Spring is as good as

Chapter 128 made a decision

Because Ye was not at home, Xu Xing'er also made a simple lunch. She heated the leftover bean, potato pork belly and cakes yesterday, recooked the braised pork with cabbage noodles, and waited for Xu Laosan to come back from the field to have dinner.

When eating, the steamed buns kept running around the kang. Fortunately, they were not noisy, but as soon as Xu Xinger moved her chopsticks, she looked at it with a strong desire in her eyes.

Xu Xinger couldn't stand its pitiful appearance, and then rubbed her calf and licked the instep. Her heart was even softer. The meat that had been sent to her mouth was still thrown to the ground in the middle of the way. She was quickly grabbed by the meat bag and swallowed it in two or two times.

Xu Laosan didn't care about raising a dog. Seeing that Baozi was quite sensible and not noisy, he liked it very much. He only told him not to let the puppy go to the kang, so he didn't ask any more questions. After dinner, he couldn't take a break, so he went to work with his hoe to work.

Xu Xinger packed up the bowls and chopsticks and saw that the garlic in the yard was almost dried. She clenched the water with her hand and placed it on the curtain. She moved to a cool and ventilated place under the eaves of the backyard to continue drying. From time to time, she turned over and touched the temperature and humidity of the garlic.

After drying until the evening, all of them were cool and not hot, and the surface was relatively dry, they began to prepare for marinating.

First mix the soup with cold boiled water, rice vinegar and salt in an approximate proportion, then mix the garlic and white sugar into the jar, slowly pour the soup in, then tie the mouth of the jar with a layer of oil cloth and put the bowl into it as even as possible, and then move it to a cool place.

"Sister, it's going to be dark. Why hasn't mother come back yet?" Taoer didn't see Ye for a day. At first, she didn't feel anything. Later, there were more steamed buns to relieve boredom, and she didn't seem to think much about Ye. It was not until it was getting dark that she began to find Ye.

"I'll definitely be back soon." Xu Xinger coaxed her, "Can you take the steamed buns to the garden and help the elder sister pick a pumpkin back? You teach Baozi to walk on the side, and you can't step on the ground.

Taoer called Baozi and went out together. Xu Xinger looked at the sky. In fact, she was still a little worried. She simply went out and planned to welcome her in the direction of grandma's house to see if she could meet her.

As soon as I turned out of the path at my door, I saw Ye walking home with a small bag on his back. He quickly stepped forward and said, "Mom, I'm back."

"Well, are you in a hurry?" Ye Shi gasped slightly. She also knew that it was a little late today. She was afraid that her family would miss it. She took a car and came down at the entrance of the village and kept rushing home.

"Tao'er is nagging about you at home!" Xu Xinger took over the burden and felt quite heavy when she bought it. She subconsciously asked, "Why are you pretending to be so heavy?"

After she said that, she realized what was holding in her hand and frowned slightly and asked, "The money borrowed from grandma's house?"

"Well, your grandma asked me to take it back. Anyway, I have to collect the money that should be lost to others first." Ye rubbed his eyebrows tiredly and remembered that when he went back today, his parents told him that such a big thing happened at home should have been time to help each other. Anyway, he couldn't lose his temper with the old man at this time.

As soon as Xu Laosan came back from the field, he was stuffed with two hangings of money in his hand. For a moment, he didn't react and opened his mouth and asked, "Where did the money come from?"

"Didn't you ask me to go back to my mother's house to borrow money!" Ye threw the money into Xu Laosan's arms and went back to continue cooking. "Now that the autumn harvest is coming, no one has much money. These two pieces of money are still collected by the brothers in the family. My mother said that after the autumn harvest, let the people in the village pay back the money first, and then return the rest to my house. If they can't make up for a moment, a little waiting will also make You can bring it to your parents after dinner!"

Xu Laosan was very moved and said, "Did you go back to borrow money today? Why didn't you tell me?"

"What's the use of telling you?" Ye took out the noodles and greeted Xu Xinger to set the table for dinner.

Xu Laosan sighed when he heard this and suddenly fell down.

Ye looked at it and couldn't bear it, and said, "Now the second brother still can't get up on the kang, and the fourth brother still has to take care of the second brother. Now you do the work of several people with the eldest brother. Don't I feel sorry to see you get up early and be greedy every day?"

"I know you feel uncomfortable and that you are in a dilemma, but there is really nothing I can do about this situation at home." Xu Laosan took Ye's hand with guilt and said, "If the family can't pay back the money after the autumn harvest, I will go to the city to work and make all the money before the New Year."

"Oc's it, what are you talking about now?" Ye was afraid of being seen by the child, so she pushed Xu Laosan's hand away and said, "Human energy is limited. You have to know how to take care of yourself, otherwise I will rely on with the children in the future."

After dinner, Xu Laoer went to the old house with two pieces of money. He didn't dare to give the money to Mrs. Xu, but said to the old man Xu, "Dad, Xing'er's mother went back to borrow the money from her mother's house and said that she should give the money she lost to the He family first and pay it back slowly after the autumn harvest."

Old Mrs. Xu was lying on the bed. Hearing this, she stood up and said, "Didn't you tell me to borrow three dollars? Why did you borrow two hangings back?

