Spring is as good as

Chapter 161 New Year

Old Mrs. Xu had an uncomfortable stomach and woke up the whole family in the middle of the night. Although she said that she might as well, it could be seen that her face turned pale with pain. Who dared not take it seriously?

Xu Laosi went to knock up the two brothers first. He carried the lamp and went to invite the doctor to see him. As a result, after a diagnosis, it turned out that he was full of rabbit meat.

The family felt very embarrassed. Old man Xu was so angry that he slammed the door and left. The rest of the room were all juniors. Everyone looked at each other in consters, and no one knew what to say.

Xu Xinger suddenly said, "It's still snowing outside. Where can I go out in the middle of the night?"

Xu Laosan and Xu Laosi quickly chased him out again, so that they could at least pull the old man home.

Unfortunately, the old man came up this time and refused to go back to the room. He went directly to the room where Xu Laosi slept, got into his son's quilt, and fell asleep by himself.

Mr. Xu was occupied and had no choice but to sleep with Mrs. Xu's kang until dawn.

Originally, this incident was over. Although Mrs. Xu can toss around, she is also a person who can bend and stretch. As long as it is her own fault, she still knows to be soft with old man Xu.

Anyway, she locked up to live, and it was not the first time for her to live a shameful thing, but she didn't care. After taking the medicine, her stomach gradually stopped hurt, and she fell asleep heartlessly.

Who would have thought that the Langzhong invited this time was very unreliable and liked gossip the most. Originally, he had an emergency in the middle of the night. After going back, his family would naturally ask casually what had happened to his family.

The Langzhong said, "It's the old Xu family in the village. Her third son went up the mountain to catch a rabbit, came back to eat meat, and sent a few bowls to eat with his parents. It was a good thing of filial piety. Unexpectedly, he met a greedy woman. In the middle of the night, he raised the lamp and went to the stove to eat it all. At night, his stomach was stiff and swollen, and the pain was full of pain. Get out of here!"

So, before lunch, people close to Langzhong's daughter-in-law knew about this disgraceful thing.

Now is the time for farming in winter, and the matter quickly spread outside the village.

Mrs Xu herself felt very ashamed and didn't want to listen to other people's gossip, so she didn't go out for days.

Seeing that she seemed to be restrained a lot, old man Xu thought that he had supported his head more clearly this time, so he took the shelf for two days and returned to the east room to live under the plea of his son and daughter.

Mrs Xu was at home for a few days. Seeing that it was going to be the fifteenth day of the twelfth lunar month, she quickly told Mr. Xu that she was going to burn incense with Aunt Huang.

Seeing that she had performed well in the past two days, Mr. Xu nodded and agreed, and specially gave her dozens of money, saying that she could come to a ride to eat and buy things.

However, he didn't know where Mrs. Xu went to burn incense, and she still secretly went to the Zen sect. However, she didn't go by herself this time, and she also took three old ladies from this village who had fooled before.

The people of Wan Zen Sect received them very happily, took a few people around the sect, and introduced the great deeds of many Zen lamp mages. Finally, they found a few people who devoutly believed in Wan Zen Sect and finally came to speak out, which was simply brainwashed step by step.

But these old ladies have never seen such a posture, and looking at the incense in Zen Buddhism, several people have also moved their minds.

It's just that everyone is used to living a hard life. The money is tighter than the belt, and few people donate incense money for the first time.

It is not the first time that Wan Zen people have done such a thing. They know the psychology of these old ladies very well, and even know the principle of fishing for big fish in a long line. They are not in a hurry to persuade them to take money for fear of being scared away.

They only flattered a few old ladies over and over again, and then talked about who had grandchildren, who made a lot of money, and whose son was elected.

These are examples that are relatively close to life, and they are exactly what these rural old ladies look forward to most in their lives, so they are equivalent to fishing with fragrant bait, and they are not afraid that the fish will not catch the bait at all.

Although the three old ladies didn't take out the money, because Mrs. Xu brought someone here for the first time, Zongli still gave her some rewards, which was not much, but she could barely make up for her previous loss, and finally got back the money for Xu Laosi's new house.

With this, Mrs. Xu felt a little relieved, and then became excited, as if she saw a golden door facing her and slowly opening.

When the Dharma meeting was over and returned home, she didn't care about being ashamed, and she went to each family with great spirit.

This year's harvest is not bad, and the harvest in the field is not bad. After selling grain after autumn, each family also has some savings. The village is usually full of old ladies and housekeepers, so there is still some money in their pockets.

These old ladies are superstitious, and there are more or less annoying things at home. Who doesn't want to make a lot of money in the future?

