Spring is as good as

Chapter 127 Cute steamed buns

Ye didn't mention the matter of seeing Mrs. Xu, but only told Xu Lingzi that if there was anything to help, remember to come and say hello.

Before dinner, Xu Lingzi took two bowls and was embarrassed to say hello to Ye. She gave it to Xu Xinger and left in a hurry.

Xu Xinger looked at the bowl in her hand. Sure enough, it was not the two she took, but she didn't bother to say anything more, so she put them all in the cupboard.

Originally, Ye had agreed with Xu Laosan that he would go back to his mother's house to see if he could borrow some money after Liqiu, but after learning such a thing, Ye did not mention borrowing money.

Xu Laosan didn't know whether he was busy forgetting or embarrassed to mention it again. This matter was temporarily revealed like this.

The next morning, Ye heard that her daughter would not go to the city today. After thinking about it, she told Xing'er to bargain, but she still went back to her mother's house.

Not long after Ye left, Shanzi came and shouted in the yard with a smile on his face: "Xing'er, Tao'er, have you got up? Come out and see what I brought here."

Tao'er ran out of the room first, called Brother Shanzi, and then looked at him expectantly.

Xu Xinger was washing the dishes, wearing an apron around her waist, shook her wet hands and poked her head out. She looked at Shanzi for a moment and suddenly said with a smile, "Brother Shanzi, your back basket is leaking!"

Shanzi was shocked and quickly put down the basket and looked inside. He found that there was nothing wrong at all. Knowing that Xu Xinger had guessed it, he deliberately cheated himself like this and bent down to take out a fluffy little guy from the basket.

"Ah!" Tao'er screamed and was almost crazy. She ran to Shanzi and wanted to reach out to touch it, but she was afraid of being bitten and didn't dare to stretch out.

Xu Xinger came forward to pick up the little guy, put his hands under his front legs, and held it to the line of sight and looked at it carefully.

Although he is just a little guy, after all, he is a big dog. His body is longer than Xu Xinger's forearm. His gray-black fluff is slightly curled, and his round head looks like a simple bear. Two small ears are sagging on his head. His light brown eyes are moist and look very gentle.

The little guy was not afraid of being picked up by Xu Xinger, but looked at her with his eyes wide open, humming and then grinning, sticking out his pink tongue, looking like he was flattering.

When Taoer saw that the puppy did not bite Xu Xinger, she boldly came forward and carefully reached out to touch the puppy's ear.


The puppy shouted at Taoer, which scared her and quickly withdrew her hand.

Xu Xinger changed her posture, holding the puppy in one hand and holding Taoer in the other hand and saying, "Don't be afraid, it won't bite you. Be bold and touch it again."

Taoer boldly put her hand on the back of the puppy and stroked it a few times. The fluff was fluffy and soft, and it felt very good.

The puppy turned his head to look at Tao'er, which seemed to be comfortable to touch. He made a slight snoring sound and stretched out his tongue to lick the back of Tao'er's hand.

"Ah!" Taoer almost jumped up, "Sister, it licked me."

"You should be calm. Don't be surprised and scare it." Xu Xinger reached out and touched the tip of the puppy's nose, which was cold and wet, and lifted her ears to have a look. It was also very clean, without too much secretion or dirt. She seemed to be a very healthy little guy.

"A litter of puppies, I chose the best one. Now it has been weaned. As long as it is easy to be raised, it must be a good person to take care of the home in the future." Shanzi asked Xu Xinger for credit and said, "Give me a name!"

Xu Xinger rubbed the puppy's head, looked at its cute appearance with its head tilted, and blurted out, "Let's call it steamed buns. Let's eat meat buns together for the future!"

Shanzi accompanied them to tease the steamed buns for a while and was taken into the city by this radish strip. Before leaving, he told Xu Xinger: "You stay at home and don't go out and run around again."

"Don't worry, today the sugar garlic will be turned out to dry and pickle it again. I don't have time to go out." Xu Xinger said and gave him two melons soaked in the well, "You can take this to eat on the road."

"Oi, I'll go first." Shanzi left with the basket on his back, and Baozi hummed behind his feet, trying to follow him.

Xu Xinger bent down and picked it up and touched its ears to comfort him, "It's too far into the city. You can't walk so far now. Brother Shanzi came back at noon. Let's wait for him to come back at home."

Shanzi couldn't laugh or cry when he heard the words, "Then you are Xing'er's sister of Baozi!"

"Yes!" Xu Xinger pressed her face to the steamed bun, then grabbed its little paws and shook it, deliberately said in a tone, "Brother Shanzi, walk slowly, don't be tired."

Shanzi had no choice but to recognize the name of the dog brother and told her not to let the puppy run out of the yard and be careful to be taken away by others.

After sending Shanzi away, Xu Xinger went back to the house with the steamed bun that had been humming and comforted him, "Brother Shanzi doesn't want you anymore. Taoer and I will also love you. Can we cook food for you?"

She closed the front and rear doors, put the steamed buns in the room, grabbed a handful of corn flour, added a little water to cook, and did not dare to give it too greasy food. She only picked two pieces of lean meat from yesterday's leftovers and threw them in, boiled them for a while, found a useless broken basin, took them out and put them on the stove to dry.

The steamed bun smelled the fragrance of the food, as if it was specially made for himself. He immediately threw the mountain behind his mind and began to circle around Xu Xinger. Seeing that she ignored herself, he ran to pick up the edge of the stove, humming and wagging his tail vigorically.

" Snack goods!" Xu Xinger pulled down its little paws, lit its forehead and said, "Don't pick the stove in the future. You can't eat it until it's cold, okay?"

"Wow..." Baozi looked up and shouted, as if he really understood.

Xu Xinger washed her hands, took out the sugar garlic marinated with salt the first day, spread it on the curtain, put it in the yard to dry, brushed the jar again, boiled it in the pot for disinfection, and then put it in a cool and ventilated place to dry.

The steamed bun obediently lay on the edge of the stove, guarding its basin, and his head turned back and forth with Xu Xinger's footsteps. After a while, he fainted and simply lay down and licked his claws.

Tao'er was still a little wary of steamed buns. She sat on the small bench at the door and looked at it with her cheeks.

Xu Xinger was busy inside and outside for a while, and came back to stir the food in the basin. Seeing that it was no longer hot, she took it down and put it in front of the steamed bun, rubbed its little head and said, "Eat it!"

"I just salted it, but it hasn't been officially marinated yet!" Xu Xinger handed him the radish strips, "You will definitely be indispensable when they are marinated."

"Then I'll wait to eat." When Shanzi packed things into the basket, he remembered when he saw the things in the basket.

"Oh, by the way, I almost forgot." Shanzi said and took out half of the pig's lungs and handed them to Xu Xinger, "You can cut everything and grab some of them every time you cook dog food for steamed buns and put them in. When it's bigger, you can directly use this and steamed food with the upper grain noodles. This dog has to be fed better when he was a child, otherwise he will be blind if he can't grow up.

"Don't worry, when I cooked it just now, I also put some lean meat in it." Xu Xinger took the pig's lungs and hung them on the hook under the porch. "I'm still thinking that Mr. Chen's family cooks bone soup every day. I don't know if the remaining bones are useful. Let's go to the city and ask them. If it's useless, it's good to ask him for some back and play with steamed buns."

The steamed bun heard a sound in the room and ran out, surrounding the mountain and Xu Xinger.

"Do you know that your name is steamed bun so soon?" Shanzi pinched the small ears of the steamed buns, "Eating such a good food, you should look good and learn to catch bad people!"