Spring is as good as

Chapter 115 Braised Noodles

The family was in a mess all night, but Xu Xinger didn't know all these things. She slept very well at night. After getting up in the morning, she felt energetic again. She stretched out in the yard and looked at the sun that had jumped out of the horizon. She was in a good mood to move her muscles and bones.

Tao'er woke up very early because she was going to the city to play today, but she didn't dare to wake up Xu Xinger and tossed around on the bed until she finally got up.

"Sister, my parents are not at home." Taoer didn't need Xu Xinger's help today. She quickly put on her clothes and shoes. Who knew that she ran to the East House and saw that her parents were not at home. She quickly ran out and told Xu Xinger.

"Then why don't you wash your face and hands and help your sister cook?" Xu Xinger asked with a smile.

"Good!" Taoer jumped to wash her face, ran far away and turned her head and shouted, "Sister, what shall we eat in the morning?"

"Wash your face well and serve chopsticks later." Xu Xinger went to the stove and opened the cupboard to have a look. There was no food left yesterday, so she had to make it in the morning.

She went to the warehouse and turned over. She looked at the hanging basket with fungus and cauliflower from last year. She took out some of them, soaked them in warm water and put them aside, then scooped them out, added water and noodles, and prepared to make hand-rolled noodles.

As soon as the face was made up, Ye ran back in a hurry. Seeing that the two children were up, they were scooping water and washing them quickly, and then told Xu Xinger, "Your second aunt is not in good health. Your mother is not free to be at home today. Your father will come back in a moment. He has to watch the lock and chestnuts at home, so he can't drive you to the city. Why don't you go play with Shanzi by yourself? Don't bring peaches today.

It's not far from the village to the city, but a five-year-old child must have walked there by himself. Although he knew that Taoer would definitely refuse and might cry, there was no way. No one knew that so many things would happen last night.

Sure enough, as soon as the words were spoken, Taoer cried with a "wow", "sister..."

Xu Xinger hugged Taoer in her arms sadly and wiped her tears soothingly and said, "Don't cry. Sister will take you there."

Taoer had red eyes and looked up at Xu Xinger, as if to tell whether she was coaxing herself.

"Then you can only take a ride there." Ye was a little hesitant. Although it is common to take a ride in the countryside, they still have three children, and they are expected to come back very late at night. She is worried about what would happen if she meets some bad people.

"Mom, don't worry, I will definitely take good care of Taoer." Xu Xinger continued, " By the way, mother, I have something to tell you. We will stay at Xiaomei's house for one night tonight and come back tomorrow."

Taoer's eyes lit up as soon as she heard it. Although she didn't know what the meaning of hitchhiking, she knew that it would be enough for her to take her with her. Now she heard that she could still stay in the city for a night. She was so happy that she couldn't find the north. Before the redness of her eyes faded, she had already burst into tears and pulled Xu Xinger's The sleeve asked, "Sister, do we want to live in the city?" Do you really live in the city?

Xu Xinger patted her on the head, motioned her to be quiet, and then looked at Ye to see if she could agree.

Taoer also knew whether this could be done or not. The eldest sister could not make the decision. In the end, she still wanted to see Ye's nod, so she also looked at her eagerly.

Ye thought for a moment and felt that it was more reasonable to stay in the city than to come back overnight, so he nodded and said, "Since you are going to Xiaomei's house, there must be adults at home. You have to be sensible and know how to call people. Don't cause trouble to people. Come back quickly after staying for one night."

"Mom, don't worry, I know it." Xu Xinger repeatedly promised, "I will also take good care of Taoer."

"Xing, you have figured this out. If you see something you want to eat or like, you can buy it yourself." Ye counted 50 cents from the box and handed it to Xu Xinger.

"Mom, I have money here, and my family is not rich. If you have money, just save it." Xu Xinger shook her head repeatedly and naturally refused to ask for it, but looking at Qian, she suddenly remembered what happened last night and asked Ye tentatively, "Mom, did Dad tell you anything last night?"

Ye's men hesitated for a moment, but still said, "Your father said he wanted to borrow money from your grandma's house!" Then he said, "These are all adult's affairs. Don't worry about it. My mother said your father yesterday, and he won't borrow money from you in the future."

Xu Xinger's purchase of ginseng was hidden from Ye, and Ye also knew that he had at least two or three hanging money in his hand. At this time, Xu Laosan opened his mouth, but he didn't give anything. He also wanted Ye to go back to his mother's house to borrow it. He was afraid that Ye would have any idea, and it would be bad if there was any knot between mother and daughter.

"In fact, if I still have money in my hand, it's not impossible to lend it to my father, but recently, Brother Shanzi needs money and has taken away two pieces of money, and there is not much left in my hand, and I have to keep some money in my hand, so I really can't take it out now." After saying that, Xu Xinger added, "If you really borrowed money from my mother, when I can move it over, we can pay it back to my mother first."

"Use money to also be divided into priorities. If the master's milk needs money to eat or see a doctor, then we have to get it, but now..." Ye said and stopped here. Thinking of what Xu Laoer did, it was really inappropriate to tell the child, and the child may not be able to understand, so he changed the saying, "As the saying goes It is said that the emergency does not save the poor, not to mention that this time it is neither urgent nor poor... It's just that you don't understand these things now. You will understand when you grow up.

After washing, Ye hurriedly went into the stove to prepare for cooking.

Xu Xinger followed and said, "Mom, I'm about to make noodles!"

Ye's meeting has been reconciled, praising Xu Xinger for a few words, and then took off the rolling pin and began to roll the noodles.

Xu Xinger cleaned up the soaked fungus and cauliflower, and set up another pot to make brine.