Even those who are not too greedy for money also hope that they will live a long life and hope that their children will get married well... Therefore, they have cheated a lot of people.

Old Mrs. Xu did these things without telling the family, and the rest of the old ladies had similar thoughts. They were afraid that their families would say that they spent money indiscriminately, but they would rather save money and ask God to worship Buddha.

With Mrs. Xu's hard publicity, Wan Zen soon gained a certain position in the hearts of the old ladies in the village.

It's just that they are very tight, afraid that if the family knows, they will withhold all the money like old man Xu, so although they didn't say it specifically, everyone consciously kept the secret.

Some people have never seen it with their own eyes, but several people who have heard it say that they actually believe it. After the Spring Festival, they quickly send the prepared incense money to Wan Zen to bless themselves, but no one is too early for fear of being compared by others a day.

is still a little more stable. Although my mind has been active, I still value silver money in the end. I am afraid of spending money unjustly, and I also said good, but I want to wait until the Spring Festival to see how the new daughter-in-law's character and appearance of the Xu family will be decided.

Maybe it's because Xu Laoshi's marriage is scheduled for the first month, so everyone is a little absent-minded this year.

Mrs. Xu bought all the things that the man should add to the new house one by one, and felt that she had completed it. As soon as she locked the door of the new house, she ignored this stall.

This year has been moderate and lively. The most reassuring thing for everyone is that Mrs. Xu did not have a moth.

Old man Xu and his three sons breathed a sigh of relief, and Xu Xinger also felt that a big stone was put down in her heart.

It's not that they have any prejudice against Mrs. Xu, but the Spring Festival is a good omen. No one wants to make noise at home at the beginning of the Spring Festival, so everyone selectively turns a blind eye to Mrs. Xu who only likes to go out and mutters with some old ladies.

Old Xu's idea is not to harm his family. His three sons are not so rebellious, but they also feel that I am not at home, but they are a little relaxed, so they even encourage Mrs. Xu to go out too much in their words.

Now the old lady Xu even had a speech. In the past few days, when the owner went out of the west, she said that her children and grandchildren were filial and did not allow them to work during the Spring Festival. The daughters-in-law took over all the work, only allowed them to drink and play, and envied their neighbors for a while.

When I was young, I had to go to my relatives and friends' house for New Year's wine. Relatives and friends knew that Xu Laoshi was going to get married, and naturally the banquet also expressed congratulations, and I also felt that it was time to find a daughter-in-law at this age.

Everyone laughed. On the contrary, Xu Laosi himself looked like an old god. He didn't say much at the table except for necessary socializing and drank by himself. I don't know what you are thinking?

Old man Xu said that it was very good. Naturally, the person who wanted to marry could not be the kind of child's temper as before. He should have stabilized long ago.

Several people went home after drinking, and the old man Xu praised this matter in front of the whole family. Everyone also agreed with him, saying that Xu Laosi has indeed been down-to-earth recently.

Xu Xinger felt that things were a little strange. With Xu Laosi's personality, she was really not like such a person who could be stable in an instant, so she secretly asked in private.

Xu Laosi smiled so loudly. Seeing that there was no one on both sides, he bent down and whispered in Xu Xinger's ear, "Today, I went to eat wine. The dishes served at the banquet were not very good, but the wine was very good. I have the ability to talk to others. It's better to drink more wine."

Xu Xinger heard this and knew that this man was unreliable for a long time. She didn't expect it to be such an unreliable reason. If old man Xu knew, wouldn't she be angry?

Xu Laosi naturally knew this section himself, so he immediately said, "I will also say it casually. Don't tell anyone to go. If your master knows about it, won't I be scolded?"

Xu Xinger glanced at him and said with a smile, "Of course, I won't complain. My new aunt is about to cross the door, so you only have a few days left. After the fourth aunt walks through the door, someone will control you to smoke and drink. Let's see how you are free? Even if I complain, I will sue in front of my aunt in the future!"

Does this look like a little girl's words?

Xu Laosi is not old, and Xu Xinger is early and wise. The two of them can usually talk and laugh together. Now after listening to this, they also feel that they can't stand it.

He stretched out his hand and rubbed Xu Xinger's head and said, "You little boy still know a lot. You should have fun during the Spring Festival. Don't always be bored at home."

Xu Xinger waved her hand and said, "What's there to play? It's just some children's tricks. It's the same everywhere. It's messy. It's better to help my mother take care of the children at home."

Xu Laosi was powerless to hear it, and he deeply felt that old man Xu was praising the wrong person. He was obviously here with a steady temperament!