bear to look at it again. He turned around and walked out of the inner room, found two wooden basins, and put them in with warm water for later use

The medicine worked quickly. Less than a cup of tea, Li's moan came from the room. Xu Lingzi's face turned pale with fear, her teeth clenched her lower lip, and her hands were twisted together, and she didn't even notice that her nails were broken.

The room is already busy at this time. Mrs. Guo's hands and feet are sharp. Ye and Mrs. Xu are fighting aside. As soon as the blood has been changed into two pots, the stillbirth has come down.

After the child fell down, Mrs. Guo checked it carefully and saw that the placenta buds were all there. She was sure that nothing had fallen into her abdomen. Then she was relieved. She cleaned up her lower body and put on the quilt for Li. She turned her head and saw that Mrs. Xu's face was gray. Two lines of tears kept flowing down the corners of her eyes, and she couldn't wipe it cleanly.

Mrs. Guo remembered Xu Lingzi's instructions and saw Mrs. Xu's appearance. Sure enough, her daughter knew that she loved her mother, so she stepped forward and pulled Mrs. Xu aside and put it close to her ear and said, "Sister, although the month is still shallow, I just checked it carefully. , this is a female child.

After hearing this, Mrs. Xu was stunned and said in some disbelievously, "But, it's obvious that I found someone to calculate that it was a son. How can I..."

"Those nagging people, who knows if they speak accurately? I have been in this industry for so many years, can I even misread this?" Mrs. Guo said bravely.

"That's right, aunt, I don't believe you, I..." Old Mrs. Xu was a little confused for a moment and didn't know what mood to be.

"Anyway, it's a small life. I took it out to find a good place to bury it. After all, the eldest daughter-in-law also has it now. Don't mention this matter any more, so as not to hit the fetal god again. That's not good." Mrs. Guo lied and felt very uneasy. She couldn't stay for a moment, just anxious to leave.

"It's thanks to his aunt!" Mrs. Xu thanked, "Today happened suddenly, and I'm not prepared here. Please forgive me when I ask the children to send you the money and things tomorrow."

"Our two families have been friends for so many years, and we still need to be so polite." Mrs. Guo went out with the jar in her arms and turned around and told her, "Women's misbirths are the same as giving birth to children. They have to have good confinement, otherwise they are easy to fall ill. Children may not understand when they are young. You have to know it well."

"Thank you for reminding me, I remember." Mrs. Xu sent Mrs. Guo away and sat on the edge of the bed for a long time. Li was still sleeping deeply. When she woke up, there must be a good scene.

At this time, Ye had cleaned up the inside and outside of the house. Seeing her mother-in-law sitting blankly, she thought she was too sleepy to stand it. She came up and said thoughtfully, "Mom, you are also tired in the middle of the night. Go to the West Room and lie down and sleep for a while. Lingzi and I are staying here."

As soon as Mrs. Xu stood up, her body shook, and she fell directly to the ground.

Ye opened her arm and wanted to hug Mrs. Xu. As a result, she didn't have so much strength, but she was dragged together and fell to the ground.

Xu Lingzi quickly came over to help them up and asked Mrs. Xu anxiously, "Mom, are you all right? Are you dizzy?"

"It's okay, but it's too fierce." Mrs. Xu waved her hand weakly and said, "The third family, you watch here. Lingzi will accompany me home!"

"Mom, I'll send you back first. I'm afraid that my third sister-in-law can't take care of you alone." Xu Lingzi knew that Ye was not in good health, so she was worried that she could not be here alone.

"It's just to take care of it. It's not that she is asked to do physical work. What can she do?" Mrs. Xu stared at her daughter, "You are a big girl. How far do you hide when you encounter this kind of thing? Well, you still have to come up?"

Ye was actually very tired at this time, but when she heard Mrs. Xu say this, she naturally knew what her mother-in-law meant, so she followed the words and said to Xu Lingzi, "Mom is reasonable. You go back with her. It won't take two hours for dawn. It will be fine for me to stare here. Besides, your mother's body is not well yet. You should stay at home and take care of her.

