Pure Yang Zhenxian

Chapter 092 Pure Yin Pure Yang

This pure Yang elixir is refined from the inner elixir of the Fire Dragon King, which is more effective than the inner elixir of the fire dragon in the later stage.

Gu Chen took the pure yang elixir, like swallowing a hot sun, and the hot feeling slid down from the throat to the abdomen.

A large amount of pure yang qi gushed out of the pure yang elixir, filling Gu Chen's whole body, reaching all limbs. The number of pure yang qi is more than ten times the original pure yang qi in the Guchen [body].

Gu Chen is in the center of the super yang vein, and the blazing fire of the sun is burning outside the body. [body] is full of a large amount of pure yang qi, practicing "Chaossed yin and yang true decision", just like water, extremely unobstructed.

Although Gu Chen is the first time to practice Chaos Yin and Yang Zhen Jue, he has already carefully studied Chaos Yin and Yang Zhen Jue. For the most exquisite place of Chaos Yin and Yang Zhen Jue, he has already understood it. When he practices, he will naturally get twice the result with half the effort.

The speed of cultivation to the body of the sun is much beyond expectations.

The time is like an arrow...

In a blink of an eye, ten years have passed, and Gu Chen is in this super yang vein. As soon as he is closed, it is a whole ten years!

In just ten years, Gu Chen refined "Chaos Yin and Yang Zhen Jue" to the realm of Dacheng, refined it into the body of Zhiyang, and broke the record of the Yin and Yang Demon Sect since ancient times. It was unprecedented, and became the first monk to refine "Chaos Yin and Yang Zhen Jue" to the realm of Dacheng

Although the pure yang elixir is not small to the role of this super yang vein, it also has a lot to do with Gu Chen's understanding of the fierceness of Chaos Yin and Yang Zhen Jue.

In the past ten years, Gu Chen not only refined Chaos Yin and Yang Zhen Jue to the realm of Dacheng, but also made rapid progress under the catalysis of the medicinal power of the pure yang elixir.

1 The raw material of the pure yang elixir, the fairy grass of the golden flame grass is already refined into "pure yang elixir. After that, the effect of the golden flame grass has doubled. Originally, after taking a golden flame grass, if you take the golden flame grass, it will no longer have any effect, but the effect of The number of acupuncture points is more than when taking the golden flame grass for the first time.

In ten years, Gu Chen has activated the number of tricks every year at about 60. In ten years, Gu Chen has activated more than 600 tricks, plus 69 tricks that have been activated by Gu Chen's body, and there are more than 700.

In ten years, the cultivation went from the early stage of enlightenment to the later stage of enlightenment.

1 The immortal body of the God of War, the first stage of physical enlightenment, has begun to enter the realm of great success.

In the early days of the enlightenment, Gu Chen's strength has exceeded the top master of the limit of the enlightenment period. At this moment, his strength has increased more than ten times. If the Fire Dragon King has not recovered to the strength of the usage law, at this moment, Gu Chen does not use the "God of War Order" and it is also possible to

Gu Chen refined into the body of the sun, and immediately stopped the retreat. If you practice further, you must reconcile the yin and yang. Otherwise, the yang will be prosperous and yin will decline. No matter how strong the strength is, the body will explode and die, and the gods will be destroyed.

released the Ruyi Linglong Pagoda, and Gu Chen turned into a light, entering the fourth floor of the Ruyi Linglong Pagoda, and the time slowed down by ten times.

It has been ten years outside, and the virtual purple mandarin duck is inside. After only one year, her longevity is approaching. Just because she has taken the elixir to maintain her appearance, her appearance has not changed. Otherwise, she would have been an old woman who has been eroded by the wind at this moment, like The remnants of the candle may be extinguished at any time.

During this year, Xu Ziyuan has been understanding the essence of "Chaos Yin and Yang Zhen Jue". Gu Chen tells the essence of "Chaos Yin and Yang Zhen Jue". In addition, Xu Zi Yuan's own amazing understanding has a deep understanding of "Chaos Yin and Yang Zhen Jue".

Just wait for Gu Chen to cultivate the body of Zhiyang, and then he can practice "Chaos Book Yang Zhen Jue" with Gu Chen.

A secret place of dragon and yang, yin and yang are both cultivated in chaos; Yang Yao enters the body to stimulate the dark point, and the yin and yin is removed to purify yang; the Xuanyin vein is covered, and the nine yin metaphysical body turns into pure yin; after the chaotic yin and yang is large,

Gu Chen Yangyuan entered the virtual purple mandarin duck [body] and sucked away all the yang, yang, yin and yang qi in the virtual purple mandarin duck [body]. Similarly, the yin of the virtual purple mandarinyuan leaked out, and the body is like a devouring black hole, absorbing

Although one side is getting more and more prosperous and yin, and the other side is getting more and more yin and yang, but the two bodies are connected and transformed into a whole, and the same balance of yin and yang are still the same.

To refine into a pure yin and pure yang body, it is necessary to remove the yang, yin and yang or the yin and yang qi of yin and yin in any place in the body, which is a long process.

