Chunyang Medical Road

Chapter 383 Golden Light Shines

Wang Dachui quickly commanded to stop the submarine. Originally, Song Kai did not plan to go to sea. After all, it was just an ordinary treasure. It had nothing to do with the cultivaters, so he didn't bother to move, because he didn't have to worry about Wang Dachui would make any trouble.

But Xiaobai said to him, "Aren't you going down? If you don't go, that guy probably won't be able to bring back all the treasures.

Song Kai was very surprised and asked, "Didn't you say it was something related to the cultivater? What do you want me to do?"

"You idiot, those treasures are very heavy. When will he move to a mortal?" Xiao Bai held his forehead with his hand, and he completely looked like he was crying by Song Kai.

Song Kai gritted his teeth, and a mouse could actually make such a move to mock him... But I have to say that Song Kai really wants to help. As we all know, some treasures are indeed amazing in weight. Of course, the most well-known is gold. The density of this metal is amazing. A small piece has a very amazing weight. A ton of gold is estimated to be not bigger than a computer case.

But if that's the case, it's really unrealistic to want Wang Dachui to move those treasures...

Song Kai didn't say anything. This is what he promised Wang Dachui to give their submarine funds for a few years, so he naturally went to help.

According to Xiao Bai's instructions, Song Kai and Wang Dachui took a submersible to the place of treasure. When they got closer, Song Kai was stunned. This is not a sunken ship, but an altar-like building. Of course, it has long been eroded in the sea, covered with seaweed, and some fish swim around in it, very leisurely.

Song was happy and marveled that this place should not be a miracle left over from ancient times, however, the age should not be short. Because when Song Kai erased some seaweed, he was shocked to find that the altar was engraved with words, which was a real compilation. From this point of view, this place has a history of at least thousands of years! After all, this is mostly an altar left in BC!

He didn't dare to neglect and let Wang Dachui stay in the submersible. He planned to explore the altar.

To be honest, it is too old here. Even if Song Kai is a congenitally strong man, it is very difficult to clean up, because it is under the deep sea, not on the ground.

He could only remove some large seaweed on the altar or the reefs that later drifted here, and then erased the seaweed or creatures attached to the altar. Finally, the bottom of the sea was turbid by him. After waiting for a while, he finally saw the whole picture of the altar.

At this moment, Song Kai was speechless. He could only be full of surprise and could not say anything.

Because this altar is ten meters round, which may be a little damaged in the turbulence of the world in the past, but most of them are still intact.

This is very strange. You know, it has been under the bottom of the sea for thousands of years! Song Kai can be sure that there is a mysterious power on this altar to protect it.

At this time, Song Kai also knew what the treasure Xiaobai was talking about, because the altar with a radius of ten meters was not all made of stones, and there was actually a lot of gold in it!

This altar is obviously not simple. It is depicted with a very magical pattern, as if it were some formations. It looks like the universe gossip around the gossip picture, but it is obviously more magical and mysterious.

"Laugh! Hurry up and ask the submarine to send a few more people!" Song Kai patted Wang Dachui's head angrily.

"Ah? Oh, oh, okay, I'll go right away!" Wang Dachui quickly agreed and said that he was going to start the submersible and return to the submarine.

"You don't know how to use a communicator?" Song Kai patted this guy angrily again.

"Ha ha ha, I forgot..." Wang Dachui smiled foolishly, took out the communicator and shouted at the submarine, "Brothers, I sent it!!! Come on, send someone to move the gold!"

Song Kai's face is a black line next to him. This product is really... Even if you haven't seen so much gold, it's not necessary to look like this, right?

However, after a while, Song Kai knew that he was wrong. Wang Dachui was at least an officer, and he once followed Commander Xing, which was relatively calm in the world. The golden scene here has long been observed by the people in the submarine. At this moment, those soldiers are coming. Five or six people are like crazy, shouting there, with accents everywhere, making Song Kai feel like he is in a vegetable market, chirring in his ears.

"All right, go and help move the gold! Mr. Song has said that in order to thank us for helping him find things in the sea, this gold is our reward!" Wang Dachui finally woke up and smiled at Song Kai in embarrassment, which really made Song Kai laugh.

However, he didn't say it was okay. When he said that the gold was his own, those soldiers were immediately comparable to the most fierce deep-sea fish. They changed their equipment and rushed out of the submersible. Those strong men in the innate realm of the golden brick Song Kai had to work hard to dig it out. These guys took a crowbar and did it faster than Song Kai...

Song Kai finally clapped his hands, returned to the submersible and sat down. He sighed and said, "This... still has to be professional!"

"Cough, this... Ha ha, Brother Song, don't laugh at us. They are all local steamed buns that have never seen money. Let them have fun!" Wang Dachui coughed awkwardly.

Song Kai also can't laugh or cry. It seems that sometimes, the size of a person's strength lies not in his strength, but in his heart whether he wants to give strength or not.

For example, at present, if Song Kai is a poor man, he will inevitably burst into strong enthusiasm. These gold bricks weigh only a few tons, and Song Kai can move away at one time. But for him now, money is just some numbers, so Song Kai doesn't bother to use this strength at all.

Conversely, those soldiers, after knowing that these were all their own, they burst into a terrible enthusiasm...

Although there are five or six people working, this is not a simple thing. After all, this is the deep sea. Those soldiers are ordinary people. They have to wear special equipment when they go to the sea, and they still have to withstand the strong sea pressure, and breathing is also a problem. Generally speaking, it is extraordinary for them to be able to move gold bricks to submersibles in an orderly manner.

People's physical strength is limited. After a guy fainted with gold bricks, Song Kai laughed and cried and asked Wang Dachui to call another group of people to replace him. In this way, I worked for almost three hours and rotated several people before I finally finished moving here. Moreover, in the end, after removing the gold, these soldiers actually found some jade. After all, this was at the bottom of the sea. Song Kai did not notice that there was jade at first.