Pure Yang Zhenxian

Chapter 113 The Law of Survival

"Then there will be Brother Lao." After Xu Ziyang said, he turned his head to Gu Chen and said, "Brother, when will you return to Xutian Sect?"

Gu Chen looked at the sky and said after a long time, "I don't know, but please rest assured, sister, one day I will come back... When I come back, I will be calm and no longer confused."

Wu Xing said, "Brother Gu Chen, when your mind is clear and no longer confused, you have stepped into the secret world of Duxu. Ha Yin, you are only 50 years old now. I would like to know how old you are to step into Duxu? Two hundred years old? One hundred years old? As far as I know, even the ancient immortals who stepped into the secret world before the age of 150 are counted..."

Gu Chen said, "I just want my heart to be quiet. How old can I step into Duxu? Let everything go!"

After saying that, Gu Chen's eyes turned to Xu Ziyang" and said, "Sister," you go back to Xutian Sect and pass on my command. I don't know the length of time when I left this time. I gave up the supreme position of Xutian Sect, let all the elders, and many elders choose a new supreme leader of

Xu Ziyuan nodded and said, "Don't worry, brother."

Gu Chen tightened the strength of holding the virtual purple jade hand and said, "Senior sister, you go back to the clan first. When you return to the clan, I will leave."

After saying that, Gu Chen let go of the jade hand of the virtual purple mandarin duck.

" take care!" Xu Ziyang glanced at the two people, and finally his eyes fell on Gu Chen. He was reluctant to give up. He slowly turned his body, slapped the wind and flew away to Xu Tianzong.

The virtual purple mandarin duck turned back several times, and it didn't take long to enter the virtual array of stars.

Gu Chen turned around the day and looked at Wu Xing and said, "Let's go!"

Wu Xing said, "Where are you going?"

Gu Chen's eyes turned to the far north and said, "All the way to the north!"

The figures of the two disappeared in an instant, teleported in the sky, through the void, and flew to the north.

At this moment, Gu Chen is not Wu Xing's void teleportation in his hand, but his own teleportation with the Jiulong floating door. Although the speed is far less than that of Wu Xing's instantaneous thousands of miles, it is also very fast.

More than an hour later, the two of them have flown more than 500,000 miles to the north, out of the land boundary of great victory, crossed the boundary of Dameng, and came to the place where countless mortal countries gathered in the northern wilderness.

Gu Chen slowed down the speed of escape, no longer teleportation flight, and slowly flew away with Wu Xing in the sky, looking down at the vast earth.

This place where the mortal country gathers spreads to the north along both sides of the Heishui River, with a length of nearly 300,000 miles from north to south and a width of more than 200,000 miles from east to west, which is almost equivalent to the area of a great winning imperial court.

Among them, a small country is a hundred miles away, a big country is a thousand miles away, and a large empire is thousands of miles away, which is endless.

Most mortals are difficult to walk a hundred miles in their lives, and some merchants are also difficult to walk more than a thousand miles. Only a few travelers and long-distance merchants have the possibility of stepping thousands of miles, but for the whole ancient wilderness, it is not as good as Jiu Niu.

Therefore, in the eyes of mortals here, "the sky is round, the sky is out of reach, there are infinite heights, "infinite size" is out of reach, and there are infinite thickness" infinite breadth.

Hundreds of miles of water, then a big lake, thousands of miles of water, then the sea, thousands of miles of water, then a vast ocean...

The mortals here are not as knowledgeable as the mortals in Middle-earth. "I can occasionally see immortals flying in the air. Although there is a legend of immortals here", it only exists in the legend.

Gu Chen and Wu Xing's mortals on the ground can't see such a distant place with the naked eye and can't find their existence.

However, the busyness of countless mortals on the ground clearly fell into the eyes of Gu Chen and Wu Xing.

For monks, countless mortals living on the busy ground are no different from piles of ants. Although they live together under the same sky, they live in two completely different worlds.

Gu Chen looked at all sentient beings" seemed to have some understanding in his heart, but the trace of enlightenment was fleeting, so that even Gu Chen didn't have time to react, he had disappeared and was unpredictable. On the contrary, there was more layer of confusion in his heart.

Gu Chen said, "These all sentient beings, in front of the monks, are like ants, obviously people from two worlds," but they live under the same sky, why?"

Wu Xing said: "The difference between real ants and mortals, and the difference between mortals and monks, is very different." It also lives under the same sky. "The way of heaven is affectionate and accommodates everything" gives birth to hundreds of millions of lives. The way of heaven is ruthless, and everything is a ruminant dog. In Whether it is a monk or hundreds of millions of lives in ancient times, they are all ants, and there is no difference.

In your opinion, there are all kinds of life in the ancient wilderness. "Each ethnic group has its own living space, which is equivalent to an independent world, which only has the feeling of a sky and countless worlds. In front of heaven, there is only one heaven and earth: all life is an ant, and naturally it is a sky, a world.

