Spring is as good as

Chapter 162 Xu Lao's four marriage

There is nothing too extravagant about getting married in the countryside, but it's just that everyone gets together and gets together and has a good time.

Although the money is not spent much, it can't stand the large number of people, and the scene is very popular and festive.

There is no custom of making trouble between the bride and groom here. Everyone took the bride to the Xu family smoothly. Xu Laosi and Wang worshipped the world, entered the new house and sat on the cover. Everyone ate wine and talked outside. When it was almost time, it gradually dispersed.

Only a few people who have a good relationship with the Xu family are left to help clean up the remaining remnants.

Mr. Xu looked at the rest of the dishes on the table and shouted that it was a pity. Anyway, it was the first month and the weather was cold. It would be better to put all the dishes in one place and freeze them in the yard jar. No matter how hot it was, it would be good.

She thought so, and her men did so. They put the same dishes on each table in a large bowl or basin, and even the remaining half of them were scraped. Only if they were eaten too much could they avoid being poisoned.

Xu Xinger came out and saw that she was simply not well. She was not the kind of lover who didn't eat leftovers, but her own leftovers were the same as the leftovers that many people had eaten. She made up her mind not to go to the old house before she finished eating these things.

Perhaps because Xu Lingzi and Xu Xinger praised the Wang girl before, Xu Laosi was more convinced of them, and even had a very good impression of the Wang girl. In addition, Miss Wang was indeed not bad, so the wedding night of the two lived like a fish in water.

The next morning, Xu Laosi took his new daughter-in-law Wang to the old house to toast tea to his parents and brothers and sisters-in-law and received a circle of red envelopes.

Wang was also very careful. After asking how many children there were in the family in the morning, he also wrapped a red envelope for each of the children.

It didn't cost much money, but it made everyone very happy. The children also felt that the new aunt was very good, and Wang's first impression on the Xu family was also much better because of this move.

Xu Xinger thought she was good before. Now when she saw her like this, she felt more and more that Xu Laosi had picked up the treasure. She was not afraid of temporary poverty, but she was afraid that she would not be a man without a brain.

Wang doesn't look like a brainless person. Now she looks very good at dealing with the world. Xu Xinger feels that she can almost foresee that Xu Laoshi will definitely become more and more prosperous in the future.

But this is not something she should worry about. There is still a lot of work waiting for her.

Locker and Lizi were old enough to speak, and the first word that popped out of their mouths was neither father nor mother, but sister.

The whole family was very surprised. Xu Xinger was happy and a little confused. She was really good at the two little ones, but she didn't spend as much time watching Ye, and she hadn't taught this. How could she call her sister?

Tao'er stood aside with a smile and looked at the eldest sister's happy face. Suddenly, she felt that the word she had taught in the past two months was really worth it.

However, Xu Xinger took some time to teach them to speak because of the two little ones who could speak. The original time to tell Taoer was suddenly compressed, which made Taoer suddenly feel a little depressed and felt that she should not teach the two little sisters to call them sister. Now it's good to get along with her eldest sister. It's all crowded away.

Xu Xinger didn't know the little girl's mind. She kept clicking on the big event of Chinese medicine to make money!

Just after the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, Xu Xinger asked Xu Laosan to build a half earth kang in the yard, dug a pit under it to make firewood, and surrounded by straw mats around and on the top.

A few days ago, he went to Wu's house to pay a New Year call. Wu Laosan gave Xu Xinger a bag of medicinal herbs, but did not say what kind it was. He just said that it was not a valuable thing. She went back to practice by herself first.

Xu Xinger asked Xu Laosan to nail some wooden box for himself, dug up some soil and mixed fertilizer and put it in, which was used as a seedling.

She made a little trouble in her own house, but no one in the village thought it was strange, and Xu Laosan and Ye did not interfere. First, because Xu Xinger was a child with ideas, and second, since it was explained by her master, she must not be able to stand it.

These medicinal seeds are also competitive, because they are planted in the greenhouse and there are no birds to eat, so the seedling rate is quite high.

When the herbal seedlings were as long as the palm of their hands, Shanzi brought good news and said, "Xinger, my third uncle said that the court has issued an official document to let more people open up wasteland in vast and sparsely populated places. Our family is also divided. Although it is not the best treatment, it is still good."

Xu Xinger asked with great concern, "What are the treatment?"

"It is probably that the land opened by an individual will be exempted from all harsh taxes in the first five years, and only half will be paid in the next five years. Ten years later, the land will be returned to the wasteland, and then the rent will be paid normally in the future." Shanzi roughly said the news he heard from Wu Laosan, "It's just that in the past ten years, it must be cultivated by the wastelanders themselves. They can't sublet or resell it to others, and they are not allowed to waste it, otherwise they will be fined."

"Master's vision is really long-term, and this is indeed a good policy that is very beneficial to medicinal herbs." Xu Xinger's eyes lit up.

Many medicinal herbs are not annual, and it will take several years to harvest, so what I am most afraid of is to change them day and night. Such preferential policies can greatly reduce the initial investment.

As long as the wasteland is properly used and the annual and perennial medicinal herbs are planted separately, the cost can be recovered in batches and can be put into the next planting.

And perennial medicinal materials are basically within the age of the policy. Ten years later, they must have formed a virtuous circle, and it is naturally not a problem to pay taxes.

If you can't grow a reputation for ten years, then you don't have to mess around here.

With the foundation of this policy, Xu Xinger became more energetic. Looking at the green medicine seedlings in the greenhouse, it was like seeing a cash cow.

As soon as Shanzi looked at her look, he knew that she must be dreaming of making a fortune again. He smiled and shook his hand in front of her and said, "I'm back to my soul. Did you hear what I just said?"

Ah? What did you say?" Xu Xinger came to her senses, but there was no embarrassment on her face and asked calmly.

Shanzi said helplessly, "Uncle said that he would go out to touch some seeds and medicinal seedlings. He will be ready to leave in the past two days and let you go home when you are free. He has something to tell you."

Xu Xinger quickly untied her apron, pinched it in her hand and slapped her body a few times and said, "It's better to hit the sun than to pick up the sun. I'll go there with you, and there is someone on the way."