When Mrs. Xu saw her daughter-in-law on the road, she nodded with satisfaction, but when she turned around, she saw that Li had opened her eyes.

"Second sister-in-law, you're awake." Seeing that Li was not too awake, Xu Lingzi inexplicably felt a little guilty and hid half of her body behind Mrs. Xu.

Ye also asked, "Second sister-in-law, is there anything wrong with you? Can I make you a bowl of brown sugar water?"

Li only felt a headache, a pain in his body, and a little uncomfortable in his stomach, but it was not the previous heavy feeling of falling, but a... indescribable, even a little empty feeling.

She reached out to touch her lower abdomen like feeling, and her fingertips trembled uncontrollably, hovering in mid-air, and did not dare to fall for a long time.

When Mrs. Xu saw this, she said, "Oh, you should also be more open-minded. You are still young and will still have a chance in the future. The confinement is also a confinement. You should relax and raise yourself. In case you get old after sitting down and get sick, you will still suffer."

"Little, little confinement..." Li's lips squirmed and repeated these words.

"Alas, I have already told you to be careful when you have a body. You said that your new daughter-in-law didn't come in the door. Why are you so careless!" Mrs. Xu couldn't help nagging, "Fortunately, Aunt Guo said that this misbirth is going well. As long as you are easy to raise, you will definitely not have problems, and there will be opportunities to conceive in the future..."

Li's eyes were straight, as if she didn't listen to Mrs. Xu's words at all. Her hands gently fell on her lower abdomen, as if protecting some rare treasure, and she stroked it carefully.

In fact, her pregnancy month is still short, and she hasn't shown it at all. She doesn't know whether it's a psychological effect or something. She feels that her stomach has become flat and flat. "Son, son, I...my son..."

Her hands were getting harder and harder, pressing her stomach crazily, as if she were looking for something, and couldn't help saying, "Son, my son...my son..."

Old Mrs. Xu was stimulated by her son's sound and curled her lips and said, "Don't have a son. Your Aunt Guo just checked it and gave birth to a female child."

Then he said, "Maybe this is God's will. Our family doesn't lack a daughter. It's just a loss for other people's family. It's better to lose it earlier and have a big fat boy after taking care of his body..."

Ye listened and felt a chill in his heart. Although it was indeed a woman's responsibility to have children, Li had just had a miscarrison at this time. Whether it was a son or a daughter, it was a piece of meat that fell from his body. How could he not feel sad? As a mother-in-law, it is too cold for Mrs. Xu to say such words at this time.

Xu Lingzi also sounds a little awkward, but as an unmarried girl, it's not easy to interrupt these things. Seeing that Ye's face was also a little ugly, she quickly took Mrs. Xu out: "Mom, go back and rest for a while. So many things have happened today. She must be exhausted. She finally looks a little sick. , don't be serious again.

Old Mrs. Xu was about to leave, but Li suddenly jumped up, jumped in front of her without wearing shoes, and screamed, "That bowl of medicine is the medicine you let me drink!! That's not a fetal medicine, is it? That's abortion medicine!!! My son... You still have my son..."

Li is already crazy at this time, and he doesn't know where his strength comes from. He clasped Mrs. Xu's shoulders with both hands, shouting nonsense such as son and tiger in a messy mouth. His teeth swayed in front of Mrs. Xu's face, as if it could be available at any time. It's like you can bite it down.

Old Mrs. Xu was so scared that she was so scared that she desperately wanted to break away Li's hand, but her hands were like iron pliers and could not be pulled away.

"I've found someone to calculate it. There is a boy in my belly. They said that this child is the reincarnation of the tiger. Huzi thinks about me, and he has to be my son again when he is reincarnated... You compensate my son, you compensate me for the tiger..." Li Shi cried and shouted, and tore with Mrs. Xu, and finally fell in love. Xu was so excited that his eyes rolled and fainted to the ground.