Pure Yang Zhenxian

Chapter 014 Blood-crowned Fox

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Chapter 014 Blood Crown Fox

"If we catch the strange white fox back, we promise to make Gu Song and Gu Yang envious to death..."


"That boy Gu Lan is really good at running. He even ran to the back of Lingfu Mountain, but he is the only one. Otherwise, who knows that there is such a beautiful fox in the back of Lingfu Mountain?"


"What do you think we should do after catching that strange white fox back? He picked it up with a rope and took the white fox to Nancheng and Beicheng, which surprised the Yun family and the Liu family.


"If they want, we won't sell it, but we can let them touch it and collect 100 waste coins from them. Haha, so that we will definitely make a lot of money and it's fun."




Along the way, Gu Heng kept chattying in Gu Chen's ear, but Gu Chen was not interested in everything Gu Heng said. What is the common topic between an old monster who has lived over 500 years old and an 11-year-old child? Gu Chen is not an old naughty boy with a strange personality.

However, for the sake of the blood-crowned fox, Gu Chen had to go with these little children. Pure white blood-crowned foxes are extremely rare. Although Gu Chen has met many blood-crowned foxes in his 500 years in his previous life, he has never encountered the pure white one.

The two of them kept talking, and the other kept talking. After walking through the house twice, they came to a path leading to Lingfu Mountain, where three children about eleven or twelve years old were waiting.

Gu Chen recognized them. The young man with bright eyes on the left was Gu Lan. He was also ten years old this year, but his cultivation had reached the fourth floor the day after tomorrow.

The other two teenagers are slightly older than two years old. One is Gu Ning and the other is Gu Xu. They are the third generation of the eldest son of the Gu family and the third elders.

Gu Xian and the three elders are at peace with the eldest elders and the second elders, so the ancient family is also divided into two veins. Although the descendants of the ancient family of the patriarch and the three elders also have a few people who don't like Gu Chen, most of them still get along well. These people in front of them have never had conflicts with Gu

"Gu Chen, I heard that you have broken through the third floor the day after tomorrow?" Seeing Gu Chen and Gu Heng coming, Gu Lan immediately greeted him and said excitedly.

Gu Chen nodded.

"Congratulations...Congratulations, I will reach the third floor the day after tomorrow at the age of 10. Maybe it will be the fourth floor the day after tomorrow next year, catching up with us." Guning and Gu Xu also came over.

Gu Chen smiled at them and didn't want to talk about these irrelevant issues. He said, "Where is the white fox?" Let's go."

"Come with me. That place is relatively far away. I accidentally found the white fox a few days ago and followed it all the way there. Originally, I wanted to catch it alone, but it ran so fast that I couldn't catch it alone."

Gu Lan walked to the back road to Lingfu Mountain, talking about the process of his discovery of the strange white fox. In the past few days, I ran to the back mountain to catch it several times, but I didn't catch it. This time, the five of us together will definitely catch it. When it comes out of the cave, we will block the cave. We ambush one person in all four directions, and then go to catch it alone. Even if it is not caught by that

Gu Heng said, "Gu Chen, you are the weakest. You will guard the mouth of the cave later. Gu Lan, you block the retreat of the white fox. Gu Ning and Gu Xu are hiding on both sides. I'll catch the white fox."

Gu Heng's five-level realm is the day after tomorrow, and the other three are the four-level realm the day after tomorrow. Gu Heng is not the oldest, but his cultivation is the highest. Naturally, he is the leader of this fox catching operation.

Several people nodded one after another, and Gu Chen had no objection. Although he had also reached the realm of the fifth level of the day after tomorrow, when using the Tiang quenching method, it was more comparable to the body of the seventh layer of the day after tomorrow, but he would not jump out and expose himself at this time.

After walking for an hour, several people finally crossed the Lingfu Mountain and left the ancient family.

After the Lingfu Mountain, there are boundless mountains and mountains. The legendary eastern wilderness is boundless demon realm. Except for those who practice the truth, there have never been mortals.

The practitioners who set foot in the eastern wilderness are at least innate and above the innate realm, and the monks who can use magic weapons to fly. Therefore, there is no way to go in the mountains behind Lingfu Mountain.

When the road was about to end, the location of the blood-crowned fox also arrived. Gu Lan stopped and said, "Here it is. The white fox's cave is a little ahead."

Several people immediately lightned their feet. Gu Lan made a gesture and asked them to wait here first. He slowly walked forward and looked at it for a while. After a while, he waved to several people. Gu Chen and others came to Gu Lan gently.

Sure enough, following Gu Lan's eyes, several people saw that more than ten feet ahead, there was a smooth small cave under an earth wall, full of lush weeds next to it. If it hadn't been for Gu Lan's special guidance, it would be easy to ignore it.

