Spring is as good as

Chapter 159 Getting Lost

After Mrs. Xu quarreled with Xu Laosi, she sighed all day long. When she saw Xu Laosi, she ignored him, but she still nagged in his ear.

Xu Laosi was so annoyed that he ran to Xu Xinger's house to live and avoid Mrs. Xu.

Mrs. Xu made trouble for a few days. Seeing that Xu Laosi refused to compromise, she was also a little nervous. After all, she also thought that her second daughter-in-law was very good at the beginning, but she didn't know that it was not the case until she married.

Now Xu Lingzi and Xu Xinger also say that the girl of the Wang family is good, why don't you listen to the children once?

I thought so, but she still felt uncomfortable. After thinking about it for a long time, she simply looked for a day and went to Wulizhuang again, just in time for Aunt Huang to go to a Dharma meeting of Wan Zen.

"Oh, sister, you came just in time. I'm going to attend the Dharma meeting. It happens that we are together." Aunt Huang locked the door, pulled Mrs. Xu as she walked and said, "You are really in a hurry. If you arrive a little late, you can only eat the iron lock."

This Dharma meeting is not about practice, but about the Dharma. The four disciples of the Zen Lantern Mage came and took turns to talk about the Dharma, and also talked about many examples of the benefits of believing in Zen Buddhism and how someone in a certain place believed it.

Mrs Xu was originally a little shaken and became more and more active. If it hadn't been for the money, she would have joined Ten Thousand Zen Buddhism long ago.

After the Dharma meeting, Aunt Huang suddenly remembered and asked, "Has your fourth thing been settled?" Although we have a good relationship, we can't keep it off. Both families are chasing me to ask!"

"I'm optimistic about the daughter of the Guo family, but after listening to me, my fourth brother insisted on the Wang family." Mrs. Xu said entangled.

"Sister, to tell you the truth, I'm not a teenager in this industry. If you believe me, you will follow the child's will. Otherwise, you marry Guo Lian and your son will look down on you. How will you live in the future? Even if it's really good, he feels awkward and always feels that the Wang family is better.

"Your words are reasonable." Mrs. Xu nodded and said, "Oh, that's all. I can't resist him. I've only quarreled with me these days."

Mrs. Xu was persuaded to let Mr. Xu marry a girl from the Wang family, but when she remembered that Wang Jia's last son-in-law had an accident before she got married, she couldn't help worrying.

"Let me tell you from the bottom of my heart, I want to enter Wan Zen Buddhism, but I really don't have any money. The money at home is in the hands of my old man. I usually can't touch it at all. I just have a few copper coins in my pocket, and they are all extracted from my teeth."

"I told you a long time ago that the most important thing is to be sincere and don't care how much money you give." Aunt Huang is an absolutely loyal supporter of Zen Buddhism. She can't help but start telling Mrs. Xu about the benefits here. "Actually, I tell you, many people say that it is sincere to donate sesame oil money. It can't be said that it's not right, but it's not comprehensive. As long as you are pious in your heart and can preach the teachings and benefits of Zen Buddhism to others, let more It is also a great merit for people to join Wan Zen!"

"Really?" Mrs. Xu's eyes lit up when she heard this.

"Of course, I can still lie to you." Aunt Huang said with a smile, "Sister, don't worry. You see, I have believed in myself for so long. I won't hurt you."

When Mrs. Xu heard this, she did not discuss it with her family and joined Wan Zen Buddhism under the introduction of Aunt Huang.

After returning home, Mrs. Xu looked as if nothing had happened. She called Xu Laosi and said, "I went to Wulizhuang again today. I also figured out that if you don't like the girl of the Wang family, you can order the girl of the Wang family, but there is one thing. If you don't live a good life after marrying home, don't blame me as a mother. I'll tell you in advance."

"Thank you for your success!" Xu Laosi was very happy to hear this and did not think about why Mrs. Xu suddenly changed her mind.

A few days after, Aunt Huang changed the past post for the two families, asked someone to calculate the date of birth, and offered it for three days before the ancestral position. Everything was very smooth, and the marriage was decided verbally.

According to the marriage customs, there should be a detailed post to write down the names of the three generations, as well as the dowry of both sides, but the conditions of each family in the countryside are not much different, almost all of them are clear at a glance, and there are no people who are killed by officials, so most of this step has been omitted.

Old man Xu and old lady Xu roughly drew up the money and gift of the bride price. After giving it to Aunt Huang, they finalized it and asked someone to write a post about marriage.

The two chose a good day and took Xu Laoshi to propose marriage to the Wang family in Wulizhuang.

When the Wang family looked at Xu Laosi, they were really handsome and knowledgeable. No matter how they looked at it, they were satisfied, naturally they agreed, leaving three people to have lunch before they let them go back.

