Spring is as good as

Chapter 158 Mother and son quarrel

Although Mrs. Xu's heart retreated because of the mention of money, what Mrs. Gu said was full of **, especially when the Lin family was asking for a son, she continued to look at the law with half a doubt.

This side is doing magic things, and few onlookers will talk about how the Zen lamp mage has the ability and so on.

After listening to this, Mrs. Xu couldn't help asking several people. They all said that this ten thousand Zen sect was particularly effective and trustworthy.

Next, Mrs. Xu became more and more hesitant, and finally asked a young daughter-in-law, holding a doll in her arms and was also making a matter.

When the little daughter-in-law heard Mrs. Xu inquire, she said, "Madam, you don't have to ask everywhere. I just want to tell you that the son in my arms is that my family has joined Wan Zen Buddhism and is almost one year old now."

Mrs Xu came up to have a look. The child was born white and fat, which was really liked, and the original disbelief went a little.

After the Dharma work was finished, the group went to Aunt Huang's house to sit down, and Mrs. Xu kept asking about Wan Zen.

Aunt Huang explained to her one by one. Seeing that it was too late, she changed the topic to business.

After all, this is true. She has her own matchmaking money, and she is still more careful.

"Sister Xu, the girls of these two families have also seen it. Do you like it in your heart? Which one do you think is better?

When Mrs. Xu heard this and was about to talk about the girl of the Guo family, Xu Xinger immediately secretly pulled her clothes behind her. Xu Lingzi, who stood behind Aunt Huang, also shook her head at her.

Seeing this, Mrs. Xu suffoed back what she said when she came to her mouth. She was puzzled, but her face was full of smiles and said, "The girls of both families are very good. When I go home, I will discuss it with the old man and Lao Si to see how he wants to reply to Mrs. Huang. My old man has a different temper. If he doesn't After discussion, it's time to say something crooked.

When Aunt Huang heard this, she felt reasonable and nodded, "Of course it's time to discuss it with her family." So I won't ask any more. Anyway, no matter which girl it is, as long as the marriage is done.

After sitting at Aunt Huang's house for a while, Mrs. Xu got up and said goodbye and led Xu Lingzi and Xu Xinger ready to go home.

Aunt Huang sent her to Zhuangkou and kept saying on the way, asking Mrs. Xu to bring Xu Lingzi to play when she had time. She couldn't help mentioning how good the descendants in the village were.

Xu Lingzi couldn't listen and quickly pulled Xu Xinger to the front quickly.

"This child is really ignorant!" Mrs. Xu felt that she had lost face and couldn't help muttering.

"The young girl's family is thin-skinned and can't hear this." Aunt Huang smiled and said, "What a good girl, you taught me well. If I had such a daughter, I would be so beautiful."

Once again, Mrs. Huang was praised. Mrs. Xu was in a good mood and couldn't help chatting with Aunt Huang again.

Xu Lingzi has stopped the car on the road and asked Xu Xinger to come back to call someone.

Aunt Huang said reluctantly, "Sister, you think it would be great if we lived in a village. It's rare to meet such a person."

"There will be opportunities to get together in the future." Mrs. Xu said, "It's really not early today. It's dark if you don't go home."

On the way, Mrs. Xu suddenly remembered that Xu Lingzi and Xu Xinger had tried their best to stop her and asked.

Xu Lingzi was anxious to discuss the matter with Xu Xinger before and refused to say it at first, but after chatting for a while, seeing that Mrs. Xu seemed to like Guo Lian very much, she couldn't help but tell Mrs. Xu about the door curtain that she had embroidered.

As soon as Mrs. Xu heard this, she immediately became furious. If she hadn't been sitting in the car, she would have jumped off her feet.

"How can it be like this? It's too inappropriate for a good family to do such a fake thing!"

Hearing this, Xu Lingzi immediately echoed: "That's right! So I have to stop you and can't agree to the marriage with the Guo family.

Old Mrs. Xu groaned angrily, "So is Aunt Huang. Why is such a person still so good to her?"

"How can they tell Aunt Huang that they must have hidden it from Aunt Huang when they do such a thing." Xu Xinger didn't expect Xu Lingzi to say it, so she could only help her speak.

Mrs Xu has always been biased. Now she has a good relationship with Aunt Huang, so she will turn to Aunt Huang in case of trouble. After listening to Xu Xinger's words, she nodded and said, "Definitely! She definitely doesn't know, otherwise how can she not talk about our relationship!"

Xu Lingzi naturally understood what kind of nature her mother was, so she continued to say, "Which girl do you like?"

Mrs. Xu thought about it carefully and hesitated: "Although the girl of the Wang family is also good at everything, her previous husband's family has committed an accident and the whole family has been arrested. Although it has nothing to do with her, I always feel that maybe her life is not good."

"You see, in the afternoon, the master said that if anyone in the family has any sins, it will ruin the family." The more she said, the more reasonable she felt, "No, no, what if she really has a bad life, what if it drags down your fourth brother?"

As soon as this came out, Xu Lingzi was a little unhappy, "Mom, what did you say?"

"Isn't it? In case she is really a broom star, why do you let her marry the Xu family and harm your fourth brother and our whole family?