"A sky, a world" Gu Chen looked at all sentient beings on the ground, countless beasts, fish, snakes, insects and ants... While flying forward, he read slowly.

There seems to be a trace of enlightenment in the confusion, but surrounded by many confusions, I don't know where it is?

Looking at all sentient beings on the ground, "Gu Chen and Wu Xing, they flew forward for more than an hour." At this time, a large grassland with a radius of thousands of miles appeared in front of them. The area of this large grassland is more than the most powerful imperial territory of mortals, but there is no human survival.

This is a paradise for beasts.

On the grassland, flocks of bison, wild deer, wild horses... countless kinds of beasts live together in groups, and there are tens of millions of large ethnic groups, gathering together to run wildly.

Even the most elite army among mortals, in the face of the impact of tens of millions of beasts, there is only the end of the destruction of the whole army. Perhaps this is the important reason why only a small number of human beings live on the edge of this grassland and become a paradise for beasts.

There are countless kinds of beasts living on the prairie, and every moment, there is a naked bloody feast.

On the grassland, there are the largest number of weak herbivorous groups, and groups live together. The small number is millions, and the number is more than tens of millions, or even tens of millions.

The number of powerful carnivores is much smaller, but dozens of people live together, assisting each other to hunt their prey together.

Gu Chen looked at the hundreds of millions of beasts on the prairie, and said in his mind, "I'm still thinking, a piece of sky, a world..." This sentence, maintaining the average speed and flying forward.

"Brother Gu Chen, wait..." Wu Xing suddenly stopped flying and stepped on the void." He looked at the hundreds of millions of beasts on the ground grassland.

Gu Chen also stopped flying away from his body. Although he knew something about Wu Xing's previous words, he still couldn't understand the way from it.

Gu Chen said, "What's the matter?"

Wu Xing pointed to the vast land, hundreds of millions of beasts, and said, "Look at these countless beasts, what can you see?"

Gu Chen stood in the sky high, activated the "trick of eyes" and reached the "the realm of Yuanshen's melting, within thousands of miles" clearly fell into Gu Chen's eyes.

A small river only ten feet wide flows directly under Gu Chen. A hundred miles away, this small river flows into a river as wide as 100 feet. More than a thousand miles away, this river flows into a river as wide as a thousand feet. The river has been heading west and finally injected into the rushing black water river.

A group of antelopes are running from afar. With the climate change of the grassland, the fall of rain and the growth of grass. This group of antelope needs to come from the north of the river to the south.

Hundreds of miles away from the Baizhang River, this group of antelopes can't flow at all, so they circled here. "From the foot of Guchen, there is only a small river of about ten feet.

The river is calm... As countless antelopes rush into the river, countless water splashed.

As more antelopes jumped into the river, the whole river was swung up with fierce waves.

In the waves, countless surging waves leaned from both sides of the river crossed by the antelope...

The scene was chaotic, and no antelope noticed the changes in the river.

When the surging waves approached the antelope's body, huge sluds rushed out of the river, opened the huge mouth of the blood basin, and bit the antelope in front of him.

Some antelope flashed the attack of the antelope. The part of the antelope was bitten by the antelope's big mouth.

Most of the bitten antelope was dragged into the water and became the delicacy of the slug. Some of them broke free from the crocodile's giant mouth and escaped with injuries.

When the whole antelope passes through the river, at least a thousand antelopes will be bitten to death by the moths in the river and have a good meal.

There are also thousands of antelopes injured to escape" followed the rear of the whole team and continued to move forward.

Less than three or four miles ahead, a group of lions suddenly rushed out of the grass. The antelopes suddenly panicked and ran wildly. The injured antelope had fallen behind the group. In this way, they were far behind. As soon as the lions arrived, most of these injured antelopes were buried in the mouth of the lion

Although some injured antelopes have escaped the attack of the lion herd, they have been separated from the large group. Sooner or later, they will become a good meal for other carnivores, or die of injury.

The lions have harvested a large number of antelopes and are enjoying delicious food. A group of hounds suddenly rushed to the ground, with hundreds of them. The lions were defeated, so they had to give up the food, leave embarrassedly, watched the food, and fell into the mouth of the hounds.

In a short time, the hounds had not yet eaten one-tenth of the antelope. The lions who watched on the side suddenly withdrew and ran away. As if facing a big enemy, a team of wolves rushed in, and the number was more than 10,000.

The wolves passed by. "All the beasts that could escape in the future were buried in the mouth of the wolf, and the lions found it early." They fled far away. The hounds were eating antelope happily. Seeing the wolves coming, although they were unwilling, they could only turn around and escape

"What is this?" Looking at the surging wolves below, Gu Chen asked.

Wu Xing said, "The law of survival!"