After all, Ye is an adult. He must be faster than Xu Xinger. Soon, he rolled the noodles and put it into the pot. He saw that the pot boiled three times and ordered water twice in the middle. He estimated that it was almost time. He picked up one with chopsticks to open it and looked carefully. There was still a little white heart in it, adding less cold water to the pot and rolled. It's an opening.

Xu Xinger had prepared all the big bowls and put them on the stove one by one. She took an iron spoon and slowly stirred the brine, waiting for Ye to start serving noodles.

"Tao'er, go to the old house and ask your father to come back for dinner." Ye shouted, then put his chopsticks into the pot, clamped them for a few turns, picked them up quickly, picked up the bowl with his left hand and took them underneath. A bowl of noodles was served, and then handed them to Xu Xinger beside him.

Xu Xinger poured a spoonful of brine into the noodles and brought it into the room and put it on the kang table.

In a short time, the room was full of the aroma of braised noodles. Several bowls of hot noodles were placed on the table, and the freshly peeled garlic was white and tender on the table. The chili sauce was bright and appetizing.

Xu Xinger went to the field and pulled out a handful of small water radishes, her own water radishes, emerald green radishes, dark pink thick and red thick and fat radishes, washed them with cool well water, cut two radishes with a hob, poured vinegar, added some sugar and salt, and mixed them with two drops of sesame oil, which was refreshing and delicious, especially pleasing to the eyes.

As soon as Xu Laosan came in from the outside, he said, "Well, what you did this morning smell at the door!"

Taoer was still pulling Xu Laosan's arm and took it away. When she smelled the fragrance, she shook off Xu Laosan's arm and ran into the room first. She climbed onto the kang and sat down, looked around the table, pulled her bowl in front of her, and then waited eagerly for everyone to sit down and have dinner.

Ye pressed the stove fire smaller, leaving a handful of noodles in the pot and continued to cook slowly. He was ready to feed the two small noodles directly with noodle soup for a while, so there was no need to cook rice paste alone.

All the people sat together at the table. Xu Laosan picked up the bowl, and the others also began to move their chopsticks.

"How's the second sister-in-law's side?" Xu Laosan snored noodles and asked, "Do you still have to go there during the day?"

Ye shook his head and said, "She was not very energetic. She woke up after sleeping for a while, and then stared at the ceiling, muttering, and couldn't hear what she was saying. I asked her if she wanted to drink water and whether she was hungry, but she didn't react at all. Lingzi went there in the morning to change me, so that I can come back for a meal. I will definitely go there later.

She took a long sigh, then picked up the bowl and began to eat noodles.

"Isn't it because the child is gone that you are stimulated?" Xu Laosan said worriedly, "Do you remember the last few years, when Xing'er was just born, his daughter was almost 30 years old in the south of our village. It was so easy to lose three in a row. Later, she went crazy and was sent back by her mother-in-law's family. Her parents couldn't stand her when they were old, and they soon lost them. Later Didn't you also move away from Lao Yue's house!"

Ye did know about this, but because it has been some years, he didn't expect it for a while before. At this time, he was suddenly worried, and he couldn't sit still. He put down the bowls and chopsticks and frowned and said, "Don't scare me. I said that my eyelids always jump today!"

"Mom, don't worry. The second aunt is very broad-minded. Don't you remember that when Huzi just died, she was in the mood to come to our house and cry!" Xu Xinger rolled her eyes. For a selfish person like Li, she only loves herself. The reason why she likes her son is that her hometown loves her grandson, and she can get greater benefits if she has a son.

If two old people prefer daughters to boys and only like their granddaughters, Li will definitely hold their daughters like treasures.

"Xing'er, don't talk nonsense!" Ye's face was rigid when he heard the words, "The children are all the flesh of the mother. If something happens to the child, which mother can not hurt? You still don't understand at a young age. Don't say this again in the future.

"Mom, I know." Xu Xinger nodded and promised, "I won't talk about it anymore."

Ye's appetite for eating became more and more. He picked up a few mouthfuls of noodles and got up and told Xu Laosan, "Xing'er and Tao'er are going to the city today and won't come back in the evening. You watch the two small ones at home. Don't go to the ground today. I'll go to my second sister-in-law's side. If there is nothing to do there, I will come back to make lunch. If I can't leave, so you can do something to fill your stomach by yourself.

Xu Laosan nodded and said that he remembered it. When Ye left, he asked Xu Xinger about going to the city and spend the night. He didn't think there was any problem. Then he said, "There are many people in the city during the festival. You must take care of Taoer and follow up with Xiaomei and Shanzi. Don't walk around by yourself. In case you lose it, it's not a joke. Be sure to put your purse and so on. Bring less money and put it in several places. There are many people who steal money from children in the city. You must be more careful..."

"Uncle Xu, don't worry, I will definitely take good care of Xing'er and Tao'er." Shanzi walked into the house as he spoke.

Because today is Qixi Festival, Xu Xinger thought that there should be more people in the city than yesterday, and she had to take a ride into the city, so she carried two jars of radish strips with Shanzi. If she couldn't sell so much, she would put them in Mr. Chen's store and didn't have to carry them back.

Peach changed into her favorite clothes. In fact, it was just an ordinary cotton dress, but it was dyed into a light lotus color rarely seen in the countryside. It was a piece of material given by others last year. Because the size was not too big to make adult clothes, Ye wanted to make a coat for Xu Xinger, but Xu Xinger saw Taoer's kind of Trying to hide his favorite eyes, he asked Ye Shi to make a dress for Taoer on the pretext that he didn't like this color.

Ye's hand is skillful, and his clothes look very good. He also finely embroidered acacia flowers on the neckline, cuffs and skirt. People who have seen it praise it are good-looking, so Taoer likes this dress more and more. She is usually reluctant to wear it. Only when she goes out or celebrates festivals will she take it out to wear it.