"Mother!" Xu Laosan didn't expect that Mrs. Xu would say such a sentence. He was stunned. After a long time, he remembered to explain, "Now the autumn harvest is coming soon. In ordinary farmers, who has no money in their hands is rich. These two pieces of money were still collected by Xing'er's uncles..."

"Come on, listen to her complaining to you!" Mrs. Xu interrupted her son impatiently, "The Ye family is rich!" They just don't want to lend it to you!"

"Occeed, shut up!" Mr. Xu was angry and grabbed two pieces of money and threw it at Mrs. Xu. "My daughter who went out and threw water on the door. It's love for them to lend us money, and it's also their duty not to borrow it. It's already a shame to let their daughter-in-law go back to their mother's house to borrow money. You are still not enough, or the second brother will make you used to this virtue!"

"What does it have to do with me? My son was not born by me, nor was I taught by myself. Are you irresponsible for yourself? If something happens, you will blame me." Mrs. Xu said angrily, "If you have the ability to smash it, you won't have to worry if you smash it to death, so as not to look at these bad things at home every day and be scolded by you every day. Who am I provoked with whom?"

The more Mrs. Xu talked, the more sad she became. She patted the edge of the kang and cried while talking. She couldn't hear what she said.

Old man Xu ignored her, collected the two pieces of money by himself, and then pulled Xu Laosan out and said, "There are still two days left. It's been half July. According to the usual practice, the family has to sacrifice our ancestors. You can drive to the car and take Lingzi to your second sister-in-law's house. Let's see how your second sister-in-law is doing now. Second, let's see if she can be brought back. It's not good to have a bad family when sacrificing her ancestors.

"Ok, Dad, don't worry, I'll go early tomorrow morning." Xu Laosan agreed.

Early the next morning, Xu Laosan drove to take Xu Lingzi to Li's mother's house.

Xu Lingzi also specially took out the dowry money she saved and bought brown sugar, eggs and snacks. Anyway, Li was also in confinement, carrying some tonic things to talk when she went in.

Who knew that when it came to the Li family, the things to mend themselves were still accepted, but their attitude was still lukewarm, and they could even be said to be hostile. In the end, they didn't even give way to Li's face, so they wanted to send them back.

Li's mother said, "She was in a bad mood without her child. When she came back, she washed her face with tears and ignored her family. It's easy to be stronger these two days. How dare you let you go in and show it for her? Then she will be sad again."

"Your second sister-in-law is old, and now the child is very hurt. The most important time is to make up for it. Since you are willing to come, we will take it."

"In the past, the couple quarreled, and we all persuaded girls. After all, they got married. As long as they can live, they can bear it. But look at what their daughter has become now?" Li's father said with a cigarette bag and said, "So from now on, I don't care about their affairs. It's all up to the girl herself. If she can go back, we won't force her to go back. At worst, it's better for us to raise her for a lifetime than others."

Xu Laosan and Xu Lingzi made a big shame. How dare they have to see Li? Finally, they went with hope and came back with shame.

The brother and sister talked on the way back. After coming back, they only said to the old man Xu, "Dad, my second sister-in-law is not well yet, and now she is still suffering because of the fact that the child is gone. She said that she is afraid of coming back and will be even more sad. Let's talk about it in my mother's house for a while."

Old man Xu is an old man. How can he not understand what's going on? He closed his eyes tiredly and waved his hand and said, "Ok, I know. What should you do?"

When Mrs. Xu heard this, she opened her mouth and complained, "At the beginning, she lied to me that she was a boy, but she was pregnant with a girl film, and she was as old as a daughter. She fell off and picked up the shelf."

Xu Lingzi couldn't help feeling cold when she heard this, but after all, she was her mother, and she was still a girl who didn't say that she was going to get married. It was not easy to take over such words, and she didn't want to listen any more. She turned around and picked up the curtain and went back to the room by herself.

Xu Laosan was not able to leave again. He was pulled by Mrs. Xu and nagging for a long time. He easily got out and saw the old man Xu squatting under the wall to smoke. He had been hit several piles of soot around him, and the smoke was swirling around him. I don't know how many cigarettes he had smoked in such a while.

"Dad, it's also a special situation that the second sister-in-law can't come back. Don't embarrass yourself too much. Let's worship our ancestors as usual." Xu Laosan came forward to comfort him, and his heart was also full of bitterness. Now his parents, a saw-mouthed gourd-like everything in his heart, and a wide-mouthed bottle, all the things he should or shouldn't say fell out. As a daughter are sandwiched in the middle, and everyone felt uncomfortable looking at it.

If it hadn't been for the second brother's continuous such a thing, his life would have been better and better. Now he has directly returned to being poor and white, and it has made his home restless and noisy. The more I think about it, the more it is, the more painful it is.

"Oc, you still need to teach me a lesson!" Old man Xu waved his cigarette bag impatiently, "What should I do?"

Xu Laosan was a little worried, but he also knew that the old man was stubborn and dared not twist it to his face, so he had to go home first.

Old man Xu squatted under the wall and smoked all afternoon. It was not until it was dark that he stood up trembling and moved his sore legs and feet. An idea that he had been hidden in his heart that he dared not think about has gradually taken shape.

He took a long breath, squeezed the cigarette bag in his hand and said to himself, "I have no choice but to make this decision. It's all for the old Xu family. I hope the ancestors bless..."