Pure Yang Zhenxian

Chapter 013 Spirit Whale Instant Decision

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Chapter 013 Spirit Whale Instant Decision

Gu Chen returned home, had nothing to say all night, and slept quite soundly.

On the morning of the second day, it was slightly bright, and Gu Chen got up and came to the yard early.

Seeing that the ancient sky had not yet risen, Gu Chen punched the powerful King Kong fist several times in the yard, then sat in the yard to practice the Tiangang quenching method, and quenched the skin bones and muscles with Haoran Zhengqi.


As soon as the door rang, the ancient sky came out of the room.

Gu Chen jumped up and said, "Dad, are you up?"

Gu Cangqiong smiled and said, "You get up so early and practice so hard every day. If Dad doesn't get up early, he will become a lazy man compared with you."

Gu Chen came to Gu Cangqiong in three steps and said happily, "Dad, I talked about you with the immortal master last night. The immortal master really taught me a set of innate decisions."

"Really...really?" Gu Cangqiong was stunned and said in a trembling voice.

Although Gu Cangqiong said that he didn't want Gu Chen to annoy the immortals in his dreams because of himself, it does not mean that he has no desire for the law of the innate realm. The ancient family's cultivation method is the most ordinary, and even the Xuanyuan decision practiced by the patriarch can't take the table.

Xuanyuan's cultivation to the final realm can only reach the innate ninth level, and it is still quite difficult, such as Gu Xian, who is nearly 70 years old now, and only reaches the innate sixth level of cultivation.

The Dharma taught by the immortals that can appear in other people's dreams is much better than the ancient cultivation method, and the ancient sky naturally understands it.

After Gu Cangqiong's happy face, he immediately asked, "Chen'er, have you annoyed your master because of this?"

Even at the most happy time, Gu Cangqiong does not forget to care about the situation of Gu Chen.

Gu Chen smiled and said, "Master is very kind to me, Dad, I will write down the Dharma decision for you."

Gu Chen walked to his room, and Gu Cangqiong immediately came in.

Picking up the pen and paper, Gu Chen first wrote down five big words: "The spirit whale will make a decision in an instant."

He slowly wrote: "Hard, outside the ancient wilderness, there is an infinite ocean, there is a spirit, called whale, not a fish, psychic, the sunrise and exhale at sunset and suck, finally sink in the sea, air inhale in the body, self-transmating yin and yang, yin and yang, yin The sharp arrow, stopped in a flash, clear the dirty qi, turned into the work of Haotian... Enter Baihui to travel in the Youquan, travel to the Yuantian and stop at the end of the intestines..."

Gu Cangqiong watched Gu Chen write more and more, and his vision changed from surprise to surprise, from surprise to shock, from shock to incredible...

I thought that even though the method written by Gu Chen was more profound than Xuan Yuanjue, it was not much deeper.

But if you look at the ancient sky word by word, the mysterious place of the spirit whale's instant decision exceeded the expectation of the ancient sky. As for the extent of the mysterious sky, with the vision of his innate monks, he could not make a judgment.

But one thing for sure is that this spirit whale is instantaneous. I don't know how many times smarter than the Xuanyuan of the ancient family.

"Is this a superior practice decision?" Gu Cangqiong's heart was full of doubts.

However, the superior cultivation method will not have much, even the sect of cultivating immortals. Generally, the sect with a little strength, a superior cultivation method decision can be regarded as a treasure of the town school.

How can the ancient sky believe that this spirit whale is a superior practice in an instant?

However, if it weren't for the superior practice, how could it be so mysterious?


The spirit whale made a total of more than 2,000 words in an instant. After Gu Chen finished writing, he put down the pen and handed the magic decision to his father. He said, "The master in the dream said that this spirit whale's instant decision is enough for any monk to practice the source of magic power [the sea of gods] and step into the realm of

"Any monk can step into the realm of the divine sea?" Gu Cangqiong took over the Dharma decision with a little shaking hands. "If you practice to the final level, won't you be able to reach the peak of the divine sea and the realm of the golden elixir period?"

Gu Chen nodded.

"Isn't this a superior practice?" Even if Gu Cangqiong is ready, there is still an incredible feeling when he sees Gu Chen nodding.

"Dad, you have to take good care of this method. You can't let anyone know. If it is known, in order to get a superior cultivation method, not to mention the ancient family, even if the whole Leshui City is slaughtered, many people have done it." Gu Chen reminded.

"Don't worry, Dad won't make any mistakes." Gu Cangqiong nodded.

Gu Cangqiong's mind was completely attracted by the spirit whale. Although Gu Chen's performance at this moment was not like a ten-year-old child at all, he did not feel it.