Gu Heng said, "I don't know if the white fox has gone out now. Gu Ning and Gu Xu, you go to the left and right sides to hide ten feet away first. I hide here with Gu Lan. Gu Chen, you go around from the side to the back of the cave to ambush. If the white fox comes out of When I came out and came back from the outside, I immediately went to catch it. You guarded the hole first, so that the white fox could not enter the hole. As soon as it ran to both sides, it was trapped by us.


Several people nodded one after another.

Gu Ning ran ten feet to the left of the cave, Gu Xu ran ten feet to the right of the cave, Gu Chen crossed the cave from the right and hid, and Gu Heng and Gu Lan stopped in place without moving.

Several people were guarded in all four directions of the white fox hole, so he waited all the time. After about half an hour, suddenly the white shadow of the hole flashed. One was about three feet long, the whole body was snow-white, and the white fox with a blood crown on its head drilled out.

Gu Chen's eyes were cold, and he was indeed a pure white blood-crowned fox.

After the blood-crowned fox came out of the cave, he ran in the direction of Gu Heng and Gu Lan. Seeing that the blood-crowned fox had left the hole for several feet, Gu Chen immediately rushed out and ran to the entrance of the cave, blocking the blood-crowned fox's retreat.

At the same time, Gu Heng suddenly rushed out and rushed to the blood-crowned fox.

The blood-crowned fox's eyes were terrped. He immediately turned around and ran to the cave, but he saw that there was already a person standing in the cave. He immediately ran to the right in a panic. It was Gu Xu's hiding place.

Several people were overjoyed. After that, there was a chase. The blood-crowned fox panicked. As long as Gu Xu waited for the blood-crowned fox to run to his side, it was not difficult to catch the blood-crowned fox.

It's just that Gu Xu seemed to be a little too excited. The blood-crowned fox was two feet away from him. Gu Xu jumped up directly and pounced on the blood-crowned fox.

Seeing another person jumping up in front of him, the blood-crowned fox suddenly changed its direction and fled to the depths of the eastern wilderness like a white shadow.


Several people immediately scolded Gu Xu for being stupid. The blood-crowned fox was so fast that even Gu Heng of the five-layer realm the day after tomorrow could not catch up. The blood-crowned fox abandoned its cave and fled straight to the mountains in the depths of the eastern wilderness.

This pure white blood-crowned fox Gu Chen has never seen it once in his previous life for 500 years. How can he escape easily? Originally, he thought that several people cooperated with each other and caught this blood-crowned fox. Unexpectedly, Gu Xu was so hairy?

Now that the blood-crowned fox fled, Gu Chen no longer hid his strength, and used the Tianang quenching method. His body instantly reached the realm of the seventh level of the acquired. His legs kicked fiercely and chased the blood-crowned fox. The speed was faster than that of the blood-crowned fox.

Anyway, these four people are all children. It is impossible to judge his realm from Gu Chen's speed. Gu Chen is not afraid that they will see his true cultivation.

As Gu Chen expected, how did Gu Heng and others know that Gu Chen suddenly raised several levels of the realm? He only said that he had practiced some fast-running skills, and several people all ran out of their hiding places, shouted Gu Chen to cheer up, and caught the white fox back.

Gu Chen's speed was only slightly faster than the blood-crowned fox, and he couldn't catch up for a while. Soon he ran out of the sight of several people. Gu Heng ran a quarter of distance and was thrown farther by Gu Chen and the blood-crowned fox, so he had to return discouraged. He wondered in his heart

Gu Lan and others were afraid that the blood-crowned fox would go and return, so they stayed in front of the blood-crowned fox's cave and waited for Gu Chen to come back.

Unexpectedly, this is just a few hours. Seeing the sunset in the west of the mountain, the night is coming, Gu Chen is gone forever, and there is no news.

At this time, several people were anxious. Looking at this and that, looking at this and that, they were completely at a loss.

Gu Heng frowned and said, "It's getting dark. Let's go back first, tell Uncle Cangqiong about this, tell my grandfather, and let them find a way."

Several people had no other way but to do so. When the four returned to the Gujia compound, it was completely dark. When Gu Cangqiong knew that Gu Chen had not returned to the eastern wilderness for a whole day, he immediately panicked.

The eastern wilderness, which is a place where even the innate monks feel dangerous, is the territory of the demon clan. The danger of a monk who has only entered the eastern wilderness can be imagined.

Even the monks in the innate realm, no one wants to spend the night in the eastern wilderness, and the monks in the later realm spend the night in the eastern wilderness, which is even more auspicious.

Soon, the news that Gu Chen's disappearance in the eastern wilderness spread all over the Gu family, and the patriarch Gu Xian was furious. Gu Chen was his only bloodline. If there were three or two short, his bloodline would be cut off. How could he not be angry?

That night, Gu Xian, the patriarch, personally led the team and organized the ancient family to search for the eastern wilderness. The children of the acquired realm were searching on the edge of the eastern wilderness. The children of the innate realm flew into the eastern wilderness with two or three magic weapons.

Throughout the night, I searched for hundreds of miles of Donghuang, but I didn't find half of Gu Chen's shadow.