Spring is as good as

Chapter 163 Breeding Medicine

When he arrived at the Wu family, Wu Laosan sent out the mountain and talked to Xu Xinger alone for a long time.

Shanzi waited in a hurry in the outer room, but he did not dare to go in and disturb him. Although Wu Laosan was usually careless, he was also very strict when he was serious.

When Xu Xinger came out of the room, she looked very serious. She frowned slightly and squeezed her lips tightly. As she walked out, she said, "Master, don't say this. I don't agree!"

"Why are you so cocky!" Wu Laosan also had a headache. His mouth was dry, but Xu Xinger still refused to let go.

"Anyway, it just won't work!" Xu Xinger turned her head and said firmly.

"What if you want to do it?" Wu Laosan asked.

"Since Master pays for the money, I will work for you. Just pay me as usual." Xu Xinger said, "If I do well in the future, you can raise my wages again!"

"Nonsense!" Wu Laosan blew his beard and said, "There is an old saying that I will be a teacher and a father for the rest of my life. Since I have said this, I will do as I say!"

Shanzi was confused when he heard it. Before he could ask, he saw Xu Xinger turn around and leave.

He quickly chased out and asked what was wrong.

Xu Xinger shook her head and said, "Go and tell your master that I know he is good to me, but I really can't stand it."

Shanzi couldn't stop Xu Xinger, so she had to go home and turned back to ask Xu Laosan.

"At first, it was quite good to grow medicinal herbs. Later, I said that I paid for the early land reclamation and medicinal herbs. I was often not at home and asked her to go there to take care of it. At that time, we would make five or five points, and this girl was anxious."

Wu Laosan groaned angrily, "Don't give it to her if you have money, really!"

Shanzi smiled as soon as he heard this, "Uncle, if she is the kind of person who covets money, can you still accept her as an apprentice?"

"Cut, I'm not doing it for you." Xu Laosan stared at him, "She's making her own idea. Your daughter-in-law who was careful finally flew again!"

"Uncle, Xing'er's nature was originally like this. If you do this now, you are obviously giving her money. How can she accept it? If you ask me, it's better to do this."

After saying that, Shanzi muttered in Wu Laosan's ear.

After listening to this, Wu Laosan looked up and down at the mountain and nodded, "You boy, usually look black and stupid, but at the critical moment, you still have some brains!"

"If the third uncle can do it, can I talk to Xing'er?" Shanzi was not annoyed and asked with a smile.

"Go ahead. Now you can catch up with it." Wu Laosan waved his hand and motioned Shanzi to get out of here quickly.

Shanzi was used to walking on mountain roads and soon caught up with Xu Xinger. He came up and said with a smile, "Don't be angry. My third uncle's brain only works well on medicinal materials. It's not worth being angry with him."

"Why did you follow me?" Xu Xinger lowered her head and said sullenly.

"I told my third uncle that we can't spread the stall too big in the first year. It's not appropriate for us to invest so much. Although it's not growing crops, it depends on the sky to eat. Who knows whether God will appreciate this mouthful of rice or not!"

Xu Xinger was more worried and became more and less energetic after hearing this.

"Don't be so depressed." Shanzi followed a few steps, "So I told my third uncle that we should open less land in the first year and try to grow some medicinal herbs that can be harvested in that year, so that we can invest less and return the cost quickly. In this second year, we can invest the money from selling medicinal materials to expand the scope of wasteland, and we can also accumulate a lot of experience in this year. You can also have experience in other herbs. Do you think it's reasonable?

Xu Xinger didn't expect that Shanzi would have such insight. She nodded repeatedly and said, "In the first year, I can make a small piece of land alone. I think I can see every kind of medicinal herbs that can be planted here. After all, the idea is just an idea. I haven't actually tried it, and no one knows whether it can be achieved."

"That's right. Let's be flexible about things that can't be negotiated. Don't always think about problems!" Shanzi pretended to be old and heavy, which was funny.

Xu Xinger was amused by him, and then she looked straight and asked, "What's the money?"

She made up her mind. Wu Laosan was grateful for taking care of her, but she could not receive such a big favor for no reason.

"I'm going to invest some money in it. If you have a private house, you can also take it out. The third uncle doesn't have time to take care of it and is ready for us to take care of it, so he takes out a component to calculate the money for us. The remaining 90%, we will settle it according to the proportion of each person's money. When we make money this year, we can increase the investment next year, still It's settled in proportion. What do you think?

Shanzi's method was also thought about. He could understand that Xu Xinger was unwilling to accept Wu Laosan's help too much, but he did not treat himself as an outsider at all. At worst, he asked his parents for more money. In the end, it did not mean that it was all Xu Xinger's.

Xu Xinger didn't know that Shanzi had thought so long. She only felt that his plan sounded much more reliable than Wu Laosan's. She went through it again in her heart and felt that it was very feasible. She nodded and said, "At that time, let's sign the deed and write these all in detail, so that the master won't have to fight with me again in the future. , both sides are reasonable, and I retort that I don't respect the teacher..."

"Other people are afraid of losing their business deeds, and only you are afraid of taking advantage of them." Shanzi sent Xu Xinger home, and walked up the mountain again. At night, he went home and counted the small vaults, and went to his mother to support some silver taels. He estimated that it was almost done. He sealed it with red paper and sent it to Wu Laosan.

Wu Laosan asked about the amount and accepted it without counting it. He nodded, "I didn't expect you to save a lot of money in the past two years, so I will pay the same money as you. The rest depends on how much Xing'er can pay."

Xu Xinger was also counting money at home at this time. Although she made some money, she couldn't afford to spend a lot of money at home. Ye's ginseng had spent a lot of money. Later, she finally returned the money, which was equivalent to everything back to its original form and started again. By the end of the year, she has barely saved more than a dozen pieces of money, which is still because before the New Year. It was accumulated by selling a lot of pickles.

If you spend a lot of money on living, but if you invest it, it's just a joke.

After washing and returning to the room, Ye Shi saw that the light of the West Room was still on. He came over and saw that the three little ones had fallen asleep, and only Xing'er was still wearing clothes and counting money under the lamp.

"What's wrong?" Ye asked in a low voice, afraid that her daughter would carry anything by herself.

"No, my master is going to open up wasteland to grow medicinal herbs. I want to invest some money in it, but the money on hand is too tight, which is useless."

Ye thought for a moment and said, "Why don't I go to your grandma's house and borrow some?"

Xu Xinger frowned and thought for a long time. Naturally, she didn't want her family to be in debt, but she felt that this was a good opportunity. She had too little money. Finally, she gritted her teeth and said, "Why don't, it's go there tomorrow. It's good to raise more. Anyway, the business of pickles is long-term, and it's always It can be returned."