Pure Yang Zhenxian

Chapter 114 Young Grain Dust

"The law of survival?" Gu Chen murmured.

Wu Xing said, "The law of the jungle is strong, the nature is competing in the world, the survival of the fittest, and the destruction of the bad... is the law of survival."

Gu Chen said, "Are these also related to practice?" Wu Xing nodded and said, "If you don't step into the secret world of Duxu, these have nothing to do with you." If you want to step into the secret realm of Duxu, it has a lot to do with it. What is Tao? The foundation of heaven and earth is "Tao, also."

The vastness of heaven and earth is endless. Although there are rumors left in ancient times that the sky is 129,600 feet high and the earth is 129,0006 million feet wide, but since ancient times, no one has explored the extreme of heaven and earth, and I don't know whether it is true or not.

No matter how high the monk's cultivation is, no matter how strong his strength is, even if he can move mountains and fill the sea, cut off the river, but for today's land, it is also as small as an ant. He only needs to understand the root of heaven and earth, and a trace of the power of heaven and earth obtained by a

Therefore, as soon as the monk stepped into the secret world, his strength was many times stronger than the limit of the enlightenment period... The foundation of heaven and earth is the law of heaven and earth, invisible and traceless, infinite and gapless...

"Tao is everywhere, but it is difficult to feel its existence.

Gu Chen took a deep breath and said, "I seem to understand, but I haven't gained strong power, nor do I feel the existence of Tao. It seems that I still don't understand?"

Wu Xing smiled and said, "I can tell you the truth, but yes, the Tao, the perception, you need to understand by yourself, the same, the Tao, "different people, the degree of understanding" the power obtained also has its own highs and lows." Now I can tell you, Tao, reason, but in the future, you, Tao, Understanding, it may not be able to surpass me.

Gu Chen rubbed his forehead and said, "I heard you say one thing, reason," but he still didn't understand what's going on with "Tao" at all?" Wu Xing said, "Understanding Tao, reasoning, easy, understanding "Tao, it takes time," Tao, invisible and traceless, infinite... In words are unclear, Tao is not clear, you can only talk about it, reason, but it can't be transmitted, Tao" unless the immortals in the Tao period understand themselves, the Tao "word and the law" It contains the existence of one way, so that you can be sad about words or behaviors, express your own one way, come on." Gu Chen said: "The law of the jungle is strong, the nature is competitive, the fittest survives, and the bad people perish,

I think I understand the law of survival, but I still don't understand the law of survival. What should I do?" Wu Xing said, "You are what human beings see, but it is naturally difficult to feel the survival of beasts. If you want to have something about the law, you still need to understand it through human life. Watching life change the sky, the survival law of beasts in a world" is also the law of human survival, no matter which ethnic group you understands. Then, they are all the same law of all races in the world. "They are all the laws of heaven and earth!"

"A sky, a world, the survival law of beasts, is also the survival law of human beings, and the survival law of all races in the world, all are the laws of heaven and earth!" Gu Chen said a word in his heart, "My eyes lit up and said, "Thank you for your understanding." It made me open up. Although I haven't understood any law yet, I think I have begun to understand the essence of Tao..."

After saying that, Gu Chen's eyes turned thousands of miles away, a small mountain range on the western edge of the prairie, where some mortals live, and then said, "Brother, I plan to devote my heart to enlightenment here, watch the rise and fall of the sun and the moon, and watch the changes in life

Wu Xing had a look of surprise in his eyes and said, "Brother Gu Chen" With just a few words, the realm in your heart has changed again. The high understanding is really rare in my life. Perhaps, you can create a legend and become the first strongest in the Taoist period since the ancient times, and compare with the ancient immortals, haha. Haha..."

After a few laughs, Wu Xing continued, "You and I come here. No one in the world knows. Go where you want to go. Wait a moment, and I'll leave here."

Gu Chen hugged the boxing: "Thank you, big brother, for sending me. I don't know how are you ready to save the Dragon Emperor?"

Wu Xing said, "At the end of ancient times, it has been ten thousand years away from here. It's too long. In the past 20 years, I have been running east and west, and I don't have much eyebrows. I don't know what the Dragon Emperor did when he went to the West Sea at the end of ancient times?"

Gu Chen said, "So what is the eldest brother going to do next?"

Wu Xing said, "I want to unify the dragon clan" to the whole dragon clan to rescue the Dragon Emperor, the East China Sea Black Dragon, the North Sea Ice Dragon, the South China Sea Fire Dragon, the West Sea Salon, the Eastern Wild Green Dragon, the Middle-earth Yellow Dragon, and the miscellaneous dragons. It is not difficult to unify these seven dragon The strongest, and living in a fixed place, rarely appears in the world, I don't know where to hide? After I unified the seven dragon clans, I will go to find the golden dragon clan. The length of time is just like your understanding of the law, which is extremely difficult to say!"