When Xu Laosi saw this future father-in-law and mother-in-law, they were enthusiastic but not hypocritical, and they were all honest and satisfied. Fortunately, Xu Lingzi and Xu Xinger helped them see them in advance, otherwise they would not have married the fake Guo girl.

The marriage was settled in this way. Mrs. Mrs. Xu was in a hurry to have a grandson and was afraid that the marriage would be too long. Xu Laosi had an accident like a son-in-law of the Wang family, so she took advantage of the time to participate in Wan Zen Dharma and discussed with Aunt Huang, wondering if the marriage could be done before the New Year.

Aunt Huang thought for a moment and said, "Isn't it a little urgent? This is just a marriage."

"I won't tell you that polite words. You see, the children of the two families are not young, and I'm anxious to have grandchildren. Now it's time to be idle. After the autumn harvest, my family is also more comfortable, thinking that it can be more lively. Do you think that's the reason?" Naturally, Mrs. Xu would not be afraid of her son's accident, so she found a suitable excuse.

"That's what you said." Aunt Huang hesitated for a moment, "I'll help you explore the Wang family. If her family agrees, it's best. If she doesn't agree, let's come back and discuss it. What do you think?"

"Oc, it's up to you." Naturally, Mrs. Xu has nothing to say.

Aunt Huang went to the Wang's house for a while and came back and said, "The Wang family is reasonable. They also say that the child is old and it is good to get married as soon as possible, but this girl is a little reluctant. As soon as she gets married, she is afraid that she will gossip and say whether they can think of a way to make a compromise. The wedding date is put on the first month, and the first month is out of the first month. 15. Choose a good day, so that your daughter can spend the New Year at home without delaying too long.

"Okay, okay, this method is reasonable." Mrs. Xu nodded repeatedly. Now it's September. Originally, she thought that even if it was done before the New Year, it would have to be put in the twelfth month. Now it is only a month away from the first month. There is no reason to disagree.

Since the marriage was settled, the Xu family began to be busy. First, they took a rest of the original house of Xu's second family, inside and outside. The wallpaper in the house was repainted, the outer walls were also painted, the warehouses and toilets were demolished and rebuilt, and the floor in the yard were leveled. All of them have been clipped again.

For the old furniture, Mrs. Xu disliked the unlucky and dragged out what she could sell. If she couldn't sell it, she put it on the side of the old house. Then she found someone to make a new set of furniture and cleaned it up a little like a new house.

The villagers also knew that the Xu family was going to marry a new daughter-in-law. Some of the previous gossip gradually decreased, but there were still some immoral people who said that they must have married a bad one and wanted to wait for the time to watch the bustle.

This is simple to say, but the family has been busy for two months. Because of something to do, Mrs. Xu has gradually recovered because of her trouble. She is no longer noisy, and the family is naturally harmonious.

She lived a smooth life, but she didn't think about the reasons inside. Instead, she counted all these contributions on Wan Zen Buddhism. She always felt that because she believed in Wan Zen Buddhism, her family became more and more smooth, so she became more and more pious. Every fifteenth day of the lunar month, she made an excuse to go to the temple to order incense. In fact, she went to Wulizhuang to find Huang. The aunt attended the legal meeting together.

Mr. Xu still didn't want to spend money, but later she went there many times. Looking at the people around her, she couldn't wait to pour out. In addition, the people of Wan Zen will encourage them to buy a few incense today and buy an amulet tomorrow.

They didn't dislike taking only a few copper coins, and thanked you in the same way, saying that you donated merit.

Mrs Xu was slowly warmed up like the frog boiled in warm water. She took out more and more money in her pocket and became more and more believed. Before the Spring Festival, she put all the private money around her in.

On this day, she was about to go out again. Old man Xu took a lot of money and said to her, "Lao Si's house has been cleaned up, but there is no use in the stove, and there is only furniture in the room. Although the woman's dowry will bring bedding, not all of them will be prepared by others. You can take the money and buy whatever you need to buy.

Old Mrs. Xu promised to collect the money, but before she could buy it back, she had already put more than half of it into Ten Thousand Zen and exchanged a stack of useless offering paper.

She didn't dare to let Old Xu know, so she hid the merit paper at the bottom of the box where she put her clothes.

It's easy to hide things, but what should I do with the money that has been spent? Mrs. Xu did something difficult for a moment.

However, it is difficult to return, but she has never failed the Dharma of Zen Buddhism.

On this day, Mrs. Huang didn't go to her family. Mrs. Xu was bored by herself, so she chatted with the mother-in-law sitting next to her. She couldn't help talking about her son's wedding, but recently she was a little short of money and couldn't afford to buy anything.

The woman heard this and said with a smile, "What's the difficulty? Don't you know that this ten thousand Zen sect can save merits in addition to donating sesame oil money, but also promotes the teachings to attract people like a sect. Moreover, if the believers you find are sincere and pious, the masters will also reward silver money!"

"What, send someone to write back the money together?" As soon as Mrs. Xu heard this, she suddenly had an idea.