Pure Yang Zhenxian

No. 091 Kill the Fire Dragon King

Volume 5 Chapter 091 Kill the Fire Dragon King (Part

The huge dragon body of the Fire Dragon King was trapped in the sea of fire transformed by the fire of the pure sun, making a sad scream.

Pure sun fire. However, the flame is more domineering than the original fire, and even the "source of fire" in the ancient life spring can not cause any impact on the "pure sun fire".

The fire of origin is still in the five elements, but the fire of pure yang is already beyond the five elements and is not in the same grade.

Although the fire dragon family is the fusion of the ancestral dragon's blood and flame, it is still in the five elements. Ordinary flames cannot make the fire dragon have any impact, but "the original fire can hurt the fire dragon, let alone the pure sun fire?

The fire dragon king was trapped in the sea of fire and was burned by the fire of pure yang. Not only the scales, but also the dragon's claws began to burn into ashes. The fire dragon king was shocked and angry, screamed repeatedly, and his huge body struggled desperately. However, "The fire of pure yang is like a

Although the Fire Dragon King is a strong man who crosses the secret world, his strength has not yet returned to the realm of using the law. How easy is it to get rid of the burning of the pure sun fire?

Moreover, the Fire Dragon King has just drilled into the fire of the pure sun, the sea of fire, Gu Chen's mouth is upturned, the colorful dragon killing sword, the red sun scale fire sword... Three fairy treasures attacked at the same time and split into the body of the Fire Dragon King.

The Fire Dragon King is still struggling. The colorful sword rainbow has already split the fire dragon king's neck, seven points in one sword, splitting the scales on the fire dragon king's neck into seven huge scars as deep as a hundred feet, and the blood surged wildly.

The power of the top-grade fairy treasure is not Zhou Fanxiang. "If the colorful sword rainbow is seven points, and the power is scattered in the seven swords, this sword will definitely cut off the head of the Fire Dragon King.

A gun pierced the void and stabbed the whole space with a huge black explosion. The gun of the dragon's killing gun went straight into the Dantian life spring of the Fire Dragon King, and the protective scales were stabbed out of a ten-foot-sized giant life spring, and the blood suddenly spilled out.

The stabbing power of the dragon killing gun pierced the whole life spring and body from the place of the fire dragon king's life spring, and stabbed out from the back of the fire dragon king's hand. The fire dragon king looked up to the sky with a sad scream and the huge dragon body immediately fell from the air.

At this moment, the flame sword of the red-squad yang fire sword was immediately cut off, and the wound of the Taoist master cut out by the colorful sword cut off the whole head of the Fire Dragon King.

The spring of life is extinguished, and the head is broken. The fire dragon king is silent.


With a huge sound, the huge body of the Fire Dragon King fell to the ground, and the whole super sun vein was shaking.

The dragon corpses that crossed the secret world were all good treasures. Gu Chen immediately took back the fire of the pure sun. The god of war ordered to avoid the body of the fire dragon king, which was burned into a pile of precious materials by the pure sun fire.

The head and nose of the Fire Dragon King just fell to the ground. A dragon soul. Suddenly, he got out of his head and turned into a middle-aged monk about 40 years old this year. He was wearing a red robe, red eyebrows and hair, with long eyebrows and big eyes. He was the yuan god of the Fire Dragon King.

"Monthren monk, you actually have the God of War, I will spread this news all over the world, you are dead... You dare to destroy me. You are dead... The motogami of the Fire Dragon King has just come out of his head. He rushed to the other side and blamed him. Leave a voice of resentment.

Gu Chen snorted softly. He said, "Fire Dragon King, you can't leave...,

While talking, Gu Chen's body flashed and disappeared. In an instant, he instantly moved to the top of the yuan god of the Fire Dragon King, and pressed his left palm down. A dazzling brilliance suddenly burst out, which was exactly the "Zhen Ming Stele.

Before the Fire Dragon King escaped from this super sun vein, the Yuanshen had already been bombarded by the "Zhenming yù tablet. Before the cruel words were finished, there was another sad scream, from the primordial spirit of the Fire Dragon King. Medium. Screaming.

"Zhen Ming yù tablet, specializing in the world's yuan gods and ghosts, even the super strong in the void period. A generation of demon king's poisonous halent god was hit by Zhenming yù tablet, all of them were seriously injured, not to mention the fire dragon king, the halal god of the ordinary strong man in the Tengyun period?

"Zhenming yù tablet, from the head of the fire dragon king's yuan god, hit a huge dazzling light, after the fire dragon king's yuan god screamed, there was a violent trembling, and soon fell to the bottom of the sun. When it fell to the ground, the dazzling light shrouded the whole body of the Fire Dragon King.

The scream of the Fire Dragon King gradually regained its calmness without long of support. The dazzling brilliance dissipated, and the yuan spirit of the Fire Dragon King has turned into nothingness and disappeared.

Gu Chen took back the tablet and landed next to the body of the Fire Dragon King.

The scale armor of the Fire Dragon King is extremely hard, and the non-immortal treasure cannot be injured. If it is refined into inner armor, it can block the attack of the immortal treasure with any magic weapon in the car. Wearing an inner armor made of the scale armor of the Fire Dragon King, even the ultimate attack power of the best magic weapon is the

The body of the Fire Dragon King is more than a thousand feet long, and the scales are unknown. Although it takes a lot of materials to refine the inner armor magic weapon to go to the marrow, the scale armor of the Fire Dragon King is enough to refine ten sets of this inner armor magic weapon.