Gu Chen said, "Then I wish the eldest brother can unify the dragon clan as soon as possible and find the golden dragon clan as soon as possible. I will go first."

Wu Xing nodded and said, "Do less and see more. It's better not to just look. With your understanding, maybe you only look at the life and death of mortals for several generations. After more than a hundred years, you can understand the law,

More than 90% of the ancient immortals, they are all younger and step into the secret world..."

Gu Chen uses teleportation, thousands of miles away, less than a hundred breath, and it has arrived.

On the western edge of the prairie, a river is thousands of feet wide, almost across the whole prairie. From then on, it flows out and continues to the west.

There is a small mountain range of hundreds of miles to the north of the Dajiang River. Of course, this small mountain range for monks is a natural danger that is difficult to cross for mortals.

To the east of the mountain range, there is an endless prairie. To the west of the mountain range, there are hundreds of villages at the foot of the mountain for hundreds of miles.

There are many mortals living in the village, relying on this mountain range to block the beasts on the grassland from coming. In fact, this mountain range can't stop the pace of the beasts at all, but there is enough food on the grassland. Those carnivorous beasts rarely climb over the mountain to harm these villages.

Over time, the mortals in these villages gradually flourished.

This mountain range is not from beginning to end. It is a coherent mountain range. From the big river to about a hundred miles north, two peaks are staggered, forming a long sloping valley in the middle. The terrain is only slightly ten feet higher than the grassland. It is much lower than the whole mountain range. From the mountain village in the west

Because of the convenient terrain, this valley has also become one of the places frequented by beasts on the grassland.

Therefore, this valley has become one of the places where villagers are most attacked by grassland beasts in the whole mountain range. Almost every year, people encounter grassland beasts in this valley. Many people die as a result.

Over time, the villagers regarded this valley as an ominous place, called Death Valley, which was almost a forbidden place in the village.

When Gu Chen arrived at Death Valley, a ten-year-old boy was falling in a pool of blood, with a three-meter-long lion standing next to him.

The arrival of Gu Chen made this powerful lion tremble all over, and the instinctive talent of the beast made the lion feel the fatal threat from Gu Chen.

Gu Chen walked towards the lion. He waved his hand, and the lion hummed softly, turned around and ran to the valley, bypassed Gu Chen, ran away, went out of the Death Valley, and disappeared on the grassland.

As soon as the teenager died, although the body died, the consciousness still exists.

In an instant, Gu Chen turned countless thoughts in his head, and then made a decision"

He wants to save this teenager.

If there was no Gu Chen, this teenager would have died. Gu Chen's rescue was tantamount to going against fate.

What Gu Chen wants is exactly that. He not only depends on the changes in his life, but also on the changes in his fate. How will he live his life if he comes back to the world and violates his destiny?

A drop of life essence gushed out of the ancient life spring. "Gu Chen's hand was a little bit, and the drop of life essence flew into the teenager's mouth.

Under the catalysis of Gu Chen's life essence, the teenager's body recovered quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye. The blood on the ground was separated from the mud, grass and stones, and was sucked back into the teenager's body by the drop of life essence.

After a while, the teenager opened his eyes and said in shock, "Oh..., am I still alive?"

When he opened his eyes, the teenager saw Gu Chen next to him, blinked his eyes and said, "Uncle" Who are you? Did you save me?"

At this moment, Gu Chen sealed his cultivation, which was no different from a mortal. Wu Xing asked him to do less and see more, not just to see. He had already done it and saved the young man against his destiny. He didn't want to do anything more. He just wanted to see the young man's life.

Gu Chen shook his head and said, "I passed by here and saw you sleeping here. Come and have a look, and you will wake up. What's your name?"

"Did I sleep here and dream just now?" The teenager touched his head doubtfully, listened to Gu Chen's question, and said, "My name is Gu Chen, and I'm from Gujia Village on the other side of the mountain."

Grain dust?

The teenager's voice was not loud, but when it fell into Gu Chen's ears, it was like a shocking sound. However, Gu Chen's face did not change, and his appearance was as usual. He asked, "Which one is the ancient?" Which one, Chen?"

Gu Chen obviously didn't worry too much about whether it was a dream or [true] just now. I heard Gu Chen's question"

said, "The "grain" of rice is magnificent, dust" Uncle, you haven't told me who you are? I've never seen you. You're not from a nearby village.

"The dust of the valley!" Gu Chen said a word in his heart, smiled and said, "I'm a wanderer, wandering around. I think the scenery here is good." I like it very much, so I turned around for a while. Unexpectedly, I saw you sleeping here. Uncle's name is "Gu" and you call me Uncle Gu!" Gu Chen asked curiously, "Uncle Gu's name is just one word?"