The lingering between the ancient Chen and the virtual purple mandarin duck lasted for seven, seven or 49 days and forty-nine days. The yin and yin yin qi in the ancient Chen [body] were slowly sucked away by the virtual purple mandarin like recording cocoons, and the yang and yang yin in the virtual

After seven or seventy-nine days and forty-nine days and nights of ** and absorption, the ancient Chen and the virtual purple mandarin duck have both been refined into the body of pure yang and pure yin. Even the qi of yin and yang in the eleven dark veins have been transformed into each other, reaching the real physique of pure yin and pure yang.

The Yin and Yang Demon Sect inherits the "Chaos Yin and Yang True Decision" through the ages. The geniuses of the Yin and Yang Demon Sect have not been completely refined, and have never refined the body of pure yin and pure yang. Only Gu Chen and Xu Ziyang have cultivated the "Chaos Yin and Yang True Decision" to the highest

In the process of transforming the body into pure yang, Gu Chen's cultivation soared as fast as a rocket. The acupuncture points in the body were like fried beans. The crackling sound was activated several every day. In just 49 days, the acupuncture points in the body were activated more than 300 times in a row.

When Gu Chen is refined into the body of pure yang, the key points in the [body] have activated nearly 1,100, reaching the limit of the enlightenment period.

Not only that, the mana true qi in the [body] has also been completely transformed into pure yang true qi. Since then, the pure yang true qi of Gu Chen, like the mana qi, can be recycled continuously, and will never be used again. Less, it needs 1 God of War to absorb the flame and transform.

From now on, any aura between heaven and earth will be transformed into pure yang qi when it is inhaled by Gu Chen.

Refined into the body of pure yang, Gu Chen's cultivation not only increased, but also increased in geometric multiples. Now Gu Chen's strength is just that he can't use the law, but with the power of the body and mana alone, I'm afraid that the strong in the Tengyun period will be shocked.

The endless pure yang qi is used out, and the strong man in the Tengyun period dare not fight with it only with the strength of the body.

Of course, the power of the law is the most powerful strength of the strong man. Although Gu Chen's current strength is extremely amazing, it is also difficult to compare with the strong man who uses the power of the law. The difference between immortals and mortals is not a simple power, which can make up for the gap between them.

The ancient Chen was refined into the body of pure yang, and the cultivation exploded, and the virtual purple mandarin was refined into the body of pure yin. Naturally, it was no exception. In just 49 days, the cultivation of the virtual purple mandarin broke through the barrier of the late Yuanshen in one fell swoop and stepped into the realm

Moreover, the key point of the virtual purple mandarin is like a bamboo under the impact of pure yin and true qi. In addition, the virtual purple mandarin has also taken the "pure yang elixir" 1 pure yang elixir. The effect is much more powerful than that of the golden flame grass, and the induction of the

Therefore, the number of tricks activated by the virtual purple mandarin duck is no less than Gu Chen's. In just 49 days, more than 300 physical tricks have been activated, and she has stepped into the cultivation in the middle of the Mingzhi. With the amazing physique of her pure yin body, even the top master of the limit of the Mingqiao

The virtual purple mandarin cultivates into the body of pure yin. "The Xuanyin vein is transformed into nothingness, and the damaged life veins are all restored. After stepping into the realm of the Mingqiao period, the longevity yuan also recovers. The monks in the Mingqiao period can live for about a thousand years, up to 1296.

"Hahahaha..." In the fourth floor of Ruyi Linglong Pagoda, Gu Chen's laughter came: "Senior sister, you're done, haha..., you're done, your "Xuanyin Jue Vein, no, your Shouyuan has also recovered, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!" The bodies of the two hugged each other tightly, and the virtual purple eyes were also full of love. They said, "I really didn't expect that it would be such a good result. Brother, you have been refined into a pure yang body that has not been refined since ancient times. It is really a genius, not only the first genius in the world, but also the first In my opinion, even the immortals in ancient legends may not have such a talent.


Gu Chen gently stroked the face of the virtual purple mandarin duck and said, "Senior sister has also been refined into a pure yin body that no one has refined since ancient times. I'm afraid I can't even compare with the senior sister."

Xu Ziyang smiled an anxiously and said, "I have refined into a pure yin body. Isn't it all your credit?"

Gu Chen straightened his waist forward, so that the bodies of the two were more closely connected. He said, "If there is no senior sister, I can't refine into a pure yang body. I think the senior sister's credit is still greater."

Xu Ziyuan opened his mouth to speak, and Gu Chen's body moved. Xu Ziyuan couldn't say a word, but there was only a ecstasy moan.

Come out of the dish layer of Ruyi Linglong Pagoda, 49 days inside, and more than a year has passed outside.

Xu Ziyang 1 Xuanyin vein, which has turned into pure yin, and Shouyuan has recovered. There is no need to stay in the Ruyi Linglong pagoda and came to the outside of the pagoda with Gu Chen.

Gu Chen looked at the fire of the sun in front of him. After ten years of absorption, the fire of the sun here is not missing at all and seems to be endless. However, since the pure yang qi in Gu Chen's [body] reached a certain level, the "God of War Order" no longer absorbs the flame.

Now that the ancient Chen has been refined, the body of pure yang "pure yang true qi is endless" God of war order, and there is no response to these fires of the sun.

After the Spring Festival, Chunyang is going to work hard