The text of the spirit whale's instant decision is actually only more than a thousand words. Gu Chen also wrote the experience of the previous life and the introduction of the spirit whale in the magic decision, so that his father should take fewer detours when practicing according to the law.

Now the ancient Chen is the cultivation of the acquired world. If you write down the spirit whale in an instant, you can use the teaching of the master in the dream to perfunctory, but if you tell yourself how to practice the spirit whale in an instant and where to pay attention to, then even if the ancient sky is attracted by the spirit whale in an instant,

The spiritual whale's instant decision is not only the superior magic decision, but also the first-class magic decision in the upper multiplication magic decision, but it is inferior to the supreme magic decision of "Ding Tian Jue". It is divided into ten layers, and the first layer of innate heaven can be cultivated.

The ancient sky can be practiced to the final level, which can reach the golden elixir period of the peak of the divine sea realm. In fact, it still underestimates the instantaneous determination of the spirit whale. If you practice to the ninth level, you can reach the golden elixir period of the divine sea realm, practice to the tenth level, and

The upper multiplication of the town faction of the ordinary sect is inferior to the instantaneous decision of the spirit whale.

The instant decision of the spirit whale is actually a magic decision created by human beings based on the cultivation of the spirit whale in the sea. Strictly calculated, it is the method of demon cultivation. When Gu Chen got the Dingtian decision in his previous life, he also got the instant decision of the spirit whale.

Dingtian must achieve the realm of the divine sea in order to truly give full play to its effect. Before the realm of the divine sea, the ancient Chen in the previous life was the one who practiced the spirit whale in an instant and continuously broke through the innate nine-layer realm and stepped into the realm of the divine sea.

"Unfortunately, there is no thousand-year-old spiritual grass to practice the dust-washing elixir now. Dad is over 30 years old. Even if he practices the spirit whale in an instant, it is difficult to catch up with the cultivation of the ancient Cangyue in six or seven years. If you want to surpass the ancient Cangyue

Gu Chen patted his head, not to mention the illusory dust-washing elixir, the innate realm has to practice the furnace tripod and utensils of the elixir. Even if Gu Chen is an elixir master, it is impossible to practice the innate elixir with an ordinary stove.

Gu Chen thought about it. If it goes on like this, it will be difficult for his father to catch up with the cultivation of Gu Cangyue in two years. Is it up to the innate four floors to the innate seven floors? The improvement of the cultivation of the innate realm is not comparable to that of the innate realm.

"Then teach my father Tiangang quenching method. Even if the realm is not as good as that, if my father can practice to the innate six-level realm in two years, with the Tiangang quenching method, he can also be longer and shorter than Gu Cangyue... However, I just taught my father a set of superior cultivation methods, and Tiangang

"There is no marrow washing elixir to reborn, and there is no innate elixirs. In two years of cultivation, the hope is also very slim..."

Gu Chen sighed: "Well, no matter how many secrets I know in my heart, it will be difficult to change some things... One day I will go to the North City to see if there is a medicine tripod magic weapon. However, there is no elixir in Leshui City. Who will sell the medicine tripod magic weapon?"


In the future, Gu Chen still practiced hard on Lingfu Mountain every day. After the practice of Tianang quenching body method, his body became stronger and stronger and stronger. Gradually, it exceeded the physical strength of the six layers of the day after tomorrow, and the strength reached the power of seven stones, and the physical strength was the same as that of the

"Gu Chen..."

On this day, Gu Chen had just gone out, and a teenager blocked his way.

"Gu Heng, what's the matter?" The teenager is Gu Heng, the grandson of the third elder. He has a good relationship with Gu Chen and often played with him when he was a child.

However, Gu Chen lived to be 500 years old, and naturally he will not get along with these children after rebirth.

"Let's catch the fox." Gu Heng said excitedly.

Gu Chen frowned and was about to refuse, but Gu Heng didn't care about his face at all and still said with interest, "Do you know, Gu Lan saw a strange fox on the other side of the mountain. Gu Lan said that the fox's hair was white, with a long tail, but a fiery red crown on his head like a Let's catch it. It must be fun."

The whole body is snow-white, the tail is long, and the head has a red crown? Gu Chen's eyes lit up, blood-crowned fox?

The blood crown of the blood crown fox is an indispensable material for practicing dust elixir. The blood crown fox has a variety of colors, among which pure white is the rarest, and the effect of practicing dust washing elixir is the best.

Although the blood-crowned fox is not a spirit beast, its number is extremely rare. The pure white blood-crowned fox is rare in a hundred years. How could it come to this Lingfu Mountain?

" OK, I'll go with you." Gu Chen nodded and was overjoyed. He really had nowhere to find his iron boots, and it didn't take much time to get it.