Pure Yang Zhenxian

Chapter 012 Tianhang quenching body

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Chapter 012 Tianhang quenching body

The ancient family was built on Yunfu Mountain in the east of Leshui City. The house where Gu Chen lived was just under the foot of Yunfu Mountain.

Yunfu Mountain is not very high, but it is surrounded by clouds and fog all year round, and it looks like a sense of illusion, so it is also called 'Lingfu Mountain' by the people of Leshui City.

This Lingfu Mountain really has some aura. It is a place where miniature spiritual veins converge. It was the ancestors of the ancient family who took a fancy to the faint aura of Lingfu Mountain that they built the ancient courtyard at the foot of Lingfu Mountain.

After Gu Chen reached the fourth floor the day after tomorrow, he did not practice at home all the time, but practiced more systematically for himself.

Every morning, he gets up early, runs from the foot of Yunfu Mountain to the top of Yunfu Mountain for the most basic exercise, and then practices a set of powerful King Kong fists and some other exercises on the top of Yunfu Mountain.

With the medium-quality Juyuanling liquid to recuperate the body, coupled with the hard exercise every day, Gu Chen's physical quality has simply advanced rapidly, one day is stronger than one day.

In the ancient family, no other three generations of children will practice as hard as Gu Chen. Not to mention the cultivation skills and knowledge, with perseverance and perseverance alone, none of the three generations of children of the ancient family can be compared with.

Two days before Gu Chen went up the mountain to practice, Gu Song and Gu Yang brought a group of teenagers to find trouble twice, but after Gu Chen's hands were scratched with a few heavy ears, they finally understood that Gu Chen was no longer the one who was bullied by others.

It can be said that it is luck to defeat once, but Gu Song and Gu Yang have been defeated by Gu Chen continuously. The fool also knows that Gu Chen's current strength is not the same as before. Although Gu Chen only shows the strength of the three layers of the day after tomorrow, the ancient teenager of the elder and the second elder no longer dares

Moreover, many ancient teenagers looked at Gu Chen with hidden fear in his eyes. They saw from afar that they avoided it early and early. A person who can win the five levels of the day after tomorrow and the six levels of the day after tomorrow is simply a freak.

Gu Chen is also so happy. He is not interested in most of the ancient family. The way he wants to cultivate immortals is beyond the reach of the ancient family. He doesn't want to have too much contact with these ancient teenagers at all. One day he will leave the ancient family and fly to a higher sky.

Although he will leave one day, and although many ancient families despise him very much, Gu Chen did not intend to leave the Gu family alone, which is not just because his father is in the Gu family.

The Gu family is Gu Chen's family. He was born and grew up here. His mother is the daughter of the head of the Gu family, and the head of the Gu family is his grandfather and grandfather, so he must speed up his training as much as possible and improve his strength in order to cope with the crisis of the ancient family three years later.

If the disaster of the Gu family comes in advance, like Yun Jinghong's regretful marriage, Gu Chen will not be surprised at all. Even when he is 500 years old, he can return to his ten-year-old teenager. What else is impossible?

Because of this, Gu Chen should improve his strength as soon as possible, so as not to be a hand-handed bystander like the previous life when the crisis comes.

Another half month has passed. Today, Gu Chen ran to the top of the Lingfu Mountain and felt that his strength was not exhausted. There was a strong real qi in his body, which seemed to rush out of the body.

Gu Chen was overjoyed. This was a sign on the eve of breaking through his cultivation. He immediately crossed his knees and luck. Sure enough, the innate four-layer barrier had begun to break in Gu Chen's unconscious practice, but it had not completely collapsed. A strong force came out of the crack of the barrier that began to break.

After the impact of Gu Chen's running Zhenqi, the already shaky four-layer barrier collapsed in an instant and disappeared without a trace. A powerful force suddenly spread to Gu Chen's whole body. Gu Chen punched the ground with a punch. A large washbasin, and the flat blue stone with a high fist was suddenly torn apart by Gu Chen

The fifth floor the day after tomorrow...

finally reached the fifth level of the sky.

Gu Chen jumped up and roared up to the sky. When he returned to the age of ten, he was only a month old, and he was promoted from the second floor of the day after tomorrow to the fifth floor of the day after tomorrow, into the third floor.

"The day after tomorrow, on the fifth floor, I can finally practice the 'Tiang quenching body' method."

Tianang quenching method is the first skill of Confucianism to cultivate the body.

is the lowest-level skill in the whole ancient wilderness continent. You can practice it when you reach the fifth level of the acquired realm.

Tianang quenching Dafa is divided into ten layers. Although the starting is low, the power is not small. The first heavy and then the fifth level of the heavenly realm can be practiced, but the tenth heavy can only be practiced until the Yuanshen period of the life spring realm. In the middle, it also crosses the two major realms of innate

The main time in Gu Chen's previous life was spent in Daqian, the largest country in the ancient wilderness. Daqian is the holy land of Confucianism, which is respected by Confucianism. It is located in the middle of the ancient wilderness continent and is called the orthodox state. Even the powerful Daying Dynasty is only a foreign land in the eyes of the Da

In contrast to the Tianhang quenching method, there is another kind of method to determine the Tiangong Zhengyuan decision, which is the supreme method of Confucianism. Tianhang quenching method is a forging technique that can only be practiced at the level of cultivation. After cultivation, it can exert greater strength, but it cannot improve the level of cultivation.