Gu Chen recorded the scales of the Fire Dragon King and cut off the four huge red dragon claws, just like the scales. The dragon claws of the Fire Dragon King are also rare materials, which can refine extremely sharp weapons, which are more powerful than the best magic weapons. It is enough to destroy the inner armor magic weapon refined from the scales of the Fire Dragon King.

Although the scale armor of the Fire Dragon King and the magic weapon refined by the Dragon King's dragon claws are not called fairy treasures, they are second only to fairy treasures, which are more powerful than the best magic weapons. They are regarded as secondary fairy treasures. If you add a few materials to refine fairy treasures. If the strong man who crosses the secret world is engraved with the magic pattern, he can become a fairy treasure-level existence.

Whether it is scale armor or dragon claw, it is an extremely precious material.

The scale armor and dragon claws of the Fire Dragon King are included in the silent bracelet. Gu Chen grabbed the dragon's virtual hand and also captured the dragon head of the Fire Dragon King, which was included in the universe bracelet. The Fire Dragon King has the cultivation of crossing the secret world. If the dragon head of the Fire Dragon King is given to the ancient witches and hung in the burial dragon valley, it must be able to offset a lot of kindness of the god nv like yù.

Then, Gu Chen stabbed the dragon killing gun in his hand to the life spring of the Fire Dragon King, and picked out a pure red è bead the size of a child's head plate, which was the inner elixir of the Fire Dragon King.

The inner elixir of the fire dragon is the material for refining the "pure yang elixir. In the mountain of the God of War, Gu Chen obtained countless immortals and grass immortals. For the pure yang elixir, there is only one fire dragon inner elixir and a nine-flame red flame uā.

Collect the inner elixir of the Fire Dragon King to the universe bracelet. "Gu Chen grabbed the Dragon King's universe bracelet and the red #232; giant sword that fell next to him.

This red #232; huge sword. It is three feet long, and above the body of the sword, there is an extremely strong smell of yang. Above the hilt of the sword. It is engraved with five characters: Dragon Emperor Zhiyang Sword.

The fire dragon family flourished in ancient times. There has been a Dragon Emperor. This Dragon Emperor Zhiyang Sword is one of the immortal swords refined by the Dragon Emperor. Compared with the colorful sword, it is not bad at all, and even more than that, it is the ultimate of the top-quality fairy treasure.

took the Dragon Emperor's sword to the Qiankun bracelet, and Gu Chen erased the mana imprint in the Fire Dragon King Qiankun bracelet. He explored the divine consciousness and entered the space of the Fire Dragon King Qiankun bracelet.

The strong man who crosses the secret world. The spirit stone is useless, so there is no spirit stone in it, and there is no ordinary charm or magic weapon. The lowest level is also the best magic weapon, with only three pieces in total, and one lower fairy treasure.

It seems that the higher the monks are, the fewer things they need, and the fewer items are in the universe bracelets, but some of them are good things.

There are many spirits in the universe bracelet, and there are not some fairy grass, most of which are yang fairy grass. It seems that the fairy grass in this super solar vein has been picked by the Fire Dragon King.

Golden flame grass... Huotao religion... red jīngzi... fire dragon said... wait for the fairy grass, the fire dragon king's universe bracelet is all available, almost ready to gather a "pure yang elixir" material.

"Where are the nine flames and red flames..." Gu Chen exclaimed, and his voice was full of joy.

In the universe bracelet of the Fire Dragon King, there is actually a "Jiuyan Red Flame uā", and with this "Jiuyan Red Flame uā", it can refine a "pure Yang Xiandan.

If it can be refined, the pure Yang elixir, "Pure Yang elixir, the effect is so domineering, under the ancient Chen. Practice chaos yīnyang Zhenjue, the speed should be at least doubled. In this way, before the end of the virtual purple mandarin duck, it is very hopeful to refine into the body of the sun.

Regardless of the rest of the fairy grass, Gu Chen first took out the "Jiuyan Red Flame uā" and put it into his own universe bracelet.

As for the dragon keel of the Fire Dragon King, Gu Chen has already passed through the realm of Pigu. Unless it is an elixir level, nothing can benefit Gu Chen. The dragon keel of the Fire Dragon King is of little use to him.

Let the dragon keel of the Fire Dragon King stay in this super yang vein. In the future, a dry dragon hanging on the huge keel will witness the fall of a dragon that once crossed the secret place.

Finish all this. Gu Chen came to the center of this super sun vein, close to the place of pure yang. The area of thousands of feet here is burning with the fire of the sun. Just now, the Fire Dragon King was standing here.

The yang qi here is much thicker than that in the God of War Mountain. It is most suitable for practicing Yangfa Jue Chaos yīn Yang Zhen Jue, which is divided into two parts: yīn and Yang. Nv cultivates yīn, male cultivates Yang, Gu Chen practices chaotic yīnyang Zhenjue here, and can cultivate into the body of the yang at the fastest speed.

Before practicing Chaos yīn Yang Zhen Jue, Gu Chen first entered the Ruyi Linglong pagoda and gave the material of "Pure Yang Xian Dan to Xu Zi Yuan. After nine nights. A new "Pure Yang Immortal Elim" has been released. Unfinished RF