Hearing Mrs. Xu's words getting worse and worse, Xu Lingzi's eyes turned red with anger. She twisted her body and turned her back to her, "The one I said I kissed before is not good, and I'm also a broom star's life. You will also find someone to kiss me in the future, lest I will harm other people."

"Look, when did I say you!" Mrs. Xu didn't expect that Xu Lingzi would think of herself and quickly argued, "Your situation is different from hers. Didn't you find someone to count your fortune before, which means that it doesn't matter if you say marriage in the year?"

Xu Lingzi still refused to speak with her back.

Xu Xinger went up to change the topic and said, "The Guo family deliberately lied to you. This is a matter of character, and it may not be very good!"

When Mrs. Xu heard this, she also frowned and thought about it, and then said, "Even if Miss Guo's needlework is not good enough, it's nothing serious. Everything else in the family looks good. It's common for her to say it in order to support her face, which is not a big problem."

This time, Xu Xinger was also completely speechless. She finally understood that this old lady Xu completely fell in love with the Guo family. After all, the conditions of the Guo family are better than those of the Wang family!

"Milk, she can fake on the door curtain. Maybe the furniture in the room is also fake!" Xu Xinger suddenly remembered a detail and said, "I remember that when we first entered the room, Aunt Huang also asked her why her family had changed furniture."

"Then don't let people really change the furniture?" Mrs. Xu recognized the Guo family in her heart and refused to change it. "What do you child know? Don't get mixed up with it."

Although she said so, Mrs. Xu was also a little confused. After thinking about it for a long time, she felt that she had better go home to discuss it.

After returning home, Xu Laosi scratched his ears and cheeks anxiously. After dinner, Mrs. Xu also went back to the house, and he immediately asked Xu Lingzi for news.

Xu Lingzi and Xu Xinger both said that the girl of the Wang family was good and asked him to choose the girl of the Wang family.

Xu Laosi asked for details again, and Xu Lingzi told Xu Laosi everything. After hearing this, Xu Laosi said contemptuously, "That girl from the Guo family can't be married!"

Looking at Xu Laosi like this, Xu Lingzi and Xu Xinger were also relieved. No matter how strong Mrs. Xu was, she could not force Xu Laosi to marry Guo Lian without drinking water.

After dinner, Mrs. Xu felt a little tired. Her body was not very sharp. After going out for a day, she couldn't bear it for a long time. If she wanted to discuss marriage with Mr. Xu and Xu Laosi, she could only put it on the next day.

Early the next morning, Xu Xinger was worried about Xu Laosi's marriage and rushed over early after breakfast. She happened to meet Mrs. Xu and Xu Laosi to discuss.

"Lao Si, my mother thinks that the Wang girl's life is not very good. It may be a husband's life. We can't do it."

Xu Xinger peeked at Xu Laosi and found that he looked a little impatient. He must have said it for a while.

"Mom, before the Wang girl came through the door, something happened to that family. How can you blame the girl?"

"Whether it has anything to do with her or not, this matter is always unlucky. Can you listen to your mother once?"

When Xu Laosi heard her words, he thought of what Xu Lingzi told him yesterday that his mother was very likely to let him marry Guo Lian, and his tone was inevitably a little stiff.

"Mother, I will live with her in the future, not with her. I have hands and feet to support my daughter-in-law. I just want to marry a good person and honor you and your father with me in the future..." Xu Laosi said with a little anxiousness, "I said that I would go to Wulizhuang in person, and you have to let me..."

Old Mrs. Xu didn't notice her son's displeasure for a moment. Instead, she said, "Mom is just for you to live a good life in the future. The condition of the Guo family is good. Guo Lian's girl, no matter what she looks or something, is much better than that of the Wang family. Although yesterday's things are a little unnatural, she is the daughter-in-law. Many people do this kind of thing. Don't be too serious. Even if the needlework is not good, it's okay. After getting married, it's okay for her to learn from Lingzi.

"So there is something wrong with Miss Wang's family, mother, you blame Miss Wang, saying that her life is not good, Kefu! This Miss Guo faked and took Lingzi to sell the curtain to the town as if it was embroidered by herself, so she doesn't have to be serious? Hearing that Mrs. Xu obviously took a fancy to other people's conditions to speak, Xu Laosi's face suddenly collapsed. Mother... Just say, you just think the Guo family is rich!"

This was obviously an accusation, and Mrs. Xu suddenly patted the table angrily: "What are you talking about? Am I not doing it for your own good? Can I hurt you?"

"At the beginning, my mother told my second brother to kiss me for the good of my second brother, but now?"

In this matter, Mrs. Xu's uncomfortableness had not passed. Hearing Xu Laosi say so, she was so angry that she pounded herself in the chest.

She pointed to Xu Laosi and said angrily, "You unfilial thing, I'm not well yet. For your marriage, I went to Wulizhuang so hard to give your daughter-in-law. If you don't feel my painstaking efforts, just stab me in my heart."

Xu Laosi regretted as soon as he said his words, but he didn't want to be soft. He was afraid that Mrs. Xu would take the opportunity to give Guo Lian down, so he could only say, "That's my daughter-in-law. I like it myself. If you let me marry Guo Lian, I might as well not marry her in my life."

After saying that, without waiting for Mrs. Xu to speak, she turned around and left the room.