Tianhang Zhengyuan Jue is the supreme Dharma decision to improve the realm after cultivation. It is the same level as the Taoist Ding Tianjue. It is a secret method that does not pass on the Baisheng Pavilion, the holy place of Confucianism. This ancient Chen has only heard of it, but he has never seen it.

The Tiang quenching method is divided into ten weights. For each practice, the physical strength will be doubled, the strength will be doubled, and the strength will be doubled. If you practice to the tenth weight, the physical strength will be increased ten times, and the strength will be increased tenfold, which will become quite terrible.

Even in the face of opponents at a higher level, monks who practice Tianang quenching Dafa can take advantage of it, and ordinary monks at the same level can almost sweep away.

Of course, some mysterious monks who also practice special skills are another matter.

Gu Chen closed his eyes and sat down, recalling the practice method of Tianang quenching method in his mind. This set of skills is one of Gu Chen's major skills in his previous life. Like Ding Tianjue, it has long been deeply imprinted in his mind, and he soon remembered all of them.

The Tianang quenching method is different from many cultivation methods. It is not to quench the muscles and bones with ordinary true qi, but a unique and righteous spirit of Confucianism.

According to the practice method of Tianang's quenching method, a special qi will be produced: Haoran Zhengqi.

Haoran's righteousness is upright, and all evils are invulnerable. It is more than a hundred times stronger than ordinary true qi. Practice to the depths, Haoran's righteousness turns into Tiangang, but it can hard block the attack of some magic weapons and be safe and sound.

At this time, Gu Chen has just practiced the Tian Gang quenching method, which is still far from Zheng Qi Hua Gang, but as long as he is trained to the first level, his physical strength will be doubled and his strength will be doubled. Even if he only has the cultivation of the five layers of the day after tomorrow,

The nine layers of the day after tomorrow are only the power of nine stones, and the five layers of the day after tomorrow will have the power of five stones. If the power is doubled, there will be the power of ten stones. In addition, Gu Chen's understanding of skills and the consciousness of battle, how can the monks in the future world be his opponents

The power of ten stones is equivalent to the power of a tiger. In terms of strength alone, it has caught up with the first level of the innate realm. However, there is an essential difference between the acquired and the innate. There is a gap between the heavenly chasm separating the two realms. Even if it has become the first priority of the Tianhang .

Gu Chen's previous life was a great monk in the Yuanshen period. He practiced the Tianang quenching method to the tenth level. He had the experience of practice once, and practiced it again and got twice the result with half the effort.

In the previous life, Gu Chen obtained this Tiang quenching method. After ten days of practice, he produced a trace of Haoran righteousness, and after ten days, he knew how to control Haoran righteousness to quench the muscles and bones.

Now, Gu Chen is familiar with the road. The practice in his previous life has already made him abandon all the detours. Just a quarter of an hour later, he has cultivated Haoran righteousness and began to refine his muscles and bones.

Based on the experience of Gu Chen's previous life, Gu Chen estimates that he can cultivate the Tiang quenching method to the first level in up to one month.

In this practice, Gu Chen sat for a whole day. From the morning to the red sun set in the west, Gu Chen slowly opened his eyes, and the end of the western world was a red glow, so beautiful.

When he got up, Gu Chen punched out, and the Hercules boxing unfolded. From the morning to the sunset, Gu Chen did not eat anything for a day, but he did not feel a trace of hunger. Instead, he felt that the strength of his whole body was surging, and there was a feeling of depression without venting.

Soon, a whole set of powerful King Kong fists was finished, and Gu Chen didn't blush, he couldn't breathe, and his strength was still not exhausted.

After playing a set of powerful King Kong fists on the third floor the day after tomorrow, Gu Chen has a weak sense of collapse, and he can't practice it for the second time in a day.

Although it is better on the fourth floor the day after tomorrow, it only lacks a sense of collapse. It is also very difficult to finish one set, and you can practice up to twice a day.

Now after playing a set of powerful King Kong fists, his face is not red and he is out of breath. In such a state, he can hit at least five times a day, which is completely beyond the strength of the five layers of the body the day after tomorrow.

After the cultivation of Tianang quenching Dafa, the body has been strengthened a lot, which is enough to compare with the six layers of the body of the day after tomorrow. Tiang quenching Dafa is indeed worthy of being the authentic and superior skill of Confucianism.

After playing two sets of powerful King Kong fists in a row, Gu Chen was a little short of breath, and his hunger gradually spread. He took a look at the Caixia in the sky, and Gu Chen walked down the mountain.

Gu Chen decided as early as half a month ago that his cultivation was improved again, and he began to teach his father's superior innate practice. Now it has been a month since he returned to the age of ten. Gu Chen also hinted to the ancient sky that he would help him with the old immortals in the dream and teach his father a set of innate This will not arouse any suspicion.