Spring is as good as

Chapter 129 Strange Branch

Xi Laosan was not stupid enough to tell Mrs. Xu's words to Ye. After going back, he only said that his parents were very grateful and that he would return the money as soon as possible after autumn.

"We are all a family, so don't say thank you." Ye sighed, "I didn't know until I went back today that the things my second brother did had been spread in several villages nearby. After tea and dinner, I was used to kowtling my teeth. Originally, my mother had taken good care of the girls in the family and said that they were very suitable for Lao Si. As a result, because of these things, as soon as my mother opened her mouth, she was My mother's house was blocked back.

"Alas..." Xu Laosan sighed, squatted on the ground and filled a bag of cigarettes. He caught fire with the flint and took a few sips. "What's the matter? Let your mother also be angry."

"It's not angry, but it makes people say a few words and can't lose meat, but now that Lao Si is like this, what can he say about marriage?" Ye also sighed and remembered to ask, "Aren't you going to pick up your second sister-in-law? Did you pick it up?"

Xu Laosan raised his hand and rubbed his face fiercely. He got up and said in a muffled voice, "What did you get back? I was also squeezed. It's okay for me, an old man. Lingzi is still a girl who didn't go out. She cried when she came out of the Li family with shame and angrily. When she got home, her eyes were as swollen like walnuts."

"If you don't come back, you won't come back. Can't you live without her?" Xu Xinger just finished feeding the steamed buns and heard Xu Laosan's words, "Besides, it's only been a few days since the fight, and now I've picked up the second aunt. Isn't it waiting for another fight!"

"What do children know? Don't talk nonsense." Xu Laosan scolded Xu Xinger, "The day after tomorrow is July and half. The family is going to sacrifice to the ancestors. How ugly it is if the people are not complete."

"Now it's so ugly that I'm reluctant to take it back. Isn't it more humiliating to make trouble when sacrificing the ancestors?" Xu Xinger asked rhetorical.

"..." Xu Laosan was speech-bited by her question, sighed again, and squatted back to smoke again.

"Dad, what's the use of worrying about death when others do something wrong?" Xu Xinger heard Ye cough a few times in a low voice, and then said, "You should also smoke less. It's not good for your health. My mother can't smell this."

Only then did Xu Laosan remember what the doctor said before that he had better not smoke in front of Ye, so recently he has smoked much less than before. Even if he couldn't help but want to smoke, he went to the yard to smoke by himself. Today, because of a moment of annoyance, he actually forgot about this matter. He quickly put out his cigarette bag and said: "No more smoking, no more smoking."

In the next two days, Mr. Xu walked around the families with his hands behind his back. His eyes were complicated, and his face was full of words, but in the end, he didn't say anything, which made his family nervous.

The sacrifice in July and half is divided into public sacrifices and private sacrifices. Every year, people are invited to choose a site to set up an altar to worship the owner's lonely soul, which is a public sacrifice. Each family offers private sacrifices to their ancestors, build graves, burn paper and send lamps.

On July 14, the village began to set up altars and make French boats, and occasionally drew people from various families to help. This is a major event in the village every year. No one dares to neglect, exert force, powerless money, and rarely work together.

Several goddesses were different. Boss Xu's face was expressionless, and Xu Laoer's eyes were spinning. Xu Laosan looked at his daughter-in-law and then at Xu Xing'er. He bowed his head and didn't say anything like them. Xu Laosi and Xu Lingzi's eyes were surprised, and they didn't know what to do for a moment.

Old Mrs. Xu cleared her throat and said, "Old man, how can you talk about this?"

Old man Xu raised his eyebrows and looked at her without talking. He continued, "I'm not old-fashioned. Since I've settled down here and what's going on with other families in the village, I've also seen it. I originally planned to separate families when Lao Si and Lingzi get married. I haven't talked about it, but just want to Let your brothers and sisters-in-law be united, and don't just think about separate families and seek personal gain.

Mr. Xu was a little sad when he heard this and couldn't help saying, "Dad, what are you talking about? The sons have never thought about split up."

Hearing this, Chen was so angry that he couldn't wait to slap him to death, and it was difficult to show it. He could only pinch him fiercely at the waist.

Old Xu almost called out in pain and finally resisted it, but the expression on his face was still obvious. He dared not talk nonsense again, and his head was no longer silent.

"Oc well, you don't have to say beautiful words to fool my old man. Even if you don't want to, can your daughter-in-law not?" Old man Xu laughed a few times and smoked a cigarette and said, "I don't blame you for having such an idea. After all, the old saying is good that people are not killed for themselves. I'm old and have nothing to do. I just hope to see you all doing well. I can close my eyes and see my ancestors with a clear conscience in the future."

This was so heavy that several sons couldn't help talking and talking.

"Dad, how can you say such a thing? Your body has been tough, and it's unlucky to suddenly say this." Xu Laosi said quickly and said first.

Boss Xu didn't care about Chen's pleasure and repeatedly promised, "Dad, don't worry, as a big brother, I will take good care of you and your mother, take care of my brothers and sisters, and won't let our family break up."

Xu Laosan didn't want to be in the limelight. At the end, when he saw that his second brother huddled aside and did not dare to speak, he said, "Dad, today's sacrifice to ancestors is a good day. It's all because your sons didn't do a good job, so that you can say such words. Recently, there have indeed been more things that have happened to the family, but as long as we work together, the difficulties can always be overcome. Of."

Lizi is a daughter. Now the marriage has not been decided, and she has to wait for the family to spend money, so she has no position to say anything at this time and honestly squinted behind.

When Mrs. Xu heard these words, she couldn't calm down when she saw that the old man Xu had not communicated with her in advance, but because it was a big day to worship her ancestors, at least she still had to pretend and kept trying to suppress it. Now when she saw that the children were almost talking, she said, "Old man, you Is this going to let the children share it?

Old Xu shook his head slowly under the gaze of the whole family.

For a while, several people were happy and worried, and the expressions of the whole family were different, but they all looked at Lao Xu with doubts.

Old Xu raised his finger to Xu Lao Er, took a deep breath and said, "I'm going to separate Lao Er alone."

As soon as this statement came out, the room was suddenly in an uproar. This sentence was completely unexpected by the whole family. Xu Lao Er was originally huddled in the back corner. Hearing this, he looked at the old Xu head in a daze with his mouth half open.

As soon as Mrs. Xu heard this, she blew up the temple and jumped up and said, "No!"

Old Xu looked at her coldly and snorted heavily, "Sit down, my ancestors are watching!"

"Looking at what's going on, just looking at it and I'm going to say that it's okay if you propose to separate today, but why do you separate the second brother alone?" Mrs. Xu was so anxious that it seemed that it was nothing to listen to alone, but what's the difference between this and not getting this son?

Xi Lao Er also came to his senses and didn't care about the injury all over his body. He rolled and crawled to the feet of Lao Xu and howled, "Dad, Dad, I know I'm wrong. You spared me this time. I will never dare to do it again. I and I will work well in the future and will never go out to fool around again, Dad..."